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Making the Kuva Fortress a place you want to be in


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Currently i think the Kuva Fortress is one of the least populated tolesets in the game. If i remember it correctly DE themselves said so in one of the older streams.

We got some stuff added there (2 new stances iirc) to increase its viability but i don't feel it was enough. I still never find teams in there.

I had an idea lately, a simple change that imho could go a long way towards making the Fortress more populated.

Just swap all Endo drop and mission rewards for an equivalent amount of Kuva.

It makes sense universe-wise since the Fortress is the place where the Queen stores the Kuva, and would give an incentive to play the mission more.

You could also add Kuva storage (something like a big box) that you can destroy, maybe by using Operator mode, that releases Kuva clouds when destroyed and you have to chase them with your Operator before they disperse, each cloud giving you some Kuva in the process.

What do you think?

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if it was just one location like a relay it would not bother me, the only time I've ever completed an assault mission was to complete the whole fortress after completing the war within quest. Right now kuva fortress is the void's little brother.  The only reason I go there (unless theres a specific alert) is to go straight to survival to have fun leveling (not really a fan of defense for that matter, except hydron).

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I just find it comical that the dev's just won't add in kuva to the kuva fortress because it's not like we need kuva or anything...... wonder if the dev's have checked the amount of kuva that was farmed during the double resources weekend, and if there was a spike on resource boosters to go with it.... I'm going to guess it was pretty high on both counts.

There's a reason we're asking for more kuva, it's because of the high costs of re-rolling rivens to get a decent roll of the rng dice.  Rivens are supposed to help 'lesser' weapons but the simple fact is we need to re-roll most of them and with the high kuva cost it's just not worth doing except for already decent weapons.

They've spent all this time on a level that no one is interested in doing (I haven't even bothered to finish all the maps yet) because there's no reason to go there except for a couple of stances which basically mean for most players, we get our stance and then we don't go there again unless it's a sortie.  The players have suggested the most simple fix they could ever hope for in adding kuva yet nope.... the dev's are all about reducing the grind they say but nope can't do that for some asinine reason....oh wait maybe we all misheard them and they actually said they wanted to increase the grind.

Edited by LSG501
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24 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

You could also add Kuva storage (something like a big box) that you can destroy, maybe by using Operator mode, that releases Kuva clouds when destroyed and you have to chase them with your Operator before they disperse, each cloud giving you some Kuva in the process.

I find this idea the most amusing and interesting.  The problem is if they make kuva drop in any farmable amount, it will decrease the kuva siphon participation, which are also pretty lame as far as quantity goes but still.

I don't think kuva in itself should be the sole reason to go to kuva fortress, it needs more to it than just getting kuva, whatever form that may take.  I would like to see the occasional kuva cloud flying through the air but the real reason to go to the fortress should be something more than just kuva.

Though If they are so against kuva in the fortress though, then they really need to spice up the siphon missions because they are just numbing to play.

What I'd like to see is kuva being integrated into the objectives of every mission type that a kuva siphon lands on.  Each done in a different way and with varying amounts.  Easier missions that are lower level (earth etc) stay at 600, but getting 600 kuva from eris and pluto completely ignores the higher risk factor.

Yes I'm aware that there is still no real risk, that's beside the point.

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36 minutes ago, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

Right now kuva fortress is the void's little brother.  The only reason I go there (unless theres a specific alert) is to go straight to survival to have fun leveling (not really a fan of defense for that matter, except hydron).

Doesn't that thinking apply to everywhere though?  I mean, ever since the change to Relics people have been crying to have reason to go to the Void but does anyone ever go to Mars or Venus just because they want to, without an alert or other momentary and specific draw?

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I think people would play it more if the maps weren't so convoluted.  Even when I see alerts at the fortress or have a reason to go there, I would rather not.  There is one room in particular that every player seems to get stuck in every time!  (Room with a bunch of spiral caves/stairs and like 10 different exist and 3 floors).  I mean we're all MR23s standing there like nobs running in circles trying to find a door... that's not very engaging gameplay.

Ever since Earth, like 3 years ago now, DE has progressively made each map more and more frustrating to navigate.  

The challenge of those missions is that they're a maze.  And since we don't have enough reasons to be there, it's hard to learn the map design - but really - it's been 2-3 years and I still get lost on the Ice tileset and Jupiter tileset sometimes... overcomplex map design is hurting these places, imo.

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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40 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

I just find it comical that the dev's just won't add in kuva to the kuva fortress because it's not like we need kuva or anything...... wonder if the dev's have checked the amount of kuva that was farmed during the double resources weekend, and if there was a spike on resource boosters to go with it.... I'm going to guess it was pretty high on both counts.

There's a reason we're asking for more kuva, it's because of the high costs of re-rolling rivens to get a decent roll of the rng dice.  Rivens are supposed to help 'lesser' weapons but the simple fact is we need to re-roll most of them and with the high kuva cost it's just not worth doing except for already decent weapons.

They've spent all this time on a level that no one is interested in doing (I haven't even bothered to finish all the maps yet) because there's no reason to go there except for a couple of stances which basically mean for most players, we get our stance and then we don't go there again unless it's a sortie.  The players have suggested the most simple fix they could ever hope for in adding kuva yet nope.... the dev's are all about reducing the grind they say but nope can't do that for some asinine reason....oh wait maybe we all misheard them and they actually said they wanted to increase the grind.

This... They were SUPPOSED to help lesser weapons, but all they're doing is giving already good weapons an ungodly amount of power and use. Maybe lower the cost for rivens with high disposition then?

For istance, there's just no way to make Tiberon good; it'll remain a weapon with meh base damage and simply no other stats. I just feel that this is just another project that fell off.

But it would make a lot of sense to put kuva in at least a mission, say, defense with that big capsule and all those traps. Why do we go in the void you might ask? Could it be that there's a rare resource in there that gets halved every 24 hours?

Edited by RyuGold
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18 minutes ago, RyuGold said:

rare resource in there that gets halved every 24 hours?

As long as they don't do this to kuva too.....

Having said that I can't say I have much reason to go to the void either... we have puzzle rooms which basically give us the same standard mods over and over, I only need argon when the dev's add it to a weapon/frame now (like the new rapier)...

In all honesty ALL the 'non solar system' maps suffer from the same issue, lua and void have their puzzle rooms which are fun until you've done them a few times and got all the mods from it, derelict has kavat dna and corrupted mods from vaults (not touching on mutagen samples, sore subject for most people lol) which requires 'custom teams' to do (not always easy to get), which has the same issue of no need to do again once you have them all, and kuva fortress has 2 stance mods.....again no need to do once you have them...

There are so many little things they could do to make us go there, more xp, more credits, more resources that we actually need (in my case it seems to be ferrite and polymer bundles), increase endo drops, a rare chance to get riven mod or kuva to reroll it... even add in small plat items like extra slots or a 3 hour booster into the mix of drops, take out the junk mods that no one needs like vitality from the drop tables so we have a better drop chance of the better items like relics etc.... but nope we get items where we grab them and then don't go back again...

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3 hours ago, Katinka said:

Doesn't that thinking apply to everywhere though?  I mean, ever since the change to Relics people have been crying to have reason to go to the Void but does anyone ever go to Mars or Venus just because they want to, without an alert or other momentary and specific draw?

I honestly would like to know the community's answer to your question.  
Why should Void and Kuva Fortress get all the attention for endgame? It's nice that the entire map of a game keeps getting used to its full potential all the time and not just once-and-never-again. it'd be nicer if ALL planets on the star chart would have unique reasons to repeatedly go to them regardless of how long you have played the game.

What unique rewards and resources that stand out do all these places offer? 

  • Kuva Fortress - just 2 exclusive mods. Most people aren't even going to use them, especially for Machete weapon.   Not enough reason to re-visit. Other than Jupiter, a good source for Neural Sensors but by the time you finally unlock this place, do you still need to farm this resource?
  • Void - farm Corrupt Vor for his drops, Bullet Dance stance mod, Argon Crystals, good source for rare mods from obstacle rooms. This alone makes Void more worthwhile to re-visit compared to Kuva Fortress.


  • Mercury & Venus - low level starting spot for new players to farm basic resources. Good location for Vestan Moss and Frostleaf, respectively.
  • Earth - only place for scanning earth plants day & night. Farming unique auras at Apothic shrine.
  • Lua - farming Drift mods, Lua spy has some stances & a few Stalker acolyte mods. Farming Sentients for their drops. Only place for scanning Lunar Pitcher plants. Octavia parts farming.
  • Mars - only place for scanning Ruk's Claw plants.
  • Phobos - personally, I only go there to do AW Rush, fastest Lith farming spot in the game.
  • Ceres - only place for scanning Dusklight plants. Farming guardsmen for Javlok Capacitor.
  • Jupiter - the preferred main place in the game to farm Neural Sensors.
  • Europa - ????  I got nothing to say about this place that other planets do better.
  • Saturn - ????  Do people still farm Sargas Ruk for Orokin Cells?  That's the only thing this place had to offer. If not, then I got nothing here either.
  • Uranus - Tellurium farming. It has Sharkwing game mode but we all know how popular that is. :/  And the coveted Condition Overload can be farmed here. Its sabotage mission has some nice rare cache mod rewards.
  • Sedna - has Rathuum Arena and its unique mod rewards.
  • Neptune - has The Index and its unique mod rewards. Fastest AW leveling mission is also here (mobile defense).
  • Eris - Hive caches to farm Electric status mods.
  • Pluto - farming Ambulas (although honestly at this point if you have already beaten his boss fight and have Excallibur, the Amino Beacons are pointless after the Ambulas: Reborn event has past)
  • Derelict - Mutagen Samples (Eris' drop rate is terrible to farm for it). Octavia's helmet in survival. You can actively (try to) farm for Mutalist Nav Coordinates instead of waiting for invasions.
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6 hours ago, Katinka said:

Doesn't that thinking apply to everywhere though?  I mean, ever since the change to Relics people have been crying to have reason to go to the Void but does anyone ever go to Mars or Venus just because they want to, without an alert or other momentary and specific draw?

The likely reason high players don't go to venus/mars/earth etc (once you've got the specific aura's etc from earth) is because its far too easy and the rewards you get there are worse than going to the higher levels that drop the same items.... the lack of a reason to go to them is a different issue altogether in that they need harder enemies so we don't need to go and nerf our gear down to 0 just to run the levels with any aspect of challenge.    Just look at the events...90% of the time we just go in with ember or similar and just cheese them when they're on the lowest planets.

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4 hours ago, LSG501 said:

.... the lack of a reason to go to them is a different issue altogether in that they need harder enemies 

Having enemies scale based on the player + weapon level would be the first idea to approach this. We used to have this for bosses only but the problem is that with mixed teams of new and experienced players, it would create enemies way too powerful for the new player, making them die with one hit and their weak weapons doing almost no damage.

Or they gotta make complete new nodes on every planet with lvl50-ish enemies that unlock once you have passed a certain milestone and can only be entered with certain gear checks.

I dunno, just throwing random ideas out there to promote more usage of the entire star chart without having to design completely new complex content from scratch.

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1 hour ago, MystMan said:

Having enemies scale based on the player + weapon level would be the first idea to approach this. We used to have this for bosses only but the problem is that with mixed teams of new and experienced players, it would create enemies way too powerful for the new player, making them die with one hit and their weak weapons doing almost no damage.

Or they gotta make complete new nodes on every planet with lvl50-ish enemies that unlock once you have passed a certain milestone and can only be entered with certain gear checks.

I dunno, just throwing random ideas out there to promote more usage of the entire star chart without having to design completely new complex content from scratch.

Well we could just have another 'start button' with higher enemy level option(s) which unlocks after a certain point on the star map... we already have the system in place for more than one event on each map and these events can be at different levels.

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18 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

Currently i think the Kuva Fortress is one of the least populated tolesets in the game. If i remember it correctly DE themselves said so in one of the older streams.

We got some stuff added there (2 new stances iirc) to increase its viability but i don't feel it was enough. I still never find teams in there.

I had an idea lately, a simple change that imho could go a long way towards making the Fortress more populated.

Just swap all Endo drop and mission rewards for an equivalent amount of Kuva.

It makes sense universe-wise since the Fortress is the place where the Queen stores the Kuva, and would give an incentive to play the mission more.

You could also add Kuva storage (something like a big box) that you can destroy, maybe by using Operator mode, that releases Kuva clouds when destroyed and you have to chase them with your Operator before they disperse, each cloud giving you some Kuva in the process.

What do you think?

I can't personally go in there. Even after turning the brightness/contrast up to stupid amounts I still struggle to see things properly. I basically spend more time looking at the radar then I do the main screen.

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My issue with Kuva Fortress is my issue with difficulty to reward ratio in Warframe absolutely appalling. I ran the Kuva assault mission it's probably the most fun non scaling mission played solo took me about 5min and it was fun. What was my reward 15 endo and common mods. I quit the game I was absolutely pissed. Playing Kuva fortress = playing an Earth capture mission same rewards. That's the issue with Warframe if you want to be rewarded only mission on the starchart are high level survival defence and excavations which is a horrible way to balance rewards in a game. This is the worst design aspect in Warframe at the moment. There is no level progression of reward as you progress in the starchart which is just a massive design flaw in the game. 

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