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Plains of Eidolon


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My problem with it is how the server will work. Like is it like a regular relay? If so how will going in the actual Plains work? Will it have multiple players lagging? Or is it gonna be like, once you go into the plains, it becomes like a regular squad. So many questions...

But honestly, no to dinosaurs, at least not until the whole thing is polished out.

Edited by secret9005
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1 minute ago, secret9005 said:

My problem with it is how the server will work. Like is it like a regular relay? If so how will going in the actual Plains work? Will it have multiple players lagging? Or is it gonna be like, once you go into the plains, it becomes like a regular squad. So many questions...

50 players on relay and outside its just your squad 1-4 players for now.

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I've played on and off for years, only about 500 hours in total. I was talking with a buddy recently about "reviving" the game in our hearts past grinding and MR. I mentioned open-world as a kind of joke, saying I would want that and maybe can see it. So imagine my suprise when I saw this.


This isn't really "open world" to me. But the game needed a bit more open-ness to me. It's sort of psychological I guess. I wanted a place you can fly around and just enjoy it a bit more than what feels like cramped halls and S#&$. The only real mechanical thing I'm interested in is the building your own weapons. That is something I wanted for a long time. 

I'm excited, perhaps a bit too much. It'll be a let down if previous trends hold true. But I hope after this they fix what is broken. This has secured my heart for a good while longer. This may all be a bit hopeful for what has happened so far with the state of the game.

Still yet, after watching the game develop all these years, seeing it develop at a slow steady pace, and by leaps (Which it has often tripped over itself because of). I think it'll turn out decent if not "alright". Eventually. I mean it HAS grown a S#&$ ton from what I remember when I made my first account.

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DE, my mind was completely blown when i saw the open world reveal. I was actually speechless and had to watch it a second time. It looks amazing and I am looking forward to it, especially the exploration

That being said I am slightly concerned as to how matchmaking will work. I very much would like a solo mode if possible please? It would ruin the peaceful emmersion for me of playing Metal Gear Loki. Or Spearfishing if others were flying about or blasting everything before i could get there or just running about firing laserblasts at birds. 

Please make solo mode available if possible? It would be greatly appreciated. 

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@OkamiMilo After seeing the first part to Eidolon, Dinosaurs are puny in comparison in my view.

And you would have to do with Really Deep Excavation. And not sure what Dino would have to do with the Lore.

But if you do pay attention in the War Within, there are relics of the Orokin, that resemble like a Prehistoric creature.

I think that a MAYBE, but anyway total resemblance to the real worlds is probably not.

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There's speculation (No official word as far as I know) that the "relay" section of the world will work like the relays (ie ~50 people hosted by a server) but once you go through the doors in to the open world the game will switch to the peer-to-peer system. I'd assume this means that you can go solo or take some friends with just like in standard missions.

I'd definitely like the option to go solo as I primarily play solo myself. Being able to enjoy the world alone would be awesome.

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8 hours ago, mrecentric said:

My idea of what makes Warframe fun:

1. Quickly choose between short mission types and equipment loadouts on small randomized maps.

2. Kill things.

3. Repeat.

4. Get new things.

Open world requires too much time investment, too much exploration, and not enough variety.

Wiith all due respect but that line of thought is killing this game for A LOT of people.

Seriously, just check popular threads that pop every now and then, the most recent being titled 'This game is boring', created by a Grand Master. It has as of the time of this post 176 upvotes.

People are tired of this and move on to actually challenging things with more diversity; I personally moved to Neverwinter for my mmo thirst while Mass Effect Andromeda multiplayer offers the challenging  version of Warframe...


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I was worried about this too, but they've clarified some stuff in interviews. While the town/market section will support up to 50 players at once, the open world mission section is going to have the 1 to 4 player limit that the rest of the game has.

So yes, there'll be a solo mode, and the Landscapes won't be disrupted by dozens of other players all roaming about.

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I thought that this would be an alternative to raids. Instead of having to form 8man groups people would just go to that zone and be auto grouped with people in the area to fight that giant thing which emerged at the end of the trailer, the world boss. Something like what mmorpgs are already doing.

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9 hours ago, mrecentric said:

I really don't want an open world Warframe forced upon me. As long as I can keep playing the way I'm currently playing then I'm happy. I can mostly avoid arcwing. I can avoid PVP. You have done an acceptable job so far of keeping all of that optional. I really hope I can avoid open world. Please don't make me play Eidolon. I'm happy that it's an option for those who want it, but don't force the rest of us to be unhappy.

Tough luck. It's also gonna lag like hell. Guess the rest of the people would feel what veterans felt after void 2.0. Congrats, DE.

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I am actually looking forward to something different. Let's face it, I'm not a fan of grinding and Warframe has become just that in recent years. Yes, it was always a little bit grindy but the time and effort you need to put in now, with decaying resources and lots of randomness is way beyond what was there when I founded the game.

I'm always pro choice when it comes to games and yes, personally a hate Archwing, because the limited movement makes the experience just too flat to be enjoyable. But lets be realistic, Warframe in the past always offered one and just one way to get stuff. You want some weapon ? Kill the boss a few times. You want the new frame ? Play the quest ... and then grind a bunch *urgh*. I think it is realistic to say, that DE will do the same for the open world thingie. As long as I don't have to climb towers, I'm fine with it, but you never know with Canadians - they really seem to like climbing towers, right Ubisoft ?

So I'm personally all for exploration, quest and a few cinematics and very limited scripted events to keep things interesting. Hell beats out standing in one spot, pushing 2 and grind for a peace of prime part that never drops.

Edited by MaxiTB
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5 hours ago, Iccotak said:

This comes off as so petulantly whiny.

Oh come on, m8. Open world in warframe is an incredibly dumb idea. It was one game and now it suddenly tries to be a completely different game. (well, not suddenly knowing DE). It's like throwing everything that was created prior out of the window ffs. It's really-really stupid and DE can't possibly handle this kind of a production this late in development. Oh well, you wanted planetary quests - see what's gonna come out of it, m8. Fetch quests! Warframe definitely needed more fetch quests, right?

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39 minutes ago, Baterial said:

from what i know it is not new planet but earth still

Adding a new planet shouldn't be possible (infact, Pluto shouldn't be here now that it vanished irl) except if its from a different solar system (which DE talked about in old devstreams). 

Earth from a different universe, kinda explains why nobody tried to kill Rebecca in the demo while walking in that hub area xD

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
I love you too Grammar, no need to flip me off for it
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There is only one thing for me, personally, which I'm probably gonna have issues with in regards to PoE.

Completionism / collecting.

I love the idea of exploring and all that, but the collector and completionist in me is probably gonna have troubles with PoE, in some way. If that is not being hindered by PoE, I will have no problems with it at all, in fact, then I'd just eagerly be waiting for it to come out! :D

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4 minutes ago, MaxiTB said:

I am actually looking forward to something different. Let's face it, I'm not a fan of grinding and Warframe has become just that in recent years. Yes, it was always a little bit grindy but the time and effort you need to put in now, with decaying resources and lots of randomness is way beyond what was there when I founded the game.

I'm always pro choice when it comes to games and yes, personally a hate Archwing, because the limited movement makes the experience just too flat to be enjoyable. But lets be realistic, Warframe in the past always offered one and just one way to get stuff. You want some weapon ? Kill the boss a few times. You want the new frame ? Play the quest ... and then grind a bunch *urgh*. I think it is realistic to say, that DE will do the same for the open world thingie. As long as I don't have to climb towers, I'm fine with it, but you never know with Canadians - they really seem to like climbing towers, right Ubisoft ?

So I'm personally all for exploration, quest and a few cinematics and very limited scripted events to keep things interesting. Hell beats out standing in one spot, pushing 2 and grind for a peace of prime part that never drops.

Think how fast you'll "explore" this empty space of a map while flying or even bulletjumping and realize how big of a resource dumpster that production was. It's worse than quests. Ugh. Screw it. It's time to go.

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1 minute ago, Azamagon said:

I love the idea of exploring and all that, but the collector and completionist in me is probably gonna have troubles with PoE, in some way. If that is not being hindered by PoE, I will have no problems with it at all, in fact, then I'd just eagerly be waiting for it to come out! :D

You'll explore that S#&$ in a couple of hours of gameplay. It's a small map for AW and warframes and there won't be much there. Just an empty space. A lot of empty space.

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11 hours ago, Dreddeth said:

Let me rephrase that, then.

What about Eidolon seems un-fun to you?

Well the way it looked to me most of it was boring walking around town stuff. Not fun. Then when outside of the town the battles were not as enemy dense or as exciting as regular missions. Also not fun. I was uninterested until the giant monster came out. That's the only part of the entire thing that looked like potential fun to me. Maybe fun.

The entire part in the town all I could think is why aren't they killing these guys.

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I'm pretty sure you can move faster in the town - and if not, I gonna be the first to tweet annoying suggestions regarding that.

Keep in mind, it was a presentation at first, so the slow walking was done to show off the town and what is in it. People are generally for some reason more impressed with visuals than mechanics for some reason. I personally couldn't care less if it handles like Skyrim UI.

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Plains of Eidolon does look amazing, and did make me feel the hype.. at the same time, I've had such a feeling before. I for one absolutely loved Archwing when they first revealed it months before it released.. and then I absolutely hated, and still hate, Archwing when it released. So yeah, I'll judge this open world stuff when it arrives and I experience it fully.

Only thing I do know is that when it releases, it'll definitely make me return from the Warframe hiatus I am on even now.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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42 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

Open world in warframe is an incredibly dumb idea. It was one game and now it suddenly tries to be a completely different game.

 No not really, and I don't see the problem. They were huge expanse of space. They pointed out how the mountains in the background were actually there and not a backdrop. It's very clear that they're pumping hours upon hours of content in that zone. 

Warframe does not just have to be a Corridor shooter.  There are plenty of games, both B2P and F2P, that have procedurally generated dungeons and open spaces for players to explore. 

Digital extremes is clearly trying to actually build the game you're not remain stuck in this constant grind of just giving us new toys to play with. Which is what I wanted. The demo showed that my money that I had given them was actually going somewhere towards the development of the game. 

Look "m8" you have only really been  playing warframe for about a year. I have been playing for about four.  I know the digital extremes can make progress. 

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