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I wonder why Volt's damage skills dont scale with enemy level like Oberon or Nidus??


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1 hour ago, Djego27 said:

Why would you expose new players to one of the biggest grinds in the game, on one of the least understood frames that is very narrow in weapon selection and modding on top of that? As for noob frame, just look on the forums you nearly have every single week a buff ember thread, because people do not realize what accelerant does and that they actually play a very weapon damage focused frame(and a quite good one at that actually, if you not mod your weapons wrong, what nearly every single Ember player in the game does all the time) instead of a frame that does everything by standing around afk and pressing 4 at higher levels. Similar to that you can look at this thread and see not a single person pointing out that Volt actually scales very well. Volt is also a weapon based frame, with the focus on crit weapons(the most buffed thing in the last 2 years) at range by the interaction with the shield and a very fancy high speed melee, what does very impressive damage.

Volt does enught damage, just use your ranged weapons with the shield or a melee with speed. This is today's sorti L80 interception with extra armor(I played it with Ember the first time, just replayed it for the thread here with Volt). Guess who did the most revives and CC as well...




Last time I checked roar does scale as damage buff and stomp does as AOE CC.

Without his augments...not very viable endgame.

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2 hours ago, Djego27 said:


Oh look, I used my super high rank weapon, Volt is strong.

Takes whatever frames buffes damage, deals even more damage. Octavia, Limbo with his augment, Banshee, armor removing frames, Mag.

We don't even know the details of the other members.

Besides the total kills are a bit low for that mission, did your team just cc the whole map in that sortie interception.

Edited by giovanniluca
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3 hours ago, Djego27 said:

Why would you expose new players to one of the biggest grinds in the game, on one of the least understood frames that is very narrow in weapon selection and modding on top of that? As for noob frame, just look on the forums you nearly have every single week a buff ember thread, because people do not realize what accelerant does and that they actually play a very weapon damage focused frame(and a quite good one at that actually, if you not mod your weapons wrong, what nearly every single Ember player in the game does all the time) instead of a frame that does everything by standing around afk and pressing 4 at higher levels. Similar to that you can look at this thread and see not a single person pointing out that Volt actually scales very well. Volt is also a weapon based frame, with the focus on crit weapons(the most buffed thing in the last 2 years) at range by the interaction with the shield and a very fancy high speed melee, what does very impressive damage.

Volt does enught damage, just use your ranged weapons with the shield or a melee with speed. This is today's sorti L80 interception with extra armor(I played it with Ember the first time, just replayed it for the thread here with Volt). Guess who did the most revives and CC as well...




Last time I checked roar does scale as damage buff and stomp does as AOE CC.

But those are weapons (on the volt does enough damage argument). Its fargone now, this game is already down that road, but there was a time where weapons and warframe abilities could be considered possibly on par. Now weapons far outshine warframe abilities in damage and its considered normal. In fact, warframe abilities (unless they are are exalted) seem to be generally seen as good for nothing unless they have some form of crowd control. I think the op wants a strong volt, not strong weapons. Crits only do so much. If i crit with the sheild, do i not need to crit with naramon? Or a kavat? Or mods on my weapon? 

As for Ember, who doesnt know how to use accelerant? Did they say they didnt know, or did you assume they didnt know because they were complaining about damage fall off on wof? And if she was a starter frame, the low availability of mods and lack of experience would leave players incapable of having wof run infinitely. They would actually use her quite differently i suspect, even more so if fireball actually did something useful.

I could use your argument against you and will. How can you justify given new players not only an impenetrable sheild but easy, key board rolling, un mitigated crowd control over trash mob grineer (who are the first faction you meet) or excaliburs radial blind and expect that person to do anything after that point in warframe but expect to be able to make the crowds of enemies stand still or the game is too hard and sucks.

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On 12.6.2017 at 0:27 AM, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Without his augments...not very viable endgame.

Assuming you mean Rino, no. Rinos augments do literally nothing at high levels. Btw ... is not a reasonable replacement for a the space where you should make arguments what makes you come to that conclusion why he is not viable at high levels.

On 12.6.2017 at 2:16 AM, giovanniluca said:

Oh look, I used my super high rank weapon, Volt is strong.

Takes whatever frames buffes damage, deals even more damage. Octavia, Limbo with his augment, Banshee, armor removing frames, Mag.

We don't even know the details of the other members.

Besides the total kills are a bit low for that mission, did your team just cc the whole map in that sortie interception.

Let me see, I used a super strong weapon, what is a crit weapon, what again is no surprise since most crit weapons are the highest damage weapons and since volt scales with crit why should I not use one?

I used a crit weapon and a high damage shotgun, so did the other players:


There was no damage buffing.

Ofc you will have a high amount of CC with 3 very strong CC frames in that interception, given that Vauban, Frost and Volt are very solid CC frames. As for kills it is mostly in line what you see in extra armor sortis while actually fighting against the full armor amount(minus 30% from my CP). To get a lot more kills you would need a lot of map wide damage, otherwise 70 weapon kills per single round is fairly solid for a single player at higher levels outside of more status driven frames(Ember is for example on of those) that can punch through this with little issues.

On 12.6.2017 at 3:04 AM, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

But those are weapons (on the volt does enough damage argument). Its fargone now, this game is already down that road, but there was a time where weapons and warframe abilities could be considered possibly on par. Now weapons far outshine warframe abilities in damage and its considered normal. In fact, warframe abilities (unless they are are exalted) seem to be generally seen as good for nothing unless they have some form of crowd control. I think the op wants a strong volt, not strong weapons. Crits only do so much. If i crit with the sheild, do i not need to crit with naramon? Or a kavat? Or mods on my weapon? 

As for Ember, who doesnt know how to use accelerant? Did they say they didnt know, or did you assume they didnt know because they were complaining about damage fall off on wof? And if she was a starter frame, the low availability of mods and lack of experience would leave players incapable of having wof run infinitely. They would actually use her quite differently i suspect, even more so if fireball actually did something useful.

I could use your argument against you and will. How can you justify given new players not only an impenetrable sheild but easy, key board rolling, un mitigated crowd control over trash mob grineer (who are the first faction you meet) or excaliburs radial blind and expect that person to do anything after that point in warframe but expect to be able to make the crowds of enemies stand still or the game is too hard and sucks.

Volts abilities do directly buff weapons, what is incredible powerful and actually directly benefits form weapon buffs.

I say the very very big majority of people playing Ember(most likely 99% or even higher) do not know what accelerant does, because this is what I see every single day in public games and it is very very uncommon you actually see another Ember utilize it properly. I see that maybe 2 times per year.

This is a little bit of status Ember(Mara Detron) vs crit Ember(aklex prime) in a L80 corpus secondary only sorti interception, I next to never see stuff like this:


What you see here is a very powerful group based damage buff, that next to nobody uses on Ember and next to nobody can use outside of Ember, given that it requires pure fire damage on the weapon and only shows it's real potential if you combine it with other scaling modifiers and very specific weapons that work well with the buff by the base stats and how many mod slots you have to play around with. What might or most likely might not lead you to weapons that have less damage, less crit, less status, incredible high spread and less rounds in the magazine, but still manage to outdo what people consider the strongest secondary in the game working with the same damage scaling mechanic. The reason for this is that the heat scaling mechanics if you go into status become a bit more complex, where a weapon most people consider as mastery fodder actually can be surprisingly good.

Edit: Don't get me wrong the aklex prime is incredible powerful on Ember, doing well over 150k dps(that is multiple times Tigris prime damage per second) and was most likely played like this in that sorti, given that the kill count falls in line fairly well with the damage per second difference(what is around 30k).

Wof is the easy acquirable thing on Ember, you see WOF Embers everywhere. However high damage Ember players are not everywhere, they are just as rare as a high damage Ember was before the WoF changes, because Embers damage output is not WoF related.

I actually picked mag as starter frame when I made a 2. account the test the new player experience again 2 years ago, simply because this was my 2. most used frame when I started since I got the prime parts on the side while farming for other stuff and actually really liked mag. This is not because Volt is weak, but because I liked mags mechanics more.

I sold my Excalibur starter frame to make room for Ember and never looked back, however I do agree that Excalibur is vastly overturned with exalted blade, given that finishers triggered by radial blind already give the frame a metric ton of damage.

Edited by Djego27
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On 12.6.2017 at 5:22 PM, Wyrmius_Prime said:

And yet his damage is still scaled, unlike the damage of most actual damage-based frames.

Actuall damage based frames? Is he not?


3 of his abilitys are quite literally meant to do damage and set status of some sort while one, renewal, the healing support, is able to sustain it. And it can be a feat to sustain it, i tell you that.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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On 6/11/2017 at 0:31 PM, Trichouette said:

He was probably talking about volt

Godlike ? I don't see him giving unlimited energy or things like 75% damage reduction or even full health to everybody in 0.2 sec.

Oberon is average at pretty much everything, for each thing he can do there is another frame that does it better.

Oberon + "Phoenix Renewal" = Literal Life Saver*


*Life Saving Ability occurs only once every 90 seconds. Some restrictions may apply, including but not limited to Nullifiers, Ability deactivation, and Falling off Map. Mod and Oberon sold separately. See your Lotus for more details.


(I'll be honest, this mod is actually older than the rework, so I was surprised DE didn't "fix it" with the new Renewal changes)

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On 11.6.2017 at 6:16 PM, nameomnz said:

Volt is no damage dealer

He's there to provide great situation control for him and his teammates.

also nidus damage doesn't scale. So it will falloff somewhere in really high level if you don't have damage buff frame with you.


I think static discharge should give like 100% damage bonus to his next shot instread of flat 1000 damage

That would be a huge nerf. The 1000 damage do not get added on top of what your weapon does, it does get added to your base damage. Meaning your mods, critical multipliers and everything multiply your 1000 bonus damage as well, turning it easily into 20000 or 30000 bonus damage per shot. A 100% damage increase is tiny by comparison.

Well, one shot, that is, which is the problem with this passive. Running around for 30 seconds each time before shooting is obviously not feasible. If the new augment solves this issue -meaning the damage meter is filling up fast enough to give you large amounts of bonus damage for every shot, which at higher levels could happen- that would be very good. I still have to test it whether it works as advertised or if it is flawed, though.

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1 hour ago, Astatane said:

That would be a huge nerf. The 1000 damage do not get added on top of what your weapon does, it does get added to your base damage. Meaning your mods, critical multipliers and everything multiply your 1000 bonus damage as well, turning it easily into 20000 or 30000 bonus damage per shot. A 100% damage increase is tiny by comparison.

It's only affected by crit not by damage mods.

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Currently Oberon is, as far as I know, the only frame that actually has damage that scales with enemy health/shields.


Nidus, I think, just does ludicrous amounts of damage if you let him build stacks.

On 6/11/2017 at 4:26 PM, Djego27 said:

Volt does enught damage, just use your ranged weapons with the shield or a melee with speed. This is today's sorti L80 interception with extra armor(I played it with Ember the first time, just replayed it for the thread here with Volt). Guess who did the most revives and CC as well...

Firmly agree. I have been playing a melee volt for most sorties nowadays and I am consistently responsible for upwards of 45% of the damage.

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On 16.6.2017 at 6:32 PM, (Xbox One)YouBitePi11ows said:

It's actually a simple quuestion to answer. Volts an old old Warframe. Back then no WF power scaled at all and he's received no tweaking lately. 

That is not true:

Excalibur: Always could scale with melee finishers triggered by blind.

Mag: The old polarise did scale against corpus and in the void(where it was a very strong damage frame and CC frame).

Vold: Speed is very good for melee, shield could be stacked for the crit multiplier(what was nerfed because this allowed volt to hit in the millions with a bit of stacking)

Ember: Ember can scale relatively easy with accelerant and fire modded weapons, with certain status weapons it was also one of the strongest anti armor frames in the game given that you have a incredible high scaling damage type against the HP under the armor(still is, but it is less outstanding nowadays), before DE decided to give it to a lot of frames on augments or abilities

Loki: Amazing for melee with the stealth bonuses and finishers, also the disarm forces targets into melee range and resets awareness what allows normal finishers even if they where alarmed before.

Rino: Roar is a very useful team damage buff and scales up damage.

Scalability in the game comes in many forms, even if most of them are not noticed to be even there and even less so properly utilized by players.

Edited by Djego27
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5 hours ago, Djego27 said:

That is not true:

Excalibur: Always could scale with melee finishers triggered by blind.

Mag: The old polarise did scale against corpus and in the void(where it was a very strong damage frame and CC frame).

Vold: Speed is very good for melee, shield could be stacked for the crit multiplier(what was nerfed because this allowed volt to hit in the millions with a bit of stacking)

Ember: Ember can scale relatively easy with accelerant and fire modded weapons, with certain status weapons it was also one of the strongest anti armor frames in the game given that you have a incredible high scaling damage type against the HP under the armor(still is, but it is less outstanding nowadays), before DE decided to give it to a lot of frames on augments or abilities

Loki: Amazing for melee with the stealth bonuses and finishers, also the disarm forces targets into melee range and resets awareness what allows normal finishers even if they where alarmed before.

Rino: Roar is a very useful team damage buff and scales up damage.

Scalability in the game comes in many forms, even if most of them are not noticed to be even there and even less so properly utilized by players.

What part of my statement wasn't true? 1: Volt is an old Warframe 2: Warframes were not designed to scale (Nidus) when he was created 3: He has not recived any rework or tweaks for a long time.

All you did was list all the other warframes most of which have been reworked or tweaked that are just as old... you did not in any capacity, disprove or provide any relevant argument.  

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On June 11, 2017 at 11:05 AM, DP_KRoM said:

Volt damage is capped.  His passive is capped to 1000 damage.  I tried the shield augment and it does nothing against high level enemies, I launch discharge when everybody is shooting at my shield and it does NOTHING, just a stupidly ridiculous damage. So you must rely on his CC skill and shield.

Another problem is Volt was already revisited time ago, and just because of this game having so many differents frames, this Volt's detail wont be "fixed" until...... next 2 years? xD

I agree Volt is a good frame as he is right now. But..... I would like his skills to deal more damage xD

Simple answer: He is a weapon augment frame and not a damage frame.

Speed, Discharge and passive augments melee.

Shock, Shields and Discharge provide both offensive AND defensive buffs to ranged weapons.

Capacitance for the encore.


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i wouldn't be surprised to see other frames get one of their abilities revisited with a %health damage like oberon's smite but that isn't the only way for a frame to scale. In a round about way the new shield augment gives volt scaling. higher level enemies = faster passive stacking = more effective on rapid fire crit weapons (since the damage can crit and shield has a crit damage multiplier) = better at higher levels because more damage.

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On Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 5:51 PM, Trichouette said:

Oberon is an "all in one" frame that can do a lot of things, but less good than frames that are specialized.

He can do average damage, average CC, average heal.

^ This. 

Oberon's DDing is not great. Nothing to write home about. Same for debuffing and healings. He is to much splitted in every point. Not 1 single focused skill. 

If you ever want volt to scale up with enemies...never use oberon's kit. 

If scaling up, it needs 2 factors in: Weapon power + Abilities power = effect of scaling up damage ~ scaling up DD power.

Volt got his shield (ability) to increase weapon power. Work with it...

- Adding somewhere a "bullet coiling-effect" which gives for every 5/4/3 bullet shot through the shield additional speed ~ more impact dmg × Multi enemie health/shield missing bonus dmg. 

Now anyone shoting through ur shield gain ur shield multi (ability power) and using another source (weapon power) to increase his normal DD into a scaling one.


This was just an excamble with "coiling effect" (already exist in reality and uses electric/magnetic to heavily speed up projectils).

But scaling work kinda like that. 2 power sources combined, to gain a effect of scaling.

Edited by P0Pz
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