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The Art of Violence


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Before I begin, this post is focused on aesthetics and not any actual weapon stat so I thought this would be the right section to post in.

I love how the hammers and shotguns were made to always send enemies flying in one of the past patches (in several pieces, in some cases) because it really contributes to the overall feel of the weapon class by making the enemies react appropriately to getting whacked by a big block of ice on a stick, or blasted in the face by quad-barreled shotgun. Unfortunately, the Great Blades like the Galatine or the Scindo fail to give the same satisfying 'oomph' that the hammers deliver; Most times I'd kill a lancer or a crewman with a huge sword and they'd die like they were hit by a small caliber pistol and gently plop down on the floor. Hitting a dude with Tempo Royale's right click combo with max stacks of Berserker feels so disappointing seeing how he just kinda stands there in his death animation or something, completely ignoring the momentum from the hit. 

Basically, the great blades don't feel too great when compared to the hammers. Maybe make it so that great blades always chop up enemies in half on kill?

Also, just a few more suggestions to make kills more satisfying and immersive:
-Kills with the ignis should always char corpses in the same way as the atomos does
-Electric procs or weapons with electric base damage should turn enemies into convulsing slabs of meat and charged metal
-Corrosive procs should melt enemies on death
-Fist/Sparring weapons should knock enemies farther back to simulate forward momentum 
-Crit kills from single shot weapons like the Lex or Vectis should guarantee a rag-dolled corpse thats thrown farther back, emphasizing the impact of critical damage.

Is any of this necessary for the game's balance? Absolutely not but it would make the game tons more fun, satisfying and empowering. As a player who has burned out of warframe several times already (I've always found myself coming back to it after every major update; I've been around since closed beta), I think these quality of life changes can make the game less boring, especially if you just want to blow off some steam from a stressful day while farming for relics and primes and what not. 

''Art requires a certain...cruelty.''

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