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Plains of Eidolon


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My assumption is that most of it will be server-side and implemented in the same way as the Relays and Dojos (there won't be a host, you can open your menu wherever and hopefully access all of it). I hope some optimisation work has been done though, and I do expect it to crush my poor potato regardless.

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Steve said it is several kilometers of space for you to play.
Sounds impressive but remember that many Bethesda / CD Project games have done bigger.

Archwings are blistering fast especially with afterburner and Itzal (i doubt we are moving at under water speeds), so you can probably reach your destination in a jiffy. But with such a play map without traditional MMO / RPG conveniences like fast travel or mounts, we will be using AW.


Unless you Nezha then just run at 120 kph like you normally do :P

Edited by fatpig84
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Yeah I'm not too stoked for this new development.

I have a feeling like this is just going to result in a very Destiny-esque playable area. 

- Large and yet empty map. Maybe the occasional Enemy stronghold.

- Predictable enemy spawns. 

- Quests/Missions reduced to tedious fetch quests.

- Just from what was shown, I can gather that the enemy level is far too low for this to be the endgame we've been wanting. This is yet another casual time sink.

And, for some people, everything I listed above sounds great. And they'll love Plains of Eidolon, but that just isn't for me. 

A part of me wants this to work, but I have  doubts. And that, IMO, is perfectly fine. I want to be pleasently surprised, but in order to do that, I can't turn into a DE fanboy and be all like, "ERMAGERHD OPEN WORLD, UMBRA, HYDROID PRIIIIIIMEEEE!!!! AAAAAAAAAH So hyyyyyyyyyyped. It's gonna be the best thing in 2017!"

Nah. I shall wait and see what the verdict from the community is when it releases.

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6 hours ago, FireSegment said:

Any source on comparing this that u found? im curious because im running it on x64, ram 8gb (althought the graphic one should be what it count) but i need to tone the setting way down, and have the same fear as OP.

I was talking about my 4GB RAM system. In x64 mode the game takes too much ram and doesn't leave enough for my system to run smoothly and that results in Warframe freezing and stuttering. With 8GB it *should* be fine on that front. Maybe the GPU is the problem there. Warframe has a few very fps heavy settings that don't contribute much to how well the game looks - ambient occlusion, shadow quality, etc. I also noticed resolution is one of the biggest fps hogs for the game. I play on 720p. It doesn't bug me, I still play D2 at 800x600. But the difference for me in Warframe between 720p and 900p is 20fps! It's so bad that the game runs better at 720p with TAAx8 and sharpen to the max better than it does at 900p with no anti-aliasing. Any AA is also a huge fps hog, especially the higher you go in resolution. Also, turn vsync completely off! With any vsync on, the game will fluctuate between 30 and 60 fps if you can't keep a stable 60.

My settings on an i3, 4GB RAM, Radeon 5670 (512MB) are like this:
1280x720, 60fps limit.
HDR, bloom, glare, volumetric lighting, color correction, ambient occlusion, depth of field, motion blur, tessellation, character shadows. - on, rest off. 
Geometry/Particle detail - high
Texture/shadow quality - low
Anti-aliasing off

Earth runs fine on these settings on my machine too. This is why I'm not worrying.

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I just wonder how it's going to work. Will there be 4 player max? 8? more? They didn't give us those details. 

I've always said I was waiting for this game to bring about a expansion. I felt like I was playing an mmorpg at max gear score waiting for the expansion that never came. Now we have one coming! So from an mmorpg standpoint it isn't so far fetched to say our gear might be left behind. Or rather we might have limited gear choice to something specific to that area. But at the same time to have us grinding rivens for a year only to leave those weapons behind in this game mode wouldn't go over so well with the community IMO. 

Even if you rebalanced weapons frames can enable weapons no matter what. For instance your picture is equinox. You can chain sleep the entire map regardless how good or bad your weapon is d: . We will see where the devs take it though. I'm definitely open to anything.

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2 hours ago, Redthirst said:

Yeah, sorry about that. I just tend to assume that most people that enjoy current content are the ones that spam the most meta builds they can find and just enjoy the completely brainless experience that min-maxed builds provide.

I can understand where you are coming from/got that idea from. Warframe is a large and odd beast as far as players and play styles go.

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Just now, SurrealEdge said:

The physics behind the archwing looked different, so I'll reserve judgment on how they work until more details.

Didn't it look like the normal weaponry were being used instead of the archweapon?

It looked like Reb did fire the Odonata 3 homing barrage thing.

But yes I don't think she was using AW weapons. Only the AW as transport.

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1 hour ago, Fiftycentis said:

i think that you can add players you found in town like you are probably going to be allowed to group up with players that entered in different towns instances

I would assume that those 2 sets of double doors are the loading area. You go into that first door and it would be the waiting room to invite buddies before heading into the plains. Otherwise I don't see why the would have 2 doors to the plains instead of just 1 you know :)

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4 minutes ago, xXRiomaXx said:

It looked like Reb did fire the Odonata 3 homing barrage thing.

But yes I don't think she was using AW weapons. Only the AW as transport.

She clearly still had Latron in hand with Imperator grip. I guess it will need reanimating.

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First of all. Is amazing what you guys are doing with this game. First Primes, Deluxe Stuff , More Planets, More Nodes And now a bunch of new stuff, new games, new planet , you can now buld ur own wep. Thats amazing, That detail is just amazing! The colours of that planet, the little city, its beautiful!


But i would love if you DE. Can put Dinosaurs on it. Orokin Dinosaurs! that would be amazing...

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13 minutes ago, fatpig84 said:

Unless you Nezha then just run at 120 kph like you normally do :P

I'm not responsible for any wild fires that may occur. . . -Nezha probably >.>




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Guys if you are having hard times running warframe, just try going on HD resolution. You should definitely face no troubles at that resolution even with most settings turned on.
Unless youre playing on an old laptop with low power CPU and using a 10-years-old integrated graphics like HD 3000.
I play the most on a desktop with GTX960 (2gb version) a really cheap graphic card and it works perfectly on max settings. And the new and cheap GTX 1050 shuld do the job too.
I mean, with less than that you shouldnt really expect to run games... But as far as i know warframe can run in a decent way even on the latest 2 gen of integrated graphics for intel CPUs

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They are probably going to disable most if not all archwing powers and/or weapons. 

Most of them would probably be to broken to use or would cause too much problems in game. And from a lore perspective, archwing weapons might be manageable in space, but a weapon the size of a motorcycle wouldn't be really usable in earth gravity.

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25 minutes ago, OkamiMilo said:

First of all. Is amazing what you guys are doing with this game. First Primes, Deluxe Stuff , More Planets, More Nodes And now a bunch of new stuff, new games, new planet , you can now buld ur own wep. Thats amazing, That detail is just amazing! The colours of that planet, the little city, its beautiful!


But i would love if you DE. Can put Dinosaurs on it. Orokin Dinosaurs! that would be amazing...

The sentient that comes out at night seems like a t rex to me :P

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