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This Game is Boring


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14 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

The foundation for engaging content is in how the gameplay is designed - how the characters handle (what they look like, what they can do, and how they move - look and feel, essentially), how the missions are designed (what you can do in the missions and how immersive the experience is), and what gear you can acquire and use (Warframe has this done, but the other two not so well).

Balance on the other hand deals with stats and addresses how "fair" the gameplay feels - is too easy or too hard. It does not directly deal with gameplay.

You can have fun gameplay even with imbalanced stats. You cannot have fun gameplay if the gameplay itself isn't engaging, exciting, and satisfying.

I believe both are important, gameplay even more so than balance, but balance is needed for the game to have longevity imo. They got the gameplay right, no doubt about it, but all we have in WF right now is a binary system of either "we ohk enemies" or "enemies ohk us" with no middle ground, and it means people are bound to get bored. My choices in the game are to steamroll everything or to put up with "fake difficulty" and be forced to cheese the game. 

If they cannot estimate how long it should take to kill a boss, how much damage we should be able to endure from a specific enemy, or how often we should be able to CC an entire room (and they can't do any of those because all stats are all over the place), how are they supposed to design challenging missions?

I press 4 and all the planning, enemy and mission design, AI, etc. in the game goes out the window, no matter how many tiles they shuffle.

Slightly off-topic: one thing I noticed is how WF doesn't even try to hide its indifference for "proper difficulty"; it's the only game I know where a reward that has value for a high level player can show up in a low level mission or quest. Just think about it, no other game makes a "lv60" guy play a "lv5 dungeon" for a catalyst or something useful like that.
Want to get this new frame? Go play this lv~20 quest, even though you have all mods maxed out.
Here's a Nitain alert, it's lv15, feel free to take your 8-forma Excalibur and wipe the floor with everything

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28 minutes ago, The_Doc said:

They got the gameplay right, no doubt about it

Well, I disagree on that point. I don't think they've gotten that right at all. But I understand what you're saying about balance.

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On 26.06.2017 at 3:43 PM, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

I don't really care about ZOE, and yeah, I see Archwing is VERY much like that.

As for Dark Void, I really like how smooth that flight is. Archwing should feel like that. That also only reaffirms my view that archwing belongs on planets and should complement ground-based gameplay.

This is what I want for space-based gameplay:

It's space. We should be taking on Grineer and Corpus ships, with our ships.


15 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

I found some higher quality flight gameplay. Reminds me of those Iron Man tie-in games. Archwing flight should definitely be like this imo:

And again, it demonstrates why I want archwing to be a planet-based system. Something like that works well for combat air support.

Of course ZOE is not for everyone but it is a GOOD game which its own big player base, it is much better then current archwing,there is more to combat in it then mashing  melee button.

I am glad we agree that archwing should be like dark void game, but what you exactly mean by "complement ground-based gameplay." ? do you mean it as being able to use archwing in same areas as we we ground missions, or do you mean it having specific areas where it would be used ? I cant really see first one being possible since open areas are too small, for archwing to be usable in ground missions, it would need open spaces that are few times bigger then whole lenght(from start location to extract location) of current maps.

I must agree that fighting against bigger ships(large destroyers, large carriers, capital ships and so on) with archwing wouldnt really make sense, we are too small to make a difference, even in game we actually see it, yeah we can damage fomorian but to destroy it we take MANY attacks.

But I think that fighting against Space Fighters, Corvettes, Frigates(I dont mean warframe corvette and frigate enemies, I mean those class of ships from other games)  and maybe slightly more then that, should still be possible with archwing, in dark void one of things we can fight with our jet pack is space fighter looking things. I still think that archwing could still have place in space.

If Steve's ship combat idea going to be realized, then it would most likely mean that our only option for fighting larger ships of enemy faction would look kinda like gun sof icarus(steve mentioned fighting against larger ships of corpus and grineer with our ship, to clean path of solar rail), which doesnt make me happy since I dont have large active clan, it would be great if we could get some spectres(bots) to handle systems in our ship), or even better if we could fly around and fight enemy with smaller ship like you want.



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11 minutes ago, Culaio said:


Of course ZOE is not for everyone but it is a GOOD game which its own big player base, it is much better then current archwing,there is more to combat in it then mashing  melee button.

I am glad we agree that archwing should be like dark void game, but what you exactly mean by "complement ground-based gameplay." ? do you mean it as being able to use archwing in same areas as we we ground missions, or do you mean it having specific areas where it would be used ? I cant really see first one being possible since open areas are too small, for archwing to be usable in ground missions, it would need open spaces that are few times bigger then whole lenght(from start location to extract location) of current maps.

I must agree that fighting against bigger ships(large destroyers, large carriers, capital ships and so on) with archwing wouldnt really make sense, we are too small to make a difference, even in game we actually see it, yeah we can damage fomorian but to destroy it we take MANY attacks.

But I think that fighting against Space Fighters, Corvettes, Frigates(I dont mean warframe corvette and frigate enemies, I mean those class of ships from other games)  and maybe slightly more then that, should still be possible with archwing, in dark void one of things we can fight with our jet pack is space fighter looking things. I still think that archwing could still have place in space.

If Steve's ship combat idea going to be realized, then it would most likely mean that our only option for fighting larger ships of enemy faction would look kinda like gun sof icarus(steve mentioned fighting against larger ships of corpus and grineer with our ship, to clean path of solar rail), which doesnt make me happy since I dont have large active clan, it would be great if we could get some spectres(bots) to handle systems in our ship), or even better if we could fly around and fight enemy with smaller ship like you want.



Well, I think it should be used on our ground missions. It'd be used only in more open areas (and they could make new tiles to accommodate that). The idea is that the Grineer and Corpus would have medium-sized ships that they would bring in, things like medium combat ships and transports. Those things would probably bring in a lot of heavy firepower, so we'd be able to call in our archwings to use against them. There could also be specific archwing tilesets that are in the air above the ground, like in Dark Void. I think that the size and firepower of the archwings is more suited to that sort of gameplay than to large-scale space gameplay. It would also make archwing more interesting, as you'd have to deal with ground-based enemies and air-based enemies. That could also include ground-based missile launchers, flak guns, etc. It just allows for a more interesting gameplay experience. And to top that all off, they could completely redesign the Vay Hek boss fight to be an archwing boss fight, especially since he's introduced with archwings now.

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25 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

Well, I think it should be used on our ground missions. It'd be used only in more open areas (and they could make new tiles to accommodate that). The idea is that the Grineer and Corpus would have medium-sized ships that they would bring in, things like medium combat ships and transports. Those things would probably bring in a lot of heavy firepower, so we'd be able to call in our archwings to use against them. There could also be specific archwing tilesets that are in the air above the ground, like in Dark Void. I think that the size and firepower of the archwings is more suited to that sort of gameplay than to large-scale space gameplay. It would also make archwing more interesting, as you'd have to deal with ground-based enemies and air-based enemies. That could also include ground-based missile launchers, flak guns, etc. It just allows for a more interesting gameplay experience. And to top that all off, they could completely redesign the Vay Hek boss fight to be an archwing boss fight, especially since he's introduced with archwings now.

Yes this is how I am mostly imaging archwing, only thing I cant agree with you  about is that I believe that this can also be done in space.

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The thing is that even after taking a break for several months (6 months to be exact), after returning, the game is still boring. I booted it up again today and I couldn't even bring myself to do 3 missions. After the second mission (I think it was a defense mission), I just got bored and turned the game off.

People always claim that because someone has played the game for a long time (I have over 1000 hours) that they should take a break and come back another time but that is not the main issue here. The problem is that the mission design is just awful. The missions repeat over and over again. The tilesets repeat way to much and missions aren't interactive enough. Lets take a look at PSO2. This game (although I haven't played for a very long time) has much better mission design and it feels much more rewarding. You can either explore freely and go much deeper into the dungeon until you get to the boss or you can start any dungeons with specific missions. In dungeons other missions can be triggered (also called Codes). These missions can happen randomly and give you various objectives (kill x-amount of enemies or help a teammate etc..). It feels so much more dynamic and it doesn't get boring. If you finish the "Codes" you get rewards and there can be many "Codes" happening in the dungeons. Also there is a thing called PSE Burst which you enter when the player killed many enemies very fast. The enemies multiply and  get stronger. Also the drop chances for rare items increase dramatically. I tried to find a video but this was the best I can find.

My main gripe with warframe is simply the mission design and the rewards you can get. Nothing of that feels truly amazing or worth my time. Sure you can do an endless mission and what do you get most of the time? Useless mods and some relics. Then you need to use the relics to acquire hopefully the prime parts that you want. If you got all of the primes then "yay" and congratulations you beat warframe. Where can I test builds and my strength? No endgame makes this game just pointless. People say rivens are great rewards but they are pointless. Why should I need a riven? Everything in the starchart can be oneshotted with my formad weapons already. Why do I need more power? For sorties? Nope it is simply not necessary. 

In PSO2 I can try many different classes with completely different skill trees and test my strength on huuuuuuuge bosses that are really well balanced. It never feels unfair and it still manages to be challenging. The bosses are so well designed in this game and when you beat them, you really feel good about it AND you occasionally get rewarded with something really rare. Something useable.

The starchart looks so huge but the missions repeat way to much (wide as an ocean and shallow as a puddle) Also another major problem is the enemy design and the tilesets. Although we have beautiful tilesets, it seems like they repeat way to often. The same problem with enemies. We have many different types in the factions themselves but it always seems like we see the same enemies over and over and over. Even the bosses are not that well designed (lt. Krill for example ...)

A friend of mine texted me a few days ago and wrote: "Yay a new warframe is coming out and earth will be remastered etc. SOOO MUCH HYPE"

I didn't want to destroy his excitement by saying: "So what?" Because in the end it just isn't worth it anymore. Why should I use Harrow? Why should I play on a slightly more beautiful earth tileset? The game itself doesn't have endgame. There is still not enough variation in the missions or the gameplay in itself. This update atleast for me is pointless.

DE if you read this which you probably will not but still it is worth a shot ;). You need to work on the mission design. If I could get more objectives in one mission that would be awesome. Reward me if I accomplish missions in a mission. Give me something special. Also the maps need to be more open. Why not use the dedicated servers for that? What happened to that? The corpus ships are a great addition and it makes the game feel more dynamic but you need more of that stuff. Reward players for exploring especially the new ones could benefit from that. You need to change the rewards from the missions. Why do I get so many magazine warps and speed trigger mods? Give me something that I can use.

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16 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

Well, I think it should be used on our ground missions. It'd be used only in more open areas (and they could make new tiles to accommodate that). The idea is that the Grineer and Corpus would have medium-sized ships that they would bring in, things like medium combat ships and transports. Those things would probably bring in a lot of heavy firepower, so we'd be able to call in our archwings to use against them. There could also be specific archwing tilesets that are in the air above the ground, like in Dark Void. I think that the size and firepower of the archwings is more suited to that sort of gameplay than to large-scale space gameplay. It would also make archwing more interesting, as you'd have to deal with ground-based enemies and air-based enemies. That could also include ground-based missile launchers, flak guns, etc. It just allows for a more interesting gameplay experience. And to top that all off, they could completely redesign the Vay Hek boss fight to be an archwing boss fight, especially since he's introduced with archwings now.

This sounds awesome to me. I could imagine to call my Archwing even when i see myselfe in trouble of to much surpressing fire. Could lead to a much more open combat feeling. I realy like that thought buddy. 

What happends if we get atacked in space?

Well yes..space ninja..liset..relays...

We need something to fight with. Archwings seem weired to use in space.

IF space fighting, we are going ships vs ships? Maybe ally/alliances can build different MotherShips (MS)? Maybe each Faction offers 1 kind of a MS and a ally or alliance can choose one to build and use ? Maybe ally/alliances bring in theire own crew to controll it, use weaponary, and some offensive liset typs which are like a carrier on board, to jump in and deffend/atack with the MS those targets? Maybe able to shot holes in the hulls of ships if armory is broken there, and tennos are able to hijack the enemy ship on foot?..hmm 


Dunno... throw this away just a day dream...

But the ground/air archwing looks promising to me. Love it.

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Then give the game a brake and play something else until you get bored of that, and come back to playing warframe. I find there is a lot to do in warframe(cant do everything in one day). If you get bored of one thing do another, if you are bored of doing planet missions, alerts, syndicates, sorties, kuvas etc you can go to the PVP side of the game, capture the cephlon, last man standing, team annihilation and then the Lunaro, (tenno Football/Hockey) 

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3 hours ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

Then give the game a brake and play something else until you get bored of that, and come back to playing warframe. I find there is a lot to do in warframe(cant do everything in one day). If you get bored of one thing do another, if you are bored of doing planet missions, alerts, syndicates, sorties, kuvas etc you can go to the PVP side of the game, capture the cephlon, last man standing, team annihilation and then the Lunaro, (tenno Football/Hockey) 

When are people going to understand that it does not have to do with burn out? This thread is a discussion about Actual flaws in the game.

-For starters how many of the maps are not updated for the current movement system. So most of the time is spent simply bullet-jumping through the level rather than actually using parkour.

-We point out that the developers spend a lot of time adding content to catch the eyes of new players and don't spend enough time polishing the game. 

-They put in Archwing ( which is centered on very different gameplay mechanics) when the base game still has a lot of work to be done.

-We point out our frustration about how the developers seem to have this standardize schedule for the year to simply add new weapons, new frames new prime frames, with the quest at the end, but no real end goal to create a complete product.

-We point out our frustration about how the only thing that keeps people playing this game it's for the promise of a new shiny toy at the end of a mission.  

-We point out our frustration that this way of thinking has created/resulted in mission systems that are designed around farming as fast as possible and not actual worthwhile content.

-For people that have been around for the past 3 to 4 years, or even longer, it seems that the developers spend more time experimenting then actually pushing towards a goal.

You know why Overwatch is such a success even though it is only really a multiplayer game? It's because it is a highly polished product. 

By any game standard, Warframe is still practically in alpha/beta. 

Developers themselves acknowledge that the beta tag will not be going away for a while because it allows them to make the changes they feel are necessary for the game. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)ChillZI1986 said:

The starchart looks so huge but the missions repeat way to much (wide as an ocean and shallow as a puddle)

This is true. So what can be done?

Doesn't our Starchart feels fedd up?

Feeded with so much things it could be used for a 2nd/3rd Starchart, with other planets, with other knots and keep going up in lvl ranges where our current starchart stoped ?



Also another major problem is the enemy design and the tilesets. Although we have beautiful tilesets, it seems like they repeat way to often. The same problem with enemies. We have many different types in the factions themselves but it always seems like we see the same enemies over and over and over. Even the bosses are not that well designed (lt. Krill for example ...)

 Boss point. Each is a fix character. Each fight vs 1 boss won't change his character. 

Where i could see points to increase gameplay experiences, is that each boss could have 3 character sides. The core of his character stays but he act in each of his 3 sides differently, while each side changes maybe small visualy parts of his apearing like a scary happy smiling, raging face, feared face. Another point could be to let the boss learn from his atackers, who atacks when and which parts are focused to hurt him the most, close/range atacks ect. And increases the difficult durring fighting the boss which will increase his evading of hits more often. Instead "perma god modus".

 Variety of enemies; ... well instead more and more same typs, go lower amount of enemies but bigger and bigger. Size matters believe me 😁.  But those 'epic/legendary' bigger 'booyz' guzz daz biggzz gunzz, tuffer, new faster acting AI, like aiming longer then 3sec on them triggers those to roll to side, pick one of theire own and throw it to the player. The thrown big guy will land hard and takes out his big melee weapon...day dreaming already lol. They could throw flashbangs as well. Since they are just 5-8 enemies team can now coordinate atacks vs 1 first while trying to isolate the others or kit them away (loki/ash). Turning ur back to a flashbang would drasticaly save the tenno to be blinded...ect. 

My ESL time hits in T-.-T...

Well, less targets would allow to act more tactical stuff instead blind shotting arround. Horde modus at start...strat in the end. Both can co-exsist like that. Different Field bosses also with 3 character sides,... ect.


Tilesets; well a Rainforest will be always a Rainforest. How to make it look different each time visiting?

Take a exc. from reality... different animals, some day & some night active animals like Birds/ Frogs/ diff Predators/ butterflys. Maybe some animals indirectly interacting with Frames with noise, looking to them, running away when coming to close to them ooor sometimes they just keep standing or moving to the direction of a frame..sniffing his hands if he emotes his hand out. Or a buttfly group could land on you while possible also in last moment landing to fly away. Dynamics.


Different Dynamic acting objects. Like a moose bubble, looking like a stone with moose on it but jumping on it would catapult you in air, walking on it would stagger you a bit...

Mud...slowing you down a bit walking on

River... walking in would hit the sprint breaks in and slowly lets you crosd it if walking. Shoting on the water with elements, would apply 45% of the guns powersource on the surface of the water in a lil area...ect.

Good night guys. See (read) ya tomorrow 😊😪

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On 6/9/2017 at 9:53 AM, JSharpie said:

Subjective title aside, it's time I finally faced the facts. This game, from the start to the end, is the same thing. Shoot, run to extract, shoot, run to extract. There is little variation on anything. Even playing different frames feels the same. Whenever a new or interesting mechanic comes out, it's either a gimmick (Operators), worthless (2/5 focus schools), or non-functional/troll heavy (Limbo, and I really like Limbo). This isn't a slight at the devs, I couldn't have done better and I think they're doing their best. Lets face it though, even attempts at reworks just end up being more of the same. Archwing was the last totally new thing we got and it was awesome, the possibilities were awesome! Supposedly they're working on it, but it flopped. Majorly.

So there lies the crux of the problem. This game is boring. At least for me. I don't think I'm the only one, but if I am, woops. I mean where is the variation in gameplay? Even new powers are functionally the same. Generally there are 5 categories. CC, Buffs, Damage, Utility, and Mobility. That's what our powers generally do. And they're effective, sure, but are they fun? Maybe for the first couple of months of gameplay, but after that? I mean a lot of us have been at this for 2, 3, 4 years! All we do is shoot, or spam E to melee. I mean a lot could be accomplished if just the Melee system was fleshed out, or if the FoV was able to be altered just a bit more! But instead we have grossly powerful weapons where we hit one button and everything dies until the level gets so high we just can't possibly do it anymore. That's not good game design, at least not in my opinion. We need fixed level design. Let me play on beautiful earth with level 100 enemies. Balance our mods and weapons around that. Set a level cap, and balance around it. It'll be hard work, but it'll pay off. Vary  you're enemies. Make parrying do something. Let me open up a melee only enemy for finishers by parrying at the right time. Oh wait, did you guys know we can already do that? It's never apparent, and there is almost no purpose to it. So give us purpose to our mechanics. Make charge attacks work, make channeling worthwhile, make deflection viable, allow varied gameplay instead of this tired meta.

DE, I know you're trying hard, but as a long time fan of the game there are some glaring problems that need to be fixed. I've been ignoring them for awhile assuming better things were on the horizon, but it's important to point this out now. The direction the game is, the direction I think it's going, it isn't fun. Not for me, and I'm willing to bet not for others. 

Take Black Desert Online. I've been playing that game for awhile. That game is more of a grind than this is. It's awful, yet I love that game to bits. The gameplay is fun. Combos are flashy, taming horses is fun, farming, fishing, crafting, it's all there and all interesting. What's stopping Warframe from adding something new? Something varied? Something to do that isn't just a new tool to do the same thing?

I sincerely hope I'm wrong and it works out. I hope it's just me that has found this game to be boring. 

Edit: If you've made a post or point you want in the OP, please PM me and I'll see about putting it in the OP to make it easier to digest this thread. Credit will of course be given.


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Warframe's problem, imo, is that its core gameplay is very basic. The gameplay experience (what we actually do in tilesets and on missions) is very limited. Look at something like Battlefield, Battlefront, or Ghost Recon Wildlands, for an example. They've got ground vehicles, and aircraft, and immersive environments, and NPCs you can interact with. Even though two of those are multiplayer shooters, they have more things for you to do in matches that makes for exciting gameplay. Their missions (for single player or multiplayer matches) are usually multi-objective, and none of them are geared towards quick in-and-out gameplay because they aren't just focused on reward items.

Warframe offers none of that. The game is boring, said to die quickly (as you quoted), not because of new content, but because the gameplay itself is so limited, so shallow, to the point where the only thing players can really look forward to is new content, because that's the only thing that's satisfying in the game. The core gameplay just isn't. Reworking stats is not going to make the game more fun. Fixes are needed; please don't get me wrong there. But fixes will just make Warframe a more polished game. They won't make it a more complete game.

To do that, I think DE needs to 1) rework their basic movement animations (running and sprinting), 2) rework gun handling and how the character moves when holding guns, 3) rework their core mission types (the core player experience), fleshing them out, making them multi-objective, and adding things like vehicles and NPCs, 4) add new features and mission types that actually expand upon the revamped core player experience, and remove features that don't, 5) revamp the mastery system so that every normal kill, special kill (i.e. slide kills, ability kills, wall kills, etc), and special action (i.e. scans, console hacks, wall runs, etc) gains you mastery points, and 6) create a narrative story (a start-to-finish story, like a traditional campaign, even if told through the quest system) that progresses you through the main core progression of the game.

When it comes to "content", that's the kind of content that Warframe needs, imo.



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Anyway. I have a hunch that working on mastery, mission parameters, eximus enemies, stealth, A.I. would solve most of the glaring issues that Warframe faces.

  1. Rework mastery, give more mastery to players and teams that perform the most (ie meeting mission parameters). And then missions can be based on mastery and not level.
  2. Give missions some parameters that should be met outside of the main objective (eg. stealth), and give better rewards from meeting these parameters. That would provide a different pace to the missions, a sense of danger. (When was the last time you went, "Nope, nope, nope!", hmm?)
  3. Make eximus enemies into real mini-bosses, nerf the durability and damage of everything else. This would make meeting an eximus in the field a true test of prowess.
  4. Give stealth a small rework. (eg Introduce concealment wherein revealing one squad member does not reveal the rest.)
  5. Make lesser units have.....fear.......small dialogue is always appreciated. (Remember when playing HALO and the Covenant unggoy go, "He's gonna kill us all!" , or “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!”). Seriously.......TENNO SKOOM gets annoying sometimes....

With all that done, balance would revolve around not breaking immersion, rather than a numerical value (ie levels).




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Good morning guys ✌

Was reading that our Dev's, are tweaking on our waypoint-marker to work much more smoother.

Well...waypoint tweaking is good! ..but not enough imo. Even this lil point can be improved.

What is a marker?

A marker is a 'tool', to point for other players to a spot, the player thinks everyone might be interested in or need to know what's there.

In other games, this feature is also called "Ping/Pinging" to a location.


Well to my "Waypoint-Marker" improvment suggestion:


We could simple use our "G" still to "mark" a point. But instead just "showing" what's already there, we could give a marking point player related things he want to show other players...

Exc. You need assist...you are splited from your team. You now mark to a point which will now show 'Playername' need Assist. Everyone 'knows direct' why is this player pointing to and what he needs. 

Pressing once 'G', will do what it do now, simple marking. Hold 'G' pressed while aiming to the spot you want to place the mark, will open a 'Quick-marker-Menue'. In there you will find different options you can now choose with your mouse. Clicking on it will apply the choosen mark typ to it.

Exc picture:


Note: Ofc we should change the look/symbols and choose the right options to work for WF.

But this will allow us to interact deeper and more tactical in a squad durring the gameplay. A fix content changes into a flexible, tactical and more interactive tool to use for Squads.


As a additional note:


Add into the party-list, that a Party-Leader, can create 2 teams (list splited in 2 parts) and can give each of both party groups a name. Blue/Red or what ever. Now just saying "Blue" and followed by the ping "Assist me", everyone in team knows which 2 players are meant, where to go and why...and this all in one go...very effectiv and smooth.



Going into 'Navigation', could show up a new option button; Create Party. Clicking on it, will give the player 2 new party options. Since he is the person starting it, he will be the 'Party-Leader'. This status grands him to do some arrangments to the party-list. The 2 options he can pick after choosing 'Create Party' are 'Quick Game' & 'Lobby Game'.

'Quick Game';  this option is nothing different to the current one. But choosing this will still grand the party-leader, to setup 2/3 party-groups in the list plus give each group, a seperated name (Blue/Red ect.). He can also switch players from a group to another one in this list, at any given time, also durring mission. So a group can arrange theire team-setup flexible to changing situations InGame.

'Lobby Game'; is a more tactical version. A player choosing this party option, get also the same group arrangment options as in 'Quick Game'.

The differents here is, the Party-Leader (PL), invites any player joining to beam inside his Liset. The hole party will be joining first visualy on board to PL, to the 'comando-bridge' if you will.

Here, all players can talk about stuff and tactics. Every player joined, can also use the interior of the PL's Liset. But using any of it will directly connect to each own players liset interior. So everyone can still use/build/switch/arrange theire own stuff for themselfe on PL's Liset.

Additionaly the PL can setup a 'minimum' time, a party should go.  30min/1h/2h/...ect

After all players accepting the current party setup/settings, the PL can now choose the mission to go in together.


What do you guys think about this points? 


*Lobby; was a suggestion from another player without real details, but his OP inspired my thoughts. I will search his OP and tag his name here ;) @arch111 thanks buddy !!

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This game is much more fun when you are at the beginning with no upgraded mods / missing mods. At the beginning I just wanted to explore the planets and since I didn't know any better I thought, that this is how you make progress by just aiming to defeat every boss but it is not that simple. See this game isn't about exploring. This game is about farming and acquiring everything which can be okay at the beginning but later makes it pointless to play the game (Why would I need another new warframe when the game itself doesn't change?) The only thing that changes is that you kill the stupid enemies differently and that's it.

As soon as you upgrade your mods to the max (get all the mods), kill everything with just one left mouse click and kill entire rooms of enemies without doing anything, it gets old fast. You may enjoy this for a while but after that it just gets boring.

The enemies dont get smarter. They don't develop any tactics or try to outsmart you. They just walk in your direction and shoot.

There are no minibosses or generals etc.. Nothing.

You can't develop any tactics on the battlefield. You don't get rewarded for headshotting enemies or doing something special like glide over them and kill 5 enemies with one arrow. You can do that stuff but it is pointless because you can just stand somewhere and kill all the enemies with your warframe ability at once.

There are no mini objectives in missions. We have the affinity goals at the beginning of the mission and thats it. If you do it you get 10000 affinity. This mechanic is totally unfinished. Why not make it so that if I complete a mini obejctive like killing 5 enemies with headshots I get an item or something else (syndicate points, an emblem, etc..). After this it should go to the next mini objective. If you quickly complete them you build a combo and get temporarly stronger (This would help beginners if they wanna farm something but they dont have the mods or capacity to kill enemies over lvl 20 etc.) That way you would reward skill.

But nope skill is apparently for pussies.

Also one thing that I hate in warframe, is how you acquire new stuff.

You farm one thing which you need to farm a better thing which you need to build so that you can build something better -.-

All this with RNG and waiting times in between. I swear 5 friends of mine couldn't play the game any longer because it confused them and it made it complicated for them. Also the waiting times made it difficult for them to enjoy.

DE has placed so many good mechanics in the game but they don't do anything with them. It just feels unfinished.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)ChillZI1986 said:

DE has placed so many good mechanics in the game but they don't do anything with them. It just feels unfinished.

You might not have been reading the last few pages (Not being snarky) but that is the basics of what we have been saying the entire time.

A. Emphasize that Warframe was released back in 2013 as Open Beta, by any game standard is practically in alpha/beta, and DE said is Very Much a work in progress.

B. Spend more time polishing rather than adding content that we don't need or would be broken unless you polish the base game first.

We don't want status Quo of junk constantly being added, We want Progress towards a finished product

C. The community needs to reorient the way they think about this game
Its not a complete game, It is essentially in alpha. And people need to start looking at it more that way so then they can prioritize what is actually important.

For a game of this scope,
-What are the basic and key features Warframe should have to be a complete game?

-What features can this game have that are unique to itself and have not been done in other games?


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16 hours ago, Iccotak said:

Take a look at the level design in this video. Notice how it is built around the Parkour system. That is how the levels should be in Warframe.


changing level design wont help, parkour 2.0 is what ruined parkour in warframe, especially  changing wall run into wall hops, wall hops are so bad to use that I REFUSE to use them completly, if you try to look away from wall to look at oposite wall to jump on it or simply look away from wall to shot enemy you WILL disconnect from wall, and for the most part bullet jump combo makes wall hops useless for the most part. No level design change will fix those problems, to fix them you need to rework parkour system itself(parkour 2.5-3.0?), I saw better parkour system in mmorpg blade & soul, you dont suffer from problem of disconnecting from wall in it, you actually can make full circle on wall, if you are skilled(you can easily changing direction while wall running).

personally I prefered first version of parkour 2.0, where we didnt run on top  of ziplines but were grabing on to them and we could brake on them and even jump from them by making circles around them(dunno how its called, english isnt my native language):

here are other gifs from first version of parkour 2.0:

I think that this version of parkour 2.0 was better and more fun, current version of parkour 2.0 evolved into people using bullet jump combo everywhere

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The problem is not that Warframe is boring, the problem is that there is no reason for you to grab a Void or Kuva Fortress mission, go to Defense or Survival and go up the 2 hour mark. There is literally nothing worthwile to do once you've done the basics. Trials need improvement, there's only 2 of them, and the Arcane rewards have little use to most because of what I said at first -- there's no content hard enough outside 5 missions (3 sorties and 2 nightmare trials) to really justify their use.

We've been playing the game for 3.5 years now. 3.5 freaking years. Changes are welcome, new content is needed -- if they stopped adding it, you can bet the game would die -- but they need a change/shift in focus for the next major update after U22.

I have high hopes that between Dark Sectors, new enemies (Sentients) and the mob rework they intend to do things change a little, but even then they really need to try to deliver something else for us oldies too.

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20 minutes ago, Culaio said:

changing level design wont help, parkour 2.0 is that ruined parkour in warframe, especially  changing wall run into wall hops, wall hops are so bad to use that I REFUSE to use them completly, if you try to look away from wall to look at oposite wall to jump on it or simply look away from wall to shot enemy you WILL disconnect from wall, and for the most part bullet jump combo makes wall hops useless for the most part. No level design change will fix those problems, to fix them you need to rework parkour system itself(parkour 2.5-3.0?), I saw better parkour system in mmorpg blade & soul, you dont suffer from problem of disconnecting from wall in it, you actually can make full circle on wall, if you are skilled(you can easily changing direction while wall running).

personally I prefered first version of parkour 2.0, where we didnt run on top  of ziplines but were grabing on to them and we could brake on them and even jump from them by making circles around them(dunno how its called, english isnt my native language):

I think that this version of parkour 2.0 was better and more fun, current version of parkour 2.0 evolved into people using bullet jump combo everywhere

I absolutely agree. The Bullet jumping was for the sake of getting through levels faster. I HATE wall hopping so much, it really interrupts gameplay. Bullet Jumping is repetitive and playing missions is full of people trying to get through missions that fastest using bullet jumps.
 I want more realistic parkour, doesn't have to be too realistic. Titanfall 2 does wall running, its Parkour feels faster and way more exciting than Warframes' system. Update Parkour and level design so then they work well together.  

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19 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

The problem is not that Warframe is boring, the problem is that there is no reason for you to grab a Void or Kuva Fortress mission, go to Defense or Survival and go up the 2 hour mark. There is literally nothing worthwile to do once you've done the basics. Trials need improvement, there's only 2 of them, and the Arcane rewards have little use to most because of what I said at first -- there's no content hard enough outside 5 missions (3 sorties and 2 nightmare trials) to really justify their use.

We've been playing the game for 3.5 years now. 3.5 freaking years. Changes are welcome, new content is needed -- if they stopped adding it, you can bet the game would die -- but they need a change/shift in focus for the next major update after U22.

I have high hopes that between Dark Sectors, new enemies (Sentients) and the mob rework they intend to do things change a little, but even then they really need to try to deliver something else for us oldies too.

The only thing to do is play random missions of different types to farm for something so then you can get something else. That is it.
Because this Farming was supposed to be a place-holder for quality content.

But a lot of community feedback is not based on how good/bad the mission is. It is based on wanting to farm faster.

Like we said. We want quality and polished content. Not this directionless farming game. 
-The New Star Chart was a good move.
-Putting things in a ship for context was a good move.
-The quality of Kuva Fortress was a good move (Now put Kuva in it)
-Updating Sound design in levels was a good move.
-Updating Floors of Tile sets was a good move.
-Updating Lights in levels was a good move.
-Updating Earth was Definitely a good move.
-Creating new Enemy Units, like Nox, is a good move.

I have suggested that they get a publisher to fund them in the past now that their game shows promise, but there is still fear that they would lose control of their baby (which in understandable) BUT focus on an end goal of a complete product. Don't just endlessly experiment. 

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Guys...wasn't there a WF trailer, where a Exalibur runs along the wall, jumping to another wall and kept walking there while shoting on a lower level a enemy, jumped again on a wall and walked upwards (in a way i never have seen InGame) and poped out of a tunnel standing crouched on the floor, while in background other tennos moving to him (backup is here),..and the screen switches to the front of all looking to a big ship and i think a lot sentiens droped in front of exclibur ??!!

Couln't find the trailer yet..on mobil. Can someone post it?

THIS movment system i looked at, was for me a "WOW"... but actualy just in a video not InGame...

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