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This Game is Boring


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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

But it isn't the general gameplay, it's how sloppy it is. FOV is still widely uncomfortable at any range, with many things getting caught in the way. The melee system has been busted for at least a year if memory serves, with three major aspects being almost useless. Most of our parkour abilities simply do not work on the current tiles we have. Archwing is still stuck in it's own realm and yields almost 0 rewards unless you want to go through the JV raid which is still to my knowledge plagued with bugs. Operators can do one thing and one thing only, with all their other abilities being near useless. Focus is just busted with only 2 (arguably 3) of the 5 schools being any helpful. I'm not asking for the game to be rebuilt, I'm asking for it to be refined.

Assuming all of the above was addressed, I think you'd still be bored...

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Now what makes a game interesting than boring? challenge.  On the solo point of view and at a certain level challenge still exists in the game.  But as much as the game as evolved yet still with its imperfections, i will still blame the junctions and the relic system in any thread concerning players getting bored or complaining about specific things.  True or false :  if the game was online based but you could not play with other players, the chances to find out about bugs and glitches would be lower than today?  Exactly.  the moment you go public you know you are not going to do anything but shoot, kill, extract.  Otherwise you among 4 other randoms will be left behind simply because you were enjoying the challenge of defeating a bursa or a juggernaut.  I have encountered many players who are like me,  we move together, combine our abilities and firepower from room to room.  When I chat with them after I am surprised that some players still find the need to learn things in order and are aware of their knowledge level of the game, regardless of being able to jump around planets they don't have access to the normal way.    the relic system got everybody primed, so any player with any level experience thinks he is as strong as you with niche builds or builds focused around certain abilities.  I don't think the game is boring itself, online interaction creates this illusion.   What can possibly make you come back to a game you're bored of, even if its for the login rewards?  the game is a GREAT GAME.  The game hasn't had a break from a community asking for things we don't need based often on a poor opinion about certain mechanics and there you have it,  DE constantly feels the need to answer to those who are tired of other players spamming ash, limbo, ember etc....when there's more important things to look at like archwing which I still am waiting for something good to come out of it.   Things like Chat filter or more customization to your gear are yet the easiest things to complete than a whole damage system, and this was just 2 examples of simple things.  But a mr2 with 2500 plat with access to anything in the market , bypassing every mastery rank there,  can easily come out here and say Oberon prime is overpowered because he can never get kills in a mission with an encountered oberon who can buff 589 armor.  then wow, oberon gets nerfed. You only need a few to report the same thing, a few can be unexperienced players using on redirection on inaros.  The game is not boring,  the community itself is ruining it.  

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3 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Yup, I'm sitting there trying to convince a friend to play Warframe more, then I log in, and realize that apart from maybe the sortie (Which doesn't even feel rewarding these days, if ever), that I don't even know what to do in game. I have to actually try to think of something to do. 

And that... that's not good. 

Adding a new mission type was a good idea, the new mission with the even for Ignis Wraith was refreshing, very different gameplay, at least it felt somewhat different. But they won't add it as a regular mission, instead its apparently only going to be a super rare alert type mission. Sigh. 

void have big potencial... endless missions...   to give much better rewards...as u progress

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I agree with the OP. But because of the core mechanisms of Warframe and whatever DE decided to add to it, it will be conquered and repeated to death and we will be right back here, bored. Mean while new players will be left to far behind and feel frustrated. After you have played 4 plus years on one game, it does become casual. Unless there is something that keeps bringing you back. But other than that try and remember this game and franchise is still in its infancy compared to all the other established games out there, 4 years is not vary long. Just to put it in perspective, the next elder scrolls will take 8 years to develop. And they have been around for probably 30 years. Just keep that in mind. 

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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Personally what i really want is a mission builder. I want to be able to say "yup roller balls only. Level 400 please. On the corupus ship tileset" 

And i would love this if they did it without forcing it to be clan based for clan leaders only like was planned. Or once a day like was planned. 

The kingpin thing isnt going to be close to what was previewed and that makes me sad. 

That being said i completely agree with OP and wish the devs would work more on gameplay issues rather than more crazy systems that chances are will still come out half finished

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I'm rather surprised... Normally, I've seen you as the type of person to regularly protect DE's decisions (although, not usually blindly, just in a 'benefit of the doubt' sort of way).

My issue isn't the repetition; repetition is not negative on its own. The game lacks deepness, it lacks emergent game-play, which is sort of key in Orthogonal games like Warframe. We have a million different ways to do the exact same thing, and systems like Archwing and Conclave are just too separated from standard game-play (Archwing relies wholly on its own equipment, disregards Warframes and your standard Arsenal, while Conclave doesn't allow you to use just about any of the non-Conclave specific mods, and is just entirely separate from the base game). 

Just take games like TF2, Quake, Halo, Overwatch, Battleborn, Call of Duty, or to go specifically to Warframe's immediate genre, Payday; you see a lot of emergent game-play. Simple rules and systems govern these games; it's the potential in what can happen amidst all those rules that makes those games fun satisfactory. But what can happen in Warframe? As I said, not much; we have a million different ways of doing the exact same thing, again and again.

If everything had more purpose, like defined roles and counter-play just like other good Orthogonal games, Warframe's base game-play would be satisfactory.

Edited by Krion112
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10 hours ago, JSharpie said:

Warframe's combos are anything but flashy. Most of the time the animation speed is so fast I really don't see the animation at all. I don't want the combat feel to change, I want options. I want melee to function more like a Character Action game like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta. I want shooting to be more fleshed out. I want skill to be involved. I want a light cover system, I wouldn't even mind real stealth gameplay, or fixed spawns. Or at least missions with fixed spawns. But it isn't about what I want. It's about what we as a community talking about where the game is. Not making demands, but raising awareness of issues we have. And aggressive posts like this accomplish nothing.

I dunno if this will be responded to given the other pages and stuff...but...  First...how was my post aggressive?

Second, I think the attacks are flashy.  It might be a subjective thing, but if your reasoning is that the animations are too fast, then you can control how fast the animations play out so you can see them.

I also don't think you can get that Action RPG feel in Warframe like you would get in DMC or Bayonetta, simply because of the FPS nature of the game.  I want a good challenge and want to grow as a person/gamer when I play Warframe, as well, but it looks like you're asking for a lot.  There is a simple cover system: you can swap the camera from shoulder to shoulder and stand behind corners and objects and shoot around them...or if you have punch-through, through them.  And real stealth gameplay...Warframe is kind of like a jack-of-all-trades, and their stealth awareness of enemies and stuff has come a long way (like how enemies currently see dead bodies or will be alerted by an arrow in the wall next to their head...used to not be that way).  Asking for more Action RPG, plus more cover system, plus more stealth game play...I dunno...

Warframe is a part of a business, too.  One source of income.  You and/or the community may make demands, complaints, suggestions, or anything, but in the end, the most important part is whether or not it will get anyone to be more likely to spend cash on plat/prime access or be a more generous patron.  I know DE listens to all comments, even if they don't always give feedback.  If you want something for Warframe, include how that something will improve the business Warframe gets.

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11 hours ago, JSharpie said:

So the devs need to make a choice. Keep the community comfortable but largely bored, or take a risk, reinvigorate their game.

Agreed. (I still enjoy the basic gameplay, to a degree.) 

DE really need to grow the game.

12 hours ago, JSharpie said:

Take Black Desert Online. I've been playing that game for awhile. That game is more of a grind than this is. It's awful, yet I love that game to bits. The gameplay is fun. Combos are flashy, taming horses is fun, farming, fishing, crafting, it's all there and all interesting. What's stopping Warframe from adding something new? Something varied? Something to do that isn't just a new tool to do the same thing?

I sincerely hope I'm wrong and it works out. I hope it's just me that has found this game to be boring. 

Black Desert Online is fun, I'd love DE to develop/adapt a BDOesque melee/magic system.:satisfied:

Also...DE invest in a more advanced leveling system; focus really suks:facepalm: 

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understandable people kill countless grineer, corpus, infested pretty much anything else that has a hitbox including windows. truly not many games last you play it and the gameplay is fine for a bit once you master it you basically get bored or don't know what to do aka same thing.

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9 hours ago, BLI7Z said:

Now that I calmed down, let me express myself:

Warframe is a unique game. It's pointless to compare it to other games, even if you talk about grind/enjoyment potential. Some people like the farm, some people like the flow of things in Warframe how they actually are, and don't forget new people who are starting to experience this universe as something totally new. What I expect from DE is that they just add and change whatever they feel like, and ADAPT to what they throw at us. I don't want to demand anything to them. They've done a great job with all they have done, and they deserve that we, as a "community" as people here always state, give them their time to polish and balance all they see fit. If you are wishing to discuss something relevant as feedback, please put the correct title, and make a difference between every part of what you want to brainstorm. If not it just feels agressive, just by the title, and the title is what is first seen. As I said before, fun is something VERY subjective. I understand the burn out of doing EVERYTHING in the game and having less and less posibilities with no good enough rewards, but that means that if you really like the game, you'll find your ways to have fun and push further the limits of what they give to us. 

I just think that if you want feedback/brainstorm, you should do it in an appropiate way, and not just denouncing DE saying Warframe is boring, and spitting a not detailed list of how to enhance what you wish to change. 

I will say it again, Warframe is a unique game, with it's own flow and it's own times for change. Don't try to bring pressure to the Devs, 'cause they know what they are doing. I know many people think that DE is just trying to do more than they can, and that this game is a mix of things that might not go together. But make this mental excercise: They are doing it the best they can and they are also humans with their mindset and things they want to do with their creation. 

If you want change NOW, that change won't be better than what we already have. Give it time, it is evolving into something not seen before. Enjoy it meanwhile, brainstorm in the correct way, and if you don't like something 'cause it's hard or not enjoyable, go to another game, or do another thing ingame. After all, it's just a game, a hobby, it should ba balanced and as most perfect as it could be, but it isn't a matter of life and death. Things work better when you give them time to be how they are supposed to be WHEN they are supposed to be.

I wish you all the best, whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go. I'll stay in Warframe as long as it exists, just because I enjoy it's gameplay regardless of rewards and/or balance. And I will embrace any change they want to make, 'cause I respect DE and I trust their decisions. 

And again, if you want civilized and organized questions/answers, be what you expect from the others, starting from the title. 

I almost wanted to make a joke about how you troll and grief people because you don't understand them on the first few pages on the thread,  then I read this,  mad props. It's like a totally different  person I really would like to hear more of. 


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Kind of there with you. Once you've acquired everything it becomes more of a habit. I got into doing raids and was fine for a while but then I just couldn't bring myself to do them anymore. Took too much time and if someone messed up it could be frustrating to do it all over again and what was I doing it for? There's only a handful of good arcanes and I'm probably going to get the one that helps protect you from radiation.... lol.. 

Rivens so far are what have pushed me to the edge and burnt me out a few times to where I almost stopped signing on altogether and as it is now. I'm just signing in, doing syndicate missions to stock up on medallions for the next prime and leaving. 



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13 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Try and look at it from another perspective: the varied gameplay is still there. It just doesn't appeal to you anymore. It isn't gone, it's just not keeping you in the game. It's like with Skyrim: I played it for ages, because it was varied and fun and there were so many things to do. Then I did all those things. Then I did them again. Now, all that content is still there, but I've had so much experience with it that it's no longer what fuels my drive to play the game.

Perspective is important.

This seems to be the core aspect.  People tend to love things that are new, but that wanes over time unless it hits a core spark with the individual (thus becoming boring).  Just about all games are a repetitive series of actions, while at their core they are often the same actions in a different look.

Think about how many hours you have gotten so far from the game.  Compare that to many other games and in general you see a huge difference.  The factor that it did entertain you for as long as it did, especially when the vast majority of games look at keeping you going for about 20-30 hours, let alone 100s is a great factor.

This isn't to say Warframe is perfect, but no games are, that is why we have such a huge variety of them.

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21 minutes ago, Loswaith said:

This seems to be the core aspect.  People tend to love things that are new, but that wanes over time unless it hits a core spark with the individual (thus becoming boring).  Just about all games are a repetitive series of actions, while at their core they are often the same actions in a different look.

Think about how many hours you have gotten so far from the game.  Compare that to many other games and in general you see a huge difference.  The factor that it did entertain you for as long as it did, especially when the vast majority of games look at keeping you going for about 20-30 hours, let alone 100s is a great factor.

This isn't to say Warframe is perfect, but no games are, that is why we have such a huge variety of them.

I see it this way also. 

If a game has kept my attention for 40+ hours, then I can say the dev team did a good job.  To play a game for a year or more, then that is a great game.  Eventually a person will get tired of any game.  So if you are just now getting "bored" after playing for 4 years, there will be NOTHING the devs can do to change this except either another game or for you to take a break/move on from the game.  It's very rare for most games to keep a player's attention for 20 hours.  To do it for 4 years is a massive achievement that I would realistically view as a job well done.  Think about it, some don't keep phones, PCs, or cars that long.  Just something to think about.  :D

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10 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Even in an endless mission, the tilesets can seem claustrophobically small after you've ran around it for a while and seen all the parts of it (most tiles really aren't that big), and you feel kind of trapped. It's a module again, you are stuck in another little module/instance.

Think of it this way: Warframe is like an MMO, but with no open world play. EVERY mission, is basically an instance, where you can choose to invite friends or end up with a small group. Focusing on this type of gameplay has killed a lot of MMO's in the past, because people get burnt out faster. 

The game is meant to feel that way as DE have said it is a 'space dungeon crawler' (maybe not recently though).  Sure they could want to make it more open, but I'm not sure the engine can handle that especially when you consider the work DE put in to get the relays optimised (and that doesn't have enemies and the massive particles of powers in the mix).

Thinking Warframe is an MMO is another issue, Warframe isn't one.  It is way closer to games like Payday 2 or Killing Floor than it is to an MMO.  Sure it could work as an MMO but that would need an engine designed to actually do that (essentially a Warframe 2 if you will).

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16 hours ago, ashrah said:

u log in and u dont know what to do  

This is me most of the time. I mainly get on for the login bonus, check the invasions and log off if I don't see anything worth doing.

16 hours ago, DrBorris said:

Archwing should be high on DE's to-do list

I agree. Archwing is a great concept and it just needs to be fleshed out. Maybe with a different shooting mechanic to regular gameplay. Maybe we need to be able to take control of our ship, leading to massive scale battles between grineer/corpus ships and our landing crafts/orbiters.

16 hours ago, Skaleek said:

struggle with rooms of 5-10 enemies and ammo consumption was a legitimate concern.

I miss this and finding level 40 enemies tough to kill with my Boltor.

16 hours ago, AlendasNaro said:

Thing is. Curiosity is sometimes the thing that can drive you forward and does curiosity need direction? Not set by the game at least. Curiosity is what drives players to explore things.

But there's not much to be curious about in warframe IMO. Every planet is just a different tileset, every weapon is just feels the same, and every enemy dies like every other enemy. Kuva Guardians, Manics and Bursas are a good example of better enemy mechanics that are more engaging. I think there needs to be a new system of combat for the game to have new life.

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It's not that the game, at least at its core, is boring. In essence, what makes the game boring is that it is so insanely trivial.

If you remember back to when you first started warframe (like Vor's Prize and that whole questline), you as a player, had very little in terms of gear, so even low-level enemies felt relatively balanced in terms of fighting them. You didn't have any of the mandatory mods like damage mods, forma, arcanes, prime weapons, or any of the other bloated mechanics that contribute to making players so insanely powerful. The point though, is that that early game experience felt good in terms of gameplay to where you felt like you were fighting real enemies rather than brainless meatbags throwing pebbles at you (if they don't already die upon the player so much as looking at them).

So by thinking back to that early game experience, warframe's core gameplay is quite fun but it's obscured by how OP players are and how the enemies don't do enough to scale to the power level of the players. DE is looking at balancing this issue from an enemy perspective to hopefully bring enemy power level up to player power level, so the game can be more balanced, so yeah...enemies need more durability and less damage to reduce the need for CC (although something needs to be done about mass-lockdown CC that makes the game trivial)

Just a few thoughts there...I felt like my thoughts weren't as cohesive as I am normally able to make them but ehh

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2 hours ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

It's not that the game, at least at its core, is boring. In essence, what makes the game boring is that it is so insanely trivial.

If you remember back to when you first started warframe (like Vor's Prize and that whole questline), you as a player, had very little in terms of gear, so even low-level enemies felt relatively balanced in terms of fighting them. You didn't have any of the mandatory mods like damage mods, forma, arcanes, prime weapons, or any of the other bloated mechanics that contribute to making players so insanely powerful. The point though, is that that early game experience felt good in terms of gameplay to where you felt like you were fighting real enemies rather than brainless meatbags throwing pebbles at you (if they don't already die upon the player so much as looking at them).

So by thinking back to that early game experience, warframe's core gameplay is quite fun but it's obscured by how OP players are and how the enemies don't do enough to scale to the power level of the players. DE is looking at balancing this issue from an enemy perspective to hopefully bring enemy power level up to player power level, so the game can be more balanced, so yeah...enemies need more durability and less damage to reduce the need for CC (although something needs to be done about mass-lockdown CC that makes the game trivial)

Just a few thoughts there...I felt like my thoughts weren't as cohesive as I am normally able to make them but ehh

DE has shown that they're able to make terrifying enemies that don't care how well equipped you are without needing to 1-shot you and without needing infinite amounts of damage to die when they added Rathuum. I just wish these enemy types would show up in the core game.

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6 hours ago, Navarchus said:

DE has shown that they're able to make terrifying enemies that don't care how well equipped you are without needing to 1-shot you and without needing infinite amounts of damage to die when they added Rathuum. I just wish these enemy types would show up in the core game.

This drives me crazy. The arena enemies (both Rathuum and Index) are very well designed, it I'd almost a sin they are not common spawn. Eximus enemies were originally toted as placeholders for enemies with fancy abilities, arena enemies are basically that but fully developed, it is high time for arena enemies to take their place in the spawn table. 

This would also make be a buff of sorts for low RoF,  high caliber weapons that generally excel at taking out priority targets. 


We get to keep the mass murder of trash, but then get some more tactics for elites. Best of both worlds. 

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3 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

This drives me crazy. The arena enemies (both Rathuum and Index) are very well designed, it I'd almost a sin they are not common spawn. Eximus enemies were originally toted as placeholders for enemies with fancy abilities, arena enemies are basically that but fully developed, it is high time for arena enemies to take their place in the spawn table. 

This would also make be a buff of sorts for low RoF,  high caliber weapons that generally excel at taking out priority targets. 


We get to keep the mass murder of trash, but then get some more tactics for elites. Best of both worlds. 

I'd love to see at least Artificers and Bailiffs spawn. Charging enemies are more about skill than those 99% accuracy scorpions and their hooks that just get 1 shot.

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Of course this game gets boring at some point. When the only daily limited "endgame" content that we have (sorties) is more punishing than rewarding. But since you seem to be so adamant against a token system which would make every single sortie done, worth, i somewhat doubt if you actually want this game to be interesting.

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I've always thought one of the largest obstacle to Warframe having longer-lasting entertainment value was enemy intelligence. All they do is run towards you en masse and attack, or occasionally panic and run around in circles. The only thing you really have to do is pick which target is the most dangerous and kill them, there's very little overall strategy. You don't have to open an enemy up with one kind of attack and finish them with another kind, stuff like that. It's all about trying to find the most dangerous enemy and neutralize them, using the same attacks you use on any other enemy.

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