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DE, Please dont let this be it for Oberon, Ash, Saryn, or Mag


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This Again...

I don't play Mag or Oberon, but Saryn is in my top 3 and I do like Ash now that he's had a rework, there is nothing wrong with these 2 frames and the only ppl crying about 'failed reworks' are those not maining the frames.

I consistently wreck with Saryn, 44-60% of damage in a 4 man cell, add a nidus with a good link to that and it's just watch the PROCs bubble off in every direction, I don't even use her 4 that often, 1, 2 & 3 do so much.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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On ‎05‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 8:23 PM, Trickst3rGawd said:

All 4 of these frames have had either half finished or in mag's case, very lack luster reworks, and the majority of the warframe community have viewed them as such. Before you move forward with starting other reworks and what not, can even 1 person at DE read this knowing that these 4 frame still need proper reworks:


The point of his rework was missed, his 4 is still an uninteractive cinematic, but now is clunky, slower, and costs more than twice as much as before, leaving him in the dust of octavia at this point.


While still better than before marginally, his healing now punishes you for playing with a larger squad, especially nekros and nidus, an idea that you should cost more to heal more allies punishing you for doing your job as a support, further more, I feel as though a paladin warframe should have atleast 300 base armor, not 150. His 2 should only require you to be on the AoE to buff allies and debuff enemies, as its too costs and inconsistent to wait for constantly moving thing to get onto your flame carpet thing. Also, why have it so the %hp damage of his smite is divided per projectile, but increasing strength add more projectiles, effectively making damage less consistent.


Crush does nothing, her animations are too long and CC her more than enemies, the armor and shield stripping on her 3 doesnt scale so it does effectively nothing, and pull should be 1 handed. her 2 is fine though, and her passive is pointless since it moves the items to where you just left.


Much like oberon, is energy hungry but more so in the fact in order to deal the "big damage" with her 4, you'd need to use up way too much energy for what is just easier and more damaging with a gun, her 3 is still rather useless and should give the damage bonus to all her guns

DE, as a company, we the fans enjoy your work, but are begging you look back at these 4 frames and help them..!


I can't agree.

Personally, I like the reworks for Oberon, Mag, and Saryn.  Each of them are now much stronger for early to mid-game content, which is what most players play.

Unfortunately, Ash got the short end of the stick.  Bladestorm got nerfed hard like Ember's WoF back in 2014.  He's nearly useless now.  Nearly.

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 Ash is far from dead in my book. All DE did was made it where bladestorm marks enemies which isn't even hard, the damage is still crazy. Ash's whole kit uses armor/shield bypassing slash & finisher damage which again, scales with the melee combo multiplier making his damage still revelent on any lvl 150 mission against grineer, corpus, and infested. Smokescreen may not be as cheesy as loki's invisibility but it still allows him to avoid damage at high lvls and it gives him stealth melee damage all while being a one-handed ability, so if you always cast it while rolling your pretty safe from being one-shotted at high lvls. Fatal teleport is one the best single target nuke ability in the game(you don't really need CL, unless your fighting lvl 300+ enemies). It gets really annoying seeing people who don't even play ash, better yet understand how to work with his abilities try make suggestions on how to "improve" him.

Edited by (XB1)CFE Angry
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41 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CFE Angry said:

 Ash is far from dead in my book. All DE did was made it where bladestorm marks enemies which isn't even hard, the damage is still crazy. Ash's whole kit uses armor/shield bypassing slash & finisher damage which again, scales with the melee combo multiplier making his damage still revelent on any lvl 150 mission against grineer, corpus, and infested. Smokescreen may not be as cheesy as loki's invisibility but it still allows him to avoid damage at high lvls and it gives him stealth melee damage all while being a one-handed ability, so if you always cast it while rolling your pretty safe from being one-shotted at high lvls. Fatal teleport is one the best single nuke ability in the game(you don't really need CL, unless your fighting lvl 300+ enemies). It gets really annoying seeing people who don't even play ash, better yet understand how to work with his abilities try make suggestions on how to "improve" him.

I can't disagreed with this. Ash works, that certainly can't be argued with. I still use Ash frequently. But he could need some polishing:

Shuriken honestly sucks though, and the only ability I feel is in dire need of improvements: It has zero utility and its damage is too slow to be of any practical use. A simple stagger would do wonders. A third straightflying punchthrough shuriken would be even more amazing by rewarding aim.

Smoke Screen is great as is, imo the most functional ability in his kit. I don't see any changes needed for it, even if flavour-changes could be made of course.

Teleport is good as a nuke, but not all that awesome as a mobility tool. If we could teleport straight forward (with a holdcast at least?), stun in a small AoE and being transitionable into a wallcling (if aiming while teleporting to a wall), now that'd be totally awesome!

Bladestorm is still very strong, but very clunky. Some ease-up in the aiming department is all I'd personally ask for (like, a small aiming reticle a lá Mesa's Peacemaker, affectable by Power Range mods, perhaps?)

So I'd be happy with small adjustments like that. But I'd be even more happy with a more fullscale revamp a lá @Nazrethim's rework (it only adds diversity, it doesn't remove anything from him).

Edited by Azamagon
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27 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

it only adds diversity, it doesn't remove anything from him.

It also allows the use of Blade Storm without forcing people into max efficiency by lacking a ridiculously high cost :3


Also, anybody who claims Ash is absolutely fine NEVER played with default Effi without Zenurik or never has played Conclave with Ash.

Edited by Nazrethim
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