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Shadow Step does not grant bonus stealth damage for the Host of a game


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This bug has been in the game for as long as Shadow Step, which means years, and I've known about it for essentially that long.


1: Launch Warframe. Make sure the Naramon focus is selected as Primary, and that Shadow step has been unlocked.

2: In the Arsenal, select a melee weapon with enough crit chance to proc Shadow Step (15%+)

3: In the Starchart window, invite a few squadmates and start a mission as the host.

4: Wait until Naramon is fully charged (a few minutes) and activate it.

5: Quick melee a few enemies until Shadow Step procs, then keep meleeing enemies for a short while.

6: Notice that no Stealth damage bonus is granted on melee hits.


Expected result: Shadow Step should provide bonus Stealth damage on melee hits regardless of who is the host of the game.

Note that Shadow Step does provide bonus Stealth damage when used by a player not hosting the game.

Also note that when using Shadow Step in single player, the issue also occurs, although all enemies are permanently alerted to the player.


Invisibility, extra, damaging, critical, trigger,




Edited by PrivateRiem
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