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15 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

Now onto that MR stuff...

Mastery Rank makes sense. It is the "rank" of the amount of items you have "mastered". And to that I think it should remain the same. Warframe, at the end of the day, is about getting all of the loot. MR is there to push you forward into that.

Warframe's never going to be more interesting, more developed, more complete than it is now as long as the only goal is to "get all the loot." That is an extremely shallow end goal for a game. IMO, that is the core problem with Warframe. It is only about getting reward items. It should be about the gameplay experience, not about the rewards, and I've already talked about that in length on the preceding pages. THAT is why we got into a discussion of content and MR (which has everything to do with how players progress in the game and valuing gameplay over rewards).


See, it does pay to actually read through a thread if you actually want to contribute to a discussion. I suggest you do that...

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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3 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Snip whinny youtuber video

Spreading this glorious reveiw everywhere i can

People keep posting this video like a "Yeah, take that, DE." It is nothing but passive aggressive cancer.

He clearly has an axe to grind judging by the fact he's still crying about the void rework.

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1 hour ago, Jobistober said:

People keep posting this video like a "Yeah, take that, DE." It is nothing but passive aggressive cancer.

He clearly has an axe to grind judging by the fact he's still crying about the void rework.

Is it whining?

I have to ask these things. Someone referred to mogamu as "mogutrash" yesterday, and it got me thinking on this. These guys are providing feed back. Just like we are here. But unless that feedback aligns with certain veiws, its seen by the "collective" as whiny garbage. Ill just leave that question there.

I understand your point. I also find it odd that he is saying the second dream was last great thing DE did, and in the same breath, state his absolute hatred for operators (of course you dont actually get the operator until the end of the quest so....)

But i agree with his veiws. So of course we will disagree. But its not whining.

Or it could be...how many registered losers was it?

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2 hours ago, DrBorris said:

I have been lurking in the thread for awhile now and I managed to dodge the progression rant when people started talking about MR, but this is going to bring me out of lurking. 


I can't disagree more with that guy. I get that part of his "thing" is his pessimistic overtone, which is fine, but good grief. First of all he is one of the "Archwing and Operators suck now, so DE should not put effort into them" types. I recommend going to the very first page of this thread as the reasons as to why this is a horrible mindset are thoroughly discussed, as well as how things like Archwing CAN be the saving grace for Warframe. Then there is his rant that "DE isn't adding content and they think Tennocon is a replacement". You wut mate? Last Devstream was one of the worst as far as "reveals", but that is because they are saving the reveals for Tennocon. I am sure this guy knows that, but the fact that he twisted the situation just to complain more says a lot about how he gets views. 

I could go on, but that is all I remember from when I first watched it and I would rather not give him another view.


Now to the "You did not read the whole thread". I can't really blame them. It is 18 pages now and the discussion has gone from taking about the community, to talking about "content", to talking about MR, then there was like two pages of horses and carrots, and now we are kind of back to the OP. That is a lot to ask for everyone joining the thread, you hould be open to what they say.

However, when you do put your first post in a thread on the 18th page, do think about what you are saying and that it is not something that was probably stated already. 


As for Elite style lore, that WAS the path Warframe was taking. Subtle drops from Boss speeches, weapon descriptions (Mire and Tonbo for example), and the extremely vague but meaningful Prime (Excal, Mag, Ember, Rhino) lore. I personally prefer that approach to the TSD/TWW approach. That said, TSD was fine as it left many more questions than it answered, but TWW felt too much like exposition to me. I would rather the "story" of TWW have been inferred rather than explained. 

I too have a fascination with EVE (but won't dare touch it with a 10 foot pole). IMO an "Invasion 2.0" that was a dynamic war between Corpus and Grineer where the outcomes had system-wide effects and siding with a faction (to maintain balance) would give special perks could bring some of the "epic" to day to day Warframe. The goal of the player community would be to keep a big bar at the top of the Solar Map in the middle, but individual player interests (people who say f*** balance) and outside factors caused by DE would push it away from the middle. It would be like an event that was always going on that could be affected itself by the events we get now. So basically it is a PvP system hidden under a lot of layers of PvE, just don't tell anyone. 

So for an event DE could have the Grineer discover energy tech. We s a community would have to push back the empowered Grineer enough to destroy said tech, but not so much that it would leave the Corpus in the lead. Or on a PvP level, imagine an alliance taking a bribe for resources/affinity/weapons from the Corpus. That major push would benefit those guys, but hurt everyone who wasn't them, so then some would push back, or maybe join. 


10/10 first post. Not sure how you will ever be able to top it.


Now onto that MR stuff...

Mastery Rank makes sense. It is the "rank" of the amount of items you have "mastered". And to that I think it should remain the same. Warframe, at the end of the day, is about getting all of the loot. MR is there to push you forward into that.

However, MR should not have a direct correlation with power. It should have a slight one, as you obviously don't want worse weapons as you rank up, but seeing someone's MR should not mean "Oh, that means they have access to X powerful weapons, thus they are X powerful". 

That should be for another rank, your "Progression Rank". A number that is tied not to how much stuff you have mastered, but how many mechanics you have mastered. So this would go up based on achievements and, more importantly, quests.

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It is outdated, I know, but you get the picture.

This is NOT an end-game solution, but it makes the journey from noob to vet a coherent journey. Things like Focus (not its current iteration) and the aforementioned Invasions are how you do end game. The power of equipment you have is directly correlated to the amount of quests you have finished, and in order to complete quests you need to grind a little in-between to meet the "difficulty" demands of the next quest. And of course because Warframe is never done, more quests will be added, bringing new difficulty, but also bringing new power as your Progression Rank is getting higher. 

How I would recommend correlating Progression Rank to power is a thread in itself, but there are quite a few ways that it can be done, some less obtrusive than others. 

So MR exists as a carrot to try new things.

PR would exist as a carrot to explore the game. 

This is a nice post. I like this post


It always sucks coming in late to a party:_( 

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

But unless that feedback aligns with certain veiws, its seen by the "collective" as whiny garbage.

u wot m8? 99% of the time youtubers who release the first videos on a subject are the ones that define what the, "collective," think, as it is. If you don't see or understand that then you're not actually paying any attention and are trying to sympathize with something you barely understand. Look around after the Oberon rework dropped-- unless you were following the herd mentality propagated by people like Brozime you were completely wrong no matter what you thought. Meme Sage almost quit making Warframe videos because he dared to say, "I think Oberon is good," and got attacked for it.

This video you linked of this guy spreading negativity in the manner he is does nothing more than give confirmation bias to people who already aren't happy with the game. He took a devstream that was expected to not reveal much and spun it into something negative, rather than acknowledging that it wasn't meant to be a huge one. Let's also not forget that he's completely forgetting the same thing happening last TennoCon, where they pulled back on what they revealed shortly before the 'Con and is making it seem like they're dropping everything to do this thing when they're very clearly putting the finishing touches on the Harrow quest.

Crying out loud, one of the things he mentions in his video wasn't even actually confirmed in the Devstream. He just says it and hopes you won't look into it.

Also, Mogamu is generally negatively regarded due to him threatening to sic his entire fanbase (and other people's, too) on a much smaller youtuber because he couldn't handle him on his own. Regardless of what you think of that other youtuber, what Mogamu did was petty and trashy and reeks of the little taste of fame he has going to his head.


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1 minute ago, Chipputer said:

u wot m8? 99% of the time youtubers who release the first videos on a subject are the ones that define what the, "collective," think, as it is. If you don't see or understand that then you're not actually paying any attention and are trying to sympathize with something you barely understand. Look around after the Oberon rework dropped-- unless you were following the herd mentality propagated by people like Brozime you were completely wrong no matter what you thought. Meme Sage almost quit making Warframe videos because he dared to say, "I think Oberon is good," and got attacked for it.

This video you linked of this guy spreading negativity in the manner he is does nothing more than give confirmation bias to people who already aren't happy with the game. He took a devstream that was expected to not reveal much and spun it into something negative, rather than acknowledging that it wasn't meant to be a huge one. Let's also not forget that he's completely forgetting the same thing happening last TennoCon, where they pulled back on what they revealed shortly before the 'Con and is making it seem like they're dropping everything to do this thing when they're very clearly putting the finishing touches on the Harrow quest.

Crying out loud, one of the things he mentions in his video wasn't even actually confirmed in the Devstream. He just says it and hopes you won't look into it.

Also, Mogamu is generally negatively regarded due to him threatening to sic his entire fanbase (and other people's, too) on a much smaller youtuber because he couldn't handle him on his own. Regardless of what you think of that other youtuber, what Mogamu did was petty and trashy and reeks of the little taste of fame he has going to his head.


I love oberon. I think they did i much better job on him than volt. Im tempted to take down that depressing character self portrait infront of my name. 

The common tendency now, on todays forum, is to try to tear down someones idea, opinion, veiw, etc. with as many insults and as much browbeating as possibly can be shoved into as small a paragraph possible. Or say that they are whining.

Asking for something to change, is met with white knoghts who will say it is fine as is. And thats fine, because that is an opinion to, but the insults. Everyone here seems to believe the other is incapable of cognitive thinking. Its why the forums are veiwed by those on the outside in reddit, or youtube, the way region chat is veiwed in game.

If i didnt know any better, id think this was politics.

Now, its to me, a matter of two sides of a coin, glass half full, half empty. Because where you say he is twisting information, i believe that this devstream is just like all the ones that have come before...

Of course i cant argue. I dont watch actual devstreams. So i will just be an adult and say im wrong here. Devstreams just became alot of drinking. Sarcastic comments, Off topic bickering, and dissapointment from hype. So i stopped watching. Of i made you tube videos on you tube, you can bet they would be every bit as pessimistic.

But yes, you are right, DE does like to withhold info before conventions. So lets wait and see. Time will tell wont it?


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29 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Is it whining?

I have to ask these things. Someone referred to mogamu as "mogutrash" yesterday, and it got me thinking on this. These guys are providing feed back. Just like we are here. But unless that feedback aligns with certain veiws, its seen by the "collective" as whiny garbage. Ill just leave that question there.

I understand your point. I also find it odd that he is saying the second dream was last great thing DE did, and in the same breath, state his absolute hatred for operators (of course you dont actually get the operator until the end of the quest so....)

But i agree with his veiws. So of course we will disagree. But its not whining.

Or it could be...how many registered losers was it?

Fair enough, except Mogamu has never resorted to petty passive aggressive acts to voice his legitimate concerns for the game. I just can't stand this guy's attitude. He nit picks at things that have been in the game for nearly 2 years and makes it sound like DE is some horrible company because one dev stream was purposely vague. He is entitled his opinion, but when he acted like a child about it, I stopped listening.

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2 hours ago, DrBorris said:

As for Elite style lore, that WAS the path Warframe was taking. Subtle drops from Boss speeches, weapon descriptions (Mire and Tonbo for example), and the extremely vague but meaningful Prime (Excal, Mag, Ember, Rhino) lore. I personally prefer that approach to the TSD/TWW approach. That said, TSD was fine as it left many more questions than it answered, but TWW felt too much like exposition to me. I would rather the "story" of TWW have been inferred rather than explained. 

I too have a fascination with EVE (but won't dare touch it with a 10 foot pole). IMO an "Invasion 2.0" that was a dynamic war between Corpus and Grineer where the outcomes had system-wide effects and siding with a faction (to maintain balance) would give special perks could bring some of the "epic" to day to day Warframe. The goal of the player community would be to keep a big bar at the top of the Solar Map in the middle, but individual player interests (people who say f*** balance) and outside factors caused by DE would push it away from the middle. It would be like an event that was always going on that could be affected itself by the events we get now. So basically it is a PvP system hidden under a lot of layers of PvE, just don't tell anyone. 

So for an event DE could have the Grineer discover energy tech. We s a community would have to push back the empowered Grineer enough to destroy said tech, but not so much that it would leave the Corpus in the lead. Or on a PvP level, imagine an alliance taking a bribe for resources/affinity/weapons from the Corpus. That major push would benefit those guys, but hurt everyone who wasn't them, so then some would push back, or maybe join. 

while its true its similar, there was one big difference, warframe never had any epic encounter as part of bread crumbs/hints, for example if first hint of sentients in game were sentient ship we encounter instead of going to mission we were going to or seeing it outside of window of grineer or corpus ship on which we were during mission, imagine situation where during mission light shines through window, you see enemies you fought against turning to the window looking at object behind, for duration of scene your weapons would be disabled, sentient ships scans ship you are on or destroys another grineer ship and then it flies away, soon after you arnd enemies remember that you are enemies and you continue fighting, and after that you are left with question: "what was that ?!"

Its just an example scene.

I really like your idea, I would totally want to see something like in game, currently only effect community had on game are clem and john prodman(I could be wrong and there could be something else). we know that community would be willing to do some twisted stuff to have impact on game, look how many people were cheering when some of relays were destroyed(especially strata)

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2 minutes ago, Culaio said:

while its true its similar, there was one big difference, warframe never had any epic encounter as part of bread crumbs/hints, for example if first hint of sentients in game were sentient ship we encounter instead of going to mission we were going to or seeing it outside of window of grineer or corpus ship on which we were during mission, imagine situation where during mission light shines through window, you see enemies you fought against turning to the window looking at object behind, for duration of scene your weapons would be disabled, sentient ships scans ship you are on or destroys another grineer ship and then it flies away, soon after you arnd enemies remember that you are enemies and you continue fighting, and after that you are left with question: "what was that ?!"

Its just an example scene.

I really like your idea, I would totally want to see something like in game, currently only effect community had on game are clem and john prodman(I could be wrong and there could be something else). we know that community would be willing to do some twisted stuff to have impact on game, look how many people were cheering when some of relays were destroyed(especially strata)

Yes and no actually. The first thing that comes to mind is the "glitch" screen that teased TSD, and also never forget that Mag Prime's lore directly referenced Archwing months before we had any idea DE was working on something special. 

Warframes universe is a bit too tight for Elite level drops IMO, there are only so many things you can do that with, and most of them have been dropped already. 


There is a chance the kingpin system may be us affecting the system, but we know next to nothing about it right now. 

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8 minutes ago, Jobistober said:

Fair enough, except Mogamu has never resorted to petty passive aggressive acts to voice his legitimate concerns for the game. I just can't stand this guy's attitude. He nit picks at things that have been in the game for nearly 2 years and makes it sound like DE is some horrible company because one dev stream was purposely vague. He is entitled his opinion, but when he acted like a child about it, I stopped listening.

To be honest dkdiamates (or however you spell it) annoys me for all the same reasons. There is nothing that great happenening in warframe to warrant that much excitement. Just stop it.

This probably wasnt the best video to post, because it wasnt neutral, but had a veiw point from one side...


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35 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

Yes and no actually. The first thing that comes to mind is the "glitch" screen that teased TSD, and also never forget that Mag Prime's lore directly referenced Archwing months before we had any idea DE was working on something special. 

Warframes universe is a bit too tight for Elite level drops IMO, there are only so many things you can do that with, and most of them have been dropped already. 


There is a chance the kingpin system may be us affecting the system, but we know next to nothing about it right now. 

The "glitch" screen was great, when I heard about I got excited(especially after it happen to me), it was especially great because it engaged community by making them decode it. mag prime lore or rhino prime lore(or all the lore from symaris) is good but it doesnt engaged as much, both glitch(only problem with glitch thing was the fact that it didnt had any bread crumbs leading to it or from it, It was simply encounter disconnected from anything else) and kuria demanded more effort from community, first translation and second community helping each other to find missing parts of text from kuria, I want to see more stuff like that.

Ovewatch isnt  especially big game(doesnt have huge amount of maps) and yet its dev's really good at leaving bread crumbs for the community.

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7 hours ago, JSharpie said:

Never read a person be more wrong. No one in this thread is screaming anything. We aren't demanding anything. If you'd read anything you'd know that. This is the feedback section for a reason. Unless you're going to contribute something valuable to the discussion, we've all gotten plenty of these "oh if you're bored just quit until some new unfinished update comes along in 6 months". Nah. Not having it.

Are you making the game ? I mean actively ? I don't think so and neither do I. You keep having this discussion for a while now. Has it changed anything ? I mean, anything ? Did it have an impact ? Does one of the mods actually answered and discussed about it with you or any other person in this discussion ? Did it actually ring a bell to DE's thinking heads ?


All i'm saying is, and don't try to extrapolate, sometimes to make an impact on something, you must do nothing. As paradoxical as it may sounds, a company stays a company and behave as such. "You must do nothing" isn't productive in the first place,you will say ! But unfortunately it works like that.

Finally, if you weren't "demanding anything" from DE, you wouldn't have made this thread in the first place. Because you sound pretty concerned about WF and its future. Isn't it demanding something from DE ? You WANT DE to do something about this game don't you ?

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Just now, Myulin said:

Are you making the game ? I mean actively ? I don't think so and neither do I. You keep having this discussion for a while now. Has it changed anything ? I mean, anything ? Did it have an impact ? Does one of the mods actually answered and discussed about it with you or any other person in this discussion ? Did it actually ring a bell to DE's thinking heads ?


All i'm saying is, and don't try to extrapolate, sometimes to make an impact on something, you must do nothing. As paradoxical as it may sounds, a company stays a company and behave as such. "You must do nothing" isn't productive in the first place,you will say ! But unfortunately it works like that.

Finally, if you weren't "demanding anything" from DE, you wouldn't have made this thread in the first place. Because you sound pretty concerned about WF and its future. Isn't it demanding something from DE ? You WANT DE to do something about this game don't you ?

If anyone is extrapolating, it's you. You're talking in such narrow black and whites as if everything is certain. Considering this thread has moved from Feedback, to General Discussion, and back to Feedback, I'm positive a mod has seen it. It's likely DE has seen it. None of that matters to me. What matters is we all try to make a game we care about better. Whether we accomplish anything is pointless. I don't care if nothing changes. In the end, it's a dumb game. Like all games, they're for entertainment. It's stopped being entertaining, I've voiced my concerns, end of discussion on that. Now, unless you want to talk about other suggestions, or my suggestions pertaining to this thread, please stop posting about this particular topic. It adds nothing to the discussion or the game.

And your whole philosophical nonsense about doing nothing is flat wrong. History will show you that one.

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1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

If anyone is extrapolating, it's you. You're talking in such narrow black and whites as if everything is certain. Considering this thread has moved from Feedback, to General Discussion, and back to Feedback, I'm positive a mod has seen it. It's likely DE has seen it. None of that matters to me. What matters is we all try to make a game we care about better. Whether we accomplish anything is pointless. I don't care if nothing changes. In the end, it's a dumb game. Like all games, they're for entertainment. It's stopped being entertaining, I've voiced my concerns, end of discussion on that. Now, unless you want to talk about other suggestions, or my suggestions pertaining to this thread, please stop posting about this particular topic. It adds nothing to the discussion or the game.

And your whole philosophical nonsense about doing nothing is flat wrong. History will show you that one.

It is merely my point of view. I've said what one should do if he/she finds the game boring. It's a suggestion in itself.

"I don't care if nothing changes" ... Please, don't say that now, this discussion is just starting and i won't be the only one to say such things.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Is it whining?

Yes. Yes it is whining. 

I've been keeping my eye on this thread and refrained  from commenting because I've probably played 30 hours of Warframe this year, but I have kept an eye on the forums. Nothing's changed. There's still a lot of whining and a little bit of feedback, same as it was in 2015. 

What he is saying is not feedback. Feedback is discussion. Feedback is an outline of a problem and providing a solution. Feedback is providing a new concept or angle that the devs have not thought of or may have missed. Feedback is pointing out your opinion on an item or mechanic in the game, and supporting that opinion with the reason why. What feedback is not is saying "I don't like Operators". Feedback is not "you tried to fix Archwing 4 times and it still sucks". Feedback is not "Oberon gets a fancy grass animation instead of a buff he may or may not need". That's whining. How is it whining? Why does Archwing suck? To me, it doesn't, but even if it did, I wouldn't know why you think it sucks, because you didn't say so. Why don't you like Operators? I don't like them because they're kind of limited in what they add to the gameplay aspect, only certain trees are really effective in the Focus system and  they're just really creepy looking to me. But I don't know why you don't like it, because you didn't say so. Hallowed Ground could use a range buff in my opinion, and a grass animation is just going to murder the potato laptop I'm going to buy (which is why I haven't been playing), but I don't know what you find so bad about it, because, say it with me, you didn't say so. 

Do you know what whining is? It's expressing your displeasure for the sake of expressing your displeasure. That is exactly what happens on 70%of the forums, from when I joined in 2015 to today, and probably before that. It has nothing  to do with aligning with any views. It's just whining. 

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20 hours ago, StabbyTentacles said:

While I can see what you're saying...

I see it more as... Cause that's the way the game is. People care about meaningless Mastery Fodder; cause meaningless Mastery Fodder is all we have had.

Chicken - Egg

This. But the sad thing is that, because that's all we have, and they've become used to it, they are immediately dismissive when someone asks for/suggests something more than just that. That's the problem here, and you see that with a few of the recent posts here. They are so resistant to any kind of change in the game because they're so used to the status quo. They are so resistant to the mere idea of a Warframe where gameplay is just as important, or more so, than rewards, because rewards are all they know. They don't know a game that isn't focused only on rewards. They can't imagine a Warframe where the gameplay is meaningful.

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3 hours ago, Myulin said:

It is merely my point of view. I've said what one should do if he/she finds the game boring. It's a suggestion in itself.

"I don't care if nothing changes" ... Please, don't say that now, this discussion is just starting and i won't be the only one to say such things.

This discussion isn't just starting. It's been going on for 19 pages now. You and certain others are only now trying to get in on it.

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On 09/06/2017 at 1:53 PM, JSharpie said:

This game is boring. snip

sounds like you need a break from this game. when you've played any game long enough, all the mechanics become a bit same-y. i play bdo myself, and after you've achieved the things you want to achieve, despite the huge world and the variety of things to do, even bdo can get boring. some of us are not made for grinding kuva/silver endlessly. what i do is try other games (lots available for less than $5 or whatever currency nowadays), then maybe come back when there's more events/things to do.

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16 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Yes. Yes it is whining. 

I've been keeping my eye on this thread and refrained  from commenting because I've probably played 30 hours of Warframe this year, but I have kept an eye on the forums. Nothing's changed. There's still a lot of whining and a little bit of feedback, same as it was in 2015. 

What he is saying is not feedback. Feedback is discussion. Feedback is an outline of a problem and providing a solution. Feedback is providing a new concept or angle that the devs have not thought of or may have missed. Feedback is pointing out your opinion on an item or mechanic in the game, and supporting that opinion with the reason why. What feedback is not is saying "I don't like Operators". Feedback is not "you tried to fix Archwing 4 times and it still sucks". Feedback is not "Oberon gets a fancy grass animation instead of a buff he may or may not need". That's whining. How is it whining? Why does Archwing suck? To me, it doesn't, but even if it did, I wouldn't know why you think it sucks, because you didn't say so. Why don't you like Operators? I don't like them because they're kind of limited in what they add to the gameplay aspect, only certain trees are really effective in the Focus system and  they're just really creepy looking to me. But I don't know why you don't like it, because you didn't say so. Hallowed Ground could use a range buff in my opinion, and a grass animation is just going to murder the potato laptop I'm going to buy (which is why I haven't been playing), but I don't know what you find so bad about it, because, say it with me, you didn't say so. 

Do you know what whining is? It's expressing your displeasure for the sake of expressing your displeasure. That is exactly what happens on 70%of the forums, from when I joined in 2015 to today, and probably before that. It has nothing  to do with aligning with any views. It's just whining. 

I think it was a pretty interesting video for what it was. I realized this yesterday, but itnshould have been a video from a neutral point of veiw, if i wanted to post a video that was going to be taken seriously. Obviously, for anyone dissatisfied with warframe, the video hits on points you yourself are already upset about, mixed in with some elements of untruth and warped information, much like political radio. So... Yeah, he isnt going into detail on things, but for me its not whining, because you dont need to explain to me the things i already know im upset about....

Sure, its not fedd back. If it was trying to masquarade as feedback, it would be whining. Its just for entertainment, and a very specific crowd at that.

I forgot myself for a moment, i apologize. Because i realize i would never seriously post a shy video here either, and its about the same.

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Despite the influx of posts, still hope many of us can agree gameplay could use some help getting us back to playing with some synergy together? I think AI needs some tweaking so there's some scaling between "gg everything dies" and "gg AI must squish". I understand we're all passionate about things, but can we be in agreement that there's a flaw in the core of the experience at the time that is leaving a lot to be desired in terms of playing together?

Or alternatively maybe I can hear who likes the way the game plays right now? I'm personally speaking from a veterans perspective on the game play. Let's all be a bit nicer to each other too. Saltiness doesn't get anywhere and just closes the discussion.

Plus, people don't really have a reason to play together for longer duration right now with little basis for rewards in doing so.


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37 minutes ago, komoriblues said:

Despite the influx of posts, still hope many of us can agree gameplay could use some help getting us back to playing with some synergy together? I think AI needs some tweaking so there's some scaling between "gg everything dies" and "gg AI must squish". 

I understand we're all passionate about things, but can we be in agreement that there's a flaw in the core of the experience at the time that is leaving a lot to be desired in terms of playing together?

Or alternatively maybe I can hear who likes the way the game plays right now? I'm personally speaking from a veterans perspective on the game play. Let's all be a bit nicer to each other too. Saltiness doesn't get anywhere and just closes the discussion.

For those who think Warframe's current gameplay is perfect, I'd like to hear what other games they have played in the past or are currently playing besides Warframe.

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6 hours ago, Shy0 said:

sounds like you need a break from this game. when you've played any game long enough, all the mechanics become a bit same-y. i play bdo myself, and after you've achieved the things you want to achieve, despite the huge world and the variety of things to do, even bdo can get boring. some of us are not made for grinding kuva/silver endlessly. what i do is try other games (lots available for less than $5 or whatever currency nowadays), then maybe come back when there's more events/things to do.

The mechanics being same-y isn't the problem. It's that they don't work well together given that many of our features and functions are unfinished. Please at least read through the first few pages of the thread. You aren't the first person to say it, and you aren't the first person for me to respond with "You're wrong. There are clear problems and sweeping them under the rug because I'm an old player is the wrong attitude"

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yeah in the same position, all dressed up and no where to go. log on and do sorties then what?

I wasn't playing warframe when dark sectors existed but they sound pretty cool from what Ive read, something like that might be good.

Even having like random modifers on regular missions would be cool like radiation or whatever from sorties (not weapon restriction)

I think having having a boss or something show up in missions on their planets would be cool, just doing a random survival or whatever and then bam a boss, what are you doin here boy!

Also think infested need to be buffed, seriously they are just meat to be blended atm, and juggernauts need to happen more regularly in my opinion or another unit (bursa like equivalent)

anyway I like to keep a eye on warframe and hope something meaningful will be added eventually. Warframes and weapons are nice but its not enough.

none of my mates play this game anymore, as they consider it too easy, nothing to do and really that is true currently.

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If you are saying that Warframe is perfect or fine the way it is and that we just need to take a break, then you are plain wrong and have not been reading what we have been saying.
At least start at page 12.

Warframe is not perfect and no where even close to being a complete product, Period.
Stop focusing on farming and looking at the game as a whole.

Yes, you can make the argument that Warframe is a free-to-play game and that we can't expect too much out of the developers.
But whether or not it is free-to-play, it is still a game that is competing for our attention.
We are not asking too much. We are asking for a complete product. We are asking that development goes to fleshing out already existing features rather than constantly adding half-baked new stuff.

At this point there are other online co-op action games out or already out that offer more than Warframe does.
Like Elder Scrolls Online, Neverwinter, Guild Wars 2, Destiny 2, Sea of Thieves, Monster Hunter World, Anthem, etc. 

Veteran players such as @JSharpie @A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n @komoriblues and myself (who have been playing for 4+ years) are tired of the lack of content and the direction of development that this game has taken.
And it's not entirely about "End-Game" content . It's about the game as a whole.

We don't want placeholders for eternity.

Edited by Iccotak
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