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Let's kill the Lotus!


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1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

You might want to re-read my messages instead of creating a straw man.

No, I'm not. You, however, are deflecting from the flawed logical train of thought you're on. Tenno were created for a purpose, yes, but clearly purposes change, or can be expanded upon. That's very different from work-for-hire, which is what we do when we side with Corpus or Grineer during Invasions. You're trying to say this apple not appling proves that pickle. Why you would want to kill the one character who is most out to protect the Tenno is beyond logic or reason. The devs had said before that she has no ulterior motive with the Tenno. She only wants to protect and guide them (us). You want to simply kill her just because. That's not only for no good reason, but pretty evil when you consider all she's done for us. She literally went against her purpose to save us. You just want to become tools for Orokin again (who would have disposed of us, I'm sure), apparently, but that ain't going to cut it for me.

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1 minute ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

Not Nazi stuff, i mean that she is the only sentient on our side, they will assimilate her eventually.

Should all Tenno kill themselves before Orokin find a way to take control of them/transfer into our bodies?

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20 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

Axe is a multipurpose tool, which can be used as a weapon (like most of objects around you), but if that's the only argument you have against disposing of the Lotus, it is a weak one, since we as Tenno don't even need a reason to kill anyone. We kill casually and on daily basis.

Oh hum wait ... sigh ... -.- ...



Okay lets make it more simple shall we.

I said nothing is in obligation to do what he was created for in a way of you do your own path like @(PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng  said. That brought us to Axe is a tool but still can be used as a weapon , Spartans were created to kill rebels but killed Covenent instead and knife instead of flathead screw drivers so on and so on.

in view of the "Tenno were meant to fight sentients, she's a sentient, I see no reason why we can't dispose of her." Line 

But its not an argument man its just a perceptive of how i see it like "Yeah but man you have no obligation to do what you were created for.  You can still do your stuff make your path"

Then you brought the plumber thingy wich is more into hiring but i get the idea. But hiring someone if is not doing what he is suposed to do then its kinda against the rules of hiring someone you know.

The "I see no reason why we can't dispose of her" actualy there is no code of honor of tenno written anywhere but i still consider myself having a debt after she saved me a bunch of time. That kinda place her in the zone of "Well i'm suposed to kill you but i wont because  you helped me" Then she saved us again wich brings me to "Allright i will definitively not kill you unless you give me a realy good reason"

For the moment she did not gave me a good reason so i will let her do her stuff ^.^ 

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10 minutes ago, Minion135 said:

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are. In fact you mistaken comparison for analogy. A plumber fixes pipes, there's no reason he can't fix a certain pipe; Tenno fight sentients, there's no reason for them not to fight a certain one. That's analogy, not me comparing Tenno to plumbers.

10 minutes ago, Minion135 said:

Why you would want to kill the one character who is most out to protect the Tenno is beyond logic or reason.

Because she is the enemy who didn't finish our existance just by a lucky accident (which is a fact, not empty "she wants" or "balance" nonsense). Since I don't suffer from Stockholm syndrome, I say we better kill her before she goes back to her original "eliminate Tenno sequence". She's not even a human, meh.

@trunks013 go rewatch the start of the game on a new account, who stops the grineer pointing the gun to your head? Captain Vor, he disobeyed his kweens and saved you. Now, how many times have you killed him for that by now?

Edited by SeaUrchins
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3 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

Yes, you are. In fact you mistaken comparison for analogy. A plumber fixes pipes, there's no reason he can't fix a certain pipe; Tenno fight sentients, there's no reason for them not to fight a certain one. That's analogy, not me comparing Tenno to plumbers.

IDK man. Super Tenno Bros sounds pretty awesome.

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19 minutes ago, KlutzMeister said:

Ah, "true freedom", to what? Kill your mother, stick your hand in fire, say racist things, etc? Freedom isn't free from consequence, you will still have to deal with the police, your burnt hand, people calling you a jerk, etc. If you want the freedom to bite the hand that feeds, fine, so long as I have the freedom of vivisecting your treacherous behind.

The level of freedom you want is a fantasy, you can't escape causality, you can not escape the will of others, you can not escape justice!

Repent sinner or fall on my sword!

Call it what you will. Hunhow got her once. There will be bigger and badder Sentients to get to her later.

Wouldn't you rather have dealt with Hitler before the war ever started?

The Sentients will be back, we have a very strong bond with a very weak link.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

You first... *grips hilt of Nikana*

*laughs maniacally* Oh, as in the weapon with the lotus symbol for a hilt guard? "initiate nikana override charlie alpha theta" Your first mistake was crossing space mom. *puts on sunglasses and walks away* *turns around and raspberry's*

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1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

Yes, you are. In fact you mistaken comparison for analogy. A plumber fixes pipes, there's no reason he can't fix a certain pipe; Tenno fight sentients, there's no reason for them not to fight a certain one. That's analogy, not me comparing Tenno to plumbers.

Because she is the enemy who didn't finish our existance just by a lucky accident (which is a fact, not empty "she wants" or "balance" nonsense). Since I don't suffer from Stockholm syndrome, I say we better kill her before she goes back to her original "eliminate Tenno sequence". She's not even a human, meh.

You need to look up what a straw man is, then really re-read your statements all the responses to it. You're failing at comprehension. #1, an analogy is a type of comparison. You compared Tenno to a plumber who gets paid for a job then decides not to do it (in the case of Tenno, it would be not killing a Sentient). That is literally what your post I was referring to was saying. Tenno weren't paid by Orokin to kill Sentients, but that is the purpose we were given. We didn't agree to do something, we were turned into child soldiers and used as tools, and likely going to be wiped out by the Orokin afterwards, since they feared the Tenno. Also, it's not Stockholm Syndrome, as we were never the Lotus' captives/prisoners. You really need to look stuff up before going off and saying others don't know what they're talking about.

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Hmm... The thrill of it, the feelings it creates! Just imagine, Tenno, true freedom! And... all you have to do is a little, shall we say... "matricide". 

I know you want to, Tenno. It only takes a few quick motions... A cut here, a cut there; oh do mind the screams wouldn't you! I understand if you're... hesitant, but really,Tenno ol' uncle Tyl will set you straight. 

Never lie, never cheat, never have, what shall we call them? Ah yes, questionable allegiances... 

I tried to help my Grineer brothers and sisters from wasting away... You seem to have misunderstood my intentions... 

What's that? Ah, finally feeling guilty? Well, my Toobmen, feel nothing, but, now you you have a chance, no, dare I say a divine appointment, to set yourselves free of those chains. Those chains ever so loving placed there by mommy... 

If you don't feel, an urge so primal, so instinctual as to be free; then what am I to do? Uncle Tyl will always be there. I will be present simply to remind you... of one, necessary, fact. 

You had the chance at pulling the "petals" shall we say, from that blasted Hunhow and possibly ending the Sentient threat, but you didn't have the spine or the required... foresight, to see it through. 

Such a pity, such a pity... 

~Tyl Regor, Grineer Genetic Master 

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1 minute ago, KlutzMeister said:

*laughs maniacally* Oh, as in the weapon with the lotus symbol for a hilt guard? "initiate nikana override charlie alpha theta" Your first mistake was crossing space mom. *puts on sunglasses and walks away* *turns around and raspberry's*

*Excalibur Prime walks in and Slash Dashes those glasses off your face.**

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8 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

Yes, you are. In fact you mistaken comparison for analogy. A plumber fixes pipes, there's no reason he can't fix a certain pipe; Tenno fight sentients, there's no reason for them not to fight a certain one. That's analogy, not me comparing Tenno to plumbers.

Because she is the enemy who didn't finish our existance just by a lucky accident (which is a fact, not empty "she wants" or "balance" nonsense). Since I don't suffer from Stockholm syndrome, I say we better kill her before she goes back to her original "eliminate Tenno sequence". She's not even a human, meh.

@trunks013 go rewatch the start of the game on a new account, who stops the grineer pointing the gun to your head? Captain Vor, he disobeyed his kweens and saved you. Now, how many times have you killed him for that by now?

Sry man but was not how i started i actualy got saved by 3 tenno.

But i get the idea ^.^ 


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Just now, Minion135 said:

You compared Tenno to a plumber

No, I did not. I compared Tenno not killing a sentient to a plumber not fixing the leak, both aren't doing what they are supposed to do. It's quite different, though I understand you want to twist it into "you compared Tenno to a plumber", which was not my point.

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6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ZenithLord 42 said:

Hmm... The thrill of it, the feelings it creates! Just imagine, Tenno, true freedom! And... all you have to do is a little, shall we say... "matricide". 

I know you want to, Tenno. It only takes a few quick motions... A cut here, a cut there; oh do mind the screams wouldn't you! I understand if you're... hesitant, but really,Tenno ol' uncle Tyl will set you straight. 

Never lie, never cheat, never have, what shall we call them? Ah yes, questionable allegiances... 

I tried to help my Grineer brothers and sisters from wasting away... You seem to have misunderstood my intentions... 

What's that? Ah, finally feeling guilty? Well, my Toobmen, feel nothing, but, now you you have a chance, no, dare I say a divine appointment, to set yourselves free of those chains. Those chains ever so loving placed there by mommy... 

If you don't feel, an urge so primal, so instinctual as to be free; then what am I to do? Uncle Tyl will always be there. I will be present simply to remind you... of one, necessary, fact. 

You had the chance at pulling the "petals" shall we say, from that blasted Hunhow and possibly ending the Sentient threat, but you didn't have the spine or the required... foresight, to see it through. 

Such a pity, such a pity... 

~Tyl Regor, Grineer Genetic Master 

Why can't you up more than once? This is truth. Tyl is the man.

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I speculate that Warframe storyline will go down 00-ish path or Zero approval gambit, probably emphasize on ambiguous fate since this is not sci-fi but a science fantasy... Pretty sure they won't do "put down the gun" end or passing the torch end...


It would be great if DE pull off okada style or urobuther style though.

Edited by Volinus7
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2 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

No, I did not. I compared Tenno not killing a sentient to a plumber not fixing the leak, both aren't doing what they are supposed to do. It's quite different, though I understand you want to twist it into "you compared Tenno to a plumber", which was not my point.

The Plumber was HIRED to do a job. The Tenno were given no choice in the matter. These are radically different. Also, yes, you did still compare the Tenno to a plumber. Regardless of the particulars, those are the subjects being compared, so I stated nothing incorrectly. You're being nit-picky and trying to point something out as wrong that isn't. Yes, you did compare Tenno not killing Sentients to a plumber not fixing a pipe, but the comparison is horrendously flawed. Also, leaving out the "what" does not make my statement of you comparing Tenno to a plumber wrong, because that is what you did. Obviously the specifics matter, but when someone wants to respond to a comparison, you don't have to restate the ENTIRE comparison.

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2 minutes ago, Minion135 said:

The Plumber was HIRED to do a job. The Tenno were given no choice in the matter. These are radically different. Also, yes, you did still compare the Tenno to a plumber. Regardless of the particulars, those are the subjects being compared, so I stated nothing incorrectly. You're being nit-picky and trying to point something out as wrong that isn't. Yes, you did compare Tenno not killing Sentients to a plumber not fixing a pipe, but the comparison is horrendously flawed. Also, leaving out the "what" does not make my statement of you comparing Tenno to a plumber wrong, because that is what you did. Obviously the specifics matter, but when someone wants to respond to a comparison, you don't have to restate the ENTIRE comparison.

You are obviously not truly of the Naramon school. You must know the enemy, part of knowing the enemy is figuring out who the enemy is.

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2 minutes ago, Minion135 said:

The Plumber was HIRED to do a job. The Tenno were given no choice in the matter.

Why do you use past Tense? Tenno never had a choice: you were sent to the void, you were sent to fight sentients, you were sent against Orokin, you were put into sleep, you were awoken, you are sent on missions. You have no choice, you are an axe chopping stuff.

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Just now, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

You are obviously not truly of the Naramon school. You must know the enemy, part of knowing the enemy is figuring out who the enemy is.

So you believe the enemy is the one person who literally turned the Moon into a myth in order to protect us? That being who turned on her own people to save us? Naramon needs to really learn what allies and enemies are, let alone who the individuals in each group are, if all of you think that way.

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