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From the quest Ambulas Capacity has 18 with Orokin Catalyst


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Supra Vandal after getting it from the Quest Ambulas the Capacity is 18 with Orokin Catalyst and not 38 is it bugged? And can you fix that bug? I sent you a photo print screen with the specific problem.

Thanks for you consideration. I hope i will hear from you soon enough.

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I checked, you're an MR 9, nothing here is bugged. Please don't waste DE's time with something you could have asked the community.

That said I honestly don't know where you got 38 from. Capacity is calculated as 1 per level or 2 with a catalyst, or, if the level is lower than your MR rank, its 1 per MR rank or 2 per level with catalyst.

Edited by Ironlixivium
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