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Another Supra Vandal related topic


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I am going to complain.

Now, i have to "stand up" and say, i am frustrated.

I have been waiting for thing such as Supra Vandal for years, hoping it would be something awesome, if it ever existed, but no...

Increased magazine size, bit better accuracy, and larger ammo pool...plus first Vandal weapon to be able to change its colors?



Even a Lato Vandal actually is...

Enough complaining. 

DE, you will do the following (without "please", its order, you will do it for community):

-Either add to it more base dmg, even 10-20 points would be enough.

-Increased crit chance / crit dmg to atleast 10-15% / 2-2,5x crit multipl.

-Increased status chance to atleast 10-15%

-Remove that option that makes you able to recolor a VANDAL weapon, this sh*t is ruining the lore.

Edited by Inquizitor
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14 minutes ago, Inquizitor said:

-Remove that option that makes you able to recolor a VANDAL weapon, this sh*t is ruining the lore.

-said absolutely no one else, ever.

And anyway, the base Supra is pretty good to start off with, I'm not gonna complain about +120 ammo and better accuracy (for dem headshots).

Edited by Mk_1
emphasis on ever
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I would like to have finally some weapon that have brutal strength by its stats itself without relying on crit to be viable...Supra V almost does it, but its still not V Hek with 2k per pellet or Tenora 600+ per projectile.

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So far greatly been enjoying this weapon. Still mad about the fact I can one-shot Lvl 80 Heavy Gunners with my Lex but take 3 seconds of pointblank headshot fire with a fully decked out Supra Vandal...

If only it had more status. In fact, why the F!!! do some weapons haven no crit or status chance for the love of god! Either give it crit potential, or give is a good status chance.

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1 hour ago, Inquizitor said:

DE, you will do the following (without "please", its order, you will do it for community):

-Either add to it more base dmg, even 10-20 points would be enough.

-Increased crit chance / crit dmg to atleast 10-15% / 2-2,5x crit multipl.

-Increased status chance to atleast 10-15%

-Remove that option that makes you able to recolor a VANDAL weapon, this sh*t is ruining the lore.

Because the only thing that should ever exist is insane power creep?
The supra vandal is still a pretty good weapon, and a pretty good upgrade over the supra.  Especially with its augment from Suda.
With its accuracy buff over the base Supra it does better DPS at longer ranges, and can even make use of heavy caliber more effectively than the normal version can.

So just to look over how its better than the normal supra:
-Much better sustain
-Better accuracy
They pretty much fixed the deficiencies of the base supra.

And yet you want even more over that...why?
The weapon power level also fits the event it came from, easy event for a small, yet very decent, upgrade over the normal variant.

What "lore" says that we can't recolour vandal weapons?
And who the flying frak cares that we can recolour it?
If you don't like it recoloured here is a small tip: just don't change the colours of it yourself.

47 minutes ago, Myscho said:

"time to buy riven with +multishot" if you want more status chance

20 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

If only it had more status.

It doesn't need more status.
The Entropy Burst augment that Suda offers gives it a flat 20% additive status.  So with just that mod you already have a 25% status chance.  If you want to go the full hog with 4 dual stat mods and split chamber you have a 58.4% status chance.
Plus it gives it a good syndicate effect.

For a weapon with such a high fire rate and large magazine it doesn't need more status.  its status is already quite insane for a weapon of its type.

Edited by Tsukinoki
Fixed typos
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1 hour ago, Inquizitor said:

DE, you will do the following (without "please", its order, you will do it for community):

lol because outrage and demands work every time, right?  There are literally dozens of weapons that people beg to get even the slightest buff and nothing has changed.  It took just over two years before Panthera was buffed substantially and yet a mostly decent weapon like Supra Vandal isn't good enough so it must be done forthwith?

Good luck.

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2 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

It doesn't need more status.


Not that it wouldn't be nice, but, no, it doesn't need it.


2 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

The Entropy Burst augment that Suda offers gives it a flat 20% additive status.  So with just that mod you already have a 25% status chance.  If you want to go the full hog with 4 dual stat mods and split chamber you have a 58.4% status chance.

50-60% status (2 to 4 60/60 mods) is perfectly competitive with similar weapons. It's enough to strip armor reliably and it certainly has the ammo capacity to spread the good news far and wide. It's more reliable in inflicting status than the SomaP, even with a Hammer Shot build--and its DPS is competitive with the Soma. That's assuming you hit with all your shots, which this gun is much better at than the base Supra.

Like all other Wraiths and Vandals, it's significantly better than its more pedestrian counterpart.

Now, if we get a Prisma variant...well...I would expect very great things indeed if it follows in the footsteps of the Prisma Gorgon and Prisma Grakata.

Edited by Sloan441
Numbers...always the numbers...
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3 hours ago, Inquizitor said:

Remove that option that makes you able to recolor a VANDAL weapon, this sh*t is ruining the lore.


3 hours ago, Inquizitor said:

IIncreased status chance to atleast 10-15%

Why would that even be necessary with the sheer volume of rounds being fired as well as

3 hours ago, Inquizitor said:

Increased crit chance / crit dmg to atleast 10-15% / 2-2,5x crit multipl.

Why make a non crit-based weapon a crit-based weapon?

3 hours ago, Inquizitor said:

Either add to it more base dmg, even 10-20 points would be enough.

This is fine.

3 hours ago, Inquizitor said:

DE, you will do the following (without "please", its order, you will do it for community):

Watch out Tenno we got a badass over here.



Going to end this post with a quote from your very own self.

3 hours ago, Inquizitor said:

Enough complaining. 


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Honestly, this thing is more akin to a minigun now, and i'm okay with that. Gonna get my Serious Sam on with that thing.

It has 120 extra ammo per clip. 300 Ammo total. Soma Prime has 200. That's a lot of bullets that all do damage. Plus increased accuracy so those bullets have a better chance of hitting the head. Just get augment for it, and have fun. It's just a game.

Oh, and buddy, DE doesn't owe you or the community jack squat ;) It ain't your game.

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ahh its nice too see the community agreeing that the supra isnt crap. if i can run it through sorties with no issues,its not a bad weapon.
also you are so lucky i cant down vote. there is no "lore' reason vandels cant be re-colored. and if there is then whats to stop us coloring THOSE liek we color our normal wweapons, or how we can color the nightwatch skins...who "ACTUALLY LORE WISE" are black and red...why arnt you making a post complaining about THOSE being colorable.

TLDR. wraith/vandel weapons needing to be colored is probly the MOST requested thing. hell I have done CONCLAVE jsut for the karak and latron skins.to remove the forced color pallets cuz it ruines our fashion frame (and just looks straight dispicable)

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16 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

B is a small tip: just don't change the colours of it yourself.

It doesn't need more status.
The Entropy Burst augment that Suda offers gives it a flat 20% additive status.  So with just that mod you already have a 25% status chance.  If you want to go the full hog with 4 dual stat mods and split chamber you have a 58.4% status chance.
Plus it gives it a good syndicate effect.

For a weapon with such a high fire rate and large magazine it doesn't need more status.  its status is already quite insane for a weapon of its type.

You mean waste a mod slot to make the weapon's utlity on par with others?

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7 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

You mean waste a mod slot to make the weapon's utlity on par with others?

And add in an AoE effect that goes off like candy, restores energy, and adds more maximum energy...?

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again, when a Weapon already does what it's designed to do well... then what do you give something that already does things well? that's quite the question.

if anything then, perhaps Supra didn't need a special variant (which based on doing the intended things well, means it didn't really) at all, and something else would've been a better choice, perhaps.
though not everything needs to have double Damage of the thing before it to be worth using... but i certainly blame the game in part for conditioning Players to throw away everything for 1% new content on a regular basis, so that there is never any width of content.

21 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

You mean waste a mod slot to make the weapon's utlity on par with others?

it's only a waste if you don't get something highly valuable - and that isn't the case.
the waste would be what you're probably putting there instead, what, a fourth Elemental Mod? that would be a very paltry increase to your Damage.

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6 hours ago, Ragingwasabi said:

the soma easily out dps the supra vandal and is more accurate with less recoil. and thats not even counting the fact that its a crit weapon, and crit headshots r godly.

so why didnt it get a dmg/status buff?

Soma is a single target weapon. Of course it's dps is higher. The Supra on the other hand is a crowd clearing weapon. 

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2 hours ago, Sintag said:

And add in an AoE effect that goes off like candy, restores energy, and adds more maximum energy...?

Never found it useful or noticable really, aside from on lower levels to clear the area.

59 minutes ago, Rambit23Z said:

Soma is a single target weapon. Of course it's dps is higher. The Supra on the other hand is a crowd clearing weapon. 

What? Where did you pull out that nonsense?

Edited by Acersecomic
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1 hour ago, Rambit23Z said:

Soma is a single target weapon. Of course it's dps is higher. The Supra on the other hand is a crowd clearing weapon. 


21 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

why do u say that?

You know, I think he's mistaking Amprex and Synapise.

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