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Hotfix 9.1.4


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I personally am quite pleased with the new Aura system. This might be related to how I am not an obsessive min-maxer and enjoy new capability being added so that I can do more cool stuff in the game. There is no need to slice off bits of what Tenno can do in some kind of misguided quest for Ultimate Difficulty. You don't have to use the new Aura system, or can use Auras of wrong polarities to minimise the mod point gain, if you absolutely cannot suffer the bonus mod energy this gives you. It would definitely make the game even harder! And it is really simple to do.


Generally speaking, stuff like that is good for new players, especially with many systems in Warframe getting a difficulty boost in form of higher enemy levels. Using a bunch of people who have been playing for ages, have maxed out and heavily polarised equipment etc as the balancing point for the game is a poor idea and catering to their demands is just going to make playing the game increasingly tiresome to others, both casual and new players. (especially since in Warframe greater difficulty means that the enemies are greater bullet sponges, rather than them having smarter AI etc, as it is. Wanting the players to be able to do less while raising the overall bullet sponge factor is not a winning strategy)


An MMO lives and dies both by how friendly and attractive it is to new players and how fun the late game is. The basic concept for the Tenno is "badass space ninja", and DE should focus on reinforcing that basic aspect. The new Auras are a step in the right direction, since new players with new Warframes and will now be able to do more stuff right off the bat, not get stuck in a levelling hell where they have no mod energy to do anything and have to grind and grind instead of doing some Cool Stuff like the trailers promised them. (fun fact: a full set of level 1 abilities is worth 11 mod points. This means that the new Aura system would allow someone - say, a new player who just crafted their first new Warframe, but had time to get some Auras - a chance to use all the abilities of their Warframe right off the bat, not wait until they have grinded their way to level 11 or put a potato in a level 6 one)




For a bit of context, I am a heavy player of bullet hell SHMUPs, a genre of games that often practically revels in excess difficulty; I am no stranger to hard games, much harder than Warframe in fact, and I am not saying any of this from the position of someone who can't handle difficulty in gaming. However, I do think that the borderline obsession with difficulty that some people have - as well as some apparent deep desire for people who play Warframe casually and want to see some cinematic cool space ninja action instead of being forced to hug boxes all the time to avoid being eviscerated to be forced to play Tactical Evisceration Action: Boxes of the Patriots after all - is not healthy for the game, or to the discussion in general, and I hope that DE will not listen to them and will keep making the game more accessible and more facilitating when it comes to doing Cool Stuff, not less so.

Edited by SolarEnvoy
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Whoa, Aura Mods now BOOST? AM I SEEING RIGHT? BOOST? OMG!!!!! *Rubs eyes*

Oh my god. BEST. HOTFIX. EVER.

Thanks DE! Love you all!


Hear hear! Now, a maxed Aura gives the same mod point benefit of having Forma'd two D-slots!  Niiiiice!  Too bad I may still have to Forma the Aura slot itself.  Why over half of the Tenno army is primed for Rifle Amp and Steel Charge and not the most beneficial Aura ever (which needs no mention, but for those not in-the-know, it is Energy Siphon) is still beyond me, but at least we have this.


Now DE, don't go and decide that 14 bonus points is too much and you nerf it back to a straight cost of 7.  Please keep this fix as is.  Thanks!

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1) Sonic Boom could use a range/push buff I suppose.


2) Soundquake could deal armor ignore, I won't complain about that kind of buff.


3) Mastery Rank should add mod capacity to everything. Oh yeah, I went there. I want my 9 mastery to give every frame and weapon extra points.


If Mastery is supposed to mean you are a veteran you should be able to pick up any new suit and weapon and be better than some n00b with the same unranked etc.


With my previous idea though...that would help n00bs just as much. Have the n00bs drop on a bunch of hamstring mods so they can have all the warframe abilities right away etc.

Of course that would require the n00bs to somehow acquire the mods.

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1) Sonic Boom could use a range/push buff I suppose.


2) Soundquake could deal armor ignore, I won't complain about that kind of buff.


3) Mastery Rank should add mod capacity to everything. Oh yeah, I went there. I want my 9 mastery to give every frame and weapon extra points.


If Mastery is supposed to mean you are a veteran you should be able to pick up any new suit and weapon and be better than some n00b with the same unranked etc.


With my previous idea though...that would help n00bs just as much. Have the n00bs drop on a bunch of hamstring mods so they can have all the warframe abilities right away etc.

Of course that would require the n00bs to somehow acquire the mods.


Banshee is strong enough the way she is. Let them focus on warframes that actually need some work.

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Oh no you di'int! ;)

Banshee is my main frame. She can get it done. The problem is people seem to think that she is offensive. (I blame the two gamma polarities) She is NOT an offensive frame like Ember or even Nyx. She can get kills in on weaker foes but with higher level foes she is there to stun and push them around. Banshee is for crowd control and drawing aggro. If there is a bro down, you run in there and you soundquake the area while your other bro runs in and saves the first. If you are getting swarmed you blast your sonic boom to spread out your enemies. If there are extremely tough dudes out there you pop on your sonar so that your bros can help you with the 5x damage multiplier. Banshee has no range. Her role is not to do the most damage or get the most kills. Her role is to speed up the process for everybody. She is a social butterfly like that. ;)


 Totally agreed with you on this. Warframe co-op is not fighting for personal kill-count. It's about a co-op game benefits from combining different frames' abilities in achieving a greater result. That's why they give us 14 different frames with different abilities, from supportive roles to tanks. Utilizing different powers & tactics in different situation is a key to survive. If you like to see hundreds of kill-count from every mission, why not try a different attack frame, instead of whining on the low kill-count of a supportive frame? (I'm not saying Banshee is a total supportive frame). What I'm trying to say is, if everyone wanna be in assault team, who's gonna be combat engineer & field doctor?

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you all complaining bout having too many mods points and stuff........... what about the frames that does not have a potato on it, the boost thingy is quite useful to them.


game is too easy? unqeuip your mods / try different combinations..... done. /  game is to hard for newbies? newbies leave, game dies........


as the game difficulty increases, for those who do not have money to spend in the game and are waiting for a golden potato alert.... this is helpful.


I dont see this as an issue, In this particular case, i think the player is who makes the game too easy for him/herself....



that is just my opinion, though.

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Any word on Raptor drops so far? Been farming for hours every day since U9 and no systems blueprint yet.

. consider yourself lucky, I been farming him since U9 and have yet to have him drop even a single fusion core let alone a blueprint.
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My problem is NOT that it makes it too easy with this buff. My problem is that the name of the frame and its level will allow you to pretty much guess what the frame's mod load out will be. That is what I meant...cloned munchkins in body suits. :P

For instance: Rhino.

Let's see. 10 slots. 2 polarized to delta slots, 4 polarized to his abilities. So you are pretty much going to put all 4 abilities, redirection, vitality, steel fiber, continuity. that leaves you with the aura and 2 open slots for customization. At least with the auras costing slots you had to think which mod to max, which to set at a certain level etc. Now there is no thinking involved. You just slap everything on and conform to the rest of the 30th level potatoed Rhinos.


Variety is the spice of life. All I want is some spice man!

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. consider yourself lucky, I been farming him since U9 and have yet to have him drop even a single fusion core let alone a blueprint.


I did get lucky to get 2/3 prints day one, yes, but the fact that it's been a countless number of runs (feels like 100+ now total) and I've only found another helmet, I'm getting annoyed at this drop rate. I'd just like to be able to build my frame and not have to worry about grinding this boss anymore.

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My problem is NOT that it makes it too easy with this buff. My problem is that the name of the frame and its level will allow you to pretty much guess what the frame's mod load out will be. That is what I meant...cloned munchkins in body suits. :P

For instance: Rhino.

Let's see. 10 slots. 2 polarized to delta slots, 4 polarized to his abilities. So you are pretty much going to put all 4 abilities, redirection, vitality, steel fiber, continuity. that leaves you with the aura and 2 open slots for customization. At least with the auras costing slots you had to think which mod to max, which to set at a certain level etc. Now there is no thinking involved. You just slap everything on and conform to the rest of the 30th level potatoed Rhinos.


Variety is the spice of life. All I want is some spice man!

Thats kinda why they made that aura change. So youd have enough mod points to be able to step outside your comfort zone a little and experiment.

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My problem is NOT that it makes it too easy with this buff. My problem is that the name of the frame and its level will allow you to pretty much guess what the frame's mod load out will be. That is what I meant...cloned munchkins in body suits. :P

For instance: Rhino.

Let's see. 10 slots. 2 polarized to delta slots, 4 polarized to his abilities. So you are pretty much going to put all 4 abilities, redirection, vitality, steel fiber, continuity. that leaves you with the aura and 2 open slots for customization. At least with the auras costing slots you had to think which mod to max, which to set at a certain level etc. Now there is no thinking involved. You just slap everything on and conform to the rest of the 30th level potatoed Rhinos.


Variety is the spice of life. All I want is some spice man!


this really doesnt change that >.> had enough mod points to max everything with a fully formed and potatoed rhino :3 with forma you can max everything with a potato, the only time this really comes into play is the full F2P players who dont spend money, this is great for them as they get a huge boost to effectiveness 


PS. Guess my load out :P


edit: lolz, i actually got a warning on a post? thats a first

Edited by Ecotox
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Aura mods now *boost* your mod capacity rather than drain it.
Foundry changes: Components that you have 0 of don’t show, transition time between panels cut in half, sort by 'type' added, screen transition and panel transition concurrent.
Added clear labels to Dojo Halls to denote that if you build a bigger hall, you move up a Clan Tier and resources will scale accordingly.
Fix for clan emblems to render better in game (switched to alpha compression).
Fix for Dethcube issues with attacks.
Fix for Nightmare mode timer sound not being high enough stakes.
Fix for inaudible Lotus VO for some users. She’s baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Fix for bug where inviting new guild members fails.
Fix for boss rooms and gates being included in Corpus Ship Exterminate missions.
Fix for Corpus Ship Exterminate missions having closed doors block progress.
Further improvements to hack panel issues in the Grineer Galleon.
Fix for last active date displaying “unknown”
Fix for key-based missions freezing Solar Chart after aborting.
Potential fix for first-time contributions failing if a new guild is created.
Fix for Wormhole not leveling properly.
Fix for fourth player in a lobby not being able to vote.
Fix for timed Orokin Void runs being inaccessible.
Fang Prime speed buff.
Further Sobek changes: more damage, longer reload.
Various crash fixes.

For those that polarized the Aura slot to match an Aura mod, its not wasted - it doubles the benefit!

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. consider yourself lucky, I been farming him since U9 and have yet to have him drop even a single fusion core let alone a blueprint.

sanw here. funny thins is the only time raptor dropped me something, was the system lol, and then the game broke and didnt generated it.


my luck is the best!! 



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