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Rank 9 Shadow clan: LeagueOfDivine ALL WELCOME NO REQUIREMENTS


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I am a MR22 player who has been playing Warframe for over 3 years now and I'm also the clan warlord.  I often log in to do alerts, sorties, etc so I do not mind helping out other if you need assistance. 

Why join The League Of The Divine?

  • Play with friendly and relaxed players who are willing to help out on alerts, invasions, missions, quests, events, etc. 
  • Gain access to all the latest clan tech blueprints.
  • Gain access to hundreds of mods including rare mods and prime parts through trading with other clan members.
  • Gain access to help to receive syndicate mods & weapons from fellow team mates 


Clan Dojo:

The dojo layout is nice and simple and there is teleportation to every room in the dojo:




Clan tech blueprints:

Here is a complete list of all the blueprints available at the dojo:

Tenno Lab:

  • Warframes: Banshee, Nezha(80%), Volt, Wukong, Zephyr
  • Weapons: Akstiletto, Anku, Attica, Castanas, Daikyu, Dark Split-Sword, Dual Raza,  Gazal Machete, Lacera, Okina, Pyrana, Nami Skyla, Nikana, Shaku, Silva & Aegis, Sybaris, Talons, Tenora(87%), Tonbo,  Venka
  • Archwings: Amesha, Elytron(80%), Itzal,
  • Archwing weapons: Fluctus, Velocitus
  • Misc: Afrenal stim, Calcifin stim, Clotra stim, Refract stim (Resources needed)

Energy Lab:

  • Weapons: Amprex, Convectrix, Dera, Dual Cestra, Cycron, Ferrox, Flux, Glaxion,, Lanka, Opticor, Prova,  Serro, Spectra, Staticor, Supra, Quanta,
  • Sentinals: Helios
  • Misc: Fieldron, Squad shield restore (medium), Squad shield restore (medium) x10, Squad energy restore (medium), Squad energy restore (medium) x10,

Chem Lab:

  • Weapons: Ack & Brunt, Buzlok, Grinlok, Jat Kittag, Javlok, Kesheg, Kohmak, Ignis, Ogris, Sydon, Nukor, Marelok,
  • Archwing weapons:  Grattler, Knux,
  • Misc: Detonite Injector, Squad ammo restore (medium), Squad ammo restore (medium) x10

Bio Lab:

  • Weapons: Acrid, Cereta, Caustacyst, Dual Ichor, Dual Toxocyst, Embolist, Hema (47% researched), Mios, Mutalist Quanta, Paracyst, Phage, Pox, Scoliac, Synaspe, Torrid
  • Sentinels: Djinn
  • Misc: Mutagen Mass, Squad health restore (medium), Squad health restore (medium) x10


Requirements & Rules:

  • All players welcome!
  • Log-in and play for at least 2-3hrs per week
  • Help contribute towards clan tech research i.e. mutagen samples for Hema research etc.
  • Friendly banter is most welcome, however ANY form of disrespect or name-calling towards clan members or players will NOT be tolerated!


If you are interested or have any questions, please reply back in this thread or whisper me in-game.

I hope to hear from you and hope that you become a clan mate to me and others

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