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Kuva and Riven Mods: please let us lock a stat after a certain amount of rerolls


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I honestly think that the riven system right now is just horrid. The really good Rivens are only affordable for a very small amount of players and while it makes some unpopular weapons viable it often only increases the powercreep of already strong weapons.

I think locking stats would be a good start in the right direction. Not even after a certain amount of rolls, just whenever you need it for extra kuva.

I too think that stats shouldn't have differenct values. If a riven rolls a stat, always let it have a fixed value, this would remove another layer of rng from Rivens. Until Rivens came all mods had fixed values. A rank 10 Serration always had 165%, this was the case for every player, why did that had to be changed? Warframe is not Diablo or Path of Exile, where random item stats where part of the game from day 1. 

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To be fair, random stats were in the game at the very, very beginning, then they luckily get rid of those and implemented mods with fixed values. 

Why they sort of came back to that RNG system is beyond me, but surely the current Rivens system is granting them a looooooooot of money! 

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I Agree. I Dont like the Riven Mod system as it is now.

Its RNG to get a Riven, RNG to get a Riven for the Weapons type ( Meele/Rifle/Secondary/Shotgun) u need, RNG to get a Riven for the Weapon u want/need and RNG to get good stats on the Riven Mod u want to use... So its basicly a 4 x RNG...

And another problem is the limited amount of Riven slots at ur disposal.. I mean, I have somenthig about of 30 40 + weapons...most of them i just sell just for the MR Fodder...

and then u only get 15 free Riven slots 0o


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  • If you don't have a Resource Booster, you have to do 1 Flood and 4 Regular Siphons to be able to Roll a Riven at 10+ Rolls.
  • Kuva Nodes are spent up, and reset after one hour. (IF you do all of them, you can get it to do a weird "Here's an extra Node or two" dealio, but I haven't noticed it to be very solid, as sometimes no extra Nodes appear at all)
  • More or Less, you're expected to do Most if not All the available Nodes in order to Roll your Riven once. (Again, without a Booster)

    All this basically translates too:
    "So, time to see if you literally just wasted an hour of your life....*Roll Riven*.......*+Damage to Corpus : +Status Duration : Negative Multishot*......YEP! YOU DID!!!"


And I've seen people counter this: "Dude, if you're at 10 or 15 rolls, just get a new Riven" Cause, oh yeah, everyone in this game has mountains of plat to spent, OBVIOUSLY......but the people who don't, the people who are more or less poor....it's pretty much a cluster**** of suffering and terrible RNG.

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1 hour ago, Tangent-Valley said:

And I've seen people counter this: "Dude, if you're at 10 or 15 rolls, just get a new Riven" Cause, oh yeah, everyone in this game has mountains of plat to spent, OBVIOUSLY......but the people who don't, the people who are more or less poor....it's pretty much a cluster**** of suffering and terrible RNG.

And this is the sad part about that. There are players who accept or even defend the current system. Instead of rebalancing the weapons DE gave us Rivens, a system that is so badly toxicated by RNG that is is IMO unhealthy for the game and only a very small minority of players really profits from this system. 

But rebalancing weapons wouldn't give them money, so why bother. Just thorw a bad RNG system into the game and hope people spend craploads of money on platinum.

For me this is the worst decission DE ever made and a completly fun-killer in so many ways. I have even seen people quit warframe because of Rivens.

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1 hour ago, crysed said:

And this is the sad part about that. There are players who accept or even defend the current system. Instead of rebalancing the weapons DE gave us Rivens, a system that is so badly toxicated by RNG that is is IMO unhealthy for the game and only a very small minority of players really profits from this system. 

But rebalancing weapons wouldn't give them money, so why bother. Just thorw a bad RNG system into the game and hope people spend craploads of money on platinum.

For me this is the worst decission DE ever made and a completly fun-killer in so many ways. I have even seen people quit warframe because of Rivens.

Yup. My clan is full of loyal warframe players that have been here for years. They kept coming back to get the latest shiny toys, kept their veteran accounts up to date. Now only lottery winners and the super rich have those, with the better mods being locked behind impossible RNG odds and carrying insane price tags. I've seen a lot of people lose interest in the game because of this, it's not the warframe they knew.

You can't even discuss builds anymore! Builds are determined by what RNG decided to throw at you and who got the 1 in 100'000 roll that beats everything else. There isn't anything to really aim for except disappointment.

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