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Wish list


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I decided to make a list of thing that i feel would much improve the game. Adding extra depth and custamization between accounts and equipment.

1) Warframe passives

I think it'd be awesome to have a set of passives that you can equip 1 of to your frame or a singer passive based on the frames theme. IE Ember could have A: all weapons gain X% fire damage B: skills do X% more damage C: Fire damage cause a health/sheild leech effect. i feel this will add a much more uniqueness between frames and allow players to tailer to ther play style.

2) Account Progression

Adding a for of account level that you can choose small bonuses over all frames/weapons to add more customization and depth. also gives more to work towards similar to league of legends Runes/Masteries.

3) Variable equipment- I think itd be nice to have alot more of the same types of guns with varying base stats. while keeping the same function of the base guns.

4) Mod/blueprint drops from Lootable containers-

there really doesnt seem to much incentive to go through lockers and loot boxes or to really explore levels much. with bosses retaining exclusive and higher stat gear.

5) Diffrent equippment options

not sure what you could really add but i think itd be nice to have more options available, like and accessory slot and and id really like to see a second primary slot

6) Sword AOE and slight dash on swing like 1/4 of a halo energy sword dash

7) Energy weapons.

8) Planet levels.

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Great list - we are working on much of this. Hopefully I can share more when the break is over. There are passives out here in the form of Artifacts, but they are super rare (need to finish 'Alert' missions). Agree with the rest of your list - basically we need to add more variety and more awesomeness to Warframe!

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Adding onto this, here are a few of my wishes as well:

1. More control options; such as toggle aim, the ability to change view perspective from left to right shoulder on the fly, and gamepad functionality.

2. Better options for stealth; including wall-hugging and the ability to peak around corners, stealth kills, alarms that can be disabled through hacking or hiding (think Metal Gear Solid alarm states), bonus xp for no kill or no alert missions.

3. Improvements to the map; including a full map view, indicators for active or spotted enemies, indications for when an objective is on a floor above or below your current position.

4. Weapon mods that change weapon functionality rather than just stats; such as adding silencers, scopes, stabilizing grips, etc.

5. Warframe mods that augment skills; increasing range or damage, decreasing cost, etc. Also, it would be interesting for rare mods to be able to give a Warframe a skill from another Warframe.

6. Loot drops that include gear.

7. Unique bosses, more mob types.

8. New weapon types; including grenades that can be modded to deal specific elemental damage, and a glave or throwable weapon to replace standard melee weapons where throwing takes place of charged heavy attacks.

9. New environments; though each ship is randomly generated from a series of tiles and the Infected/Corpus ships feature their own subtle differences from the Grineer ones they ultimately feel/look very similar.

10. Multiple objective paths. Right now the levels feel very linear, which is fine in solo play but not so much in Co-op since it causes a lot of clustering and leads to everyone attacking the same enemies trying to get kills rather than working together to accomplish goals. Having seperate paths where groups could split up would balance this out pretty well.

11. Side objectives that are not required to finish missions; such as locating control rooms in Corpus ships to hack cameras and turrets, or locating terminals to reveal sections of the ship map or unlock door to store rooms for special mods/equipment.

12. More variety in hacking puzzles; with the exception of when you are being attacked the current hacking puzzles are far too easy once you get the hang of them.

I am sure there are a ton more, but that's all I can think of at the moment...

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Adding onto this, here are a few of my wishes as well:

1. More control options; such as toggle aim, the ability to change view perspective from left to right shoulder on the fly, and gamepad functionality.

2. Better options for stealth; including wall-hugging and the ability to peak around corners, stealth kills, alarms that can be disabled through hacking or hiding (think Metal Gear Solid alarm states), bonus xp for no kill or no alert missions.

3. Improvements to the map; including a full map view, indicators for active or spotted enemies, indications for when an objective is on a floor above or below your current position.

4. Weapon mods that change weapon functionality rather than just stats; such as adding silencers, scopes, stabilizing grips, etc.

5. Warframe mods that augment skills; increasing range or damage, decreasing cost, etc. Also, it would be interesting for rare mods to be able to give a Warframe a skill from another Warframe.

6. Loot drops that include gear.

7. Unique bosses, more mob types.

8. New weapon types; including grenades that can be modded to deal specific elemental damage, and a glave or throwable weapon to replace standard melee weapons where throwing takes place of charged heavy attacks.

9. New environments; though each ship is randomly generated from a series of tiles and the Infected/Corpus ships feature their own subtle differences from the Grineer ones they ultimately feel/look very similar.

10. Multiple objective paths. Right now the levels feel very linear, which is fine in solo play but not so much in Co-op since it causes a lot of clustering and leads to everyone attacking the same enemies trying to get kills rather than working together to accomplish goals. Having seperate paths where groups could split up would balance this out pretty well.

11. Side objectives that are not required to finish missions; such as locating control rooms in Corpus ships to hack cameras and turrets, or locating terminals to reveal sections of the ship map or unlock door to store rooms for special mods/equipment.

12. More variety in hacking puzzles; with the exception of when you are being attacked the current hacking puzzles are far too easy once you get the hang of them.

I am sure there are a ton more, but that's all I can think of at the moment...

for your #1 this is already available, just look at your hotkeys, It's listed as reverse cameras

your #2 is an awesome idea, I don't like it when most games like this have your character NOT be able to hug walls n boxes like the enemies do. Side views n leaning.

#3 this, this idea would be awesome, under the assumption the Tenno is being sent into a ship with this information, if the "story" ever says about that.

#4 An extremely good use as such things are implemented in like every other free fps shooter out there nowadays. that'd be nice too.

this would really help on those annoying sabotage missions that end up becoming useless slaughter the crew missions.

#5 iffy on this one, if a warframe was built with a specific purpose in mind, it'd be hard to integrate ideas skills n things from other warframes into said warframe. unless they'd come up with a work around for that. what comes to mind when I read this from you would be most RPG games.

when you turn lvl 8-16 you get to choose your second class type kinda thing... no way would that work in Warframe though I believe.

#6 If this were to be done, probably extremely small chances, either that or perhaps different variations n states of equipment?

like in RPG games, with color coded equipment raritys n conditions, so could this be for warframe too maybe?


killed Boss character. get the typical whatever the boss drops mod item thing AND a chance of some random equipment say it's a LATO.

this LATO could either be a normal lato you purchase from the store, or a lato with a degree of variation from normal latos, either positively or negatively. exa. you got the (Boss Name's) Personal Lato! this lato has a lesser rate of fire and clip size but has slightly more damage n\or accuracy! something like that.

#7 yup, they've asked questions about that before in other forum thingys too, and for now they mentioned if you could go for mobs, bosses or levels...

I would choose mobs.

and I like the idea of more than just ship levels. (it's getting a bit repetitive now :*(

#8 for the throwing weapon I would hope you could pick it outta the body you just threw it at :D also said throwing weapon could stil be used as melee, like Kunai are in all those ninja type things. slit throats, throw them at throats, pluck them out of said throats etc etc

for grenades, I hope there'd be different ways of throwing

exa. L click is throwing (in an arc usually) and R click is rolling. Dunno what the purpose \ use rolling would be in this game though.

#9 they all look the same to me, infected is just darker, with 'fauna' growing. (story needed to explain! storys make the game too!)

#10 this would be awesome, like resi evil or somethings. but in this game it could be say... a group of 2-4 boards a ship at various locations of the ship. they all fight from wherever they are to the center \ objective area of said ship. BUT individual members of the group may have to do some objective like Hack or destroy something in order for other team mates to progress.

in a group of say 3+, then it could be split into 2+ groups, or everybody is isolated until the main objective areas (such as boss battles?)

#11 others n I have mentioned about possible hacks of turrets n cameras. the suggestion was either a Room by Room basis.

or a lil control room that you mentioned that controls a few\several series of connected rooms\areas. HOW to HACK said things would vary of course.

in other games hacking turrets n or cameras usually ends up like... disabling them, viewing through them to see the enemies occupying rooms ahead.

using the turrets to kill others.

#12. PUZZLES!!! yes! thank you I forgot all about Mind testers in shooters! shooters tend to be all about the shooting! games with multiple aspects of it are THE BEST imo.

There could be different methods of puzzles, larger scale puzzles. etc etc

Also puzzle related, please let there be a way to stop hacking so that you can fend off whoever is trying to kill ya ok? once when I was hacking I heard a grineer hack n slash make his way to me, made me more frantic, and he killed me off before I finished hacking :*( good thing that was a one time thing. but still!

another puzzle thingy. perhaps large scale room puzzle types.

such as operating a crane to move a crate in a room to other areas of said room to allow for manuevering \ crossing said room.

Now for my own opinions besides my questioning n nit picking of 8bitzombies.

Civilians. we could have civilians of some sort on ships\planetside. I'm not sure how they would be implemented, but as far as I know not all the grineer n corpus are armed n would like to shed blood would they?

under the assumption the 'tenno' are the 'good guy' (with the lack of story and all everybodies a good\bad guy here!) the civilians could either be used in missions for rescue, say being abused etc. Can be saved from an infected ship in a hold out \ last defense room. (said room would have to actually look different as the civiliains were trying to keep alive so they baraicaded around the doors with all the furniture n what not etc etc)

Actual story? I dunno if y'all are planning on doing such a thing but from what I've read in the forums there's a general consensus feeling to me that there is NO story atm. Who\what\why is Lotus using me? sureeee you 'saved my life from a cyrostasis' so therefore I'm indebted to you to kill all these other humans? Why do all these other peoples hate me so much? sureee I used a weapon of war to great effect but that's not usually a good enough answer to just hate on people. I mean the paragraph 'story \ introduction' does mention the 'tenno' are the only ones that can wield these weapons.

(this game gives me a Japanese honor honour warrior feeling... but ya know, with the lack of story I can pretend whatever for now)

the Grinneer, even though they're not so fancy like the Corpus perhaps give them more cruder methods of defense, such as stationarys, future sand bag equivalent bunker things etc.

Weapons suggested for the Tenno, should also belong to the other races. If we get grenades who says that the other 2 current races don't use em too? (I know I've mentioned this before but I cannot find my forum postings, this should be a thing in our personal profiles, to have a personal list of every forum\message we've made on our own record\account so we can check on them time to time, like yahoo answers does)

Animals. I see the Corpus and their 2 legged robo friends, perhaps Grineer could unleash wild planet tiger hyenas on us in a room or something?

also if there are to be planet side areas implemented, wildlife for those areas then. neutral, hostile you name em!

/\ about the animals on a planetside, assuming it's hapitable, go wild! birds plants fish etc etc. of course they'd have to adhere to whatever planet it is assuming it can sustain life.

More ways of tutorial.

The tutorial did not teach me how to slide, how to glide, how to do back flips (Which I still DO NOT know how!!!)

so better have the tutorial do so, maybe give it an advanced section or somethings.

instead of having to learn thru the forums, or the tiny lil message given when loading\rendering a map mission!

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More variety in the atmosphere I think is a big issue, after awhile it seems like you're running through the same ship. It would be nice to see each faction have it's own characteristics, apart from the different game mechanics on the Corpus ships.

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