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Weapon Synergy With Warframes


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I'm not sure if I should post that here but anyway - i had an idea to make me a synergies for weapon types to waframe types. Let me explain this on an example (easiest way):


1. Ash, as for a stealthy, agile frame - could get benefit to light slashing weapons like skana, cronus, ether and stuff like this adding a flat speed bonus when using this specific weapon with this specific frame.


2. Rhino - damage boost for weapons such as fragor, torid (not sure if it is a rocket launcher, but i mean one), eventually wider splash radius for heavy melee while air stomping enemies.


3. etc, etc...


I think this could be an another funny addition to a game, making it more like "i need to farm that instead of that, to make my frame more effective". Only problem i can see is that some weapons have their pros and cons anyway, and thus making us to use  weapons with characteristics which don't fit the one's playstyle.


Well feedback? :)




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Don't really need them. Weapons are made to be independent of frames. With this idea, you almost force the frames to pick a set of weapons they may not want to use, simply because its far more optimal to do so.  It kills choice, which kills fun, and that's bad.

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to me it sounds a good idea, equipped my ash with double ether anyway, because it just fits to its ninja style. my trinity wears the bo for its defensive cc abilities (staves are always best for the healer^^) and volt still needs a good choice, but as a ranged fighter it doesn't really use a melee weapon. maybe the glaive would be fitting.

giving the weapons some synergies with frames makes the gameplay (for me) more authentical and realistic, and sharpens the differences between the frames significantly, so that every other frame offers some kind of special melee gameplay. lokis gets a bonus for stabbing with daggers, rhinos are more efficient with heavy weapons, ashes perform best when dual wielding and so on.

that doesn't mean they'll be awful crappy when fighting with other weapons, but they could have a slight boost for the fitting ones. maybe a 5-10% in damage, in attack speed, in stunning, in attack radius etc. this isn't much by far, and they will slash through any enemy whether wearing those synergy weapons or not. it would just a little gimmick for a more diverse gameplay.

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There's already some of this in-game.



Banshee has synergy with anything that bypasses armor, due to Sonar not always picking the weakpoint. The deadliest weapon in her hands is a Lanka, capable of a raw 1625 while completely unranked (as in fresh-out-of-the-oven), regardless of enemy type. Multiply that by 3 for light infested (which includes Phroid, entertainingly enough).


Trinity has synergy with any high-dps melee weapon due to how Link works. Redirect damage to an enemy within a certain range? 'Scuse me while I pick up a really big stick and beat things to death with it while I myself am (essencially) invulnerable. Because the range is semi-short, however, melee and short range weapons are her forte. Which is amusing, as she is supposed to be the squishy healer frame- yet she's actually the best "tank" in the game.



THIS kind of synergy is the kind of synergy you should have. Not stat bonuses, but playstyle support. Just because I say Banshee should be a sniper doesn't mean you can't grab a Hek and yell SHOTGUN!! at some orange blotches (was actually kinda fun to do, btw). And small stat bonuses to specific types of weapons will cause the whole notion of "suboptimal" to become basically game-certified and thus widely accepted. Right now people think that nearly all frames are useless in T3 Wave Defense when only 4 struggle (the rest can very easily bring SOMETHING to the table other than guns; Loki is on the fence tbh- on one hand he disables guns, on the other hand he disables guns.). If you give people something that they can point to easily and claim you're doing it wrong, they will.


You may implement "Banshee can use a Shotgun at 100% or a Sniper at 110%", but the comunity will think see "Banshee can use a Shotgun at 91% or a Sniper at 100%". Hell we already have people *@##$ing about how new prime weapons makes their potato'd and multi-forma'd non-prime versions "useless". This wouldn't be any different.




I think there's enough people already that tell you how to play in this world without making Joe Tenno do it, too. Keep it at ability synergies, don't do any explicit stat bonuses.




Oh and @Jhakon, suggestions for Volt would be any heavy melee (Speed gives a melee aspd buff; makes the Scindo actually useable and the Orthos even *more* OP) and Dual Zorens (potentially Fang [Prime] instead) for the utility of the Zorencopter (which Speed also makes even more ridiculous).

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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