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Potato invasion reward missing


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The other day I did an invasion for an Orokin Catalyst, among several other invasions. But when I got all my messages with my rewards, the catalyst blueprint was not in my inventory. I waited a couple of days because lazy and was hoping it was just some delayed thing but nothing happened.

Pls halp

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On 5/7/2017 at 0:56 AM, (PS4)ExcessiveSteeze said:

Did you do the required mission progression. Invasions must be done 3 times to receive the reward after it ends. If you finish the invasion 3 times then you must wait fir it to end. If you only did the mission once then you will not receive the reward at all.

Yes I did, not to be rude, but I'm not new. 

As I stated in my post I received my in game message about receiving my rewards but the catalyst BP was NOT in my inventory.

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