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Idea For Veteran Content


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So I like a lot of others have a lot of very powerful weapons and frames but no missions that give me any sense of a challenge. I feel like there should be some new content that will bring veterans back into the game. Mogamu already covered all of that in one of his videos a few months ago but something just came to me, we never get to battle any of the actual Orokin except maybe The Golden Maw, or corrupted if you could even count those. So I was thinking there could be a quest or something that lets players travel to a nearby system that some of the Orokin managed to escape to before they got wiped out and the player could fight those new hopefully unique enemies. This could be a way of introducing brand new content like weapons, mods, etc and adding an entirely new faction (I'm not counting the corrupted as Orokin) while bringing back veterans by giving them something fun to do with their massively overpowered weapons and what not. Anyway, this was just a small idea I had when I was contemplating my existence mutagen farming and it probably wouldn't get added because of the massive amount of work DE would need to do but eh, one can dream.

Edited by jcbroman
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Time and again - the issue is not the lack of content but a very poor gameplay. The solution is easier than making an additional faction, new solar system, and throwing in even more gear - DE just have to rethink their approach to game modes.

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I'm here since 2013. does that make me a veteran?

I'm still in the game. I just take breaks because of life.

i'm currently not satisfied with the "end-game" content that the game has.

but by no means do I mean, that it needs to be harder.

it needs to have better quality end-game content, before we even consider "harder" content. "harder" content is the vibe i'm getting from this post because you're saying our frames and weapons are overpowered.

fyi, anything that scales with time will become powerful.

playing non-endless missions on the starmap will make you feel "massively overpowered".

however, that doesnt mean you are, since its all relative.

How about we actually see sentients as a faction first, instead of one-two sentients on a single planet, before we move to the orokin faction? that one cinematic that introduced the sentients so long ago and they're yet to make their way into the game fully.

so i repeat prior to white knights engaging me in mechanical babble about how they can afk in front of a lvl 145 gunner as octavia, i want quality end-game content that replicates the first 6 months of my Warframe experience. content that had me addicted, hooked, engaged. content that was rewarding because it was challenging. but because it was challenging you felt powerful for having overcome it.


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5 minutes ago, Church002 said:

but by no means do I mean, that it needs to be harder.

it needs to have better quality end-game content, before we even consider "harder" content. "harder" content is the vibe i'm getting from this post because you're saying our frames and weapons are overpowered.


Yeah sorry about that misunderstanding I'mm just saying that a lot of the current missions can be speed run by any veteran since the gamemode themselves are no fun for them. So maybe if there's some new content for vets that give them use of their weapons outside of endless missions would be a nice change.

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It would not work from a lore perspective, the whole ordeal with the sentients was created because the Orokin wanted to leave the system, instead the sentients came back and started a war, by the end of it the Outer Terminus Solar Rail was destroyed very likely to impede the advance of further Sentients fleets coming from the Tau system, they have created a very contained world, there is not solar rail that takes you out or lets you come in from solar rail in a different system. 

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Just now, Pavelord said:

It would not work from a lore perspective, the whole ordeal with the sentients was created because the Orokin wanted to leave the system, instead the sentients came back and started a war, by the end of it the Outer Terminus Solar Rail was destroyed very likely to impede the advance of further Sentients fleets coming from the Tau system, they have created a very contained world, there is not solar rail that takes you out or lets you come in from solar rail in a different system. 

I think it does work, some Orokin could've escaped, and the quest could easily contain salvaging that solar rail for our use.

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Just now, jcbroman said:

I think it does work, some Orokin could've escaped, and the quest could easily contain salvaging that solar rail for our use.

not really, the idea to use sentients came from the need to accomplish a VERY long and dangerous journey, traveling to a different system could take (and it depends in the speed of ships in origin system) several years to several decades if not more. The way Solar Rails function is that they help you teleport from point A to point B, but you need to have already built terminals on both A and B, you can´t go to B if you can´t sail out of A, and you can´t reach B if there is no terminal waiting for you.

If you check Simaris entries you realize that the Orokin had practically run the system dry of resources, and when the sentients came to attack they took refuge within the void, leaving no time to devote to construct more solar rails without a clear destination, which is clear Tau was the only nearby and somewhat hospitable system to go to.

If Orokin escaped, then there this not Solar Rail Terminal that can welcome them back, nor a Solar Rail that would take you to a unknown destination, though I don´t doubt there could be some orokin survivor, there are no more Golden emperors nor any of the genetic lines that could activate Orokin technology.

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Make Excal UMBRA farmable at the defence missions where we need to stay 100 waves, 200 min on sirvival, 60 waves on interception, 100 ecavators on excavation for any of part by using only Excal.

My suggestion to  make some useful content very hard to recieve but possible if you take good teammates and of course with top equipment.

Edited by ---UMBRA---
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>Taking anything Mogatrash says seriously is honestly pathetic. He doesn't give a damn about warframe, only sticks around to review something to stay being a partner while having his deadpan af voice talk about something monotone with no purpose.


There is no true 'veteran content' as the game is free to play. The most 'veteran' setup that we have is MR locks, and those really don't mean anything but stall up the progression of MR and entices people to keep playing to get those new weapons to play with. Your true veteran missions and such are Trials/Raids where it requires communication and constant awareness of what to do in order to win and get your fancy arcane energize/avenger/grace. This game isn't meant to have content that is 'god tier' where only those at MR30 are able to access.

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There are multiple issues that is DE struggling

  • Playerbase division -- There are many suggestions that want to introduce new startchart, new hidden zones or ways to "prestige" the start chart and choose level ranges. But all of them would basically divide playerbase which DE doesn't like at all and frankly neither do i. 
  • Commiting to existing features -- No idea how to properly call this one, but DE is struggling to implement content when old content has problems. For example they might be having doubts with Focus system and want to rework it at some point so they don't feel like adding new content to it even if people ask for it. The same applies for mods - there was a talk of another damage rework with reworked elements etc but people beg for new stuff so they are at the crossrodes -> pour gasoline in the problem because people are begging for new stuff and fix it later when times comes or wait out the rework to start adding content. (with Riven mods they kinda shot themselves in the leg :| . Outcome was pretty good but they should have implemented some new changes before adding rivens). Same goes for warframe abilities - i feel like they are bouncing back and forth and what to do with warframe abilities. Make them balanced or powerful but obviously people want more OP stuff to top the existing ones so that's not working really well for them.... So people feel like DE is abondaning content while i think it's because they have no idea how to proceed and don't want to make it worse. 
  • Implementing challengeing content is hard because of how complicated warframe is -- Regardless what you throw at people they will just cheese through it with damage or CC. One way or another people will complain - too easy or way too grindy due to shooting gigaton of ammonition into unmovable objects with health bars. DE is thinking of new ways how to challenge people besisdes relying on level but IMHO those mechanics are annoying as hell (nullifiers, bursas, maniacs, bosses with immortality phases  etc... thanks but no thanks). I may have a solution for this but still working on it. 


I simply wanted to say that DE is definitely thinking of a way to keep veterans around but it's not easy and simple solutions that people keep throwing around won't work either. 

Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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