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Loki My Way


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OK...before anyone says" Loki is fine...he doesn't need to be fixed"....EVERY frame can use an overhaul. There are imbalances in each, or not really imbalances, but ways they could work...better.


That being said, I have been outspoken several time that I do not like Loki's Ultimate. I have also offered, what I consider a viable option. I am going to expand on that on down....but first, the things I would change in Loki's makeup:


Decoy: It is supposed to be a hologram. Not a hardlight contruct...we are Space Ninjas, not Green Lanterns. Have shots fire through it...better yet, let it set up friendly fire effect! Have the enemy get shot by their own as they try to take down the Decoy.


Invisibility: Man....it SHOULD hide the Sentinel. BUT I can understand that if you have a Dethcube that could be overpowered. Comprimise: Have it cloak the sentinel as long as it doesn't fire at targets. That would mean the Shade would get the MOST benefit, yet still keep it a modest help for the other Sentinel's. OTHER option: Have the Shade's Ghost ability work for the Sentinel as normal. Side Note: PLEASE make the color of Invisibility mesh/match your color scheme. Yellow is Ghastly.


Switch Teleport: FIRST....change the name. As in Chess, call it Castle. OR Castling. Second, make ALL destructibles targetable(keeping with size proportion to limit). Other than that, not much thought other than smoother targeting(all teleports could use that).


Now, I would like to introduce a new Ultimate and ADDITIONAL powers that could be introduced later on(that has been openly discussed by the Devs, neither confirming nor denying the possibility. Just some thoughts on more Trickster style abilities


Radial Decoy!: Or as I call it FLASH MOB! Loki throws out 3+ decoys that are moving away from Loki! I had originally called this Fractured Shadows(Still would like a Shadow Frame...not holding my breath on that one). These would simply run away from Loki and THROUGH targets, drawing their attention and Fire.


Doppelganger: Change on Invisibility, Takes on enemy's appearance. Same idea and concept, except...can speed up alert cancel! Otherwise, same function...use as an Escape or Infiltration. No Attack or Doppelganger drops.


Misdirection: Again, another decoy that can be "placed" upon a target...an explosive barrel, another enemy. Again, this is transparent to enemy fire. Low duration.


Override: Or Hack, Loki reprograms turrets, gates and doors for limited duration. They now target enemies instead of Tenno!


These are just ideas and concepts that I like...I think these wouold fit well with Loki and could work well within his concept while still proving useful with other Frames.



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"As in Chess, call it Castle."


Er, castling? Seriously?

I fail to see the connection. Castles (or "Rooks") are like tanks. They plough straight into things in a straight line. They do not swap positions with the target >.<

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"As in Chess, call it Castle."


Er, castling? Seriously?

I fail to see the connection. Castles (or "Rooks") are like tanks. They plough straight into things in a straight line. They do not swap positions with the target >.<

Castling is a specific move in chess where the King swaps places with the Rook - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castling


As far as the name change, I like it, it certainly fits. I'm also a fan of your new ultimate, although I could see pathing issues, unless your saying the decoys move through terrain.

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Fair enough, I stand corrected. But I still don't like the name.


Also, what do you mean by "Second, make ALL destructibles targetable(keeping with size proportion to limit)"?


What limits are currently present, beyond bosses?



Personally, my biggest concern with my Loki is the Ult - radial disarm is a bit... lols.


I do like the non-solid decoy idea though. I think that would be a good change, without drastically altering the nature of the Loki.


What would also be funny, is if melee enemies would run through the decoy and fall over, or bump into each other.

Edited by MXXVI
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First 3 suggestion seem really nice, then Override looks awesome too except it would also fit something like Vauban and would only be useful in corpus.

But I really like radial disarm and I see myself using it over and over again, don't take it out.

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As in Chess, call it Castle. OR Castling. Second


I think the phrase you're looking for is "en passant".


But I agree with you that the Decoy could use a little polish. Right now it's just a big glowing mcguffin that enemies never quite figure out isn't real despite it never hurting them, never bleeding, never moving, never reacting, and having a different sidearm than the Loki that was shooting them just a minute ago.

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Her ultimate needs to DO DAMAGE not just another gimmic ability. She already has at least 2 of those. Why does just about every other frame in the game have abilities that DO DAMAGE to things for ENERGY but not Loki. It really should have been addressed before since it is a starter frame but hey they want to add more frames instead of fixing old ones so there's your priorities.

Decoy cool, ill just shoot at distracted guys. Ok crap 10 dudes are coming I will go Invisible. I will trade places with person X. None of this helps me kill a large group of enemies. My OH $hit button only saves my own @ss and doesn't kill anyone or help out the team. If I am on a defense mission the only thing I can do is keep my decoy down 100% and hope the rest of my team can protect the pod when 10+ enemies swarm it because I can't shoot them that fast.

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The only thing that needs to change about Loki is he clocks Shade(only shade) and there is a stun where he switch teliports. Invis is perfect. Radiel Disarm is a AMAZING skill when other frames ubers don't kill high level mobs Loki gives the  a huge debuff(don't complain about it not being good on infested). Loki is probably one of the most balanced frames, he can do any type of mission well and if played right he can be a HUGE help to the team. I main a Loki and he is amazing. 

Edited by c_man_ninja_gun
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Her ultimate needs to DO DAMAGE not just another gimmic ability. She already has at least 2 of those.


I'm pretty sure Loki is a bro, bro.


Also he has 3 other "gimmick" abilities by my count, doesn't make them useless, just makes them less lazy. Hope you picked Loki because you actually knew what you were doing rather than seeing "valued by experienced players" and clicking him because you're MLG and you don't afraid of anything.


(Aside, Loki's disarm does damage to infested. But you knew that 'cuz you're MLG and don't afraid of anything.)

Edited by Urash
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Thanks for the comments. I appreciate the feedback. Loki is my main....and I do use Radial Disarm. It just doesn't feel...well Loki, like the rest of the abilities do. I have also thought of interactions with the powers themselves:


Misdirection/Castle: That would allow you to target an explosive barrel and have the mob blow it up amongst themselves.

Radial Decoy/Castle: done right, Loki could travel huge distances if several decoys go the same direction

Decoy/Doppleganger: Once Decoy is gone, Loki can get the alert to drop and go back to prowling.


Override/Hack....very limited, I agree and it was just a last minute inspirartion.


Another ability I have been toying with is the following:


Ambush: Loki teleports to target and performs a Stealth Kill. Only applicable if he is undetected. Think individual Bladestorm. Kind of steals from Ash somewhat...

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Imo, the most useless power in Loki's arsenal is switch teleport. It serves little role in battle. Before the introduction of wallrunning, it's a tool to get to impossible places in combination with decoy. However, that use was long forgotten with wallrunnig.

Switch teleport could use a little change in mechanic. Stunning the area around the target, similar to Ash's Smokebomb, would make it a bit better.

I agree with decoy change. It's a hologram, not a solid matter (although I use it as temporary cover quite a lot, so yeah, it has some merit in this form).

Radial disarm is effective against 2/3 of the game and fit well with the theme, imo. What could a trickster does better than replacing high-powered rifle with a baton? Use right, it trivialize the entire force of Grineer and Corpus, forcing them to chase you through the ship while you give them fatal dose of lead poisoning.

To be honest, Loki is just about right at the moment (except switch teleport) and your new powers should be reserved for new frame in the future instead.

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I don't mind a Loki change if it applies to Switch Teleport or RD's effectiveness against Infested, but I disagree with the idea that Loki should have damage abilities. Loki isn't there to necessarily wreck S#&amp;&#036; on the battlefield (although invis.+ a good melee weapon makes that a viable option) but rather to manipulate the battle. Facing an armada of armed soldiers becomes trivialized when Loki uses that RD. 

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Decoy: It is supposed to be a hologram. Not a hardlight contruct...we are Space Ninjas, not Green Lanterns. Have shots fire through it...better yet, let it set up friendly fire effect! Have the enemy get shot by their own as they try to take down the Decoy.

about that solid decoy: ever thought about you still might be shot by enemies, if the decoy would be real holographic? i think there is some sense in its actual role of a bullet stopper. ;)

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Loki is fine functionally.
As in, he lives up to his theme and his powers do the trick.

I would not change a single thing about what his powers set out to achieve.
What I would change, are mechanics that help his powers scale better.

Decoy needs to be changed from being HP based, to being invulnerable with a set duration to help it scale into late game. A trade off could be a lower duration, which would be a good balancing measure considering we have both continuity and constitution now. This would keep it from being olbilterated the moment you deploy it around late game enemies.

Radial disarm is a non-lethal ultimate, and as such I would like to see an increase in range. I like the power functionally though, invaluable in defense vs. non-infested enemies. Perhaps it could be given an absurd damage multiplier vs. infested, lower their movement speed, or simply not be equipped when fighting them.

To each their own though I suppose, good luck in your endeavor!

Edited by Rudest
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Radial Disarm is useful. Don't get me wrong...I use it now. BUT, I would prefer something more akin to the illusion style the other powers have. Each of the other abilities have an Illusion feel...taste if you would. While Radial Disarm is a decent power in and of itself, it just feels more like something that Mag or Vauban would use....Even Volt seems like a better canidate for this.


No damage abilities...pros and cons. I see both sides....and I can agree with both sides. WHICH is why most of my suggestions have Loki dealing damage INDIRECTLY! That functionality would still be in theme with the Trickster style.


Like I stated in my original post, all the Frames can use some attention. Nothing in this game is absolutely perfect(though by God, DE is trying! Keep up the good work guys....leaps and bounds...leaps and bounds).

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