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Please don't nerf Trin. And let me tell you why.


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Trinity is very balanced.
She has already been nerfed. And infinite energy is NOT OverPowered. This is not debatable, anyone who has played the game for over 1000 hours can tell you that infinite energy is not OP.

Please reconsider any decisions you make to nerf her energy giving potential.



Edited by _A_Illuminati_A_
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6 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

Trinity is very balanced.
She has already been nerfed. And infinite energy is NOT OverPowered. This is not debatable, anyone who has played the game for over 1000 hours can tell you that infinite energy is not OP.

Please reconsider any decisions you make to nerf her energy giving potential.

What a compelling argument.


I raise you my counter:

Firstly, whether a frame/weapon has been buffed/nerfed in the past has no bearing on whether they should get a buff/nerf now.

Now to use your logic:

Infinite energy IS OverPowered.  This is not debatable, anyone who has played the game for over 1000 hours can tell you that infinite energy is OP.

Edited by Insizer
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5 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

Trinity is very balanced.
She has already been nerfed. And infinite energy is NOT OverPowered. This is not debatable, anyone who has played the game for over 1000 hours can tell you that infinite energy is not OP.

Please reconsider any decisions you make to nerf her energy giving potential.

considering that scott got rid of 99.9% bless dr, ev is pretty op now that they have finally made another frame that can give energy

but battery harrow isn't as weak as people think so maybe one more frame would warrant a change

Edited by Wevi
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5 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

Trinity is very balanced.
She has already been nerfed. And infinite energy is NOT OverPowered. This is not debatable, anyone who has played the game for over 1000 hours can tell you that infinite energy is not OP.

Please reconsider any decisions you make to nerf her energy giving potential.

I have played for well over 2,000 hours. I say she is OP.

*drops mic*

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Trin needs to be nerfed, no questions asked. Actually, just EV. Anything else is either okay or underpowered(Pool). Get rid of broken OP energy management, especially the insane # of items per gear slot, and suddenly balancing content becomes a whole lot easier.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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8 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

Trinity is very balanced.
She has already been nerfed. And infinite energy is NOT OverPowered. This is not debatable, anyone who has played the game for over 1000 hours can tell you that infinite energy is not OP.

Please reconsider any decisions you make to nerf her energy giving potential.

"dont even try to say its op cause i wont listen to what you say" is what i just read. dont make a forum post if you dont want people disagreeing with you on what you say.


Trinity is the be all end all of support frames. It doesnt even take a skilled trinity player to keep an entire team completely full of energy and shields/hp the entire mission.

and yes infinite energy is op. the downside to using a max strength build on all frames is the drastically increased energy usage and you usually have to use mod slots on efficiency to compensate and make it viable to use in games. With trinity? you dont. One EV from an EV trinity can give you 400+ energy in 1 second and that removes any downside to a max strength build on other warframes.


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Trin needs to be nerfed when the energy economy is reworked to allow for actually using abilities without the need for external supplements (Zenurik, Pizzas, Trinity).


IMO every Warframe needs a unique passive (or ability) that allows them to regen energy on their own. Octavia and Nidus have passives that work with their playstyle and allow them to actually use their abilities. For example, add an additional aspect to Volt's passive where he regens energy for running on the ground in the same way he regens damage for his passive now.

This way the energy economy can be individually tuned for each frame so Warframes like Mag that need a lot of energy to keep going are balanced with Warframes like Nova who have a massive bang for their buck with abilities. 

The biggest problem with energy right now is that every Warframe takes from the same pool despite every Warframe having different needs.


Edit: Trinity wasn't OP, then there would be no need for energy in the first place. Trinity makes energy irrelevant, so saying Trinity is balanced is saying that it is okay for energy to be irrelevant. 

But, because energy is broken anyway, Trinity is a necessary until energy can become a solid system. 


One more Edit: It does not help that Trinity is also the best burst and sustained healer in the game...

Edited by DrBorris
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You know what? If they can rebalance Magnetic procs so they don't completely drain you of your entire energy pool in one shot and Leech Eximi don't drain your energy pool from 700 to 0 in 20 seconds, sure... add more conditions for Trinity's energy buffs.

Pre Sortie level, energy is a near infinite resource made even more infinite tanks to Trin and Zenurik and Energize. Post Sortie Level, energy is invaluable to survival and definitely finate thanks to Quick Thinking, the need of CC powers to stay alive, and Exmi literally one shotting your energy pool JUST FOR BEING IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOU! Seriously, Leech Exmi don't have to hit you to drain your energy, they just have to exist.

People asking for Trinity to be nerfed, do you realize this? Are you aware that Trin doesn't just exist in a vacuum where she is just OP and trivializes all level 40 and under content, we have high level content that is made that much more bearable when she is around. If you're gonna nerf Energy Vampire, you have to balance the reasons why it's so invaluable. 

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EV (2) is incredibly powerful to the point of being being overpowered in duration+strength builds, and frankly brokenly so in negative duration builds. Bless (4) might be a bit overpowered, might be spot on, but is definitely not weak. Link (3) is soft in the base duration department but is otherwise a pretty great tank skill. Well of Life (1) was never really even a decent power and simply does not fit the game Warframe has become.


Her powers run a gamut of capability, and frankly, so does Trinity. Her strongest points are obscenely strong while the weakest parts of her kit could simply not exist and few would notice. Her 2 needs an adjustment, probably in how much power it generates as it was clearly balanced around frames that don't use corrupted mods. Her 1's only useful effect is the single target hold, and that's probably the only part of that power's function that should be retained. Her 3 could use a duration bump as well as becoming an off-hand cast as right now you spend a lot of time as Trin just casting and recasting stuff. Her 4 is... strong, but probably fine? Might need to not be able to heal folks that still have the DR buff and are above 50% hp or something? IDK.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)DBR87 said:

You know what? If they can rebalance Magnetic procs so they don't completely drain you of your entire energy pool in one shot and Leech Eximi don't drain your energy pool from 700 to 0 in 20 seconds, sure... add more conditions for Trinity's energy buffs.

Pre Sortie level, energy is a near infinite resource made even more infinite tanks to Trin and Zenurik and Energize. Post Sortie Level, energy is invaluable to survival and definitely finate thanks to Quick Thinking, the need of CC powers to stay alive, and Exmi literally one shotting your energy pool JUST FOR BEING IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOU! Seriously, Leech Exmi don't have to hit you to drain your energy, they just have to exist.

People asking for Trinity to be nerfed, do you realize this? Are you aware that Trin doesn't just exist in a vacuum where she is just OP and trivializes all level 40 and under content, we have high level content that is made that much more bearable when she is around. If you're gonna nerf Energy Vampire, you have to balance the reasons why it's so invaluable. 

Hey-Hey preach my dude, these people who are asking for nerfs probably spend 90% of their time in Hydron

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8 minutes ago, CeePee said:

I mean she is overpowered, anything with a brain can see that. It's just that people don't want their toys taken away from them.


6 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Trin needs to be nerfed, no questions asked. Actually, just EV. Anything else is either okay or underpowered(Pool). Get rid of broken OP energy management, especially the insane # of items per gear slot, and suddenly balancing content becomes a whole lot easier.

I always wonder how people push their opinion like there isn't anything subjective, there are only binary options - true and wrong.

She doesn't need a nerf (for sure), because what else she is about? Healing? That's all? She needs a buff, she needs her 1 replaced by somethings more useful. She has no CC, no damage abilities, she's all about supporting teammates.

You have other ways to replenish energy

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14 minutes ago, Wevi said:

considering that scott got rid of 99.9% bless dr, ev is pretty op now that they have finally made another frame that can give energy

but battery harrow isn't as weak as people think so maybe one more frame would warrant a change

People seem to be playing Harrow wrong, due to DE peddling him as a shooter frame. Nah, he's a melee frame, with his hueg shield, and his ability to freeze enemies in place. I gave him the dex dakra with berserker and body count and he's a beast. I freeze a group of enemies, mince them and get energy that way.

But Trinity is OP. She doesn't need a nerf, she needs to be completely changed to be a fit in Warframe. Currently, she's kinda... op and useless at the same time. You only take her to make laughably easy content even more laughably easy.

Infinite energy IS op. Here's my argument - why do warframes have energy economy if it isn't. If infinite energy was fine, warframes could just have it. Or have every skill cost 1 energy to cast. Since that's not the case, infinite energy clearly is not intended and it's OP. 

The problem is that we're too spoiled and are used to casting abilities all of the time. You're not supposed to be able to be in chromatic blade for an hour straight, only interrupting every 2 minutes for a second to get trin to refill your energy. 

Energy is supposed to be a resource we need to manage. Think when we cast abilities, because they're powerful and we're using a valuable resource.

Infinite energy is like having a no-self-damage tonkor with infinite rounds. I still like trin, but she's a bad fit for the game.

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27 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

Trinity is very balanced.
She has already been nerfed. And infinite energy is NOT OverPowered. This is not debatable, anyone who has played the game for over 1000 hours can tell you that infinite energy is not OP.

Please reconsider any decisions you make to nerf her energy giving potential.



You are wasting your breath. 

Scott is determined to nerf her eventually, BUT. 

He said she "isn't even on the radar" right now, and unless I am really dense, it seemed pretty clear he wasn't going to do any nerfs on her energy and healing until he had a chance to rework her fully, and make her better at some other support things as well. 

So chill. Balance changes are inevitable, but they will come with a full rework and it will be quite some time. 

You are not going to convince Scott that Trinity is perfectly balanced. 

But this is also not the time for freakout mode. There are lots of frames in front of her for a rework. He isn't even going to think about touching her for many months at the minimum. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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13 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

Let me direct your attention to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/6m4772/leave_trinity_alone/

As far as I'm concerned , Vaminos (Venn2) is more important than any of you guys. He knows what he's talking about, maybe you should listen to him.


ignoring us and telling us to listen to some one else. GG. this thread was over before it started since it looks like the OP is only here for self affirmation

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2 minutes ago, _A_Illuminati_A_ said:

Hey-Hey preach my dude, these people who are asking for nerfs probably spend 90% of their time in Hydron

Is that an Ad-Hominem? Maybe the reason that content is being balanced around one-shot or be one-shot is because certain Warframes have trivialized all content before that point...

What if the game was balanced around level 80, or maybe even level 60?

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