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Is WARFRAME viable to boss fights with Dark Souls or Doom 3 degree?


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I didn't notice anyone bring this up, although I just skimmed many of the posts so far, but-

Lech Krill seems fairly 'Dark Souls-ish' as far as Warframe Bosses go.

He has his telegraphed attack that you need to trigger to expose his weak-point so that you can move him past his invulnerability phase and take him down.

If you stay at distance he'll light you up with his Gorgon, not swing the hammer and not expose his spot.

So you have to get in close enough to trigger the swing, then get on his back and shoot the spot, repeat, repeat, etc.

OK now something we can see here is that on average there are plenty of players that just don't really know what they're supposed to do with him, and it makes sense because the game doesn't offer info on it and we don't usually encounter a DS-style game-play in Warframe.

And then in multi-player it can easily be a cluster-bork because there are people trying to shoot him and he won't swing, or they go full Valkyr on him.

Often it just seems like even if you do the fight "right" it seems like nothing actually works as 2 hoses flap around and 2 won't come off and then suddenly he's dead, lol.

A lot of the time you probably won't notice much of this until he's a Sortie Assassination target and you get 3 people that don't remember the fight from that 1 time they did it to clear the node, or the 3-7 times to get the warframe parts.

So it kind of can be done, but I really don't think WF can go very far into DS style because it's co-op and fast paced with basically super-powered beings.

It's more like We are the Dark Souls Bosses.


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Idk guys, just a thought I guess

I realize that...yeah...I guess it doesn't have to be like DS and Doom and stuff

but I really just want boss fights to at least...well...be a little more active in combat and stuff or SOMETHING, more challenging you know.

Ambulas fight is like that, I like it....just... I got some personal problems with it

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Warframe could use some epic boss fights. Each boss fight in this game feels...unrewarding and unsatisfying.

Maybe the dark soul mechanic doesn't work in warframe but they could certainly learn a thing or two in how to make an epic overall boss fight experience.

From music, environment/arena, the boss itself, it's attacks, the affects to the story and progression, the rewards. Alot of stuff can be remade to make it a more memorable experience. 


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Warframe's boss fights can not be like Dark souls's because in DS is all about learning the boss's moves, dodging and hitting when a window opens. It works for Dark Souls because the game itself is meant to be slow and it punishes rushers, also the equipment in it is not as unbalanced as it is in WF.  In WF in a lot of cases is quite the opposite, rushing or faster gameplay is more beneficial to the player. We have to kill the same boss multiple times to get the warframe that he has in his drop table, killing the same enemy for 10-20 minutes for 10-20 times is not really fun. 

We have available for our arsenal a wide array of weapons and powers with a huge difference in performance and it is hard to balance a boss around that. 

Let's take Ambulas Reborn as an example. Minutes after his release people were already crying that we can oneshot him. Those people were using most likely meta builds from the best of the best. A Tigris Prime makes very short work out of AR until a certain point. But i can bet that they did not try to fight him with weapons that are not meta or heavily formaed, I can guarantee you that he won't go down that easy with something like that. 

Now. DE could have balanced the new Ambulas around these meta builds so that they had a decent challenge. But then, what would happen to the normal non-meta non-ultrapowerful builds? They'd get the end short of the stick and have a harder time that they need to. 

Edited by aligatorno
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8 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

so in order to effectively gimp players, they would have to take away our abilities or weapons, which would likely anger most of the playerbase.

Which is part of the argument for why Nullifiers should be removed. It's not fun or fair nor makes much sense to just take away the things that make a game unique just so enemies can S#&$ on you harder.

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9 hours ago, arch111 said:

And enemies that actually moves in squads and leaders that give them the same boosts that Warframe powers give to the team

We already have that in-game, but you'll never notice it because punch-through lets you kill them all from 5 rooms away. This is why I keep saying that DE needs to just change punch-through to effect enemies only and giving snipers innate environment punch-through and better scopes

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5 hours ago, SprinKah said:

Idk guys, just a thought I guess

I realize that...yeah...I guess it doesn't have to be like DS and Doom and stuff

but I really just want boss fights to at least...well...be a little more active in combat and stuff or SOMETHING, more challenging you know.

Ambulas fight is like that, I like it....just... I got some personal problems with it


I really just want Boss Fights to be more.... EPIC.

Granted totally subjective, but much like Art, I'll know it when I see it.

The Art of the Epic Boss Battle.

Or as I like to know it "Challenging but Fair."
 Which is of course an insane balancing act once you know if you're up against Rock or Paper. 
But a hard fought victory is much better than either a complete face-roll or getting curb-stomped. ;-)


Rock is OP, Please nerf!

Paper is fine.




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12 hours ago, SprinKah said:

Now, I'm sure a lot of you people have played Dark Souls and Doom 3 and all that sorta games.

I just wonder though.... is Warframe viable for that sort of thing.

You know like, CONSTANTLY running around, slowly but surely dealing damage to the boss while having to dodge their incoming attacks all the time.

No need for invulnerability spots, they're vulnerable everywhere but just with A TON OF HEALTH.


I imagine that it'd be really cool to be ACTIVE ALL THE TIME and not just...showing up, one shot of tigris prime then leave....

so, your telling me you want to fight an incredibly dark souls like boss 100 times over just to get a regular frame, you are insane, it better give more than just one part if people really want something like this

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I hate to gimp myself and you should never have to do such a thing to have a challenge, but it is honestly the only way because of BS scaling on both our and our enemy's part.


  1. Equip a cheese-less Warframe (Volt is a personal favorite for this) without any mods (Speed Holster Aura is nice though).
  2. Put on a bunch MK-1 weapons (or just low tier weapons) with very limited mods (Either go all broken mods or just do two elemental mods).
  3. Equip Carrier (no weapon) because ammo may be an issue.
  4. Fight Jackal on Venus.


No cheesy one shots by us OR the boss, but the boss can take you down if you are not smart. Then the combination of sustained hitscan DPS + telegraphed burst damage of Jackal to get a unique experience that still feels like Warframe, but more rewarding. This is what bosses could be, and it is a glorious sight to behold.


Please DE, don't give up on Damage 3.0.

Edited by DrBorris
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Warframe is not about gameplay though. It's purely a loot treadmill. 95% of Warframe's content can be summed up as wait 5 mins, roll RNG to see what virtual goodies you got, repeat until bored. The gameplay is purely cosmetic, like Ash bladestorm animation. Nobody plays Warframe for an interactive gaming experience that challenge your reflexes and tactical thinking. This is the game for when you are too drunk or tired to play anything else, and just faceroll the keyboard until you get mission completed screen and pixel goodies. 



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4 hours ago, bronzebonobo said:

so, your telling me you want to fight an incredibly dark souls like boss 100 times over just to get a regular frame, you are insane, it better give more than just one part if people really want something like this


Oooohhh... but wouldn't it be awesome if you got the entire frame for defeating the boss then?

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23 hours ago, SprinKah said:

Now, I'm sure a lot of you people have played Dark Souls and Doom 3 and all that sorta games.

I just wonder though.... is Warframe viable for that sort of thing.

You know like, CONSTANTLY running around, slowly but surely dealing damage to the boss while having to dodge their incoming attacks all the time.

No need for invulnerability spots, they're vulnerable everywhere but just with A TON OF HEALTH.


I imagine that it'd be really cool to be ACTIVE ALL THE TIME and not just...showing up, one shot of tigris prime then leave....

     You dare bring your s-skill into the realm of cheese?! Get out. We don't accept your kind here.

Serious note though there's too much cheese in warframe. It's just never going to happen unless DE REALLY gets pumped up for it, like raids.

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I'd like to point out that, while our scaling is indeed a problem for most bosses, even common enemies (and anything with complex mechanics even more) are pretty broken if you take them to sortie lvl and beyond.

Fighting AR in sortie was way harder more tedious than the event itself, he'll soak up a lot of damage but ultimately still lacks interesting mechanics. The corpus ship and hacking/defence stuff is ok, ambulas himself is a bit dull. Properly telegraphed attacks, no cheap kills. Still a bit dull but much better than old Ambulas. Might spice it up a little.

If I compare it with, let's say Hyena pack sortie, the whole experience is nuts. PUGed it with scrubs (so no meta cheese loadouts) and swarms of techs, the ever present nullifiers, scrambus and bursas, together with the hyena pack on a small tile are a nasty experience. Never mind the blue orbs of death pulsing everywhere, you'll die to random explosions anyway. Some attacks (eg bursa missile salvos, juggernaut spikes) are more or less fine as long as you're the host but clunky as hell if not.

tl;dr With the current design you're overall better of running cheese and/or max damage loadouts, killing things faster is...faster than killing them slowly. You'll also be able to avoid cheesy and frustrating enemy design. You won't get balanced bosses while damage and cheese scale to infinity.

Edited by Helljack84
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On 5/8/2017 at 5:26 AM, SprinKah said:

Now, I'm sure a lot of you people have played Dark Souls and Doom 3 and all that sorta games.

I just wonder though.... is Warframe viable for that sort of thing.

You know like, CONSTANTLY running around, slowly but surely dealing damage to the boss while having to dodge their incoming attacks all the time.

No need for invulnerability spots, they're vulnerable everywhere but just with A TON OF HEALTH.


I imagine that it'd be really cool to be ACTIVE ALL THE TIME and not just...showing up, one shot of tigris prime then leave....

You mentioned the Heretic of the Doom games. .. Please if you want a good Doom play 2016 one aka 4

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5 hours ago, Ironlixivium said:

     You dare bring your s-skill into the realm of cheese?! Get out. We don't accept your kind here.

Serious note though there's too much cheese in warframe. It's just never going to happen unless DE REALLY gets pumped up for it, like raids.


aye aye

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Dark Souls bosses? You mean regular enemies but bigger? :p Didn't Warframe used to do that? Vay Hek was a regular scrub before he MADE SACRIFICES.

I gotta be honest with ya, I think Vay Hek is a damn god boss

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