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Quests impossible to complete


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My particular case is with Hidden Messages, but people have had the same issue with other quests too. I began to make Mirage chassis in foundry and started another quest, the next day when I took out the completed chassis and started making Mirage herself, Hidden Messages did not progress because it was not my active quest at that moment. Since I cannot get a new Mirage chassis it is impossible to progress it now and the only thing I can be thankful about is that at least I get the warframe, but the fact that an uncompletable quest will bug me in navigation screen forever and ever is quite annoying.

It would be really nice if we could restart a quest that is already in progress, or at least cancel and start it anew, but unfortunatley neither cancelling nor replaying any of the non-cinematic quests is possible.

I know that there is already a topic about this but because of issues with loging in on forums I cannot comment on that one, besides it seems that a reminder about this is needed considering that this has been an issue for years now (with little google search I can find people complaining about this as far back as 2015).

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