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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Chaotic_Mayhem30 said:

No! I want my Umbra Ember! You can't have Excalibur be the poster boy for warframe. He isn't the only frame. It's unfair. 

Excalibur is the first. Meant to Lead. DE can just flip the Umbras idea to just Excalibur only, or as Stalker did, put :stalker:Neuroptics  on any Frames and be done with it.        

PS Technically Excalibur is the Alpha (First of Kind). "Posterboy" is a nickname but not Official Tittle. Thus each Tennos or Ex/Former Tennos can choose their own Frame that they favor above all if they suit.

6 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

The most important take?

King Arthur's castle (Lotus' Moon) and the Knight's Roundtable within (Tenno and their pods) are collapsing as the sword is pulled.

Many also fail to realize, as I've stated before, that the Excaliber Sword's true power resides in it's scabbard while sheathed.

To pull the Sword in order to draw blood invites death.

The Arthurian Legend ends in Tragedy.



King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.

I don't watch every Medieval Movie since the beginning of time, but this LoTS was well worth for the fast(er than other movies) pace. (And no I do not mean the unrealistic time jump if you are thinking that).

Edited by DesFrSpace
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1 hour ago, StryfeXD said:

Sorry if im talking out of my arse here, but maybe the umbra's were made to remove the warframes? Again idk, but I wanna join in lol

No, pretty much Umbra is the dark version of the Primes, that we know.

but is it good or evil we don't know yet.

People think they are like the stalker, or a Warframe with his operator stuck inside it just like Harrow, but yet we still don't know, and we will not know until DE says something about it maybe on next Devstream I do hope.

Edited by Eminem37
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On 11/07/2017 at 2:23 AM, Wolfdoggie said:

The Sword is called King Arthur


It's based on the Soviet Russia version where Excalibur pulls King Arthur from the stone.

oh man, this caught me completely off guard

you win the comments !

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5 hours ago, Eminem37 said:

No, pretty much Umbra is the dark version of the Primes, that we know.

but is it good or evil we don't know yet.

People think they are like the stalker, or a Warframe with his operator stuck inside it just like Harrow, but yet we still don't know, and we will not know until DE says something about it maybe on next Devstream I do hope.

I would hope so too.


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On 10.07.2017 at 11:00 PM, Blakrana said:

Bear in mind that Excalibur is not the Sword in the Stone, but bequeathed by the Lady of the Lake. It's when the Sword in the Stone is broken, that Merlin gets Arthur to come with him to the Lady to receive Excalibur.

And...I personally wonder if that aspect of the legend, of the broken sword being replaced, is what they're going for; note that the entity with laboured assisted breathing and the heart monitor going ceases around the point Umbra shows up. What's a person to Ballas but a tool, after all, ultimately replaceable?

But that's speculation on my part. Could be wrong, after all.

Apologies for going on, as always.


Actually ive read that there are many versions of this legend and in some versions excalibur IS sword in the stone, quote from wikipedia:

"In Arthurian romance, a number of explanations are given for Arthur's possession of Excalibur. In Robert de Boron's Merlin, the first tale to mention the "sword in the stone" motif, Arthur obtained the British throne by pulling a sword from an anvil sitting atop a stone that appeared in a churchyard on Christmas Eve. In this account, the act could not be performed except by "the true king," meaning the divinely appointed king or true heir of Uther Pendragon. This sword is thought by many to be the famous Excalibur, and its identity is made explicit in the later Prose Merlin, part of the Lancelot-Grail cycle.

However, in what is called the Post-Vulgate Cycle, Excalibur was given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake sometime after he began to reign. She calls the sword "Excalibur, that is as to say as Cut-steel." In the Vulgate Mort Artu, Arthur orders Griflet to throw the sword into the enchanted lake. After two failed attempts (as he felt such a great sword should not be thrown away), he finally complies with the wounded king's request and a hand emerges from the lake to catch it, a tale which becomes attached to Bedivere instead in Malory and the English tradition. Malory records both versions of the legend in his Le Morte d'Arthur, naming both swords as Excalibur."


Also by the way sword in the stone legend may been based on another legedary sword: Gram which was sword in a tree "Barnstokkr"

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2 minutes ago, Culaio said:

Actually ive read that there are many versions of this legend and in some versions excalibur IS sword in the stone

I know, just more used to the distinction being made considering trends in contemporary allusions to Arthurian myth and the like.

One way or another, it's the fun result of varying accounts and what people favour.

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On 10.7.2017. at 10:51 PM, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

Pulled off the whole "Excalibur, the Sword in the Stone" bit quite nicely. Ironic for the frame, and genuinely made me chuckle when I linked the two.

But uh... does this make Umbra King Arthur now, or what? That's where I got lost. 

Did anybody else catch this though?

Maybe he is some dark king frame. And yea thats why he have gold and he is not the prime. He is better than prime. He is king umbra 😏😊👌

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16 hours ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

If you're talking about the old war, Tennos weren't kicking the sh*t out of the Sentients, actually, the Orokin lost because the Tennos couldn't kill them.

Ever read the Stalkers codex entry? The Tenno kinda won, even though it ended up costing the Orokin countless soldiers and Warframes, and who knows how many Tenno on top of whatever else was destroyed. ((No seriously who knows? We've never been told, not even estimates, and aside from some of the parts of the "Natah" and "Second Dream" quests and Lua and the upcoming "Plains of Eidolon" there really isn't any actual old battlefields shown to give scale to just how much S#&$ went down during the Old War.)) Outside of Battalysts and Conculysts we don't even know what the main Sentient body can do either. The Orokin were all killed off by the Tenno after they beat the Sentients.

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28 minutes ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

Ever read the Stalkers codex entry? The Tenno kinda won, even though it ended up costing the Orokin countless soldiers and Warframes, and who knows how many Tenno on top of whatever else was destroyed. ((No seriously who knows? We've never been told, not even estimates, and aside from some of the parts of the "Natah" and "Second Dream" quests and Lua and the upcoming "Plains of Eidolon" there really isn't any actual old battlefields shown to give scale to just how much S#&$ went down during the Old War.)) Outside of Battalysts and Conculysts we don't even know what the main Sentient body can do either. The Orokin were all killed off by the Tenno after they beat the Sentients.

Even with that, what the Warframes were fighting were little Sentients, like Battalists & Conculists, and now we saw that Sentients can be the size of a f*cking planet.

How could we win against that? Were not going to kill them with our archwings.

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This is my guess. I think it will be required sacrificing a primed warframe to get its umbra counterpart.

So excal umbra will be only available for founders. 

And Frost Umbra will be released as an "Umbra Access" pack at the same time Excal Umbra is released.

What do you think about this?

Edited by DP_KRoM
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5 minutes ago, DP_KRoM said:

This is my guess. I think it will be required sacrificing a primed warframe to get its umbra counterpart.

So excal umbra will be only available for founders. 

And Frost Umbra will be released as an "Umbra Access" pack at the same time Excal Umbra is released.

What do you think about this?

Excal Umbra was introduced cause concentration of whining about Excal prime was too damm high

he's alternate for those who want Excal prime, cause they introduce Excal prime again due to founders terms of agreement

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3 minutes ago, QuiteCrazy said:

Excal Umbra was introduced cause concentration of whining about Excal prime was too damm high


Oh yes man. This is really annoying. I am NOT interested in excalibur at all. Im interested in Frost hehe.

But I can understand this feeling in people who like excalibur

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I think this has no bases to stand on. The sacrifice couldn't even be our sacrifice, Ballas was talking to nobodyknowswho on deathbed. Frost Umbra, that's out of nowhere. And making another exclusive for founders 5 years later? Yeah not likely.

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I not want to soudn rude but i sitll will do.

I want to punch you in the face for assumpiton such, you relaly want the FOrum to tear itself aaprt apperently.

Why you doing this? causign antoher Excal Prime thread indirectly now projecitng it on Umbra before its goddamn out.

This Umbra Hype already got on my nerves and is unnecesary sicne it won't be the holy grail as some see it.

And now oyu come here claim foudners onyl will get it also. I applaud tz you for this arrogant move.

Reported and hoping this gets closed before it escalates.

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