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Ember - Some slight tweaks


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So, many people complain about Ember being a boring killhog and a very "passive" frame. While I understand the killhog aspect, I don't agreed with the passive sentiment. Yes, you CAN be somewhat passive, but she is the Warframe I feel can utilize gunplay and parkour more than most other frames, simply due to WoF (moreso with the aid of Firequake).

Thus I'll try to reduce the killhog aspect as much as possible, while improving her scaling and try to make her whole kit useful.

Heat procs - A possible base change here is to make the DoTs stack (the Fire panic effect would still have the same "cooldown" as now). Numerical tweaks then really have to be considered of course. This is not a NECESSARY change, but it would make Heat more consistent with Slash and Toxic procs (Note; I do understand that Slash and Toxic have no utility, in contrast to Heat, but that could be fixed too).
Not needed at all, if Djego's idea for WoF is implemented.

Passive - Pyromaniac - Instead of relying on herself getting procced by Heat, she now gains benefits from proccing enemies. I dunno the values, but something like; Each time an enemy suffers damage from her Heat-procs, she gains all/some of the following:

  • 0,2 energy (Note; Low value due to how often she procs Heat, and since she has quite a lot of AoE, proccing it on many enemies at once). Note: This energy WILL be given to you even during World on Fire.
  • 1 or 2 health (suggested by @Djego27)
  • 1% Power Strength, stacking up to 20 / 25%, for about 30 seconds or so (suggested by @Djego27)

Fireball - Multiple changes:

  • Now steals the "fire ring" concept from Fire Blast (with some tweaked values, of course), creating the lingering fire wherever it explodes. It could become a tad smaller in radius (like 2,5 meters instead 4), but could potentially also be dealing damage to enemies both inside and touching the ring, rather than just when enemies directly touch the ring. The ring could have a small chance to heat-proc enemies (affected by Power Strength, perhaps?)
  • A direct hit on an enemy also knocks it down.
  • The AoE from the impact now has 100% status chance (not just 50%)
  • Augment: Allies no longer need to be directly hit by the projectile, the AoE can buff them too (This should be similar for the other "#1 buff augments"

This gives Fireball a reason to actually exist; Ranged area denial. This was done because Fireball currently sees incredibly little use.

Accelerant - One change:

  • Augment: The fire-damage bonus now works more like a Heat-version of Toxic Lash -> Instead of adding Heat damage as if it was an elemental mod (and thus also able to merge with single elements), it is now ALWAYS added as Heat damage as a seperate effect, not mixing with single elements anymore. If needed for balance, the numerical power of it could be reduced. (Credit to @Djego27 for this idea)

Fire Blast - Multiple changes

  • No longer creates the "fire ring" (was moved to Fireball), but has other stuff to compensate it
  • The knockback is now a FORCED effect, meaning it is a guaranteed effect, it can now happen even to knocked down enemies and such.
  • Enemies struck by Fire Blast are now also debuffed for 5/6/7/8 seconds. While debuffed, their Heat-procs will now tick 100% faster (so, in other words; Heat proc's DoT damage will be occuring twice as fast, and thus Heat-procs will only remain on enemies for half as long which further means that it allows Heat procs to reapplied twice as often = More Heat-panic potential!). This has great synergy with her entire kit, and with her passive as well (faster DoT = faster to regain energy).
  • Base damage buffed to 250/400/550/750 (from 66/100/141/200), giving it far higher nuking potential
  • Augment: "Fire Fright" revamped into "Combustion" -> Enemies that die while still debuffed by Fire Blast (or instantly killed by Fire Blast) will now explode on death, dealing X damage + Y% of their max health as Heat damage in a Z meter radius (Similar to Sobek's Acid Shells and such, but Heat damage).

World on Fire - Multiple changes

  • Now requires line of sight to hit, or that the enemy is debuffed by Accelerant, to be able to hit an enemy. This way, more passive players will have troubles killing everything so easily, while those that move around a lot and/or cast Accelerant frequently can still get a lot of kills. Probably not necessary, especially not so when considering how buggy LoS works right now.
  • Damage is changed; Instead of a flat 250/300/350/400 damage, it is now 40/60/80/100 damage + 4/6/8/10% of the target's current health as Heat damage. Note: A Heat-proc from WoF should probably only be based on the FLAT value, not the scaling value (unless the proc can somehow also change on each tick to take the current health into account).
    With this damage-change, WoF is no longer as cheesy on low levels (still potentially is, but to a much lesser extent), but now also has way stronger scaling on higher levels (mainly as a health-softener, not as much as a killer-tool).

    Or, even better as suggested by @Djego27 (and slightly changed by me) - Damage is now reduced to 40/60/80/100 damage, but in addition, any Heat-proc done to an enemy when in WoF's range causes 10% of the Heat damage (affected by Power Strength) of a Heat proc to get added to the old proc along with the timer getting refreshed.

So, then the roles of each ability are:
Fireball - Long range shot + Area denial
Accelerant - Heat-proc power debuff + Quick AoE CC
Fire Blast - Nuke (specially with the augment) + Breathing room CC + Heat-proc speedup debuff
World on Fire - Scaling health softener

What do you think?

Edited by Azamagon
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It is most likely to moddest for what most people would wish for as a Ember buff.

Heat does provide more damage then other CC elements and adds CC, while it is not stackable like slash\toxin dots, that do not provide CC in return what I think is fine.

Energy gains are only possible by energy orbs while WoF is up so it would be not really a big use for most people. While I do agree that a more active "passive" would be a lot better for Ember, encouraging a active play style. I would like a split of the passive, adding like 1% power strength per fire proc stackable to 20-25% outside with WoF deactivated(so it becomes more of charge mechanic and turning on/off WoF at higher levels has purpose and benefits) and 2 points of HP regenerated per heat proc(both weapon and ability based) while WoF is up(affected by power strength) to replicate what I personally archive with arcane victory in combination with shotguns, since I think it is a bit ridiculous to grind out the required survivability for a squishy point blank frame like Ember purely with arcanes, given that throwing weapon life strike does not work as we speak and normal melee weapons do not scale that well with zero melee counter, react well to damage buffs they are build around and are able to reliable head shot in combination with the fire procs that root targets in place.

1. Fireball:

While I do agree that Fireball could use some added use at higher levels outside of CC, this change should probably come on all frames, not just on Ember. Outside of that fireball does what most other first abilities do, providing CC during a reload while the AOE damage can also be used to dispatch ospray disks on the ground, the old tar(before DE for some reason added HP scaling to it) or magnetic door/electric traps what is useful. I do however agree that 100% chance for the fire proc on AOE would be good.

I do no see the point of the knock down, given that it prevents you from dealing reasonable damage with Ember, given that it is quite counter productive to knock stuff down while you could as well line them up for easy head shots with fire procs. I do however agree that something should be done for the augment to make buffing others possible while moving.

2. Accelerant:

I would most likely add 10% base status chance to all weapons till the timer run out or 5% depending on power strength(what gives a bit more room for older players, yet would be more limiting for newer ones). The reason for that is the amount of limitations when it comes to weapon choice with Ember as we speak and it would fix many issues with DEs status weapon design, that does not work so well for Ember on a lot of weapons because of modding restraints when it comes to fire damage.

I would also like to see that the added fire damage from flash accelerant would always be treated as stand alone fire damage, similar as it works with Toxic Lash on Saryn to provide at least some scalability for other players in combination with accelerant, given that the chances they use weapons where fire does not combine in other elements are very slim in a public game.

3. Fire Blast

I would keep the fire ring and just set the hole ring on fire and give it once per second the current WoF chance(35% affected by power strength) to proc heat on targets within it. This way it would be a good tool to slow at least melee units at a defence target down or slow down re spawns from one direction, what can be fairly handy at higher levels. However I would limit it to 1 with that change. I do not think that buffing the damage does much, given

The augment with percentage of HP as heat AOE damage would be massive overkill, given that it would be incredible highly amplified with accellerant and different to a Saryn with a sobek, Ember has a lot more ways to get around armor/shield/aura protection with her weapon modding and is the much stronger single target damage frame by the high self damage buff, making singling out L100+ bombards\heavy gunners easy compared to saryn, where you most of the time use smaller units to weaken the stronger ones, where you have to break them first without that massive damage buff on the Sobek to archive the much weaker effect.

I kind of like the higher heat tick rate since it would work well with adding some stack ability to heat while WoF is up, however this is already good enught to be the augment, given how well Ember works with status weapons and a good choice compared to flash accelerant, that depening on the status weapon can allready be fairly effective on weapons like the prisma grakata that can only use one heat mod in my build(so you trade about 1/3 of the up front damage for a stronger scaling dot what I would call beneficial at higher levels, given that the dot there has far more time to work).

4. World on Fire:

I would not add LoS to WoF, not because that I hate LoS and it would not make sense but because how buggy it can be where you get shot by stuff that is not in LoS, because it is behind a small cover or behind another unit. Given the high up time you would need with accelerant to compensate for that it would make Ember even more problematic with the energy at higher levels. I do not believe that Ember needs scalable WoF damage, especially not if you easily can multiply that with accelerant and various ways to push to one hit kill levels without armor(what you can remove as well with CP or other means). What would be more sensible would be to change any fire proc when in WoF range to a scale one where 10% of the heat damage(affected by power strength) with a proc gets added to the old proc and the timer refreshed. The smooths out the progression between status(that heat proc a lot for lower damage) and crit weapons(that heat proc a lot less for much higher damage) on Ember, gives more value to the status change of accelerant, more value to additional heat procs with WoF and to a mechanic that would consume heat procs at twice the time for twice the damage like you suggested.

As for fire quake, I would probably change it towards hitting another 1-3 additional targets around the target it hits with the same same damage and proc rate of WoF, so it does retain it's use for additional CC while not triggering the knock downs that cost you a ton of dps and synergies better with the other changes and fire procs.

The damage nerf is probably already enught to make Ember less common for nuking lower levels. I would however also like to see the base proc chance of WoF raised to 40%, to improve the CC component for newer players, given that they just lost a lot of passive damage while most likely not having weapons to make up for that(that are in the game and the reason you can already solo sortis with Ember today, even if the common opinion is that Ember lacks the damage for that).

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7 hours ago, Djego27 said:

1) It is most likely to moddest for what most people would wish for as a Ember buff.

2) Heat does provide more damage then other CC elements and adds CC, while it is not stackable like slash\toxin dots, that do not provide CC in return what I think is fine.

3) Energy gains are only possible by energy orbs while WoF is up so it would be not really a big use for most people. While I do agree that a more active "passive" would be a lot better for Ember, encouraging a active play style. I would like a split of the passive, adding like 1% power strength per fire proc stackable to 20-25% outside with WoF deactivated(so it becomes more of charge mechanic and turning on/off WoF at higher levels has purpose and benefits) and 2 points of HP regenerated per heat proc(both weapon and ability based) while WoF is up(affected by power strength) to replicate what I personally archive with arcane victory in combination with shotguns, since I think it is a bit ridiculous to grind out the required survivability for a squishy point blank frame like Ember purely with arcanes, given that throwing weapon life strike does not work as we speak and normal melee weapons do not scale that well with zero melee counter, react well to damage buffs they are build around and are able to reliable head shot in combination with the fire procs that root targets in place.

4) Fireball - While I do agree that Fireball could use some added use at higher levels outside of CC, this change should probably come on all frames, not just on Ember. Outside of that fireball does what most other first abilities do, providing CC during a reload while the AOE damage can also be used to dispatch ospray disks on the ground, the old tar(before DE for some reason added HP scaling to it) or magnetic door/electric traps what is useful. I do however agree that 100% chance for the fire proc on AOE would be good.

I do no see the point of the knock down, given that it prevents you from dealing reasonable damage with Ember, given that it is quite counter productive to knock stuff down while you could as well line them up for easy head shots with fire procs. I do however agree that something should be done for the augment to make buffing others possible while moving.

5) Accelerant: I would most likely add 10% base status chance to all weapons till the timer run out or 5% depending on power strength(what gives a bit more room for older players, yet would be more limiting for newer ones). The reason for that is the amount of limitations when it comes to weapon choice with Ember as we speak and it would fix many issues with DEs status weapon design, that does not work so well for Ember on a lot of weapons because of modding restraints when it comes to fire damage.

I would also like to see that the added fire damage from flash accelerant would always be treated as stand alone fire damage, similar as it works with Toxic Lash on Saryn to provide at least some scalability for other players in combination with accelerant, given that the chances they use weapons where fire does not combine in other elements are very slim in a public game.

6) Fire Blast: I would keep the fire ring and just set the hole ring on fire and give it once per second the current WoF chance(35% affected by power strength) to proc heat on targets within it. This way it would be a good tool to slow at least melee units at a defence target down or slow down re spawns from one direction, what can be fairly handy at higher levels. However I would limit it to 1 with that change. I do not think that buffing the damage does much, given

The augment with percentage of HP as heat AOE damage would be massive overkill, given that it would be incredible highly amplified with accellerant and different to a Saryn with a sobek, Ember has a lot more ways to get around armor/shield/aura protection with her weapon modding and is the much stronger single target damage frame by the high self damage buff, making singling out L100+ bombards\heavy gunners easy compared to saryn, where you most of the time use smaller units to weaken the stronger ones, where you have to break them first without that massive damage buff on the Sobek to archive the much weaker effect.

I kind of like the higher heat tick rate since it would work well with adding some stack ability to heat while WoF is up, however this is already good enught to be the augment, given how well Ember works with status weapons and a good choice compared to flash accelerant, that depening on the status weapon can allready be fairly effective on weapons like the prisma grakata that can only use one heat mod in my build(so you trade about 1/3 of the up front damage for a stronger scaling dot what I would call beneficial at higher levels, given that the dot there has far more time to work).

7) World on Fire: I would not add LoS to WoF, not because that I hate LoS and it would not make sense but because how buggy it can be where you get shot by stuff that is not in LoS, because it is behind a small cover or behind another unit. Given the high up time you would need with accelerant to compensate for that it would make Ember even more problematic with the energy at higher levels. I do not believe that Ember needs scalable WoF damage, especially not if you easily can multiply that with accelerant and various ways to push to one hit kill levels without armor(what you can remove as well with CP or other means). What would be more sensible would be to change any fire proc when in WoF range to a scale one where 10% of the heat damage(affected by power strength) with a proc gets added to the old proc and the timer refreshed. The smooths out the progression between status(that heat proc a lot for lower damage) and crit weapons(that heat proc a lot less for much higher damage) on Ember, gives more value to the status change of accelerant, more value to additional heat procs with WoF and to a mechanic that would consume heat procs at twice the time for twice the damage like you suggested.

As for fire quake, I would probably change it towards hitting another 1-3 additional targets around the target it hits with the same same damage and proc rate of WoF, so it does retain it's use for additional CC while not triggering the knock downs that cost you a ton of dps and synergies better with the other changes and fire procs.

The damage nerf is probably already enught to make Ember less common for nuking lower levels. I would however also like to see the base proc chance of WoF raised to 40%, to improve the CC component for newer players, given that they just lost a lot of passive damage while most likely not having weapons to make up for that(that are in the game and the reason you can already solo sortis with Ember today, even if the common opinion is that Ember lacks the damage for that).

1) Well it's not meant as a plain buff, it's meant as a buff+nerf (a tweak/rework), so she is not so ez-mode on low levels, but also provides better damage on higher levels. I guess that ez-mode nerf is maybe not that popular? :P

2) Yes, I know that, which is why I was hesitant to give Heat that buff and said it was not necessary. But that doesn't stop Heat from being annoying in damage-mechanics in contrast to Slash/Toxic. If a nerf to the DoT's power would be necessary for the stacking to not be too strong, then so be it (and adding mild utility to Slash and Toxic wouldn't be too bad either, to make them all a bit more in line with one another).

3) Passive - I forgot to mention; The energygain could possibly bypass the energyregen mechanics (meaning, it'd give her energy even while WoF is on). I do like the idea of yours though, both the Power Strength and Healthgain. I'd probably add all of them, to give her a true Pyromaniac feel.

4) Fireball - Ofc all Warframes should have all their abilities useful, that's a given. But this one is about Ember, so let's stick to that. Now for the things you point out as benefits:
* CC while reloading -> So does WoF, albeit not at such a long range. The thing is though, a good Ember should avoid being in open areas for long, instead moving around a lot to get as much use of WoF as possible.
* Destroy osprey disks / magnetic sensors / electric traps -> This is nice, but it's VERY niched, and you can also do this with your weapons.
And that's really it. I mean, it's not the absolute worst #1 ability in the game, but it's a really bad #1 for her kit. It's very redundant. That's why it's important for it to do something that her other abilities do not -> Hence why moving over the fire ring here. Not to mention, the fire ring fits WAY better (both "logically" and mechanically) on Fireball than on Fire Blast:

  • Granting a patch of fiery area denial on a ranged ability is way easier to actually get use of, in contrast to a point blank fire wave (no need to run over to the place you want enemies not to enter, you just aim and fire away)
  • A dense mass of fire which explodes seems more likely to cause a linger fire, than a shockwave-esque kind of fire (those kind of fires are actually more likely to PUT OUT fires, part of what inspired the Fire Blast's new debuff btw)

I can see your point with the no knockdown, but then again, its CC is thus also entirely reliant on your Heatprocs, something that WoF already easily provides (and WoF only grants knockdown if augmented). Also, it's only a knockdown on ONE target, not in the entire AoE. But I guess the knockdown is maybe not necessary.
I'm glad we can agreed that at least with the AoE being 100% proc though, that would be a significant reliability boost (and would give it a nice niche in tightly packed combats when you don't want enemies flung away (via Fire Blast) and/or when they are too many for them to all be heat-procced quickly (via WoF))

5) Accelerant - Honestly, I don't think Accelerant needs anything extra. Also, messing with complimentary stats (meaning Statuschance or Critchance, but moreso Statuschance) are imo really bad to have in an ability, because it messes up with your weaponbuilds more than anything else.

Its augment working more like a Heat-version of Toxic Lash would be nice yes, but then the numbers would probably need quite a bit of toning down (as it'd be a pretty massive buff to it otherwise)

6) Fire Blast - Sorry, but I can't agreed with the ring staying on Fire Blast, it just doesn't fit, and its knockback works against it too. If the ring was on Fireball, at least you'd be able to put a ring up where you see the enemies landing from the Fire Blast's knockback. (And I did suggest the "whole ring is set on fire" + "chance to heatproc enemies in it" when I moved over it to Fireball).

I still think giving it strong base nuking power is a good idea, since you lose so much flat nuking power from WoF with my changes to it. While the suggested augment would be very strong, note that you have to kill the enemy while it's debuffed, so it could still be a tad difficult to utilize its power (especially considering how it pushes enemies away, scattering them a bit - this was intended as a mild balancing of the power.). The augment's damage could also be blast damage to prevent extreme nuking power too (considering Accelerant's amplifying).

The reason I don't want the "dots tick faster" as an augment for it is because otherwise it doesn't give you all too much incentive to use the ability over Accelerant (since both provide AoE CC, although in their own ways). Sure, the augment and the faster ticks could also be reversed, so the explode-on-death thing is innate, while faster ticks is the augment. One of them has to be there though, as I don't want to remove too much utility from it, otherwise it can very easily become another one of those horribly designed "redundant to cast, unless augmented"-abilities.

7) World on Fire - Yeah, I forgot to mention; If it is to be LoS-restricted, that mechanic's buggyness needs to be fixed first. And I guess the damage revamp would prevent enough cheese anyway, so the LoS-restriction is maybe not necessary after all?

The scalable damage could become less overly powerful (with Accelerant in mind), if its damage was maybe part Heat and part Blast?

I'm sorry if I'm misunderstand you here about your own scalable damage suggestion (the stackable/refreshable DoT thing) so correct me if my assumptions are wrong:

  • I assume this is added while keeping the WoF eruptions?
  • Is this on top of my suggested base-damage nerf (from 400 to 100)?
  • Thus, if I have understood you correctly: Base damage of WoF nerfed from 400 to 100, but any heatproc occuring on enemies within WoF-radius now have the Heat-proc refreshed and a part (10%) of the new proc is stacked onto it?
    This sounds really nice (it's far less cheesy scaling than my own suggestion) but since I'm not sure if this is what you meant, could you please correct me if I'm wrong (preferrable with some numerical explanations then)?

I honestly wouldn't like to change Firequake though, as it's a really solid augment, since it grants you 100% CC-chance (reliability is very important on a squishy frame like Ember). While your idea is neat (that the augment adds AoE to the eruptions instead) it comes at the cost of the CC-reliability. If you don't like the knockdown, you could instead just run with enough Power Strength to have 100% Heat-proc on it (I know, this is very costly to build for it like this). To me, that's what's could about the augment; It adds a very good and reliable CC to the ability, but it comes at the cost of the CC potentially being a bit disruptive to your weapon attacks.

A buff for the proc up to 40% sounds very reasonable (eases up Power Strength builds to reach 100% chance, too).


Thank you for feedback! Even though we may disagreed with a whole bunch here, I still very much appreciate it! :)
May I possibly add some of your ideas to the main post (with credit of course!)? I think (if I understood it correctly) your scalability on WoF sounds much better than mine. And the Accelerant working like a Heat-version of Toxic Lash (albeit needed to be nerfed in numbers) sounds really good too.

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LoS would be a huge nerf, especially how this ability works. In turn, people would drop her and pick up another frame.

Thinking about the way WoF works, the fire flows through Ember and into the ground while seeking enemies and erupting. Things like Radial Javelin make sense to be LoS because they are real projectiles flying outwards.

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Just now, BobbyD said:

LoS would be a huge nerf, especially how this ability works. In turn, people would drop her and pick up another frame.

Thinking about the way WoF works, the fire flows through Ember and into the ground while seeking enemies and erupting. Things like Radial Javelin make sense to be LoS because they are real projectiles flying outwards.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna remove that part, as the damage-revamp would be more than enough to tweak it.

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1. I think the same about it. Also yes the ez mode nerf is not popular, mostly because this is the only thing what people do with the frame I guess.

2. Well Electric and Ice(that could need a buff like a ice patch to give the proc some AOE CC like electric) do not stack as well. Slash is not universal usable(it depends on the weapon) and does not do much on most status weapons(because of the low damage) while toxic prevents you using corrosive on the weapon. Corrosive and Heat on the other hand cut through the biggest EHP targets in the game relatively well, especially on status weapons if you combine it with accelerant.

4. WoF is not reliable. While you can use your weapons also against a lot of the things, most weapons do not have a AOE effect what speeds that up a lot. When DE considers to add features to Shock, Pull and similar abilities to make them more important to use, then would be a good point to change Fireball as well.

5. I played with the idea of a team bases status buff in the days where status weapons where better balanced than damage weapons and since there is no frame that provides something like this(unlike damage and crit buffs) I did believe that it fits Ember. However the suggestion with the base status buff is limited to Ember only, mostly to reduce weapon/mod grind for newer players and addressing some issues where you need rivens to make status weapons work on Ember(since they perform rather binary on Ember by the different modding compared to other frames). I did abandon the idea of a general team based status buff for weapons, given that DE just slaps status as "extra" on crit and high damage weapons nowadays and status is hardly used with the damage available to us anyway and only utilized in very long endurance runs for the few broken parts of the concept, hardly as scaling replacement for raw damage.

While you can make a few older weapons like my Boar Prime usable on Ember again with Rivens, I consider this a absurd requirement(did it nothingness myself), especially for newer players, what is also not present on any single other frame in the game(where rivens just make a weapon a bit better, not make or break it).

As for Flash Accelerant, in my current flash accelerant build(170% power strength) it adds 85% heat(what will most of the time combine into gas or radiation) what is fairly lacklustre. If it remains as fire you could utilize the accelerant scaling, what brings it up to 360% fire damage at what point it would be comparable to other double damage bonuses(mprime, spore etc.) while it also costs a mod slot and weaker CC/damage from WoF. While it is double damage on paper on a fully modded weapon, it does not affect slash procs, toxin procs or higher bonuses\better armor scaling damage types on weapons. It is in practical application mostly less useful on normally modded weapon would perform with a universal 200% damage buff.

If you would reduce flash accelerant to lets say 30%, you would end up with 51% bonus damage(less then a status mod) after accelerant 216% heat damage what would be worse then a weapon with just 2 90% elemental damage mods(because with normal base damage + 180% you already look at 280%) and a normal 200% damage buff(after damage bonuses) that affects all damage done(including abilities).

In the end my suggestion like the others are mostly about accessibility and general usefulness in a pug, if you actually make some use of accelerant weapon damage scaling with people that not build her weapons around that. Last time I did actually utilize accelerant with one of my weapons that are build around it while not playing Ember myself I did over 60% of the team damage with Trinity in 40 waves ODD, given that nobody else(including the Ember player) actually used this buff for her weapon damage.

6. Well I do not think it is sensible to rework Fireball into something much more useful then other first abilities outside of it being a general rework, including other first abilities. This is because Ember is actually fairly balanced(if you ignore or already done the excessive grind that leads to that point) compared to other damage frames at higher levels.

The knock back is sometimes useful if you do a revive or try to get melee units off your back/off a defence target, while the ring could be useful if it would provide a consistent soft CC in a certain area, similar as snow globe does. If it provides the basic area denial functions like snow globe can, it is a bit niche, however quite useful for that niches.

I do not think that Ember needs % based damage, given that Ember is already one of the stronger options of damage frames to burst down single targets, even if it is not perceived as such. I also do not see the real use for high damage on Fire Blast, given that ability damage of Ember is very insignificant compared to weapon based damage where you can use WoF just as CC(or do not use it at all back in the days, given that it was just a waste of energy for like no damage and rng CC at L100) because you are not depended on WoF damage at all.

Double tick rate on heat procs would be with the changes I mentioned for WoF quite powerful.

7. I think you did underestimate what you suggested with the scalable damage.

If you hit the unit for 10% of his max HP with WoF as heat damage, it will scale up to 50% after accelerant(200% power strength). If you further add viral procs(something Ember can do fairly easy on her own with the right weapon, like a staticor or my favoured secondary the Mara detron) it will one hit kill any target without shield or armor on the first hit at any level. If you consider that Ember might as well be armor ignore(because that is what you can do with status weapons) or use 4 CP armor is off the table. If you again stack it with just mprime it will also reliable kill everything WoF hits the first time guaranteed in a 4 CP environment no matter the level outside of heat eximus coverage(that add a 90% heat resistance to units nearby and are immune to heat). Also since it would be the base damage, the dot scales of that as well what means the dot alone would be lethal to any unit without shield, armor or aura protection. In the end you would have to move all the damage to something else, since it is otherwise just a matter of damage multiplication to get a WoF that kills at any level.

As for my suggestion:

- Yes it keeps the eruptions(mostly for CC).

- Yes it is with the base damage nerf.

- It means exactly what you think it does.

My boar prime with my riven does 2386 fire damage(4076 after flash accellerant fire bonus, 17323 after accelerant). 1/3 of that pellets will proc heat per single shot where it adds 982 to the dot, that it also refreshes. Since the dot itself is raw damage again, it is in return again affected by accelerant again what brings it up 4173 more damage on the dot per single shot. The boar prime can shoot 4.7 times per second, so 19615 extra dot damage per second. That is 60k damage as dot on the unit per single second in about 3 seconds build up, before you add additional damage buffs. With a weapon that most of the community consider as bad, our first primed shotgun, 170% power strength on a frame that apparently can not deal enught damage at higher levels and flash accelerant.

It gives WoF greater scaling and balances out crit vs status weapon builds on Ember, what is good.

I for myself hate to run into a fire quake Ember in sortis. If we assume that status Ember is super vintage and I could be as well the last player playing like this because for all I know I never seen another player doing this. This only leaves more modern crit/head shot raw heat damage scaling Ember builds. Accelerant and WoF will line up and pin targets in place for very easy head shots(similar as on Frost if you use Ice Wave Impedance) what can easily put you over 200k dps, if you be a bit more fancy and did grind out arcanes, specific weapons and primed mods it is well over 500k consistent DPS(because Ember, while being a ridiculous grind scales very well with all kinds of improvements you can add) what is fairly impressive(at what point sortis are just another low level mission). If you now have a single fire quake Ember you literally lose 80% of your damage potential what is just as annoying as having a trinity running around and cast Well of Life on any single target non stop or a Limbo disabling everything but your melee damage in sortis, because of reasons. In the end spreading the explosion does a similar thing as fire quake does now, it reinforces the CC component and makes it less rng depended

There is nothing I would add that you could not really acquire as we speak, if you feel the need for that and really like Ember. The issue is mostly accessibility with Ember, what is only really present in the low level WoF option, the reason why nearly everybody considers Ember good for that, while next to nobody considers Ember as what it can be if you want to, a fairly balanced high level damage frame, that got 99 issues, however damage is non of them.

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