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Forbid MR8- players to play Void Fissures


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On 7/1/2017 at 8:59 AM, Noloic said:

All these "MR isn't important" replies are getting old. Try suggesting a solution.

There's no problem in need of a solution in the first place.  

When I first started playing, back in December, I almost exclusively played solo - because that's how I normally play MMOs when I start, I like to learn the ropes on my own until I'm confident I can contribute something to a group.  

Eventually as I started using the public queue more and more, I realized that I needn't have bothered waiting - for the vast majority of content, a single well-equipped frame is more than enough to handle absolutely everything in a 4-player mission by themselves.  Even sorties have a lot of leeway for slack, although obviously the bar is higher.

So really, if someone's not pulling their weight in a mission (and some frame builds are so situationally strong they actively prevent anyone else from making any meaningful contribution), it doesn't matter at all.  Those instances where a player does something actively detrimental (like unnecessarily using life support, or not bringing a relic at all) are so few and far between, and you can chalk those up to genuine ignorance rather than selfishness, so a brief word in squad chat is going to take care of the problem.  

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One of the reasons no-one should be restricting people from joining/playing whatever is something we've all got to face up to: Warframe is an incredibly easy game. Very little in it is actually difficult to do, and most of the time when something is difficult it's mostly because of the scaling system leading to very high numbers that are still pretty easy to overcome. You don't need an expert team of coordinated players to do pretty much anything in WF. Having one guy along with an MK-1 Braton who is still learning the game isn't going to ruin your fissure run and it's a good opportunity to show someone around. Restricting FISSURES to people over MR8 is just going to be like back when you couldn't build a Frame to replace your starter until you got all the way to jupiter: A good way to make new people quit early after they get bored with their basic gear.

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On 2017-07-01 at 8:59 AM, Noloic said:

As I said,

All these "MR isn't important" replies are getting old. Try suggesting a solution.

Either solo, play with friends, recruitment channel, dojo squad. Those are all valid options that are already offered.

Mastery Rank doesn't matter, nor does quest progress.
Here are a few example of why they don't :

Mastery Rank : Been playing with Mastery well over 20 for a while now, every day to be more precise.
I still find myself slowly guiding them in the most basic stuff like modding for example.
Some people still aren't aware that enemies have elemental resistance, and here they go : "Corrosive everything, this enemy didn't die in 1.01 second, this gun is terrible"
There's also some that lack the basic parkour knowledge, still walking, you've heard me well, walking through the content.
Now I hold nothing against them, but it goes to show that just because their level is high doesn't necessarily mean anything and the same goes for the opposite type, a Mastery 5 player could greatly outclass any of those players in the most basic ways and yet still be stuck behind the cheap "Level grinding wall" that is mastery.

Quest progress : Just like the previous example, just because they reached the quest doesn't mean they were ready for it.
For all I know they could've gotten Mastery boosted on Akkad, then carried through the quest itself by teammates just so that they could get Operator mode.
Does that mean that they are any more ready to go for a fissure? Certainly not.

My point is : There's no existing solution just like there's no problem to begin with, you could be Mastery 2 and own Sortie level enemies if you simply get some corrupted mods and farm for Endo.
You can't really measure skill and tell who's ready and who isn't until they actually try the content.

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On Lith and Meso i don't care about newbs, but above that it's frustrating yeah, although i have yet too meet a newb in NEO/AXI. Wait wait wait, how do you find them frustrating if you haven't met one? Well, they are called noobs.

When i started out 2 years ago i was kind of inspired by 2 russians carrying me though a 40min survival. It was a T1 of course, also i had no idea what did keys offer or what the void even was, only a mission led me there i think. One of them was Valkyr, holy hell i was really @(*()$ impressed, i can't remember what the other guy played as though. Things started out smoothly, i was getting kills with my mk-1 braton but obviously after a while not even a full clip of headshots couldn't score a kill, while the other 2 were shredding everything. I died several times, but always got ressed always. Tried to make myself useful by buffing them with Volt's Speed and it worked well.

After it ended i was @(*()$ amazed, "S#&$ this was awesome". I started hunting down Valkyr's parts right away. "Gotta buy a cape and dual vipers too".

But of course not every newbie is the same. Today was disappointing to see a newbie leave during a Lith excavation because we went till 1000, he had no void relics left after the 200 mark, left at 800 i think, throwing all the rewards into the trash.

Edited by Sovyul
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