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Improving Ivara: Additions and an Augment


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I take issue with Ivara's movement speed while Prowl is active. As means to fix that issue, I'd like to suggest the following additions, which build on some popular ideas.

All Warframes:

  1. While on a Zipline:
    • If another Zipline is nearby, pressing the 'Interact' key will have you jump on that Zipline
      • If multiple Ziplines are in range, successive presses of the 'Interact' key will have the Warframe cycle through all aviable Ziplines

Ivara - Passive:

  1. While on a Zipline:
    • Additionally to the current passive, Ivara's movement speed is doubled

Quiver - Dashwire Arrow:

  • Augment:
    • The range a dashwire can cover is doubled
    • The Dashwire Arrow ricochets when hitting a solid object
      • Every time the arrow ricochets, a dashwire is stretched between the point of impact and the point the arrow ricocheted earlier or originated from
  1. Bugfix:
    • A Dashwire arrow has to fly atleast 1 meter to stretch a dashwite


  1. While on a zipline:
    • Removed static energy drain
      • Zenurik and other means of restoring energy do work while on a zipline
  2. Bugfix:
    • Pulling yourself up a ledge (with a flip) should not end Prowl
Edited by KaeseSchnitte
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1 - kind of already does happen.... while in prowl she moves faster on a zipline than if she's on the ground while keeping her stealth (don't go changing it de)

Prowl - bugfix, can't say I've noticed it but if it's there yeah it needs fixing.  I'd just prefer to go faster while in prowl and they won't do anything about restoring energy because that would break her, she's already more than capable of staying invisible indefinitely.

Edited by LSG501
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The one change to ziplines - be they Ivara's or "native" - I really want is that you need to be off the ground to trigger the latch-on.

Too many times has reviving an ally, picking up a Power Cell, reloading your weapon or whatever failed because of those things.

This needs to stop.


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35 minutes ago, KaeseSchnitte said:

If another Zipline is nearby, pressing the 'Interact' key will have you jump on that Zipline

What we really need is for jumping off a zipline to go exactly in the direction you're pointing instead of hurling you at light speed diagonally.

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15 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

The one change to ziplines - be they Ivara's or "native" - I really want is that you need to be off the ground to trigger the latch-on.

Too many times has reviving an ally, picking up a Power Cell, reloading your weapon or whatever failed because of those things.

This needs to stop.


Yeah I agree

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Zipline Jumping: Personally i think the jumping is allready annoying enough. you want to revive someone near a zipline? nope
Instead some refinements would be nice, like "dont jump onto a zipline when you hold the interact button to revive someone"

Ivaras Passive: Well, Ivara can run on a Zipline, while she is cloaked. No need for more speed

Augment: The Dashwire can stretch across most rooms anyway, no need for such an augment. Not to mention that "ricochet" is more annoying than useful.

Energy Drain: Its fine as it is. Completely removing it would be too overpowered for permacloak with headshot bonus

Bugfix: Wasnt that fixed a while ago? I did exactly that a few times now.

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There's only 3 things I'd like for Ivara:

1) Make Prowl not break from ANY movement, but make sure the slowdown applies to the quicker movements too (sprinting, sliding and bulletjumping) and if she does the quicker movements the energydrain is even more rapid (5/sec, compared to 1/sec while still and 3/sec while doing slower movements).
I want this mainly because it is REALLY hard not to use sprinting/sliding/bulletjumping, they are kind of engrained into your brain to be used frequently. It's tough enough when playing Limbo, but it's way worse when using Ivara, imo. Even if these quicker movements would be relatively slow or even energy-inefficient, it doesn't matter to me, it's more from a braincoded QoL-point of view more than anything else.

2) When Artemis Bow is out, pressing melee does a simple bash/punch/kick, just used to break open crates and such. Sure, being able to do some kind of finisher on enemies (opened via her sleep arrow, for example) would be amazing too. Even more awesome; allow her to use quickmelee (probably too powerful, considering Covert Lethality?)

3) You need to be airborne or on another zipline for the interact-key to put you up on a zipline. Then add to it @KaeseSchnitte's suggestion that If another zipline is nearby, pressing the interact-key will have you jump on that zipline, cycling between them if multiple ziplines are in range.
(Not just for Dashwire, but for ANY zipline)

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Ivara to me is one of the better frames in terms of overall power and utility.  There are other frames/weapons/issues that need [DE]'s attention before Ivara.

I do however agree, that the Prowl ending when pulling to a ledge should be fixed since that seems to be a bug.  I also wish she was more consistent with bullet jumping and Prowl: sometimes bullet jumping will end Prowl; sometimes it doesn't...there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.

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1 hour ago, Azamagon said:

1) Make Prowl not break from ANY movement, but make sure the slowdown applies to the quicker movements too

Would be neat.

Currently it's quite easy to deactivate Prowl accidentally
(also it's inconsistent, sometimes you can Bullet Jump without breaking it, sometimes you can't),
plus not least it's kinda funny in a sad way how, with even e.g. opening lockers toggling off Sprint,
you can still have Sprint toggled on after activating Prowl, thus immediately losing it (and the activation Energy). Wat.

1 hour ago, Azamagon said:

2) When Artemis Bow is out [...] allow her to use quickmelee (probably too powerful, considering Covert Lethality?)

How so? What changes when you add Artemis Bow to the perfectly-OP-on-its-own combo that is Prowl / Sleep Arrow + CL?

Other than possibly mechanics issues, I don't see why Melee should be disabled during AB,
your proposed Alt-Quick-Melee thing for containers etc at the very least would be very welcome.

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39 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

1) Would be neat.

Currently it's quite easy to deactivate Prowl accidentally
(also it's inconsistent, sometimes you can Bullet Jump without breaking it, sometimes you can't),
plus not least it's kinda funny in a sad way how, with even e.g. opening lockers toggling off Sprint,
you can still have Sprint toggled on after activating Prowl, thus immediately losing it (and the activation Energy). Wat.

2) How so? What changes when you add Artemis Bow to the perfectly-OP-on-its-own combo that is Prowl / Sleep Arrow + CL?

Other than possibly mechanics issues, I don't see why Melee should be disabled during AB,
your proposed Alt-Quick-Melee thing for containers etc at the very least would be very welcome.

1) Exactly. There's many issues and annoyances with the movement-restrictions.

2) While I personally don't think it would be too good (imo, I feel it's more of QoL / speed improvement), I bet the added speed / ease of use would be considered too powerful for some players *shrugs*

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13 hours ago, LSG501 said:

1 - kind of already does happen.... while in prowl she moves faster on a zipline than if she's on the ground while keeping her stealth (don't go changing it de)

13 hours ago, LazerusKI said:

Ivaras Passive: Well, Ivara can run on a Zipline, while she is cloaked. No need for more speed


She can run like other frames can run on the ground. But noone runs, everyone is bullet jumping. My suggestions aims at giving Ivara other means of moving fast, so that she can somewhat keep up with other players.


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2 hours ago, (PS4)Radehx said:

Noooooooo, leave the enemy radar in place...it's super helpful.

5 hours ago, Ventura_Highway said:

I think the passive suggested in here is actually a massive tradeoff honestly. The radar is important not only for stealth, but for survival on my end.

12 hours ago, Xardis said:

Dot remove her in built enemy sense. Its actualy usefull for stealth.

The suggested passive is meant as an addition to the current one, not as a replacement.

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16 hours ago, KaeseSchnitte said:

Ivara - Passive:

  1. While on a Zipline:
    • Additionally to the current passive, Ivara's movement speed is doubled

You already get this if you have at least 100% power strength and the Infiltrate augment.  I use it all the time to speed up on Dashwires.  Those who gimp their Power Str would never have noticed this extra feature of the Infiltrate mod.  

12 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

you can still have Sprint toggled on after activating Prowl, thus immediately losing it (and the activation Energy). Wat.

This is no longer true and hasn't been for months now.  I toggle sprint all the time and whenever I activate Prowl it automatically disables the Sprint toggle while active.  This was a QoL change DE made near when Nidus was released or maybe earlier.


16 hours ago, KaeseSchnitte said:


  • Pulling yourself up a ledge (with a flip) should not end Prowl

I can't say that I've experienced this one at all.  Doesn't sound cool to have happen.  


2 hours ago, KaeseSchnitte said:

She can run like other frames can run on the ground. But noone runs, everyone is bullet jumping. My suggestions aims at giving Ivara other means of moving fast, so that she can somewhat keep up with other players.

Just let them run ahead if they are in such a rush.  I'll sit back and watch them all die like Leeroy Jenkins and rez them when I get to them in perfect safety using Prowl and Sleep Arrow.  Also, you don't have to be in Prowl if all you want to do is keep up with others by rushing pass the enemies.  She's not a slow frame at all when not in Prowl.  Heck, I even got a Speed Ivara build with sprint speed of 1.81 just for showing off while in Beast Mode.  :D

Edited by DatDarkOne
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8 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

This is no longer true and hasn't been for months now.  I toggle sprint all the time and whenever I activate Prowl it automatically disables the Sprint toggle while active.  This was a QoL change DE made near when Nidus was released or maybe earlier.

Ah, sorry, nevermind about that part then, I missed that change somehow
(by now it's so ingrained to aim after activating Prowl to make sure I'm walking, heh).

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On 24.6.2017 at 1:09 AM, KaeseSchnitte said:

She can run like other frames can run on the ground. But noone runs, everyone is bullet jumping. My suggestions aims at giving Ivara other means of moving fast, so that she can somewhat keep up with other players.


well she can, just not while she is cloaked.

her cloaking isnt timebased like loki or ash, its energy-drain based.
its not just a simple "im invisible now", no, it also buffs her headshot damage.

so why should she be able to bulletjump or run with it? she is just as mobile on a zipline as any other frame, why should she be better? she is a hunter, not a trickster like loki, not a ninja like ash

Edited by LazerusKI
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On 06/23/2017 at 7:16 AM, Tizodd said:

Ivara to me is one of the better frames in terms of overall power and utility.  There are other frames/weapons/issues that need [DE]'s attention before Ivara.

I do however agree, that the Prowl ending when pulling to a ledge should be fixed since that seems to be a bug.  I also wish she was more consistent with bullet jumping and Prowl: sometimes bullet jumping will end Prowl; sometimes it doesn't...there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.

And being one of the most annoying to aquire, they should fix her.

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