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Is just me or are the live streams unfair (can they be improved)

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Yeah that's just how time zones work.

I find the timing of the streams to be the fairest, because it's based of a pun instead of the "best" timeslot. Also it has to be in working hours for the devs.

EDIT: Do you have source for 70% of the playerbase being in India?

Edited by Jeoxz
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18 minutes ago, Extirpator said:

You lost me.

So you dont care about stream but you want to win that lottery?

No m8

I stopped caring about the stream after noticing the hours of stream but then I thought I wanted a shot at the rewards

I knew it was impossible for me to watch the stream. Therefore I wanted a shot at the rewards, however I wanted to watch the stream too, 

Still with me?

So then I thought since there was no hope for me to watch the stream I wanted to know whether there was a alternate method to enter giveaways

We good?


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3 minutes ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

No m8

I stopped caring about the stream after noticing the hours of stream but then I thought I wanted a shot at the rewards

I knew it was impossible for me to watch the stream. Therefore I wanted a shot at the rewards, however I wanted to watch the stream too, 

Still with me?

So then I thought since there was no hope for me to watch the stream I wanted to know whether there was a alternate method to enter giveaways

We good?



Whats the difference between your version and mine?

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Just now, Sean said:

So just read through the entirety of this topic...

-You don't want to change DE's times

- You want to just win the giveaways



Then really.... there's nothing else you can do besides using the idea of staying signed into Twitch.

The ONLY reason they do the plat giveaways is to entice people to watching the streams live. They obviously can't change the times they do so as it has to fit their convenience and it would affect other people from around the world. If you want "free" plat, then do trades, trading is an easy way to get a lot of platinum.

If they did the "alert that would give a chance to win plat" then that would disincentivize the livestreams.

If they did a random pick from the YT, then that would also disincentivize the livestreams.


Their entire purpose for the giveaways is to get more people watching the livestreams, that's it.



Well said

But, by just being signed in, I will miss the specific time when DE calls out the name of the winner


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I do wonder how it would be if the game were centered in Asia and the shoe was on the other foot...

That being said, there is, of course, the Twitch account thing and keeping yourself logged in--certainly try that, since it's the only real criterion for being placed into the lottery.

But perhaps another solution? Maybe a bit of fair play, an experiment if you will: what if DE DID calculate when would be good for other countries and tested a run at that time? I know it would be an imposition since their time table is entirely different. I know it would be asking them to make a massive change, albeit just for the sake of experimentation. However, I feel that it could prove to have interesting results.

Obviously we have people working for/with DE to do the translations into various languages and I have little doubt those people operate, at least somewhat, within those time zones. Perhaps there could be a separate stream at a separate time? Another complicated answer that is imposing, true. But it's an idea.

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5 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

If its pointless, Why take part in it? I do not force anyone to speak

and that IS NOT what i excpect, urgh im tired of this, I expect someone to come up with solutions, jeez

Ummm because you're posting it in the general forums... where you want opinions... and you just received some... just because a topic is pointless does nit mean I should not post to describe it as such...

Then I don't know what you expect, there is no 'solution' either you be on for the stream competitions during the stream, or you don't.... the choice is very very simple...

What exactly are you expecting as a "solution" to your personal problem?

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It is perfectly fair for a company in an EST/EDT time zone to have their devstreams at times that are convenient for an EST/EDT time zone. You want to know what isn't fair? For an EST/EDT located company to plan their devstream around a time zone that is on the other side of the planet.

6 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

Hmm I see, I understand, and the phone thing wouldnt work, Im still in school :p

I also want to listen to them during the broad cast but since the broadcast is long and the hours are late,  I began caring about the plat

Namaste to you too!

Like I said, I'm unlike certain people :P

Cool, Will check it out, thanks!


I thank you for standing up for  me and understanding my point of view :) everyone thinks I want to change the timezones but I clearly mention that I wanted them to "look into this" and come up with solutions 




Like I didn't know



I dont see your point









I know right :( I DONT have a lot of time cuz im in high school, and once more, THank you :)




If its pointless, Why take part in it? I do not force anyone to speak

and that IS NOT what i excpect, urgh im tired of this, I expect someone to come up with solutions, jeez




Ahaha ahah hah ha HA

I don't need hate I need solutions

I'm So done telling people this





Life's all about priorities my freind, and I think I can handle them well, I mentioned already that I'm in school and cannot afford to stay up late, god what is wrong with you people I stopped caring about the content of the stream since the timing But GET THIS









:') exactly




Just see the other reply









You want to know a solution? Accept the fact that you, in India, are playing a game made by Canadians. If you absolutely want a chance at the devstreams rewards, wake up when the devstreams goes live, login, and go to sleep. Wake up again and see if you won. But stop saying it's unfair. It is fair. A giveaway is a nice idea, but only in addition to the livestream one, for reasons others have mentioned.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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While I understand why they stream when they do, I think having a later stream with guest streamers would be a nice compromise for people in other time zones and people at work or school. DE has a large pool of community contributors, having them stream a sponsored session would increase visibility for Warframe without keeping any DE staff at the office late.

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Just accept reality, a company hosting a game, doing events for said game, will always time such things, like streams, for their own timezone. Prime time is at 2 in the night for me, but there's nothing they can do, as Prime Time has always seemed like an after hours thing for them.

No matter what time they stream at, they're always inconveniencing someone, somewhere. If they stream later to make it a stream in the early morning for you in India, say like 7 or 8, then it'll be a stream at 5 or so for Europeans. Etc.

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16 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

Probably because you live there, you don't see my point

I'm not suggesting that North America adhere to Indian timings, I was thinking if there was a way around this loophole,


Okay so imagine this, If DE was based in India, how would you feel, not having a shot

Knowing that you will never have a chance to get lucky

I'm in the UK, I'm unlikely to ever see Primetime and I miss most Devstream's getting home from work.

Maybe there could be Asia-focused primetime, that is the community stream focused on the players, if there is some overlap, perhaps an early one for them that would just catch you in the evening, ask the community team.


The devstreams have to fit around the devs, their time has a priority, when they can spare some time for us is when we get the time. I mostly miss them, but that's just the way it is, I appreciate whatever time they give. As a developer myself I have has customers in different timezones demanding meetings to accommodate their timezone and it's annoying as hell.

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As other people have pointed out, you could leave twitch open.

Problem with that is that the times I have tried it, stream doesn't start because you have to confirm that you can watch a stream intended for mature audiences, not sure how to bypass that.
Tip: Leave volume in the stream muted if you want your monitor to go into standby mode, or just turn it off.

PS: I get why you feel things are "unfair". I live in South America and I have never been able to attend a convention because there has never been one around here. Also I can never participate in giveaways, for example hardware gifts, because they are never open to us. But at least our time zone is close to US east, and we have close to 200 ping if we want to play with people from North America, but at least we can do it. In general, people from the southern hemisphere get screwed. Look at South Africa. Or Australia. Australia probably have it worse, because they can't even play with people from other places. But that's how things are.

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12 hours ago, (Xbox One)Spaztic Magic said:

I do wonder how it would be if the game were centered in Asia and the shoe was on the other foot...

That being said, there is, of course, the Twitch account thing and keeping yourself logged in--certainly try that, since it's the only real criterion for being placed into the lottery.

But perhaps another solution? Maybe a bit of fair play, an experiment if you will: what if DE DID calculate when would be good for other countries and tested a run at that time? I know it would be an imposition since their time table is entirely different. I know it would be asking them to make a massive change, albeit just for the sake of experimentation. However, I feel that it could prove to have interesting results.

Obviously we have people working for/with DE to do the translations into various languages and I have little doubt those people operate, at least somewhat, within those time zones. Perhaps there could be a separate stream at a separate time? Another complicated answer that is imposing, true. But it's an idea.

I know I am gonna try that tonight, lets see

And yeah nice idea but the only thing is the practicality







8 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Ummm because you're posting it in the general forums... where you want opinions... and you just received some... just because a topic is pointless does nit mean I should not post to describe it as such...

Then I don't know what you expect, there is no 'solution' either you be on for the stream competitions during the stream, or you don't.... the choice is very very simple...

What exactly are you expecting as a "solution" to your personal problem?

Read the EDIT 

Constructive feed back is appreciated




7 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

It is perfectly fair for a company in an EST/EDT time zone to have their devstreams at times that are convenient for an EST/EDT time zone. You want to know what isn't fair? For an EST/EDT located company to plan their devstream around a time zone that is on the other side of the planet.

You want to know a solution? Accept the fact that you, in India, are playing a game made by Canadians. If you absolutely want a chance at the devstreams rewards, wake up when the devstreams goes live, login, and go to sleep. Wake up again and see if you won. But stop saying it's unfair. It is fair. A giveaway is a nice idea, but only in addition to the livestream one, for reasons others have mentioned.

Read the EDIT





7 hours ago, (Xbox One)JadeSalamander said:

While I understand why they stream when they do, I think having a later stream with guest streamers would be a nice compromise for people in other time zones and people at work or school. DE has a large pool of community contributors, having them stream a sponsored session would increase visibility for Warframe without keeping any DE staff at the office late.


Opinion appreciated






7 hours ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Just accept reality, a company hosting a game, doing events for said game, will always time such things, like streams, for their own timezone. Prime time is at 2 in the night for me, but there's nothing they can do, as Prime Time has always seemed like an after hours thing for them.

No matter what time they stream at, they're always inconveniencing someone, somewhere. If they stream later to make it a stream in the early morning for you in India, say like 7 or 8, then it'll be a stream at 5 or so for Europeans. Etc.

Reality is how you choose to fabricate it. Each person's reality is constructed in a different way, maybe your reality is in a different dimension altogether than mine, what i'm saying is Reality differs for each person and the reality of DE is causing an alternate tangent to develop by the time the reality hits the other side of the world

Nuff said, I understand that their timings cannot be changed. I totally accept. What i'm asking is for solutions, methods

that so many people have already given








6 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

I'm in the UK, I'm unlikely to ever see Primetime and I miss most Devstream's getting home from work.

Maybe there could be Asia-focused primetime, that is the community stream focused on the players, if there is some overlap, perhaps an early one for them that would just catch you in the evening, ask the community team.


The devstreams have to fit around the devs, their time has a priority, when they can spare some time for us is when we get the time. I mostly miss them, but that's just the way it is, I appreciate whatever time they give. As a developer myself I have has customers in different timezones demanding meetings to accommodate their timezone and it's annoying as hell.

Yes I know, read the edit, Thanks will check with the community





2 hours ago, WindigoTP said:

It's just you. Definately just you.

It's unfair to ask people to work late at night for no reason.

The timing is perfect: DE staff can do a stream and go on with their day.

3 words




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14 minutes ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

3 words






And yeah, everything is still fine as it is.

They do an extra move on their part by giving gifts they aren't obligated to give, so an extra move on a receiver's part, who isn't entitled to it, to receive it is fine.

Edited by WindigoTP
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4 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

Read the EDIT 

Constructive feed back is appreciated

I did and basically I have to agree with WindigoTP, I'm in the same boat as you OP, but I don't expect a "solution" because there is no problem, "your people" are not relevant, neither are mine or anyone eases. The only solution is a personal one, as the problem is a personal one, it's not the devs obligation to extrapolate competition details to appease one person who is trying to speak for his nation and frankly it's selfish to expect a solution to such presumption of rights.


4 hours ago, WindigoTP said:


And yeah, everything is still fine as it is.

They do an extra move on their part by giving gifts they aren't obligated to give, so an extra move on a receiver's part, who isn't entitled to it, to receive it is fine.

Pretty much my thoughts...

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i understand your pain m8.... for me the devstream is at 10PM and the prime time is at 1AM i think? 

but sadly. there will always be a fairly large zone where the stream is at those kinds of times. making the stream earlier or later would just make it move a couple timezones.

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