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Please don't nerf Trin. And let me tell you why.


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27 minutes ago, Nirrel said:

The only problem with harrow that he as support frame as far as it goes for healing and energy restore pretty much useless. On the startchart you need him as much as Trinty so you don't and on higher level missions he wont be able to keep up with the need of the team wich can be sudden , just because it takes too long to do so. Just consider renewal of oberon. If you keep it up is really good on high levels as well, still ppl will die for the massive hits the enemy can deal. So we have now harrow who to do the same in practice have to kill all the way to be sure that everybody is healed up constantly and full of energy if he really want to support because if he does not and ppl rely on that they will end up dead pretty soon. I know I'm exagerrating a bit here but overall the point stays.What use of a support frame that to be able to support you to play the game using your abilities have to do all the work practicly playing the game in your place. Not that much after all....Harrow as support is just meh...but admittedly he is more fun to play on it's own.


umm sorry no. the only power that requires kills is thurible. as long as you shoot with penance up it keeps people topped off and with normal shield has a duration of 30s. none of the frames are useless. but people use that word when there is something they dont understand and rather than getting information they remain ignorant and just say whatever. if you dont have trinity or harrow in the group you can use energy plates but if you do then you dont. the trinity in the group also doesnt have to focus on using ev because they will use it when shes low on energy from using bless or link anyway. when it comes to trinity the entitlement formed around her needing to use ev disgusts me but that isnt trinity's fault that is the fault of the community.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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1 hour ago, Nirrel said:


Harrow? useless? takes too long? No offense, but it seems to me like you're just not that good of a harrow player (nothing personal; I'm a bad harrow too). I've seen some pretty good harrows already; the key is communication and decision-making (refreshing your buffs leaves you vulnerable; do so when you aren't under pressure. His high-duration abilities should leave you enough time to do so). He can achieve the same massive amount of energy regen as trinity, BUT it takes more work to do so. And it's this new system of support that shows EXACTLY why trinity is bad. All of her power comes from pressing one of 2 buttons. 2. Or 4. 

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46 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

umm sorry no. the only power that requires kills is thurible. as long as you shoot with penance up it keeps people topped off and with normal shield has a duration of 30s. none of the frames are useless. but people use that word when there is something they dont understand and rather than getting information they remain ignorant and just say whatever. if you dont have trinity or harrow in the group you can use energy plates but if you do then you dont. the trinity in the group also doesnt have to focus on using ev because they will use it when shes low on energy from using bless or link anyway. when it comes to trinity the entitlement formed around her needing to use ev disgusts me but that isnt trinity's fault that is the fault of the community.

Lol, not sure what we are arguing about because mostly I totaly agree with you, but the part of harrow being a proper support frame wich I think that it's just meh. I didn't say you have to kill to heal. I said that he has to kill to heal and keep the energy of the group up at all time. At least I try to use both at the same time so I can give both, because to get his 3 going is a chore for me. And at some point I even pointed out that I was exagerating to a certain extent. Apart from that as I said I totaly agree.


8 minutes ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

Harrow? useless? takes too long? No offense, but it seems to me like you're just not that good of a harrow player (nothing personal; I'm a bad harrow too). I've seen some pretty good harrows already; the key is communication and decision-making (refreshing your buffs leaves you vulnerable; do so when you aren't under pressure. His high-duration abilities should leave you enough time to do so). He can achieve the same massive amount of energy regen as trinity, BUT it takes more work to do so. And it's this new system of support that shows EXACTLY why trinity is bad. All of her power comes from pressing one of 2 buttons. 2. Or 4. 

Yeah, probably you are right. I'm not really a very good harrow player :laugh:, I lack patience for it. And yes the key is communication. But realistically there is barely any communication in public missions so there is that.... perhaps I had bad experince in groups, I don't know. I'll probably give it try again in more communicative enviroments but it still seems to me that in random groups where anybody just does whatever they want and see fit harrow is not the best choice as support for me.

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4 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

Trinity, underused ? Maybe she is underused on matchmaking (and this false, we see a bunch of Trinity) but in team play, she is almost always here because she provide infinite energy and she is much more used on long run because she allow us to totally cheese everything because of that infinite energy.

About the shooting mechanic, I never talked about this and this would be bad (just have to see Harrow). I think the time between each wave just shouldn't be changed, so increasing duration just increase the total duration, so the number of wave (just how they did with Saryn), allowing to build for duration and use all other powers that are good but can't be used if you want an "EV build".

I already play Trinity with other powers but I'm forced to not have too much duration if I want to be able to EV correctly. 
Honestly, I think it's a waste to have 4 power on a warframe if you can only use 1 efficiently.

  1. Im not sure about your but in this and the previous mont i have never encountered Trinities and in this year i may have seen 7 of them total.
  2. Why would be? Theres no need to kill the target, trinity only needs to damage it and it releases energy lets say for 100% of the damage it dealt. Most people here have a problem with EV being "OP" and "braindead" and if these guys get their way trinity will simply die out.
  3. Welcome to warframe, where most frames were designed in a way that they screw up others if you want to build for them. Every frame has one useless skill, some even has 2 and most maximized builds kill the other skills if they are designed that way.
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3 hours ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

Trinity IS overpowered. And let me tell you why.

All trinity needs to do is press 2 over and over and over again, and her team, provided they're in an (honestly very liberal) range of the enemy she happens to press 2 on this time can get very large quantities of energy very fast. Not only does this give the team energy, but it also results in the enemy's health being culled by a %maximum HP(I don't think that part is OP at all, it's possibly the most balanced part of the ability). Her energy vampire means huge gains for an almost absolute minimum amount of skill and effort input. These gains are so overpowered, that ANY 'pick 4' team compositions will include her. in truth, no team is complete without a trinity in the eyes of the meta, and it's because of the raw amount of power she can transmit to her allies with ease. And this is just her second ability. Plopped on top of that steaming mess of power is instant, full heals, within affinity sharing range of trinity. Plus some damage mitigation(stacks multiplicatively with armor)

Trinity is unneeded, seriously i can count on my two hands how many trinities i have seen this year and i done countless Lor raids, sorties and pub runs.

She gives energy, omg thats the reason why i have maxed zenurik and carry energy siphon on most of my frames becuase i always see trinities running around and giving me energy.

She presses 2 and gives us energy, thats hardly overpowered, thats at best is useful.

You may have not noticed but a proper EV build sacrafices duration into levels what make her other skills useless.

3 hours ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

Let's bring up the newest hot item from u21: HARROW. Very similar to trinity, right? heals, energy restores, even a small invulnerability window. But there's one fundamental difference between trinity and harrow. Harrow requires more than a single brain cell to operate. His healing requires you to deal damage to the enemy, which is basic, but still takes more effort than pressing a button, and his energy gains require kills, more specifically, headhsot kills if you want maximum efficiency. Sure, his chains make gaining headshots easy enough, but it again is a higher level of interaction than trinity has.

And most importantly... harrow's support requires that living enemies be present in a place where he can shoot them. Multiple are likely required. Trinity needs ONE. This means trinity doesn't rely on team communication nearly as much as harrow does.


Harrow is essentially as useful as limbo. Now before you you say anything this is not an insult, just as limbo harrow requies hard and active communication with the team to be useful. I remember this weeks sortie we had a harrow with us, at the moment he chained down enemies to get those headshots we shred them all up before he could get any of them killed. We all had energy regen in some form, high damage from octavia and the enemies were constantly damage thanks to equinox, meanwhile i was walking next to the def target as an assimilate nyx completely negating all incoming damage. He might aswell be afk, we didnt needed him.

Also it needs to be noted that harrow is a frontline supporter while trinity is a backline one. Trinity stays back and heals/reenergizes allies while harrow is infront of the team channelling up his buff so the attackers gain more power.


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1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:



exactly my friend exactly. i used to run ev build a long time ago then i saw it was just dumb. and when people start demanding i use ev so they can power spam i dont. a few of the issues with this game is power spam and CC that lasts for days.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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I think trinity needs to be changed so that she doesn't feel so much like a one trick pony.

If a frame's general strategy is more or less unconditional, in this case I think trinity can be summarized as "Keep people's numbers high," then that's a bad thing.



Edited by Ventura_Highway
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On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 4:29 PM, NovusNova said:

No need to panic, DE already said they have no plans to look at Trinity anytime soon.

They've got many other frames like Hydroid to look at first.

Oh thank god, she's already so underused, underpriced and wrongly used or modded by a lot of the community on PS4, she definitely doesn't need a nerf to make her even worse. Plus the way she is she can supply crap tons of energy and oversheilds but unless you spec for duration for a tanky build or stay behind your teammates and EV Trinity spam your the squishiest frame of the lot with no offensive abilities.

Edited by (PS4)Benjamin_Draco
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On 7/20/2017 at 7:42 PM, Chipputer said:

But why?

There's a large difference between a game being casual and braindead and a game being casual and engaging. Trinity is not engaging to play in any content you take her to. All you do with her is EV on an enemy and watch two cooldowns. Maybe you press 1 on a priority target and then get yelled at because people can't kill it.

Why is it a bad thing to say, "this other frame is far more engaging than Trinity, can we change her to be more like them?" I absolutely can't stand playing as Harrow and find him inefficient but even I can say that regardless of my feelings he's infinitely more engaging and fun to play than a Trinity.

Beyond all that, you can't excuse questionable design and balance issues by saying the game is casual. That's like saying that you shouldn't ever nerf because the game is primarily PvE.

pretty sure everyone was agreeing to disagree that not everyone plays EV trin, not to mention not everyone even brings her in endgame content. unless they just want to steam roll it.

Also, no trin ive seen uses Well of Life- making me think you're just playing with trash trins tbh.

On 7/21/2017 at 8:13 AM, SenorClipClop said:

Please know what you're talking about. That guy at Tennocon's exact words were: "I'm not saying she needs less power. I just think she might need, uh, to work for it a little bit more." (If you want proof of this, the clip is in here.) We're not asking for a nerf to Trinity, we just want it so that Trinity can't give infinite Health and Energy resources without any kind of requirement.

debunked already if you read my last/previous post " trin isnt on the radar for being looked at" But thats cool.
not to mention pizzas will always be a thing, inb4 you guys cry that pizzas need " more skills/ more work" to use :thonk:


On 7/21/2017 at 8:13 AM, SenorClipClop said:


i didnt misunderstand you, those frames have the same " ez mode" that trin does with CC abilites, so they should be on this " nerf/rework" list too


On 7/21/2017 at 8:13 AM, SenorClipClop said:


Once again, its how YOU play trin, if you a two button press mcgee than that is you, other people do play trin with " skill" you may have ran into a handful of trins that play blandly but obviously those small few dont make the entire bunch the same not to meniton @kleerr2 povided great points on trin/ community.
but we chose to ignore perusual because 90% of this thread is binding and hell bent on EV.

On 7/21/2017 at 8:13 AM, SenorClipClop said:

Me too. I don't understand it. However, that mentality exists and is highly prevalent throughout the Forums. My challenge still stands: find a thread about a non-Trin support that doesn't have someone on it saying, "______________ is trash compared to Trinity". I haven't found one yet.

Um ok. that was rather easy, if you're TL & DR topic discuss what frames are more viable than trin when it comes to gameplay. also listing abilities these frames have and how they help out in pve enviorment.

So since apparently i look like the Mystery Inc. and im good at solving mysteries i found that just by typing it google search "Better Trinity Alternatives" 

At this point im just under the impression that YOU just play trin as a "2 button press Mcgee" and you're just here to flame on god knows what. or just intentionally going against the main arguement just for kicks but, you do you.

Dont forget Warframe is for what class?

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Today is concept day. Please humor me.

Iv always wanted energy vampire and well of life to flip mechanics. 

They just need to do what the other does. Well of life would allow for multiple targets that release health, and of course those targets lose health. 

Energy vampire would be single target, and release energy as the target is attacked. This would be shared among players within trinities healing range. This would be a nerf. No questions asked. Energy cannot be gained instantly, and the ability would be alot slower. Itd be nice if the effected enemy, while floatimg and being torn to pieces, gave a short buff similar to warcry. Imagine the warframes are simply getting an adrenaline boost while dancing in the blood of their enemies.

Link needs to be single target like tether, and allow for the trinity to cast multiple, as damage coming from several enemies and affecting only one might actually do something sort of meaningful then, but not every one might like that. 

Blessing would privide all the things it does now in range, but would rely on trinities other abilities to do so more effectively. The healing from blessing would be as meager as Oberons, with a slow sheild recharge, but keep damage reduction and add some armor boosts, and that might make things better. Blessing cast within 50 meters of well of life targets would cause 150 hp to burst from them instantaneously, and health overages would translate to sheilds. Blessing hitting energy vampire targets would increase their health the way castimg well of life on one does now, and increase speed energy can be drained from them, for the short time the ability is up. A linked target will take on all status effects of allies in range of blessing.

Proposed: If blessing is cast, Trinity takes on status effects of any ally within range. Damage reduction reduces effectiveness of statuses, but without transferring damage to an enemy, you may die, even if casting blessing again...

Passive--->increased pickup speed....

 Proposed: trinity can use link to share hp with downed player.

New passive, bleed and toxin procs durations are halved.

Ignore or comment.


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4 hours ago, Rozellia said:

Um ok. that was rather easy, if you're TL & DR topic discuss what frames are more viable than trin when it comes to gameplay. also listing abilities these frames have and how they help out in pve enviorment.

The question there is "best support warframe that isn't Trinity". Trinity is specifically disqualified from that discussion. "Trinity is the best support frame" is implied by the need to specify "not Trinity". You were asked to find a thread about a support frame other than Trinity that hasn't been derailed by commendations for Trinity. Instead, you pulled out a thread that acknowledges she's the best upfront, and then asks for alternatives. Now, I'm not saying nobody talks about other support frames without saying Trinity is better. I'm not saying Trinity is actually better. But what you provided is basically the opposite of what was requested. Where is the thread that discusses a support frame, in a support role, without the "Trinity is best, everything else is leftovers" qualifier entering the discussion (much less leading it)?

4 hours ago, Rozellia said:

Once again, its how YOU play trin, if you a two button press mcgee than that is you, other people do play trin with " skill" you may have ran into a handful of trins that play blandly but obviously those small few dont make the entire bunch the same not to meniton @kleerr2 povided great points on trin/ community.
but we chose to ignore perusual because 90% of this thread is binding and hell bent on EV.

Somebody needs to make up their mind, actually. Is convenience "boring and repetitive", or is it a boon? If Trinity players are "taking one for the team", as the post you referenced suggested, then they are also subjecting the team to their selfsame misery. You'd have to be an absolute fool to be sour about mindlessly pressing buttons on repeat without a care, but expect everyone else to be grateful that you've put them in the same position. Either Trinity is fun, or Trinity makes the whole game unfun. Can't have it both ways.

Trinity has three responsibilities, in most people's view. Stay alive (Link), keep the team alive (Blessing), and keep the team fed (EV). Casting animations on those three things take up a lot of her play time, and they are essentially as simple as pressing three buttons, as there is no decision making and almost no mechanical skill involved (beyond good timing on 4). That is the state of Trinity. Any "skill" expressed by a Trinity player exists in spite of that and is performed outside of its bounds. Moreover, this extends to the rest of the team by simplifying or removing many of their decisions. The troublesome part is that this doesn't happen through some great feat of skill on the part of the Trinity. It's not that everyone else doesn't need to try very hard because Trinity is a badass carrying the team through sheer effort. It's that nobody needs to try because Trinity decided trying is for suckers. Repeating "Warframe is for casuals" doesn't really make that a good thing.

Edited by DreamsmithJane
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