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Weapon for... Histerical Valkyr



Womenkind... We do not know when they can get rage about anything.

IE. Valkyr (Prime)... She is bad kitty, BAD... like furious one.

My furious kitty looks like that: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Valkyr_Prime/t_30_2420340020_2-6-10-3-8-5-6-7-5-19-5-10-49-1-10-411-2-10-479-0-10-481-4-10-518-3-3-615-9-5_479-7-49-8-411-8-518-9-481-7-19-7-2-12-6-11-3-18-615-9_0/en/1-0-50

I created her for her Warcry and for Hysteria (kinda). maybe this is a bad build, maybe not, I don't know if there's something to change (I barely play her, would like to change that). I just wanted her to have eternal warcry and use her Hysteria from time to time. Maybe it is possible to make her hysteria eternal, while warcry is still useful? HELP ME!


And now... the second thing... weapon for her... build for that weapon... build that could be useful for her whenever she use hysteria or just warcry itself.

I kinda tried to create stylish furious kitty, but Venka Prime is a no-no I guess. So... HELP ME!

And... thanks in advance!

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15 answers to this question

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well when it comes to melee it will depend on what you would rather build for

would you rather have a red criting monster with a good body count+bloodrush build


do you want a devastating status weapon with a condition overload build

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https://goo.gl/NS5XRW this is my build, a lot of focus on armor and survivability, armored agility actually adds a ton of EHP, if you'd still like the augment i would suggest removing internsify for it, i also have reju instead of steel charge, stand united is also an option, lastly, any melee weapon that doesn't focus on slash procs or procs in general will be good, also if you can fit true steel and organ shatter on your build that would be good, but the claws don't have a lot of status, which is why i wouldn't suggest a status melee weapon, but any crit weapon will do just fine

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1 minute ago, Melos-mevim said:

well when it comes to melee it will depend on what you would rather build for

would you rather have a red criting monster with a good body count+bloodrush build


do you want a devastating status weapon with a condition overload build

valkyr doesn't really want a status weapon, since her claws don't have a lot of status, status mods on your melee weapon will be wasted on the claws, crit chance, crit damage, base damage, speed and elementals is what you want, in terms of combo drifting contact is better than body count because body count doesn't affect the claws while drifting contact does, blood rush doesn't affect the claws either, i would still say use blood rush because its such a good mod, but if you only use the claws, drop it.

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Just now, yarash2110 said:

valkyr doesn't really want a status weapon, since her claws don't have a lot of status, status mods on your melee weapon will be wasted on the claws, crit chance, crit damage, base damage, speed and elementals is what you want, in terms of combo drifting contact is better than body count because body count doesn't affect the claws while drifting contact does, blood rush doesn't affect the claws either, i would still say use blood rush because its such a good mod, but if you only use the claws, drop it.

trust me I know but he also said he wasn't necessarily building around hysteria, in which case if he is more focused on warcry (and is smart enough to use paralyze) a status weapon could be useful.

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So... Hysteria use mods such as crit chance and multiplier, base damage and... Range? Elemental? Speed? (Berserker works AFAIK)?

Hysteria have 250 base dmg... 50 for each puncture/impact/slash, so... why no slash as some of you mentioned? Elemental without status isn't useless? As far as I know elemental need high status to get effect on the target, maybe I'm wrong?

And I need weapon not only for Hysteria, I need weapon to use it without claws either.

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With 200% Power Str, Warcry gives 100% atk spd.

You are not using elemental dmg to proc status.

You are using elemental dmg against their weaknesses.


And are you sure you still wanna stay in range to melee when step out of Hysteria?

Valkyr emits an aura with a radius of 5 meters around her while Hysteria is active, and 30% of the total damage she ignores is stored. If any enemies within this aura have line-of-sight of Valkyr when Hysteria is deactivated, Valkyr will be dealt 25% of all stored damage as Impact b Impact damage.
  • The aura will continue to grow up to 20 meters and each kill reduces it by 1 meter. It cannot be reduced below 5 meters under any circumstances.
  • Damage percentages are not affected by Power Strength.
  • Aura radius is not affected by Power Range.
  • Stored damage is calculated from the total damage Valkyr ignores before resistances are applied.
  • The amount of stored damage can be monitored at the top right of the HUD under Hysteria's ability icon.
  • Highlighted enemies become unmarked if Valkyr moves out of range, negating the damage taken when Hysteria expires.
  • Since enemies need line-of-sight, invisibility prevents the damage.


Edited by Extirpator
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13 minutes ago, Extirpator said:

And are you sure you still wanna stay in range to melee when step out of Hysteria?

Yeah, this is something I actually don't understand.

When I disable Hysteria... I will be dealt 25% of all stored damage... and we don't want that. But is this take range from weapon mod or frame range mod (which I don't use)? To avoid that I actually need a weapon with short range, or just don't use any range mod on frame (barely use Rip Line, Warcry is mostly for me [Am I selfish?], but Paralysis use range mods)? 

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11 hours ago, THeMooN85 said:

So... Hysteria use mods such as crit chance and multiplier, base damage and... Range? Elemental? Speed? (Berserker works AFAIK)?

Hysteria have 250 base dmg... 50 for each puncture/impact/slash, so... why no slash as some of you mentioned? Elemental without status isn't useless? As far as I know elemental need high status to get effect on the target, maybe I'm wrong?

And I need weapon not only for Hysteria, I need weapon to use it without claws either.

W8 WHAT? Dmg is dmg no matter if elemental or not, and status effects from them are different story, lolo newbie xD


Edited by -----nAGET-----
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What's wrong with Venka Prime? It's a perfect fit, aside from range issues, but it's no worse than many dual weapons.

Anyway, in the strictest sense, weapon doesn't matter to what goes on under Hysteria. Only the modding affects it. You'll be modding for crit, range, and, usually, one elemental combo.

However, when you're not in Hysteria, then it matters. Usually, you'll want good weapon range for reducing nullifer bubbles, getting berserker spooled up, and just things like hassle-free opening of crates. Here a couple of weapons stand out: namely the Atterax and Galatine Prime. Weapons with proc effects (Prisma Dual Cleavers) also are handy, both for recovery and buffs, but they only affect Valkyr when triggered outside of Hysteria. That's one reason I don't use Berzerker on Valk anymore (Primed Fury instead).

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Aaaaaand threat died... And I still don't know if my Valkyr is hot or not... And basically didn't learn anything more than wiki says.



/joke aside

Guys I want to give her some love I need PRO-TIPS from PRO-VALKYR murderers users.

Is my build good or need some change? I heard a lot about RAGE mod, I actually never used this mod on her, I found it useless on her (yes I know how it works, yet still...).

And what about Duration on my build? Yes, for hers Warcry mostly but for Hysteria too (less energy drain), augment adds 2sec for every killed enemy... I can actually make it shorter, and still would build it up just by killing but my hysteria will suffer on that... Maybe Rage would do the trick?


Yeah, Galatine Prime/Atterax... I use them not only on Valkyr, They are fantastic.
And what is even more fantastic? Zenistar!!!! I love that weapon! Use as much as I can, simply enjoy using it. Disc there, me, here... As it would be the two of us!

Dark Split Sword? Fine but what would be better? Heavy blade or two swords? What about range on both stances?

And how about Dual Kamas Prime? They are deadly too! Maybe even more.

Dex Dakra? Nah, they are meh.

Nikana Prime? Cool but simply doesn't fit me. Not on Valkyr, Excalibur on the other side...

Yeah I know, swords are ok but range is really average, but... Venka Prime... what about Venka Prime range? Same as swords? If yes I could actually use those claws. Lesser? If yes, they are useless... I would rather use Hirudo instead.

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28 minutes ago, THeMooN85 said:

Aaaaaand threat died... And I still don't know if my Valkyr is hot or not...

Sigh. It matters not if she is hot or not. It matter only that you enjoy her. If you do, then it also doesn't matter how you have her modded, let alone what you have on her weapons, or what weapons she carries. Forget meta.

But to answer your question, if that's possible, since you linked to your Valkyr build while asking about weapons. If you want to go Eternal War with occasional Hysteria, use a crit heavy weapon modded for crit chance/damage, speed (use Beserker), base damage (pressure point, spoiled strike), elemental damage, and range. I've just started playing with Hirudo as a weapon for Eternal War thanks to the innate Life Steal outside of Hysteria. My absolute favorite is the Dual Kamas Prime. Weapon choice is often a case of liking the stance as much as anything else. Forget meta.

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