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Coming June 16: Devstream #94!


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Is a new Dual Sword Stance planned?

Now the first weapon balancing was mostly primary, when will secondaries/melee be balanced?

Any news on the sentient carrier thingy you showed in a Devstream a while ago?

Any news on another deluxe skin?

Will there be more syndicate weapons?

Any news on the Orokin Razor Fan?

Any news on the Pump Action Shotguns? Tenno and Corpus?

Edited by KYLoooo
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-Any chance archwing will get its own devteam like conclave has ?

-any plans to add void/moon archwing missions ?

-any plans to add sentient and orokin archwing enemies ?

-Since we have infested boss battle with archwing(Jordas), is there any chance we get archwing boss battle with corpus and grineer(and sentients)  factions?

-any plans to add to archwing game mode unique secondary weapons ? for example mecha-style missile pods or shoulder/backpack cannons

-what about archwing cosmetics like skins and stuff attached to archwing ?

-could we get some archwing companions, either sentinels or even better: completly unique compaions to archwing ?

-any chance for space dogfights in archwing ? current hovering while shoting each other combat can be really boring, it would be really cool if we could switch between our current "hover" type combat and high speed combat like space jet fighters in other games(something similar to dual modes of strike suit zero)

-Any chance for frame-archwing synergy ? for example different frames giving different bonuses in archwing

-Could we get 'evolving' emblem(like stratos emblem) related to archwing that we 'evolve' as we do archwing related events(like fomorian), missions or challenges. I want something to show off that I am skilled pilot of archwing.

-Will archwings get their own passives ?

-Are there any plans to add to game archwing version of Stalker, Zanuka Hunter or The Grustrag Three ?

-any plans for syndicate archwing melee and primary weapons ?

-any progress on new radar/map for archwing ?

-any chance for increased affinity/vacuum range in archwing ?

-when will enemies in archwing get proper models ?

and here are questioons unrelated to archwing:

-when will we see rest of orbiter and liset docking to it ?

-any chance that we will get list interior that looks more like in old concept arts ? everyone agree's that interior in concept arts looked MUCH cooler:



-will we ever encounter real aliens(both infested and sentients are alien-like but were created by orokin) in warframe universe ?

-any chance for epic space encounters with our ship/archwing ?, something like First Encounter With Thargoids in elite dangerous:


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Hi DE. I've encountered 2 issues I tought someone else would bring up, related to relics, and this happens at least on PS4 fissure missions.

On the first issue when a player gets all 10 reactant and the mission ends he'd not get his reward, nor would it be available to other players, as if he hadn't caught the reactant. Ths has happened to me and I've seen it happen to others trough the squad members stat monitoring function and reports.

About the other issue, it's a bit similar to the one when you'd enter an exterminate late in the run and not get enough reactant drops. You see, when a Banshee enters a fissure defense it tends to kill enemies faster than they can spawn reactant.. After 5 waves the team would get 5-8 reactant total, and be left empty handed, so I'd kindly ask you try and figure a solution.

Other than those issues I'd just ask for a possible ETA on the chat filter and clan contributions tracking for console. Keep going with your awesome work for my favourite online multiplayer game! Best regards to all DE crew!

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Questions from previous devstream topic:

Hi! My questions below:

  1. When will you make Tonkor great again? Or at least when will you release Prisma Wraith AkTonkor Vandal Prime?
  2. Friendly fire when? Radiation from sorties isn't enough.
  3. When will you nerf other "cheesy" frames, focuses and guns (looking at you Inaros, Naramon and Tigris series)?
  4. Tonkor's grenades exploding on impact with enemies when?
  5. Tonkor's grenades bounciness revert when?
  6. Very BIG indicator where the grenades are when?
  7. No more holding fire to aim with Tonkor when?

Some serious questions:

  1. Sentient invasions when?
  2. Invasion outcome actually changing node's faction when?
  3. Baro when?
  4. Umbra when?
  5. Earth remaster when?
  6. Pablo appearance during devstream when?
  7. Clan nemesis system when?
  8. Better loot from higher lvl enemies when?
  9. Not ridiculous armour and HP scaling of our enemies when?
  10. Operator interacting with pets when?
  11. Focus changes when?
  12. Tenno grenade launcher when?
  13. Kuva boss when?
  14. Orokin derelict matchmaking when?
  15. Excavation extractor HP and shield lvl scaling when?
  16. Stances for primary weapons when? You know you want it :D
  17. More mandachord sound packs when?
  18. Silva & Aegis buff when?
  19. Tonkor 6 meter indicator when?
  20. Operative not being stupid when (e.g. going into toxin in sortie kuva defense)? Hey you fixed that before Devstream, not fair!
  21. Mutagen Sample drop from infested mission nodes when?
  22. Mutagen Sample drop chance equal to that of Fieldron Sample or Detonite Ampule when?

Keep up the good work! :)
But please reconsider at least some changes to Tonkor (you did revert changes made to Sonicor). :)

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Will there be a chance to return to Mountain Pass The War Within quest?

When will we see the Golden Maw again?

And another question, when will you add the staff on Wukong idle animations?

Edited by The_B00b3n
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Hey DEvs, thanks for you being you. I know it can be tough to try to balance fun and...well balance, but I understand that struggle. I was going to ask about the likelihood of an Atterax re-examining, but I'd rather ask about something a lot more players deal with on a day-to-day basis which is this:

Daily Logins and Milestones-

Is it possible for you guys to add info on a player's progress to a place where they can view it at any time, rather than once a day right as they log in, like your profile's Stats page perhaps?

Eg.  "You have acquired X# of Daily Log In rewards, your next Milestone is Y, at Z# of Daily Log ins."

I've only heard whispers that the primary reason it's not available to be viewed in your own profile's Stats page is that it would be considered invasive to have it visible to others, but it's possible to have it hidden for other players isn't it?

If it's not something you lovely folks are willing/able to do, could you explain why? Out of simple curiosity.


I'm looking forward to everything you're hard at work on that you've shown us so far, so keep up that fighting spirit!

Thank you, DigitalDevTeam!

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Will we ever be able to move guns, syandanas, and most importantly armor, as we do with melee weapon holster positions? This would fix many issues with odd placement on the warframes and would open more customization to fashion frame.

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There has to be atleast an Umbra question per stream so, I think this is a pretty good one: I was wondering if Excalibur Umbra will have the same model that we saw in the chinese version of warframe. I heard somewhere that what was released in the chinese version was Excalibur Umbra Prime (not sure if this is true or not).

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So, I'm really hoping that you guys answer this question, because my question for devstream is about the thing that no one seems to want to do, which is the PvP conclave. You have so many mods that do unique things to weapons, all of which are locked to only the PvP, same with augements for weapons and warframes. Have you ever thought about just breaking the wall that seperates the PvP mods from PvE gameplays, and just let us use all PvP mods in PvE, same with augements? Many of them seem to give nice buffs to weapons and frames which most people would never seem to think, and fun little aspects on gameplay, like Volt increasing his Speed  duration or something when hitting enemies, and Atlas becoming a heavy and tanky Rumbler. I'm hoping you guys at least look at this, and consider giving a reply. 

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Are Arcanes ever gonna be separated from Syandanas and Helmets? I have a collection of amazing syandanas from the tenno-gen store and its tedious having to remove the arcane from them just to place them on another syandana because I felt like using a different one

Edited by Destoro
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Archwing and Archweapon Slot Limitations

I still refuse to let this slide, it was strictly insulting.

Telling us about the limitation on Archwing gear and slots to be bought for platinum 11 hotfixes into Specters of the Rail was NOT a solution to disingenuously sneaking it in without adequate, fair forewarning in the first place.

Relevant thread popularity banner and all, and second thread after the first was unjustly closed before the problem has been addressed.

What do you intend to do to give players a fair compensation or opportunity to acquire the free slots they could and often would have had grandfathered in if given proper notice of the change?


Unanswered Questions:

Polarisation and Forma

Q: Separate to the issue of relevelling after Forma use, will there be any change to Forma and Polarisation to avoid 'wasted' forma in future?

A lot of posters seem to bemoan the lack of Forma drops, while some like myself rarely end up using it at all because of the downsides of removing build flexibility. Is there any chance of a Polarisation quality of life change so we don't have to suffer our obsolete polarity builds when balance changes and new mods happen? Body Count and Blood Rush gave melees more reason to want Madurai slots, while the upcoming removal of 'mandatory' base damage and multishot mods might ruin heavily Madurai polarised guns. Times change, and while we have to relevel our gear for every Forma we use, even if less in the proposed new Mastery Rank relevance change, making our efforts, our time and our resources wasted is not a satisfying element of the game.

Here's my original thread on the subject and a solution, with more discussion from another player's similar suggestion here.

Another thread here as well. Threads keep popping up about new Forma, better Forma, different Forma on a regular basis. The system needs overhauling.

Now: We have 'lower limit' modding capacity, making it more comfortable to level weapons by using them after Forma.

However, some still recognise that there's a bigger issue than just "when do I get to use a polarised item again". The growing mod load with Primed and other high-drain mods demands a lot out of our very limited drain, as often do Sorties for most weapons to perform adequately. The user-unfriendliness of polarisation impacts negatively on flexibility and fun, and I doubt I'm the only one who tends not to use it where possible to not lock myself out of half my mod collection.


Q: Is there a possibility of a more significant ammo rework to fix bugs and aid balance of several weapon classes?

With static ammo pickups and certain restrictions, high ammo consumption weapons often fall short, not in raw DPS which they compete evenly in, but because they just can't keep going for long before they're completely dry and relying on pickups/Restores. We also see such bugs as the Sniper+Castana ammo restriction issue, recently addressed by a half-application of my own suggestion for the issue overall, using Pistol ammo for 'special' secondaries but with a different actual restoration numbers.
My suggestion here attempts to address all of that, as well as opens up balance levers by allowing any ammo type to be used for secondaries. There's also a chance for this to bring currently unused Max Ammo mods up to a functional level by allowing them to improve ammo gained per pickup (while not making Mutation obsolete either).

The Twin Rogga now exists for the other half of the equation - using nonpistol ammo, but in its normal amounts. Between the 'special' secondaries and the Rogga, tech is clearly in place to implement this rework in a full and sweeping manner. Any idea of when it might happen?

Using Mod Ranks Below Fusion Level

Q: Why force users to potentially hold many mods of lesser fusion, instead of being able to use ranks up to the fused maximum?

This has been mentioned in passing at times, but it's still ridiculous that we can't have this quality of life with the current modding system. It seems like something that would be an inherent part of a system where drain ranges so wildly and precise values are so aggressively tweaked (Corrupted Mods, looking at you).

Can the data load of a handful of extra bytes per loadout (to identify the rank of the slotted mod to use) really be higher than the load involved with having an actual incentive to hold multiple mods all with their own fusion levels? Can it even be anything but a drop in the bucket in comparison to simply holding thousands of instances of mods?

Questionable Augments reviving Degenerate Gameplay

Q: What were you thinking with Resonant Quake and when will it be reworked to stop the repeat of Blind Mirage shenanigans?

Don't really need to say much about this - but I've seen a surge in threads about it. Resonant Quake Banshee is Blind Mirage with less energy efficiency. It removes the gameplay on single-tile maps, and energy restores allow it to be used near-indefinitely.

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Are you going to expand on our liset capabilities? For instance I for one would like instead of a "moa" pet but perhaps something like a deployable Golden Maw, that will help attack/defend and even manually control with our operators. Even better if we can customize it with difference attacks and Aoe effects.


Bonus Question:  How do you guys feel about equipping Sentinels to Kubrows and Kavats?

Edited by Juebev
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Always love watching devstream the next morning, thanks to australian time :P 3-5 am is not fun.

That mess aside, Is there any chance we could get new forms off accessories that attach to our elbows? Mainly flowing silk or something like that :P. 

Another thing accessory related is could we possibly get the same type of system that you use for moving holster positions for accessories? Like moving them around or adjusting the scale manually? And relating to that, maybe being able to use our mouse to do a rough selection area instead of fiddling with sliders? Like clicking on the frame where you want the centre of the armour piece, then finely moving it with the sliders.

From there, for sliders, can we get a numerical value that we can see and manually adjust by typing? So instead of just kinda changing a slider in captura to "About halfway but just a bit less from the right side", it could be "Yeah change it to around 56 to 60". And instead of dragging the slider trying to get that perfect 100 (instead of getting 98 or 101), could we just type it in?

Something unrelated to appearance, in the simulacrum, can we get some more options please? Stuff like more spawns (more then 20 atleast :P maybe 10 or so per MR with a warning that more mobs can impact your game performance or just kill ya machine?), changing AI (Off/Target player only/target other factions only/Don't target player/Etc), and could we get a optional option for a damage sheet type thing? Like after hitting a enemy you could pause and find a menu icon for damage logs and see "Player hit with [primary] 20 corrosive, 32 slash, 10 impact" or something? I know a fair amount of players who always like looking into the deeper numbers of warframe and honestly, why not? More numbers for those who seek more numbers.

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