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What do you think of Ambulas Reborn?


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It's alright.


But I really don't like this event. The mechanics are all recycled and endless scaling is so BS. Ever seen a level 1000 ratel? They chew the pod health way too fast. :/

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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I like the event, wish they added more animo with scaling beyond level 41 though, but in general imo this is the kind of mission dynamics the game needs for endless missions to be less boring.

I wouldn't mind if animo remained in the game, but the shop items be changed after the event ends.

Making us work towards the reward was great.

Thanks for this event DE.

Edited by Madway7
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I like the event sorta. I like the whole DROPSHIP aspect and dropping enemies into battle and all that, really cool.


I think I have one of the more....unpopular opinions about them but I think they're REALLY UNDERWHELMING


The boss battle, they don't pose a threat at all, you shoot them and that's it. You really just gotta look out for the Remech ospreys and artillery and all the other infantries focusing fire on you....It's a shame really...the Ambulas feels like a...fancy background pinata and their only purpose is to drop a few animo beacons...

It's a shame, I expected them to be the REAL focus of the battle, a lot more efficient and harder to fight against...


Honestly, they're less annoying and efficient than the Bursas with their invincible front shieldings, SLAM SPAMS and nullifier bubbles...Also...they deal more damage, especially Isolator ones with their powerful close ranged laser shotgun. Also Bursas are fast as hell and Ambulas are slow as hell...TRULY a shame.

If anything, I'd really like to see them get some....buffs, not TOO major buffs, maybe like speed buff, make them use their abilties more often to increase their efficiency. Make them a REAL FOCUS and a SHINING STAR...they're just so cool, I think they should get more attention...

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9 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

I like the event, wish they added more animo with scaling beyond level 41 though, but in general imo this is the kind of mission dynamics the game needs for endless missions to be less boring.

Yeah I agree with that, getting the same 6 beacons at level 40 and level 200 ambulas is kind of a downer. I enjoyed the event though, the dropship is a nice touch, it's all decently farmable and you only have to farm a whole lot if you plan to get everything for which there's really no need.

The new boss fight was a bit disappointing because it was artificially long, but luckily they started spawning in duos rather than one by one. Still a bit too long. Loved the ship getting involved bombarding and firing lasers.

All in all pretty good, liked it better than some other events. I say good job DE :)

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I think I agree that the final fight was a bit gimmicky, but that overall it was fun.  I'd love to see drop ships keep being a thing.  Find new things to put in them.

We'll need a grineer dropship though.  Hmm... actually no.  Grineer need drop pods.  Let's drop in elite hunter teams via drop pod.  If you're not paying attention, you'll get knocked over by shockwave on landing.

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Just now, Prof_Doom said:

I think I agree that the final fight was a bit gimmicky, but that overall it was fun.  I'd love to see drop ships keep being a thing.  Find new things to put in them.

We'll need a grineer dropship though.  Hmm... actually no.  Grineer need drop pods.  Let's drop in elite hunter teams via drop pod.  If you're not paying attention, you'll get knocked over by shockwave on landing.


man...I agree with the final boss fight, it was cool....though I wish the AMBULAS would pose a bit more threat in that....they don't exactly do much and it's more like you're defending them than trying to defeat them....which Idk...a bit of a waste of such a good looking redesign...

WIsh it'd take more effort to defeat them...

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I enjoyed the overall event, but I was really disappointed by the boss battle. Even more by the fact they continue sending hacked Ambulas to the space ship while they already know we've hacked dozens of Ambulas before and it didn't end well for the bad guys. 

There was a real lack of concrete battle feel in this boss fight, compared to Raptor there is no threat at all except when the ship starts shooting at us (but then WTF, if you want to destroy everything just bring your freaking cannons closer and PARTY ON !)

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7 minutes ago, DeadScream said:

I enjoyed the overall event, but I was really disappointed by the boss battle. Even more by the fact they continue sending hacked Ambulas to the space ship while they already know we've hacked dozens of Ambulas before and it didn't end well for the bad guys. 

There was a real lack of concrete battle feel in this boss fight, compared to Raptor there is no threat at all except when the ship starts shooting at us (but then WTF, if you want to destroy everything just bring your freaking cannons closer and PARTY ON !)


agree....I expected more Raptor aspects.

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I'm really enjoying it. Especially the Assassination(?) mission!

Since I've been playing Limbo much more lately, it's really fun to plop a bubble down on a downed-Ambulas with Time stop, so we (the team) can focus on the other ones with less worry or stress. With the added bonus that its a safe haven for when the giant Corpus ship starts firing at us and all over the place.

I don't know, just seeing subtle things like that as well as seeing all kind of Warframe-roles (for example, seeing some Ivara players do some amazing work!) really shine in this new assassination mission honestly does remind me why I really love and enjoy this game.

Last time I can remember feeling that was during the Rathuum event. Seeing some awesome teamwork between Limbo and Frost; Cataclysm for the missle barrages and reviving support and Frost bubbling the entire area to slow down Kela De Thaym (and the rollers) to help lean the fight in our favor.
Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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1 hour ago, SprinKah said:

WIsh it'd take more effort to defeat them...

Or if anything, having to manage a bit more of them since I think we only needed to defend at max 2 at a time. Makes sense for soloing I assume but with a full party, just bumping that to 3 (or even 4) could go a long way!

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Just now, HalfDarkShadow said:

Or if anything, having to manage a bit more of them since I think we only needed to defend at max 2 at a time. Makes sense for soloing I assume but with players, just bumping that to 3 (or even 4) could go a long way!


I doubt, they're like...reasonably easy to kill...

well, maybe for the whole remech part, who knows, that could prove a problem, I have not played with a party vs Ambulas boss yet so idk. But honestly, even so, not the point I was trying to make really...if that's really the case, they'd just make it a CORPUS SHIP boss fight or something and ambulas are just mere flashy dummies sliding around slowly.

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4 minutes ago, SprinKah said:

I doubt, they're like...reasonably easy to kill...

well, maybe for the whole remech part, who knows, that could prove a problem, I have not played with a party vs Ambulas boss yet so idk. But honestly, even so, not the point I was trying to make really...if that's really the case, they'd just make it a CORPUS SHIP boss fight or something and ambulas are just mere flashy dummies sliding around slowly.

Ah no worries, I did understand the main point you were making there, I was just mentioning even if DE did anything at all to tweak after the event, the very least is to up the pressure a bit. Of course I would love to see what you proposed but regardless I would be content as long they tweak something.

Honestly though, the Hyena pack is loads more threatening if you think about it lol.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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2 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

Mechanically the event was good, but like all other content in warframe, overlooked due to the sheer power we posses. 

that's...really true

I say...invincibility is OKAY! I mean just not TOO awkwardly placed that is. THey need some kind of protection from us...

I mean, I don't like the whole idea implying us that we're invincible GODS...I hope DE would make like an event or just SOMETHING that reminds us that we aren't superior.

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3 minutes ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

Ah no worries, I did understand the main point you were making there, I was just mentioning even if DE did anything at all to tweak after the event, the very least is to up the pressure a bit. Of course I would love to see what you proposed but regardless I would be content as long they tweak something.

Honestly though, the Hyena pack is loads more threatening if you think about it lol.


that is TRUE. Hyena pack with their auras, especially the magnetic one...they can counteract us, they climb walls and stuff, super agile.

where as what...AMbulas STOMPING SLOWLY and ANGRILY around shooting popcorns at us!? heck

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5 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

It's alright.


But I really don't like this event. The mechanics are all recycled and endless scaling is so BS. Ever seen a level 1000 ratel? They chew the pod health way too fast. :/

why is your score even here... are you that hard up to brag?


he didnt say post your clan scores, he said what do you think of the ambulas rework...

glad you cant post pics in council or youd have this on copypaste wouldnt you


Shame on you! 


*ignore my jelly*

Edited by PookieNumnums
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giving voltage a hard time aside,


i am sorta unimpressed by the rework. 

Its cool changes i guess in terms of what the ambulas can do, and neat i guess in terms of the drop ship... but the 'dont let them heal the ambulas' aspect is really underwhelming especially if someone brings a mesa...

glen made a good point on his stream that it would be neat if the drop ship dropped better enemies like hyena.. could see it dropping jackals and raptors too. 

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The thing is even if it's new content, people need to keep in mind that the level of challenge has to be tailored to players who are going to Hades for the very first time. It's a sad realization, but none of the standard Star Chart bosses are going to pose any real threat to a veteran player, even post-rework unless DE takes another proper look at the conclave scaling system. For the vets out there I would strongly recommend making a new account for the new player experience and going through the revamped Star Chart from scratch (no plat exchanges or trading for obvious reasons). I've found that (maybe with exception given to Kela) it's acceptably balanced difficulty-wise.

For those of us who have been playing since/just after CB or any respectable amount of time for that matter, we likely won't see any challenging content until we get a 100% Sentient-occupied planet/system. It would also probably help if players would stop religiously wussing out all over the forums the second DE gives us an enemy that can't be mowed down in 2 seconds or less by holding down left click with the Soma. We'll be stuck playing snoozeframe forever, otherwise.


Edited by Kiryuin-Satsuki
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For me I did the math and it looked like 4 hrs to get the event weapon.

But I just can't waste that kinda time on Mastery fodder, it's just not worth it to me.

If the only content DE can create is new ways to grind they are in trouble


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13 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

It's alright.


But I really don't like this event. The mechanics are all recycled and endless scaling is so BS. Ever seen a level 1000 ratel? They chew the pod health way too fast. :/

Lol, reminds me of the time when the void was a source of prime parts; took only one grenade to destroy the pod.

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I'm enjoying it so far.

The mechanics are decent, though I kinda wish my one-man Ghost clan qualified for the Solo score, but it's hardly out of reach.


Really hoping we get Moa pets soon and that there's an Ambulas variant, and I'd love to be able to use its gun as a primary weapon.

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4 hours ago, Rolunde said:


Dropping Bosses into another Bosses Boss Fight?!


Sure, maybe next we can have Tyl Regor and Lech Kril show up to help Vay Hek on Earth too while we're at it...


Why not...i mean trust me, i dont exactly think that is necessary but i do want to see SOME SORT OF CHANGE to make the ambulas harder to fight against...some kind of passive ability to help it defends itself better

Like hyena aura or nullifer shield...ambulas is just too easy to defeat it's painful

The boss fight...it's more focused toward the Corpus shop than the ambulas itsslf...theyre like flashy background fillers....

Edited by SprinKah
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