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What weapons do you consider to be too "unethical" to use?


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Right elemental combination makes pretty much anything unethical. I mean, corrosive and fire death animations... yikes. Also, combat gases come in all shapes and flavours (face melting, green balls of awful à la The Rock, anyone?)

So on a slightly different note, since watching Elysium I consider thrown, remotely detonated explosives to be psychologically terrifying. Not only do you see them coming, not only do they painfully bite into your flesh, but you know you've been owned and some troll Tenno yells "Take it out, it's just a flesh wound!" before blowing you in half. Not the most torturous death, but extremely depressing (or infuriating depending on your disposition).   

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Unmodded Cestra. You're not even sure it'll hit, it deals very little damage, but still hurts, and there are too many bullets for them to dodge them all.
I see it like throwing handfuls of burning coal at some random soldier who isn't equipped to do anything about it.


That would be like killing someone with a spoon, and not even a Prime one.

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Well first, we have to consider what is an "unethical" weapon in Warframe by comparing them to rules set out when real-world countries go to war.


So there are topics when considering what can be used in a war setting, topics such as:

  • whom it is ethical to fight
  • how much force it is ethical to use
  • is the use of certain weapons always wrong?
  • the role of international conventions on war

We can ignore the first and last topic since the first asks who our combatants are (Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Corrupted, Sentients) and the last... well, I haven't seen one of the listed factions hold a convention on this type of stuff. So our main focus will be: how much force it is ethical to use & is the use of certain weapons always wrong?


How much force it is ethical to use?

The amount of force that can be used against an enemy combatant must be proportional or appropriate, for that side to win. So considering that wer face of degrading clones, onslaughts of proxies, and infested, weapons like machine guns and flamethrowers (yes your favorite Ignis(Wraith)) are, technically, viable to use.


Is the use of certain weapons always wrong?

So this is the part where things start conflicting with each other, like stated before you can use a flamethrower I'd the force needed is required for you to win, but weapons that "are usually taken to be chemical and biological weapons [...] were banned by the Geneva Protocol in 1925." So yes you could use a flamethrower, but since the flames are created through a chemical reaction, they a banned from use, even your modded Ignis that has viral or toxin is banned from use since its " biological" in use.

There are also bans on:

  • poison or poisoned weapons (Any infestation weapon, or weapon modded w/ viral, toxin, gas, radiation)
  • killing or wounding treacherously (Any slash weapons)
  • killing or wounding an enemy who, having laid down his arms, or having no longer means of defence, has surrendered at discretion (Wouldn't be applicable, have you ever seen a Grineer or Corpus surrender)
  • declaring that no mercy will be given to defeated opponents (I guess continuing to kill after meeting you're quota in am extermination kill is unethical)
  • using arms, projectiles, or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering (Bows, auto-bows, crossbows, glaives, fire/cold/electric-based weapons would also suffer from this ban, seriously you're pinning enemies to walls with arrows.)


So from this list, weapons like shotguns, rifles, assault rifles, snipers, and any secondary that doesn't produce an immediate status proc wouldn't get banned, or at least ate considered ethical to use.

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Quanta. If it existed today, it would give off serious amounts of radiation and potentially ionize the cells in the weilder along with the target, since it's a laser beam. I also imagine it's so hot that it incinerates the organs while cauterizing the flesh. Kinda like Star Wars, perhaps.

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It would be easier to ask me what weaponry I don't consider unethical. From bone crushing magnetic Simulor, to flamethrower, to automatic crossbows, to saws and blade throwers; from poison dart guns, to ninja stars, to hazardous bioweapons; from hammers, to small kives, to mining tools or giant fists. Honestly this game is brutal in its world when you think about it. Perhaps its ugly nature is partly what makes the world so different, as the game isn't afraid of showing the ugly, the disgusting, the unforeseen or the unthinkable.

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Let's see...

All Infested weaponry that leaves a cloud of toxin. Chemical warfare is always scary to think about. To imagine a faction that has mastered this and incorporated it into weapons... yeesh 

All launchers with Adhesive Blast epuipped. Just imagine a grenade getting stuck to you. And no matter what you do, you can't remove it. It's stuck there. Ticking. Until finally... Kaboom. 

Nukor. Microwaves are dangerous enough as it is. Strange how something so dangerous is inside our kitchens. And this thing here... well this is what happens when you take that machine in your kitchen and think it's a great idea to turn it into a pistol.

Beam Weapons with Combustion Beam equipped. OH GOD BILLY JUST F***ING EXPLODED! Oh... and half my body's gone too... well I think I'm just going to die...

Slash based Weaponry. Oh hey look my leg is across the room. That's weird.

Ferrox and Opticor. Oh look, I can see through my stomach now, that's a neat trick. You must be a riot at parties, bro.

Boltor Series. Ever wanted to force someone to cosplay as an anemic porcupine?

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How has nobody mentioned Nekros? He is not good.

I mean, we don't have any laws about using the reanimated dead as soldiers, but I'm sure it'd be considered at least "pretty bad" by the international community. And Soul Punch... once again, we don't have any laws about it since weaponizing the enemies soul isn't really a thing we can do, but it too would likely be frowned upon. Also, while Desecration isn't really a weapon, it's still a really d*** thing to do and illegal pretty much everywhere.


Edited by Silvus-Sol
Oh, and I do consider Warframes weapons in this context, since that is exactly what they are.
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On 6/6/2017 at 7:24 AM, Lonnehart said:

So there are some fearsome weapons in Warframe.  ALL of them are awesome (yes I think even the bows are awesome), but some of them are downright mean.  Which weapons do you think are just too...  well...  "inhumane" to use on your targets?


I like to think the Drakgoon is this against all but one enemy in the game.  Just imagine the thoughts in your target's mind when it sees that mean ball of shrapnel coming towards their face, and they can't avoid or even tank it...

None mate. All is permitted in love and war. I'd be launching Tsars bombs everywhere if I could build them.

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Boltor and Bolto series - If they were vampires it would be a diffrent story and they would die in one hit, but they are not and having bolts enter your body at high enough speeds that you would just be flung to a wall...is painfull.

Attica and Zhuge - Same reasons as the Boltor, plus explosions thanks to Thunderbolt...not fun getting shot at by those.

On the other hand how about most ethicals ones?

Those would be the Ether weapons, just look at their description.

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Another one could be the Atterax, for the same reason as the Panthera and the Miter.

This ones. I can't force myself to use Atterax. I like Scoliac though

Hammers are way too brutal, don't like them too

And Ignis probably also doesn't cause a fast painless death 

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On 06/06/2017 at 4:15 PM, Gorila_Azul said:

The Atterax. Just read its description.

Got the same idea.

So i've started to say Dual Cleaver because when you need meat, your better allies are butcher weapon. But there is nothing better than Valkyr's Hysteria because claws are awesome for dirty stuff *TCHAK TCHAK TCHAK TCHAK*

Edited by sniperloic
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