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Plains of Eidolon


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propably after "defeat" of hunhow eidolons and other sentient breeds lost connection to hunhow and sort of went on long hybernation/turned into veggies but now that hunhow is sorta back kicking arse the eidolons are waking up from their fever dream just to find out, WHERE DA HELL ARE MY LIMBS

and now they search around for their bodyparts waiting for new orders from either hunhow or another sentient leader figure we are yet to meet

i would put them on same category as ones on lua since they were made by orokin to colonize other systems (tau for example) eidolons are propably hunhows creations from the parts orokin used to make their "sentients"

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The current questions I have are, are these pieces of the siege Sentient scattered around the map given life, are these the "children" of a Sentient slowly being born from Cetus' patch of Earth, or are these fully-formed Sentient soldiers, awakening from a coma to find a confuseing mess (or even just their bodies with no minds to guide them, soulless zombies with no will save self-preservation).


soooooo many juicy questions. . . need. . . mo. . . Answerssssssss.

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The Eidolons probably were once connected to some sort of hive, but after this

8 minutes ago, Cyndocrit said:

According to Steve, long ago on Earth, the sentients tried to bring down an Orokin tower. They failed in doing so which is why PoE is litered with sentient parts that are somewhat dead. As a result, the land is full of sentient energy and the sentients in that particular area have awaken to rebuild themselves.

they probably aren't fully connected anymore, which could be why they're trying to find all their parts to connect again.

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First, you need to know that sentient isn't exactly a hive mind, but more multiples minds that controle fragments of themselves.

For now, the only sentients minds we know are :

  • Hunhow, that control the fragments of this body that are all sentients unit we already seen (Oculyst, Battalisyt, Conculyst).
  • Natah (aka Lotus) that we never seen in her sentient form.

Note that the update is called "Plain of Eidolon" and not "Plain of EidolonS", so it's singular and not plural. Plus we already saw that the only sentient we already seen on the plain is called Terralyst, so not Eidolon itself.
We can deduce that Eidolon may be a sentient mind we never heard about that were fighting on origin system and felt down on Earth, like Hunhow did on Uranus.

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Yep, I agree with what mtv has said. To me it looks like they weren't even a thing before (so no hivemind connection), but they are all parts of the huge sentient induced with sentient energy, so they are now trying to rebuild themselves.

Sort of like a worm ripped in two, each end trying to keep going. But in this case, the worm was a gigantic space machine that wasn't ripped in two, but rather pulverized into many thousand pieces. So, enough potential Eidolons to kill huehuehue.

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They are "man-made" in the sense that all the Sentients, AFAWK, were created/designed by the Orokin. Of course, there is a chance that over the years, the Sentients created their own types for the Old War, but we don't know that.

As such, the two conditions are not mutually exclusive. Just because they are a different type - Teralysts, to be exact - doesn't mean they aren't connected to a greater network.

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39 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

They are "man-made" in the sense that all the Sentients, AFAWK, were created/designed by the Orokin. Of course, there is a chance that over the years, the Sentients created their own types for the Old War, but we don't know that.

As such, the two conditions are not mutually exclusive. Just because they are a different type - Teralysts, to be exact - doesn't mean they aren't connected to a greater network.

Pardon the idiot question, but, what does "A.F.A.W.K." mean?


Is that "As Far As We Know"?

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On 9/24/2017 at 4:24 PM, DreamsmithJane said:

I had literally never heard this, so I had to look it up. The actual basis of Winter is that it begins on the Solstice, the time when Earth's position relative to the sun creates the fewest hours of daylight in a given region, with the season that follows consequently being the coldest. It doesn't get cold because it's December. It gets cold because there's less daylight.

To add to this, there is less daylight because of the tilt of the Earth in relation to the Sun.  During December, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, leading to shorter days and lower temperatures.

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Part of the question is, can we save them?


Now, I'm not crazy, I'm trying to have hope. The Sentient who fell here, call it Eidolon, seems to be 'dead', with a lot of its units in half power autonomous mode. If we could find its core, effect some repairs, and try to wake it enough to communicate, how do you think an Old War era Sentient might react to being told the following?

'The War is over. Everyone lost. The Orokin are dead and gone, the Outbound Rail is shattered, the Tenno have been on ice for a thousand years and had their memories wiped. Hunhow is alive, has awakened, and gone completely omnicidal and wants to kill everything in the system. The only people who truly survived are the lower castes of humanity, and they're holding on by their fingernails.'

'Are you willing to be a voice of sanity, at long last?'

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20 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Part of the question is, can we save them?


Now, I'm not crazy, I'm trying to have hope. The Sentient who fell here, call it Eidolon, seems to be 'dead', with a lot of its units in half power autonomous mode. If we could find its core, effect some repairs, and try to wake it enough to communicate, how do you think an Old War era Sentient might react to being told the following?

'The War is over. Everyone lost. The Orokin are dead and gone, the Outbound Rail is shattered, the Tenno have been on ice for a thousand years and had their memories wiped. Hunhow is alive, has awakened, and gone completely omnicidal and wants to kill everything in the system. The only people who truly survived are the lower castes of humanity, and they're holding on by their fingernails.'

'Are you willing to be a voice of sanity, at long last?'

It would be like having factions within the Sentients, but... didnt DE say that the Sentient cant be rebuild? And the wandering giant fragments are like.... analogy: organs of a brain dead person?

They may work as a intented... but the mind is gone.

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*attempting to load Lore*

Ok, here is the thing though. "Sentients" on their own are on neutral gear, that was the main purpose for using them to begin with, even though they violate the doctrine of the Orokin. The things we are fighting on Lua and during the Second Dream are another generation of "Sentients", which is kinda important line to draw when it comes down to Warframe lore.

What we have now in the current era does not fit the original designation of many elements, so each time we take a peak in the "past" we are actually able to retrieve power and allies, that would not fit in the current era. Primes are a "prime" (badum'ts) example of that - they are pure orokin tech, and last time I checked, Orokins are not in our fan club (well not majority of them at least). How does this reach back to Eidolons?

Well, we know that they are rather old and damaged (especially mentioned in a De stream), so they are not part of the current dynamic between "Sentients" and Tenno. We also know that they are more or less left behind (due to magnificent plot hole or intended) during the first Oroking/Sentients war, or we would have met them during The Second Dream. We can also compare them to current "Sentients" design and see that they seem to rather deprecated, when put next to the small and agile units that are deployed on Lua.

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5 hours ago, Cyndocrit said:

According to Steve, long ago on Earth, the sentients tried to bring down an Orokin tower. They failed in doing so which is why PoE is litered with sentient parts that are somewhat dead. As a result, the land is full of sentient energy and the sentients in that particular area have awaken to rebuild themselves.

Sooo.. uuuh.. Sentient Zombies then?

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10 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

TSIA. I'm not exactly a loremaster but from what I got from StallordD's Warframe lore video, the Sentients are manmade. Or at least machinery of some kind.

I just wanna be familiar with the lore behind the Eidolons and whether these hulking beasts can be considered the same thing as the small adaptive drones we see on the Moon every now and then.

My understanding is that the Eidolons are the shattered fragments of a much larger sentient's body. You ever watch the movie The Thing? Each part of the organism is independent and will attempt to preserve itself if the whole is compromised or in imminent danger, then becomes its own entity. I liken it to that concept. The drones we've seen so far have been fragments of Hunhow that he intentionally split off for his own purposes. I get the feeling Eidolons are what happens when a Sentient breaks apart without planning to do so. The fragments could ostensibly be endowed with a mind or intelligence, but in this case the Eidolons were broken off against the Sentient's will and therefore were not equipped for being broken off like the Battalysts and such.

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