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Daily Log-In Rewards from Here On Should be Cosmetic


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Forgive me if im wrong but arent we talking about making anything after the 600 days mark cosmetic? I seem to see a lot of flaming about something which i dont think has been asked to change since the title said "from here on out" meaning after the rewards already announced. I mean id love sigils and cosmetics after that. I already have weapons for each item slot.. the only thing left would be like.. zenishade or some other sentinel or w/e. Which i wouldnt be too keen on anyways. 

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On 26/6/2017 at 2:00 PM, Music4Therapy said:

The current trend is that on odd numbered factors of 100 we get weapons, and on evens we get Primed Mods. FE:

100: Azima.

200: Primed Fury

300: Zenistar

400: Primed Vigor

500: Zenith

Here is my issue. We are starting to get to a point where it's going to take 2-3 years for a new player to obtain a mod necessary to maximize the power of their warframes. That would be highly discouraging and there are better ways to reward players for their loyalty then giving them a distinct advantage over new players. How would you feel as a new player if you played the game for a year, grinded like crazy, only to find out that the 1000 day reward was something like Primed Streamline. You'd have to play everyday for almost 2 more years. This is getting absurd imo. Weapons are fine I guess, but mods are something that should be farmable/otherwise obtainable.


The idea of getting non functional items as a reward is absurb. You get an item, that holds no value and no functional affect on your game as a reward for fighting through bugframe. Even more to the point, there's already a problem with the trend of cosmetic items: it doesn't add gameplay value at all. It holds absolutely 0 value towards better gameplay and all it does, is allow you to look different from the other tennos in the relay. My personal view of this trend, is the dominating voices of people lacking the skills to set themselves apart on the scoreboards.

DE needs to reward with values, with benefits. If it tilts you that much, that someone who have logged in 1.000 days have a better streamline than you, I'm sorry to say, there's an efficiency cap in warframe and if your build is still using too much energy, then the entire problem revolves around your build. The player with the patience to put up with the never ending stream of garbage coming from DE for 1.000 days, in my opinion he deserves unlimited platinum!

Honestly, stop crying for more cosmetic items and start demanding better content, tribute to the game by suggesting fixes to actual core problems in the game or something.

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5 hours ago, Kezriak said:

Generations of people had to live without access to clean water and healthcare, why shouldn't you?

Whole civilizations had to go without access to antibiotics, why shouldn't you?

Because it added 40 years of lifespan to the average age of death? Pretty sure 100% of the people were in favor of that reward.

However, from your suggestions and arguments, I hardly think you are anywhere close to 100% agreement with everybody else this affects.

5 hours ago, Kezriak said:

If you really expect me to believe that somehow your quality of enjoyment would somehow be diminished by other people having access to a Primed Vigor more or Primed Fury sooner, then you need to reconsider what you consider fun, because getting rewarded for logging in every day for 400+ days is a pretty Herculean task for some people who travel for work or have kids, other real life obstacles notwithstanding.

Like I said, I have no issue with putting a platinum or real dollar price tag on those items. Your arguments for it though, are nowhere close to reasonable. Traveling i can understand to some extent not being able to log in every day. But everything else? Kids or other real life obstacles....  you have 1440 minutes every day to find ONE..... to simply log in and log out at the bare minimum. I have a family, I own a business, and I run an online community every day. There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who make it happen, and those who make excuses.

On top of that, people who put all of their real life priorities ahead of a game are DOING THE RIGHT THING and are not concerned with things like log in rewards. If you travel for work, have kids... especially kids, or other real life obstacles and are more concerned with login rewards.... .then I think you need to reconsider your priorities. Life comes first, games come after that and a whole list of other things. Personally i schedule it out. If i cant keep my schedule, then at the very least I log in and log out.... because if i can make time to check my mail, I can do this too.... because i want to.

5 hours ago, Kezriak said:

The fact that you are making an issue about someone else having access to the same stuff you get is downright astounding to me, after all you're only getting reward "for something so simple as logging in once a day...."

Thing is you already have access to the same stuff. The requirement for you is exactly the same as it is for me and everybody else. That is as fair as it gets. My issues are where you have not provided any reasonable solution. Im fine with platinum, real money or whatever as long as you are paying for it in some way to access it early. But otherwise I am against cosmetics or removing rewards that EVERYBODY considers valuable. Not everybody finds cosmetics/sigils/statues valuable and is not a valid solution.

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On 6/26/2017 at 8:00 AM, Music4Therapy said:

The current trend is that on odd numbered factors of 100 we get weapons, and on evens we get Primed Mods. FE:

100: Azima.

200: Primed Fury

300: Zenistar

400: Primed Vigor

500: Zenith

Here is my issue. We are starting to get to a point where it's going to take 2-3 years for a new player to obtain a mod necessary to maximize the power of their warframes. That would be highly discouraging and there are better ways to reward players for their loyalty then giving them a distinct advantage over new players. How would you feel as a new player if you played the game for a year, grinded like crazy, only to find out that the 1000 day reward was something like Primed Streamline. You'd have to play everyday for almost 2 more years. This is getting absurd imo. Weapons are fine I guess, but mods are something that should be farmable/otherwise obtainable.


Too many pages to read but i am just gonna say that those who have been doing anything longer should get the longer rewards for being around. Cosmetics are not the way to go for rewarding loyal logging into the Warframe system. 

If you are new to anything that is going to be around for a while, i would hope that there are things given to show they appreciate your continued participation. It is like being born into a society that has placed certain landmarks at ages where you should be able to apply what you have experienced into a good way. Do not want 5 year olda behind the wheel of a car just because they see how cool a car is. Do not want 12 year olds becoming Presidents of entire countries with nukes. Certain things should come with putting in time.

As for cosmetics...hellz to the naw. I might be in the minor of players that were saddened by getting a Syandana for our 4th year....and the thought of getting something akin to that at 700....😢

700 days is what i am looking forward to next and if it is not worth it, i might just start playing once a week instead of enjoying the game each day i am able. Giving another cosmetic will indeed stop me going forward. Give me something that i can play with in the game whether it be a weapon, companion, or a new Frame. The last time DE gave us a frame is when we all started. Hek, they just gave us a Senti for starting!

700 will be a make/break for the game. Some will see it as the get to login reward or they will not care. Either way, making it cosmetic from now on....hard passing on that idea. Would be worse than getting Gallium 7 times in a row. 

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>.> On topic, the login reward isnt a make or break for me so i dont really care what it gives. I mean in some other games i play it feels gimmicky, and disgusting(like im being bribed to play) and makes me not want to play the game at all, but im greedy and login in anyway(gimmie:laugh:). In this game for me its that annoying screen that pops up between sortie missions. Tho if it were a cosmetic with metallic tints/cool energy effects(like nova's syndana) i would probably get a tad hyped cause ......fashionframe, i like looking good. 

As far as access for new players i imagine some sort of way for people to purchase it with plat:platinum: will probably pop up at some point(maybe thru Baro or other npc:clem:, another type of vault, something) as this is a F2p game and money does need to be made. 

Also before someone asks, no you can not have my login items, i may not care about the rewards too much but as i said before, im greedy:smile:.

Edited by ichiofmany
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19 hours ago, Faulcun said:

you have 1440 minutes every day to find ONE..... to simply log in and log out at the bare minimum

I completely agree logging in isn't hard work at all (in fact it's all I do lately). But how is that good for the game or even players? "log in, alt+F4" doesn't make WF a better game. And I'd bet that a new player seeing content locked behind a 3 year wall isn't good either (regardless of that player deserving it or not, just talking about the impression a potential/returning player could get).

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8 hours ago, The_Doc said:

I completely agree logging in isn't hard work at all (in fact it's all I do lately). But how is that good for the game or even players? "log in, alt+F4" doesn't make WF a better game.

It doesnt make it a worse game either. Take yourself for example... its keeping your attention enough to log in. Perhaps you might see something on the launcher that makes you want to check it out for a little while instead of logging out right away..... rather than not logging in at all and missing out on a year's worth of content.

However, using myself as an example, if i didnt enjoy sorties, and i didnt have an obligation to my clan, and all the rewards were changed to cosmetics, or useless resources, or basically anything other than a usable mod, weapon, or item.... I would stop logging in all together because there is no more value to me. I feel like that would be worse.

But i do enjoy sorties, and i do have an obligation to my clan, so im going to log in anyways. I just so happen to get a happy reward every so often for doing something id normally do. That is how its supposed to work. Its like getting 200 points on your SAT just for spelling your name right. 

8 hours ago, The_Doc said:

And I'd bet that a new player seeing content locked behind a 3 year wall isn't good either (regardless of that player deserving it or not, just talking about the impression a potential/returning player could get).

New players generally do not have a comprehension of the game well enough to get butt hurt over a login reward. As a new player, id be looking at the other 99.9% of the game's content to even see if the game was worth my time spending 3 years on it.

From a returning stand point, well id have to take responsibility for my own actions. If I lost enough interest in the game to leave for a year, or whatever, then in my mind i should have come to terms with the fact that i might miss something. At least in this case, the logins dont need to be consecutive.... +1 on DE for that one. If I was interested enough in the game to be worried that i might miss something, then chances are I wouldnt have disappeared for so long in the first place.

At least you can take off right from where you left off just like the rest of the game. So for a returning player to have the attitude that they should just magically advance to a point where they would be if they had never left because they are upset with choices they made?.... well I just dont understand that.

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On June 26, 2017 at 8:00 AM, Music4Therapy said:

The current trend is that on odd numbered factors of 100 we get weapons, and on evens we get Primed Mods. FE:

100: Azima.

200: Primed Fury

300: Zenistar

400: Primed Vigor

500: Zenith

Here is my issue. We are starting to get to a point where it's going to take 2-3 years for a new player to obtain a mod necessary to maximize the power of their warframes. That would be highly discouraging and there are better ways to reward players for their loyalty then giving them a distinct advantage over new players. How would you feel as a new player if you played the game for a year, grinded like crazy, only to find out that the 1000 day reward was something like Primed Streamline. You'd have to play everyday for almost 2 more years. This is getting absurd imo. Weapons are fine I guess, but mods are something that should be farmable/otherwise obtainable.


Loyalty has it's rewards.

This is the flip side of Founder's packs, honestly.  Retaining long-term players who invest significantly over the long-term  is critical to their business model.

The very fact that you are mentioning the "pain" associated with the year or two needed to reward newer players shows the value of the process.

These mods are about 3 things:

1.  Exclusivity as a reward.

2.  Encouraging veterans to use these new toys to create new builds and stay engaged in actually playing.

3. A bit of a power bump (the least important of the 3, IMO, but still important).

 At this point in the game's lifecycle, you'd expect that newer players still have a shot at Primed Shred, because the old guard is still here after 2-3 years...still investing and still loving the Tennoverse.  

The veiled argument that:

"If I can't farm everything that everyone else has had a chance at, then I want nothing to do with this game!"

...it certainly is a real mentality, be it based on fairness (You can't HANDLE the Truth!), jealousy (My Precioussss), or simple OCD-like completionism (Gotta Catch'em ALL !!!).

But DE gives players A MYRIAD of ways to feel special and customize their own unique experience within the game to combat the "perils/benefits" of timed and Timesink exclusivity.


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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On 6/26/2017 at 8:00 AM, Music4Therapy said:

The current trend is that on odd numbered factors of 100 we get weapons, and on evens we get Primed Mods. FE:

100: Azima.

200: Primed Fury

300: Zenistar

400: Primed Vigor

500: Zenith

Here is my issue. We are starting to get to a point where it's going to take 2-3 years for a new player to obtain a mod necessary to maximize the power of their warframes. That would be highly discouraging and there are better ways to reward players for their loyalty then giving them a distinct advantage over new players. How would you feel as a new player if you played the game for a year, grinded like crazy, only to find out that the 1000 day reward was something like Primed Streamline. You'd have to play everyday for almost 2 more years. This is getting absurd imo. Weapons are fine I guess, but mods are something that should be farmable/otherwise obtainable.


Okay must say a few things to this. 

1. Logins are meant to be something special for those who dedicate the time to being around and deserve what the special item is that shows up. Whether this is a weapon, primed mod, even a frame it is a reward for that dedication. Making it something that is simply just cosmetic would in fact probably stop a lot of people from shooting for that goal and may even see people leave as a result of not being a well deserved reward.

2. Nothing and I mean nothing (weapons/primed mods) that have been released on the logins are game breaking and/or absolute requirements to have in game as "necessary". You do not have to have that primed mod to play just as well as others who may have it, it is simply a nice version of something for the long term player to continue with further development. Min/Max is not the only way to play a game.

3. How would I feel to have to play everyday for a 1000 day login? I have played everyday for over 4yrs now and at a minimum 5 minutes to relog each day is not going to kill anyone. Several games on the F2P market have daily login rewards and do similar things in what you may consider powercreep. Incentive to keep players coming back is important to the life of any game.

There are plenty of things which exist in this game that are not necessary for building but that people want just because! Rivens are not necessary but damn if people are not crazy about needing to have them and as many as they can as well. 

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I am the creator of the thread, that said I've been getting many posts here that are *REALLY* defensive of the log in rewards staying as is.

To the defenders, I have one question: What other game hands out exclusive weapons and armor as their daily log in rewards, some of which being direct upgrades to items currently in game?

I'm honestly sick of the whole "I had to suffer so everyone else should" mentality many of the people in this community seem to have, and I'm equally tired of people suggesting that a log in reward is such a massive part of their enjoyment of the game that they have to resort to name calling because they are so hurt someone would suggest changing it for the better.

I don't know about you guys but I am an adult and have played this game for a long time, and as an adult if I'm going to choose to spend time to play a game it's going to be because the game is fun, not because of a log in reward. There is a reason why no AAA title uses this system.

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30 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

I am the creator of the thread, that said I've been getting many posts here that are *REALLY* defensive of the log in rewards staying as is.

To the defenders, I have one question: What other game hands out exclusive weapons and armor as their daily log in rewards, some of which being direct upgrades to items currently in game?

I'm honestly sick of the whole "I had to suffer so everyone else should" mentality many of the people in this community seem to have, and I'm equally tired of people suggesting that a log in reward is such a massive part of their enjoyment of the game that they have to resort to name calling because they are so hurt someone would suggest changing it for the better.

I don't know about you guys but I am an adult and have played this game for a long time, and as an adult if I'm going to choose to spend time to play a game it's going to be because the game is fun, not because of a log in reward. There is a reason why no AAA title uses this system.

And im honestly sick of the entitled, selfish, instant gratification, and lazy attitudes the rest of the community seems to have. There is NO EXCLUSIVITY to this system at all.... The reward is guaranteed! If it were consecutive logins, then I would agree 100%. But its not. This system is sooooo simple and easy that it blows my mind that somebody wants to complain about doing something even less, or change the rewards because they havent been playing as long as somebody else.

  • There is no time involved in logging in - Takes less than 1min
  • Login count is NOT consecutive - No need to worry about missing a day
  • Requires the absolute minimum of effort - You dont even have to play the game
  • No skill required - No need to Get Gud
  • No RNG! You know what you are going to get, and when you are going to get it! You cant even say no... You are GONNA get it!
  • The requirement is exactly the same for every player - If you do exactly what you said, and play to have fun, eventually you'll login and find a nice "thank you" from DE

For some people, the login reward might be a source of enjoyment. I dont feel that way personally, but i dont see it negatively either.

I have not read every post here, but i dont believe ive seen anybody call anybody else any names. If they did, report it, and shame on them.

"changing it for the better" is subjective. Changing the rewards to cosmetics, to me, would be changing it for the worse. You speak as if its some widely accepted idea that this system is completely broken and terrible. Obviously, not everybody agrees.

Im also amused that you think this is a AAA game.

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1 hour ago, Music4Therapy said:

I am the creator of the thread, that said I've been getting many posts here that are *REALLY* defensive of the log in rewards staying as is.

Replying to you is not being defensive.


1 hour ago, Music4Therapy said:

To the defenders, I have one question: What other game hands out exclusive weapons and armor as their daily log in rewards, some of which being direct upgrades to items currently in game?

What does that have to do with anything.  We're talking YEARS of logging into the game for rewards.  YEARS.

The "exclusivity" is years of loyalty.  It isn't money.  It isn't skill.  It's playing.  Anyone can join and everyone qualifies.

Anyway, since the game isn't PvP, the rewards aren't imbalanced as you think.  Take for instance "Primed Vigor."  Everyone freaked out about it.  After a week, players have learned it's a niche mod at best, and mostly worthless.

2 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

I'm honestly sick of the whole "I had to suffer so everyone else should" mentality many of the people in this community seem to have

Some people may view it as that, but I'm willing to wager that the vast majority of people view it as "It's a reward for my loyalty and you want the better rewards done away with because you don't qualify as of now."

2 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

they are so hurt someone would suggest changing it for the better.

Maybe they're not hurt and they don't think your suggestion is "changing it for the better."

2 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

I don't know about you guys but I am an adult 

Doesn't seem like it.  

Snark aside, it doesn't seem like it.

2 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

I'm going to choose to spend time to play a game it's going to be because the game is fun, not because of a log in reward. 

Then why do you care?

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3 hours ago, Faulcun said:

Im also amused that you think this is a AAA game.

I read your whole comment, but before I address the rest of it I want to address this. Warframe is consistently a top 5 game on Steam and with the amazing gameplay and graphics it has which has kept me coming back to the game, it more than has the potential to be the 2nd most popular game on the market (I don't see it passing DotA2)

So what is holding it back?

Stuff like the log in reward that isn't promoting skilled gameplay, rather as you pointed out its just the opposite. The reward doesn't have to be cosmetic, however I'd love for the reward to be something that doesn't impact gameplay the way the Zenistar does or Primed Shred will.

The many imbalances that exist in the game.

The lack of an endgame.

Login rewards are not the best way to reward loyalty, eventually we all get the same rewards regardless of how loyal we are. The proper way to reward loyalty would be for them to listen to the feedback of us veterans and implement the changes we as a community want. Want to have a successful company? Treat your customers right, listen to them, and be welcoming to all future customers. Everyone should have equal footing.

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28 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:


No, by any game standard Warframe is in the Alpha stage.
It is consitently in the top 5 because it has fun gameplay and it shows promise of becoming more.

Log in rewards are fine. its a F2P game, they reward the players for taking the time to play it. 
Like getting those 75% off deals for plat. Psychology.

There is no end game because we have a partial product in the works. Hence why its been labeled "Beta".

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6 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

Stuff like the log in reward that isn't promoting skilled gameplay, rather as you pointed out its just the opposite.

This community doesnt want skilled gameplay. Its unfortunate, but its true.

We had the ultimate skilled gameplay mode added in this giant button mashing mess...... Friendly Fire.

Im sure you saw how quickly that was killed off, probably never to return. This community cannot stop themselves for even one little moment from mashing 4 or spamming simulor with mirage or whatever the newest meta cheese is.

Thats why its so frustrating when we have a system thats exactly tailored to them.... and yet there are still complaints that its got to be even easier somehow or we have to change rewards because somebody else has it before them, and if the next reward is also something they want, then they want to get it at the same time as everybody else. But because that cant happen, we have to change the rewards for everybody else so they can "catch up" with the other veterans. Then when they've all "caught up" and the rewards are boring and nobody is interested anymore, then we can complain again and have better rewards introduced again. Then the next group of entitled children come along screaming about how its unfair, and if they cant have it now, then nobody else should either.

So stop all the decent rewards because somebody's feels are hurt..... Seriously? The customer is NOT always right. Its a personal journey, not a race.

Lets not even try to pretend this is about general imbalances either. We'd be talking about redesigning the entire game as a whole at that point.

Oh and the zenistar and prime shred have little to no impact on my game. I dont even use the zenistar, and i wouldnt put primed shred on anything that doesnt already have shred.... which realistically could simply be duplicated with a riven for most weapons anyways, possibly with even better stats. More people would have an understanding of that if they actually DID focus on skilled gameplay.

Sure, the zenistar can help complete a nice defensive build but not in any way required for any mission.... but thats for the min/max/meta groups who more often than not spend more time on the ground face down, wondering why their super god tier build isnt working. Play the game how you want, but not a single login reward is going to make anybody capable of doing anything they couldnt already do.

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