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Devstream 94 Postponed Until June 16!


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1 hour ago, Xekrin said:

So glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this trend.  

Yeah imo the last one was pretty much a pointless devstream because it felt like the team spent more time 'messing around' than actually doing the devstream.  While I don't begrudge them having fun while doing it the least they could do is focus on the devstream...the 'messing around' should be kept for prime time imo. 

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55 minutes ago, HavokDeathwalker said:

No reasons for this mysterious postponing?

None at all apparently.

5 minutes ago, Church002 said:

unlike DE to postpone this late. hope everything is ok.

well a few DE staff were chilling in the danielthedemon stream earlier, so some of them at least are just taking it easy.  Probably steve, scott, geoff or all 3 felt they were too busy with too little to contribute to bother streaming today.

Feel free to speculate, go wild.

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Hey, thanks for the updates! Tennocon reveals must be eating at you guys, the urge to give away spoilers in devstreams must be crippling...

Can we get a few more questions lined up for next week in advance then?

Like what the heck happened with that Best Defense Melee Design competition? Nothing's appeared from there...

Or don't you think that leaving a Deluxe Skin (Zephyr's) in the hands of a single person as a 'passion project' is just bad business sense, because it relies on the the logic that it's being produced in his down time, which technically the guy shouldn't have for things like that if he's already working on skins for the regularly scheduled list of releases, so the more things that become scheduled on the regular list, the further the skin gets pushed back. Meanwhile, by not having the input of the rest of the team he's losing out on inspiration and alternate view points as well? Shouldn't the logical thing be to take his base work, key it up on an actual 'to do' list for the team and have the whole team work on it in a dedicated time slot and produce an, arguably, better result in far less time, ready for an actual release deadline?

How about that Invulnerable AI suggestion from the AI dev team? Which is counter-logical in a horde-mode game where the inability to damage an opponent at all (not even on a timer basis) until the requirements are fulfilled is just... no fun? There's some ideas floating around on how to make enemies scale better by giving them actual armour *pieces* that resist damage, meaning players have to be more and more precise, or play around the enemy's defense to hit the fleshy bits, meaning that armour scaling stops being such an issue, and the damage system can get a re-work in peace...

And can we please get Steve to re-confirm (because I remember him saying this on stream) that Umbra is going to come out as part of a story quest like the Second Dream and War Within, so people stop complaining about it?

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3 hours ago, Xekrin said:

Don't you guys think this is very sudden and short of notice to not at least give a bit more information as an explanation?  We know yall are busy with tennocon but considering you were all ramping up to this day for a while, this is coming as quite a shock and surprise.  You were clearly anticipating it on Prime Time last night.  Something pretty major must have happened this morning to suddenly cancel just like that.

Are you a significant share holder? Then yes, you 'might' be eligible for more of an explanation. 

Otherwise, I'm grateful that DE has made an unbelievable effort to keep the users of their program informed as well as they do. Their user support operations are far superior to any other video game company I have experienced.

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)MarlboroManOO said:

Are you a significant share holder? Then yes, you 'might' be eligible for more of an explanation. 

Just a bit touchy are we?  It was merely a question and I phrased it as politely as I could.  Calm down there buddy.  If you aren't the least bit curious, then more power to you but I would like to know.

Are they obligated to tell me or anyone?  Of course not, doesn't bloody well mean I can't ask.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello Tenno!
Devstream 94 is being postponed until next Friday, June 16th. A reminder that this will be the last Devstream until July 8th when we reappear for TennoLive 2017!
Due to this sudden postponing, we will still run the Gift of the Lotus alert at 3 p.m. ET today.
Thanks for understanding and we will see you back on the couch next week!

 ahh cmoon

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