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AFKers need to be dealt with.


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51 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

Well OP didnt actually gave the name, that other guy just got triggered... `-`

It would be a violation of the rules if he named the guy,but the guy named himself and openly admitted to doing what he was accused of. Not the brightest thing to do...

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3 hours ago, DSkycroft said:

It would be a violation of the rules if he named the guy,but the guy named himself and openly admitted to doing what he was accused of. Not the brightest thing to do...

I openly admitted to playing by the rules? 

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28 minutes ago, DjDesertFox said:

Why didnt I revive my teammates? Uh the answer would be, I tried :/

Ivara has a speed reduction cost when in stealth, as Im sure you know. With all the nullifiers in the way, by the time I got there they were already dead or picked up. 

Besides, no one picked me up when I died either. It hurt my feelings...

Yeah, it happens that one can't get to downed squad mate in time.  I don't get mad or offended if someone can't get to me and revive me in time.  In your case maybe the other players decided that you're AFKing so they didn't want to bother to help you up again.  I normally give people the benefit of the doubt and I can and will carry a team if needed, but I won't go out of the way to help someone if they're not trying.

28 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Yeah it's more silly to me than anything, although a little sad too. If you can't kill effectively with weapons there are so many other ways to be useful to a team and avoid getting killed, someone above me listed some but I could list a lot more. 

I could have gone on some more but it's probably a waste of time.  I feel that almost any frame can do sorties.  I like to bring unpopular frames to sorties all the time and do perfectly fine (ie not dying constantly and contribute fully to the general success of the mission).  Of course some work better than others in certain situation, but I really think that any frame can be viable if the player knows how to use it.

I can understand both the OP and DJDesertFox's positions, and I hope that they both learn something from the situation.

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3 hours ago, DjDesertFox said:

Heh. Ok? Since you were nice enough to let me know you put this up publicly, Ill tell you that your report didnt work pal. 

FYI, using Ivara during a survival mission isnt being AFK. And If I stayed in a loot room, I would have received no reward from being idle. 

So congratulations? 


What's sad is that you are willing to brag throughout this thread about your lack of contribution to the sortie completion.  You are, literally, bragging about being carried through something.

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They could add the same restriction to weapon only sorties that they have for frames: you must bring a level 30 weapon.  Having an unranked or unforma'd weapon does not give a free pass.  It's perfectly fine to report a player who isn't contributing to the mission no matter what that other player's weapon situation is.  If you don't think far enough ahead and have at least 1 weapon of each class at a level that is viable for sorties then you can skip them that day, rush to power up your weapon, or risk being reported for being a leech.

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he did mention it was a sortie mission. most sortie missions are not the type you want to go and try out new stuff, so the stealth explanation I'm not buying it.  The motive is to get all 3 sorties completed to hopefully get a riven most of the time (or legendary core if your hoping very high).  Standing in a room not doing anything with the ability to be invisible is not stealth'ing.  I deal with leechers all the time, and this was is too obvious if someone actually saw you doing nothing through cam.  you just wanted to get the sortie done for you.  Now i don't know if reporting this is even relevant, but you can't sorry yourself out of being a leecher.

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5 hours ago, DjDesertFox said:

Maybe I do. During a shotgun only mission, making kills in a stealth game is a little tough. 

As long as you didn't gimp your power str, then Artemis Bow could have still killed the enemies while in Stealth.  Then there is also the shotgun mod Silent Battery.  :D  I did that same sortie using Ivara and the Boar Prime solo.  Why solo, because I didn't need anyone else with me because I was using Ivara.  

5 hours ago, Xekrin said:

You are the one that chose Ivara, don't blame the game.  Here's a couple tips for Ivara game play.

  • Cloak bubble, they can hear you but can't see you.  Shoot whatever comes close.
  • Sleep Arrow, they are literally incapable of harming you while sleeping.  Shotgun to the face.  Dead.
  • Prowl with or without a silence mod.  Shooting while in prowl will break it then instantly restore it.
  • Dash wire, go above the fray, you can sprint on ziplines.
  • Artemis Bow, barely usable with shotgun mods, but hey you picked Ivara.

There is literally zero reason to not get kills.  It is a survival mission, that is how you survive.  You were very lucky you were in a squad that didn't leave you to die.  I fully believe they should have and hope they do so in the future.

Good advice here.  

4 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

 Octavia tends to be a better stealth frame than Ivara, barring spy missions.

That was funny.  LMAO.  Ivara actually is one of if not the best frame for survivals.  

49 minutes ago, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

he did mention it was a sortie mission. most sortie missions are not the type you want to go and try out new stuff, so the stealth explanation I'm not buying it.  The motive is to get all 3 sorties completed to hopefully get a riven most of the time (or legendary core if your hoping very high).  Standing in a room not doing anything with the ability to be invisible is not stealth'ing.  I deal with leechers all the time, and this was is too obvious if someone actually saw you doing nothing through cam.  you just wanted to get the sortie done for you.  Now i don't know if reporting this is even relevant, but you can't sorry yourself out of being a leecher.

Now here's something interesting about Prowl.  It drains energy constantly with very few ways to get energy back while staying in Prowl.  For Ivara to get energy from pickpocket, the player WILL have to get near enemies.  Only other way to get back energy without being seen is Cloak Arrow and any type of energy restore.  So, DjDesertFox had to actively play just in order to keep Prowl active.  Could he have been more help, yes.  He could have used Sleep Arrow as a hard CC to help control enemies and open them up to finishers for the group.  but that would have lead to him dying also from Nullies aggro'd by the group.  Honestly,the only thing that I can say he should have done is went solo instead of pub.  

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Okay, time to end this here.

If any of you encounter an AFK or any person willingly screwing up the mission by any means (either by inactivity or by active trolling), please report him to the player support desk as soon as possible. Those kind of behaviour can't be left unpunished. There's indeed an issue with trolling and AFKs in Warframe in general, but discussing it through a vent thread won't really help.

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