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Ash Teleport And Bladestorm Suggestions


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I love Teleport, but there are two things keeping it from being great in my opinion:


1) pinpoint accuracy required when selecting a target at the edge of its range (~45m)

2) delay at destination due to flip


If it were up to me to fix it, I would recommend the following:


-- be generous with the targeting

-- eliminate the flip, or maybe use one of those awesome Bladestorm animations for a single-target stab

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i feel ash need more utility instead of damage, i could be wrong... this feel a little bit like a big aoe damage dealing skill taht i feel isnt suited for ash's playstyle...


What causes you to feel this way about the power? Is it due to Ash not teleporting around and damaging the targets himself?

One of the reason I suggested this change was to bring in some more utility.. the allow him to move and keep taking out targets.. instead of remaining stuck within an animation for 3-12 sec. After all.. Ash is the Assassin Frame.


Most of the Ulti's in the game only require 1-2 sec's to use, and hit more targets, and deal higher damage.. which helps make them more appealing in high-level defense.


I feel that Ash's smoke screen should effect more targets, and for a bit longer.. I just think of Bestile and think to myself.. damn!  (that's my wishful thinking.. lol)

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I'd like it if Teleport gave you a single melee crit (like, for 1 hit after a teleport, you got 100% crit chance).


I mean, the whole point of the skill is to take the enemy by surprise, after all.

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After 283 hours of playing this game, I'd like to mention my point of view




Keeping it a utility ability is a must, we already have Shuriken after all.

I think it should have a longer range and be completely free: you go in the direction you aimed until you hit something (ground, wall) or have traveled a given distance. 


Flip or no flip ? Personally I have no problem with both, as long as the flip is fast (twice as much as the current one would be appreciated).


Would rushers be a problem ? Absolutely not, you have the freedom to play with who you want so simply chose your fellows according to your play style. The choice of a few should not reduce the freedom of all (by the way I am not a rusher).





It is amazing the way it is (especially the animations), but has two flaws.

The first is the bugs (2 enemies hit when 25 are present, stuck at the end of the animation, etc..).  Some of these bugs are pretty hard to fix I imagine as they hugely depend on the connection's quality to the host.

The other flaw is that it is the ONLY ultimate which doesn't damage all enemies simultaneously, as we cut through them they still have time to damage other players or defense objective. Furthermore the choice of targeted enemies is usually not smart when it comes to defend objectives. 


I think one solution, which gets rid of the bugs, the slowness of killing and keeps the amazing animations could be the following:


Ash gets surrounded by .. ashes and Ashs. A bit like for Chaos, one copy of Ash appears before every (or a given maximum number) 

of enemies in the surrounding area and each of the copies executes the killing animations we all so like to see ! I would like to think Ash 

himself is kept immobilized in the mean time.

No more getting, stuck, being slow killing three grunts out of 10 and pure style all around !



I hope this message reaches the eyes of DE, or even better, that they got cooler solution themselves ! 


Cheers and thank you for reading !


Edit: just noticed the Bladestorm description is very close to the one already proposed there: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/76895-new-ultimate-for-ash/ , which is good ! The more people agree on it the bigger the chance we'll get it ! 

Edited by AkaKiba
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What causes you to feel this way about the power? Is it due to Ash not teleporting around and damaging the targets himself?

One of the reason I suggested this change was to bring in some more utility.. the allow him to move and keep taking out targets.. instead of remaining stuck within an animation for 3-12 sec. After all.. Ash is the Assassin Frame.


Most of the Ulti's in the game only require 1-2 sec's to use, and hit more targets, and deal higher damage.. which helps make them more appealing in high-level defense.


I feel that Ash's smoke screen should effect more targets, and for a bit longer.. I just think of Bestile and think to myself.. damn!  (that's my wishful thinking.. lol)

What causes you to feel this way about the power? Is it due to Ash not teleporting around and damaging the targets himself?

One of the reason I suggested this change was to bring in some more utility.. the allow him to move and keep taking out targets.. instead of remaining stuck within an animation for 3-12 sec. After all.. Ash is the Assassin Frame.


Most of the Ulti's in the game only require 1-2 sec's to use, and hit more targets, and deal higher damage.. which helps make them more appealing in high-level defense.


I feel that Ash's smoke screen should effect more targets, and for a bit longer.. I just think of Bestile and think to myself.. damn!  (that's my wishful thinking.. lol)

Lol you misunderstood my point, maybe I should be a little bit more specific. First of all I agree with you the fact that ash's ult take a eternity to finish, the dev should change that. But my real point is ash is suppose to be a single target assassin, I think give him aoe ult completely defy his nature of gameplay.(don't be mad this is just a personal opinion) what I suggest is making his ult into like a kind of omnislash(Dora reference) basically what it will slash a enemy multiple time while teleporting everywhere beside the target if no enemy is near him. If some enemy are near the target, the damage will split between them.so it makes stealthy gameplay more rewarding.i hopeyou don't mind my bad English.
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As it have been mentioned before, i would make teleport even cheaper, 10 energy, and remove the flip thing, or yo can keep it at 25, still being a target teleport but at arrival, Ashcould, or damage the target ,extremely, like instakill or something or another option is that when he arrives, he launches a flurry of kunais, blades, or whatever to a maximum of 5 enemies or in a medium area

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Unfortunately, this became a flat out 'buff Ash' discussion rather than how to potentially rework his lackluster abilities to be useful without making him overpowered in general (his damage penetrates armor, scales (%melee buff), and is fantastic at clearing single strong mobs. His smokescreen is free aggro removal with built in stagger at little cost).

Suggestions like 'free and longer range teleport', or 'add damage to teleport but keep the cost', make it clear that the posters just want a stronger Ash, not an adjusted one with less waste. Ash is not a good high-wave defense frame, but is more than capable in his current role, which is thankfully pretty unique to him. Stop trying to make his ult closer to generic and his teleport absurdly, undeniably better than comparable abilities which have similar costs. It makes the discussion seem ridiculous.

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Meanwhile, Spend 100 energy to kill three enemies, while there are 13 in range, I find it extremely frustrating: (

And teleportation is fine as it is but the flip, is currently a problem. It allows you to wait for the enemy to attack in melee but you can not attack him directly because of the flip. in 90% of cases you will take a hit, makes you fall.
Ash with high mobility, but the current flip of teleportation, reduce this mobility and prone to attack too easily
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Lol you misunderstood my point, maybe I should be a little bit more specific. First of all I agree with you the fact that ash's ult take a eternity to finish, the dev should change that. But my real point is ash is suppose to be a single target assassin, I think give him aoe ult completely defy his nature of gameplay.(don't be mad this is just a personal opinion) what I suggest is making his ult into like a kind of omnislash(Dora reference) basically what it will slash a enemy multiple time while teleporting everywhere beside the target if no enemy is near him. If some enemy are near the target, the damage will split between them.so it makes stealthy gameplay more rewarding.i hopeyou don't mind my bad English.


lol.. no worries..


The animations length is the killer here.. But I don’t want to lose all the awesome work that DE did to revamp his animations.. hmmmmmm an Single target attack that spreads to nearby targets is an interesting idea.. so, the animation would be on the one target, then maybe a few “slash-like” beams of smoke spring out and damage the remaining targets.. I like that..

Edited by Tengu_Bruxo
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lol.. no worries..


The animations length is the killer here.. But I don’t want to lose all the awesome work that DE did to revamp his animations.. hmmmmmm an Single target attack that spreads to nearby targets is an interesting idea.. so, the animation would be on the one target, then maybe a few “slash-like” beams of smoke spring out and damage the remaining targets.. I like that..

lol damn... i knew my explanation is too difficult to understand so here is what i really meant:Ash leaps towards the target enemy unit with a damaging attack, and then slashes other nearby enemy units, dealing between x damage per slash. The fewer units available to attack, the more damage those units will take; if a unit is alone, it will take all of the damage. Ash becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing and mini-stuns the first target.

so that way we dont have to worry about if there isnt 13 enemy or crap like that.


Edited by SaltyPopsicleZWZ
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lol damn... i knew my explanation is too difficult to understand so here is what i really meant:Ash leaps towards the target enemy unit with a damaging attack, and then slashes other nearby enemy units, dealing between x damage per slash. The fewer units available to attack, the more damage those units will take; if a unit is alone, it will take all of the damage. Ash becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing and mini-stuns the first target.

so that way we dont have to worry about if there isnt 13 enemy or crap like that.


Interesting.. This would help greatly with bosses, and higher level mobs... low to mid tier would be interesting.. hmmmmmm 

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Interesting.. This would help greatly with bosses, and higher level mobs... low to mid tier would be interesting.. hmmmmmm 

Yea, consider ash is a assassin, there is no reason to give him a aoe attack if there is a lot of other warframe that does the same or even better.

Edit: if ember or nova excel at defense mission, ash could excel at asasssination because now i feel like ash is only good at low level assassination map. defense mission is a nightmare for ash and all his ability falls off late game even at assassination. 

Edited by SaltyPopsicleZWZ
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Yea, consider ash is a assassin, there is no reason to give him a aoe attack if there is a lot of other warframe that does the same or even better.

Edit: if ember or nova excel at defense mission, ash could excel at asasssination because now i feel like ash is only good at low level assassination map. defense mission is a nightmare for ash and all his ability falls off late game even at assassination. 


In essence, Bladestorm is an AoE attack.. you teleport to 10-15 targets, dealing the same ammount of damage to each.. but it's the slowest AoE in the game which makes it bad.. If we want to keep with the Assassin theme, it needs to be much faster..




I ran into another issue with Ash's Bladestorm last night.. sigh.. this ability really needs a revamp.. badly!


Disclaimer: It's rare that this happens in game.. but Trolling is become more and more prevalent.


Nova players are starting to Troll Ash players, They may be aware, but they are..


This account has happened to me 3 times now..


Right when I begin my Bladestorm, a Nova player uses Molecular Prime. Why is that bad you ask? Once the enemies are primed, and the chain reaction begins, it removes remaining targets from Ash's Bladestorm.. which mean.. Ash spends 100 energy to destroy only one target..  o-O


The first time this happened, I thought it as a misjudge on my part.. Nope! every time I started my Bladestorm, the Nova would prime......  so yeah! Please fix Bladestorm DE!!!

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