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Supra Riven


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What would be a good Supra riven?  

It has 2.5% critical chance and 9.3 status chance.

so both crit and status effects are worthless.  

It has good fire rate, and large magazine already.  Reload time isn't bad.  

Im assming some combination of +damage, and +punch through +faction damage or maybe +accuracy would be best

Im assuming -zoom, -crit chance, -status are ideal for negatives since it doesn't affect the weapon. 


I have a +punch through +electricy -status durration riven now.

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Multishot and Flight Speed is also preferable, since the Supra and its Vandal variant aren't hitscan weapons.

As for Status Chance, I think it's nice to have as much as possible, since it has an exclusive augment:


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+Damage, +multishot (probably the most helpful stat), +elemental, +punchthrough are all good, and I would also deem -recoil and +flightspeed good utility stats (but not before 2 good damage-stats).

+Faction damage, while not bad, is not a fun stat at all. It pidgeonholes your weapon far too much. If anything, +damage against Grineer is at least a somewhat useful stat (since they are, imo, the tankiest of the factions)

+Accuracy unfortunately is not a Riven stat.

-Critchance for sure is an ok negative stat. It really doesn't aid the gun much at all. Avoid getting negative critDAMAGE though, because that'd mean you'd get random weak shots.
While status is not all too powerful, it DOES help a tiny bit here and there (especially when stacked up together with its syndicate mod), so try to avoid it as a negative.
I personally use the zoom effect on all weapons, whenever I can, so I'd not like that drawback, but I bet many people wouldn't mind it at all.

Edited by Azamagon
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