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Just a quick question.


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Why do elemental frames get affected by the same thing they wield themselves? The one thing I have never truly got is that even though certain Warframes wield the power of Ice (Frost), Fire (Ember), Radiation (Oberon), Magnetic (Mag), Toxin (Saryn), Electricity (Volt), they are still affected by the same negative status effects. Shouldn't these Warframes have an immunity to the respective power they wield? I find it very odd to see a Frost get inflicted with a cold proc, or to see an Ember get set of fire etc etc.

Why do these frames still not have an in-built immunity after all this time? Is it a game-play issue or have the Devs simply not got round to it yet?

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We asked for that long ago. DE's closest attempt to fix this problem was to make Ember deal more damage when on fire. Everything else has been addressed through passives.

It is quite ironic that Frost can be slowed from cold. He has the power to deal ice AoE procs, but cannot be saved from them in the opposite situation. 

Edited by (XB1)OTF SERENiTY
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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)OTF SERENiTY said:

We asked for that long ago. DE's closest attempt to fix this problem was to make Ember deal more damage when on fire.

Well that would be great if you also didn't take damage yourself.

1 minute ago, (Xbox One)OTF SERENiTY said:

It is quite ironic that Frost can be slowed from cold. He has the power to deal ice AoE procs, but cannot be saved from them in the opposite situation. 

Exactly. It's quite funny in many ways. But it does kind of break the little immersion I have in Warframe when my Thunder God Volt gets crippled by a Grineer Arc Trap.

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Because it would make far too much sense to add such a feature into the game.

Seriously though, they wanted to keep the frames balanced and not give any one frame advantages to being afflicted with the ailment they're aligned with. The Ember passive is interesting, deal more damage while on fire, but still taking fire damage while also gaining some energy in return, because fire.


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Same reason a fire mage in MMO's deal damge to fire enemys, simple gamepaly mechanic, such would cause to much inbalance as it is already, you would proably see only ember in fire area sorties and or fire sabotage, same for frost in ice maps.

Edited by Marine027
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10 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

The Warframes are only a conduit and focus for our void energy, 

Precisely. So if say Volt is a manifestation of Void energy as electricity which he uses to it's full as a conduit, doesn't it stand to reason that he shouldn't be affected negatively by an arc trap? In fact if anything it should invigorate him.

Same with Frost. If he can create Ice patches that slow enemies down but not him, how does it make sense that he suddenly gets a bad case of arthritis when stepping on any other ice patch, or cold barrel?

Just doesn't make any sense to me that these frames can walk right through the powers they produce but not the same power if it's from a different source.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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28 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Precisely. So if say Volt is a manifestation of Void energy as electricity which he uses to it's full as a conduit, doesn't it stand to reason that he shouldn't be affected negatively by an arc trap? In fact if anything it should invigorate him.

Same with Frost. If he can create Ice patches that slow enemies down but not him, how does it make sense that he suddenly gets a bad case of arthritis when stepping on any other ice patch, or cold barrel?

Just doesn't make any sense to me that these frames can walk right through the powers they produce but not the same power if it's from a different source.

Nope, they project the energy, they are not the power themselves.

It's like expecting a piece of wood in a fire to be immune to the fire because it is the fuel.

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5 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Nope, they project the energy, they are not the power themselves.

You just said they were conduits. As in the powers flow through them. Volt is Cole inFamous in the fact that he is a conduit for electricity. Same principle.Volt harnesses the same energy used in Arc traps.

These frames use the same energy as the environmental equivilents. Frost uses the same patches as those ones found in Void challenge rooms, yet he doesn't get slowed down when walking over the ones he cast.  By your logic he should.

It's similar to how the body gets used to or more resilient to something the more you take it. Take Mithridatism as an example, which is the practice of protecting yourself against poison by ingesting non-lethal doses of it until you eventually develop an immunity. It's the same principle with these frames. Saryn shouldn't get affected by Toxin's, Frost shouldn't be slowed down by ice etc etc. These frames should have an in-built immunity from it. Giving people the "Void energy" excuse just doesn't make any sense.

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6 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You just said they were conduits. As in the powers flow through them. Volt is Cole inFamous in the fact that he is a conduit for electricity. Same principle.Volt harnesses the same energy used in Arc traps.

These frames use the same energy as the environmental equivilents. Frost uses the same patches as those ones found in Void challenge rooms, yet he doesn't get slowed down when walking over the ones he cast.  By your logic he should.

It's similar to how the body gets used to or more resilient to something the more you take it. Take Mithridatism as an example, which is the practice of protecting yourself against poison by ingesting non-lethal doses of it until you eventually develop an immunity. It's the same principle with these frames. Saryn shouldn't get affected by Toxin's, Frost shouldn't be slowed down by ice etc etc. These frames should have an in-built immunity from it. Giving people the "Void energy" excuse just doesn't make any sense.

Sorry bit tired mentally from work so bad analogy. 

But they themselves are not part of the element, the element is merely projected from them. We are the source of the raw power that is given shape.

They are a magnifying glass and we are the sun, it can turn that energy into a focused beam. But if you take that same beam and turn that same energy on the handle and metal of the magnifying glass does it not still burn and warp?

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16 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

But they themselves are not part of the element, the element is merely projected from them. 

So why does Frost not slow down in his own Globe, or when walking across the Ice Patches he creates?  Why does Ember not take damage from her circle of fire? How can Saryn add toxin ticks to enemies yet still not get affected herself? How can Volt not take damage when he makes an entire Corpus ship light up with electricity? If we're merely just projecting these elements then they should be as equally dangerous to us as they are to the enemy. But they are not, which means we are immune to the powers we control, but not from environmental dangers of the same nature? That does not make any sense. By your logic the powers should become deadly to us as soon as we use them. 

It's just a gameplay oversight by DE, that should be resolved. Either make it so that these frames are affected by their own powers or make it so that the corresponding environmental hazards have no effect on them. You can't have it in the middle.


Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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10 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

So why does Frost not slow down in his own Globe, or when walking across the Ice Patches he creates?  Why does Ember not take damage from her circle of fire. How can Saryn add toxin ticks to enemies yet still not get affected herself? If we're merely just projecting these elements then they should be as equally dangerous to us as they are to the enemy. But they are not, which means we are immune to the powers we control, but not from environmental dangers of the same nature. That does not make any sense. By your logic the powers should become deadly to us as soon as we use them. 

It's just a gameplay oversight by DE, that should be resolved. Either make it so that these frames are affected by their own powers of make it so that the corresponding environmental hazards have no effect on them. You can't have it in the middle.


Because we control the energy, thus we don't target ourselves or friendly targets kind of like a built in FoF (Friend or Foe) system.

We can't control the non void conjoured elements.

As for Ember... Well she is an odd ball in that sense. She isn't immune to being set on fire but it just makes it.... Easier to start a blaze with the existing flames on her?

Edited by SilvaDreams
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9 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Because we control the energy, thus we don't target ourselves or friendly targets kind of like a built in FoF (Friend or Foe) system.

But you just said we're projectors not controllers? If we can resist an ice patch that we created, why can't we resist an environmental hazard. Unless of course you're now implying that our own powers choose not to affect us. I think you're just trying to come up with some lore friendly explanation for a gameplay oversight. A warframe that has liquid nitrogen flowing through it, should not be getting cold procs.

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24 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

So why does Frost not slow down in his own Globe, or when walking across the Ice Patches he creates?  Why does Ember not take damage from her circle of fire? How can Saryn add toxin ticks to enemies yet still not get affected herself? How can Volt not take damage when he makes an entire Corpus ship light up with electricity? If we're merely just projecting these elements then they should be as equally dangerous to us as they are to the enemy. But they are not, which means we are immune to the powers we control, but not from environmental dangers of the same nature? That does not make any sense. By your logic the powers should become deadly to us as soon as we use them. 

It's just a gameplay oversight by DE, that should be resolved. Either make it so that these frames are affected by their own powers or make it so that the corresponding environmental hazards have no effect on them. You can't have it in the middle.


I mean.
Just because a flamethrower can shoot fire.

Doesn't mean it won't get hot and melt when you put in on an open flame.

Anyways, the powers never become dangerous to us because the Void Energy is just a raw resource the Tenno pump through our Warframe that they themselves have full control over, as we've seen when they literally shoot the stuff out of their hand in a focused form. Warframes just transmute that energy into an alternate, more tangible form. It's not actually the element itself, it just resembles the element in question for thematic and ease-of-use reasons.

Energy is always energy, it's just that with Void Energy it defies the laws of physics, being able to take on the traits of whatever it's transmuted into while still not actually acting like the element in question unless the Operator wants it to in one aspect or another. If it was the actual element, Ember would never be able to light Frost's frozen enemies on fire, and Volt would never be able to turn on his electrical powers in a watery area without killing himself. Think of it this way, how else could Atlas create stone out of thin air that is capable of independent thought and motion? If it was regular stone with the actual properties of stone, that would never be possible. Yet, when he uses raw energy and just transmutes it into a solid state, with it not having any true limitations unless they are applied via the Operator's specific Warframe (such as only attacking who the Operator sees as an enemy), it makes a lot more sense than you'd think.

To put it bluntly, Space Magic.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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7 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

But you just said we're projectors not controllers? If we can resist an ice patch that we created, why can't we resist an environmental hazard. Unless of course you're now implying that our own powers choose not to affect us. I think you're just trying to come up with some lore friendly explanation for a gameplay oversight. A warframe that has liquid nitrogen flowing through it, should not be getting cold procs.

Yes we, the operator, the Warframes project that controlled energy.

Greysmog gets it.

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18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Just because a flamethrower can shoot fire.

Doesn't mean it won't get hot and melt when you put in on an open flame.

Of course, but the flamethrower cannot be immune to it's own flame, but not others. That does not make sense. Lighting a furnace with a flamethrower and then throwing that same weapon into the fire it just created should melt it as well yes? There are also plenty of superheros in films and comics that have power over fire and are completely immune to it in all forms. 

18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Anyways, the powers never become dangerous to us because the Void Energy is just a raw resource the Tenno pump through our Warframe that they themselves have full control over

There's this Void energy thing again that still baffles me. How does the Tenno having control over Void energy make them immune to their own powers, but not to environments? By that logic our Tenno shouldn't be able to enter the Void at all.

18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

It's not actually the element itself, it just resembles the element in question for thematic and ease-of-use reasons

So you're saying that when I shoot a fireball, it's not actually a fireball, but an imitation of fire? 

18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Energy is always energy, it's just that with Void Energy it defies the laws of physics,

So Void energy is so powerful that it defies the laws of physics, yet it can't seem make a frame that has power over ice and has liquid nitrogen flowing through it, immune to environmental equivalents?

18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

being able to take on the traits of whatever it's transmuted into while still not actually being the element in question.

Okay this is ridiculous. When an enemy gets hit by a fireball they get set on fire. When an enemy walks onto a environmental fire patch hazard, they also get set on fire. Our powers don't "take on traits of things, but are not actually that thing". Our powers manifest as that element full stop.


18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

If it was the actual element, Ember would never be able to light Frost's frozen enemies on fire, and Volt would never be able to turn on his electrical powers in a watery area without killing himself.

Yes she would, as she has control over fire and it does what she commands. Volt would be able to turn on his electrical powers as he is entirely immune to the power he wields.

13 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Yes we, the operator, the Warframes project that controlled energy.

If they project it, then once it becomes part of the environment we shouldn't be able to control it. Frosts ice patches should slow him down etc etc. Seriously both of you have an utterly bizarre way of trying to make this oversight into an actual piece of lore, when all it does is just make everyone scratch their heads even more.

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1 minute ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Of course, but the flamethrower cannot be immune to it's own flame, but not others. That does not make sense. Lighting a furnace with a flamethrower and then throwing that same weapon into the fire it just created should melt it as well yes? There are also plenty of superheros in films and comics that have power over fire and are completely immune to it in all forms. 

There's this Void energy thing again that still baffles me. How does the Tenno having control over Void energy make them immune to their own powers, but not to environments? By that logic our Tenno shouldn't be able to enter the Void at all.

So you're saying that when I shoot a fireball, it's not actually a fireball, but an imitation of fire? 

So Void energy is so powerful that it defies the laws of physics, yet it can't seem to deny that a frame that has power over ice and has liquid nitrogen flowing through it, should not be getting affected by environmental equivalents?

Okay this is ridiculous. When an enemy gets hit by a fireball they get set on fire. When an enemy walks onto a environmental fire patch hazard, they also get set on fire. Our powers don't "take on traits of things, but are not actually that thing". Our powers manifest as that element full stop.


Yes she would, as she has control over fire and it does what she commands. Volt would be able to turn on his electrical powers as he is entirely immune to the power he wields.

If they project it, then once it becomes part of the environment we shouldn't be able to control it. Frosts ice patches should slow him down etc etc. Seriously both of you have an utterly bizarre way of trying to make this oversight into an actual piece of lore, when all it does is just make everyone scratch their heads even more.


19 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Think of it this way, how else could Atlas create stone out of thin air that is capable of independent thought and motion? If it was regular stone with the actual properties of stone, that would never be possible. Yet, when he uses raw energy and just transmutes it into a solid state, with it not having any true limitations unless they are applied via the Operator's specific Warframe (such as only attacking who the Operator sees as an enemy), it makes a lot more sense than you'd think.

To put it bluntly, Space Magic.


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Just now, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

To put it bluntly, Space Magic

So now you've thrown logic out the window and just said it's magic. Well then anything should be possible in that case, including these frames not getting affected by their respective elements, but they do.

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While it would be logical for frames like Frost, Ember and Volt to be immune to their own elements it would also mean a lot of balance issues. People might also complain that some frames have something akin to a second passive with their immunity to their own elements

Ember's passive is a good way of dealing with this imo. She is still damaged by fire, but it also gives her a bonus. Maybe Frost could get a little armor bonus while procked with ice, maybe Volt could get some minor energy gain. So on and so fort.

Edit: I am not saying they should though. Those are just alternative to their passives.

Edited by Jaheruh
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28 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

So now you've thrown logic out the window and just said it's magic. Well then anything should be possible in that case, including these frames not getting affected by their respective elements, but they do.

Did you literally read the part above that or just skim over it? I was joking, yeesh.

You're overcomplicating this. Let me reiterate. 

Operators can fully control Void Energy because we ARE Void Energy, to an extent. Warframes channel the energy into a more combat-effective form, it's why we have abilities and "Energy" in the first place, as that "energy" is what we use for the transmutation process. It's why we can just magically teleport back into our Warframe instead of dying to, say, the vacuum of space even though we still need to breathe, meaning we're living beings that still adhere to the daily needs of a living thing, but don't age because energy itself doesn't age. It just runs out of gas, which is what would happen to us if we ran out of food or oxygen.

Just because what we use looks like ice doesn't mean it's actually ice. It's obviously not, or else Frost walking around would freeze the floor beneath him, or the water he walks into. He can still hang by his other fellow Warframes without giving them frostbite or hang in his own Bubble without freezing to death because he has full control of the Void Energy he produces. Warframes were specifically built to handle and use Void Energy safely, so why would they be harmed by it at all? They can obviously be harmed by the element itself because it's actually ice, not Void Energy. Warframes are already far more resistant to the elements inherently, but even an oven mitt can catch on fire. It's really hard to do that, but you can. Same idea here. Remember, once the element leaves the Warframe, it's just Void Energy that's taken on the traits the Warframe forced onto the Void Energy, limiting it to be used more effectively in combat in ways that make a bit more sense and are more tangible to grasp in comparison to a big laser that literally obliterates anything in it's path. It's still energy the user can control.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we can be affected by other elements because they aren't actually the element we use, they're actually ice and fire. You can't exactly be immune to heat or cold you know, eventually, every metal has a breaking point, otherwise it wouldn't be able to be crafted into a Warframe in the first place. Technically, a Frost by proxy would be more resistant to colder temperatures, yet who's to say he's immune to an Eximus' slowing ability just because he can use ice? That's kind of a ridiculous assumption. I mean, it was never stated that Frost was capable of dealing with anything colder than his own abilities, who's to say Eximus Aura's breach his level of resistance?

PvP is the only exception to this, which also makes sense in retrospect. Two Frost's can hurt each other because Warframes are kind of "tuned" to the specific Operators Void Energy, along with whom they consider allies. If the Operator wants to hurt someone, the Warframe tunes the Void Energy to allow that. If they don't want to hurt someone, the Void Energy does nothing. This is why throwing fire at a friendly Grineer unit doesn't just catch them on fire even though they're considered an enemy most of the time. They don't catch on fire because we recognize them as a friendly. WE do. Not the laws of physics. WE, our Operator, and the limitations onset by our Warframe, decide what form Void Energy takes, who it affects, and why. If it didn't, Nova would blow up everything and everyone with just a pinch of actual anti-matter. She doesn't because she's not actually using anti-matter, she's using Void Energy that takes on the look and (some) characteristics of the element in question.

Again, to put it bluntly, just because something is heat-resistant, doesn't mean it's immune to heat altogether. The only thing that is actually immune to heat is heat itself, because it's actually the element in question. The Warframe, and the Void Energy it creates, is not, so we wouldn't be immune.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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2 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

There's only so much logic you can have in a game that has mind controlled rocks, teleporting water tenticles, etc.  :D

True, true. I do like a sprinkle of logic here and there though, call me boring xD

4 minutes ago, Jaheruh said:

While it would be logical for frames like Frost, Ember and Volt to be immune to their own elements it would also mean a lot of balance issues. People might also complain that some frames have something akin to a second passive. 

So replace the first passive. Many of the passives for these frames are pretty mediocre anyway.

9 minutes ago, Jaheruh said:

Ember's passive is a good way of dealing with this imo. She is still damaged by fire, but it also gives her a bonus. Maybe Frost could get a little armor bonus while procked with ice, maybe Volt could get some energy back. So on and so fort.

That isn't such a bad idea. Maybe just tweaking and that could actually work.

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44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

You're overcomplicating this. 

I'm not, I'm taking in all scenarios in which this could universally make sense and it doesn't.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Operators can fully control Void Energy because we ARE Void Energy, to an extent.

But you just said earlier that we only project Void energy and that anything that is out of our direct control, such as the main energy in the Void itself, is harmful to us right? So shouldn't we not be able to enter the void at all without suffering some serious side affects.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Just because what we use looks like ice doesn't mean it's actually ice. 

Good joke. It looks exactly the same as the other ice patches, which means it is.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

It's obviously not, or else Frost walking around would freeze the floor beneath him, or the water he walks into.

Or like I said at the start of this thread, it's simply a gameplay oversight the Devs haven't got around to looking at yet. Not everything has to have some grand lore behind it. You're going from one extreme to the other, saying that if Frost was truly frost then everything would be frozen. No he is supposed to have control entirely over cold. Like I said, there are plenty of superhumans in fiction who have these powers. Or are you going to say someone like Iceman does not actually control ice.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Bubble without freezing to death because he has full control of the Void Energy he produces. Warframes were specifically built to handle and use Void Energy safely, so why would they be harmed by it at all? 

There is no Void Energy. It is now been changed into an element that is entirely different and functions differently. Frost wields ice. Ember wields fire. It is no longer Void Energy. The powers we wield are the exact same as the natural in-world equivalents. We should not be effected by them. 

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Remember, once the element leaves the Warframe, it's just Void Energy that's taken on the traits the Warframe forced onto the Void Energy

No where at all is this stated. In all of their descriptions they have things like "Harness the power of (insert element) to crush your foes". Nowhere does it say "Harness the power of Void Energy that simply took on the traits of (insert element) but is not actually that element even though it functions and looks exactly the same as said element". It's overly convoluted and ridiculous. You are trying to come up with such a mindbogglingly complicated lore reason behind something that simply needs to be patched in by the Devs.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we can be affected by other elements because they aren't actually the element we use, they're actually ice and fire.

Utter nonsense. There is no official lore backing this up at all. Like I said, the descriptions of these warframes say we wield the elements, not Void Energy masquerading as elements. We do actually wield Ice and Fire.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

You can't exactly be immune to heat or cold you know

In a fictional game about space ninjas who can tank rockets to the face, control the minds of others, slow others down, travel to different plains of existence, make plants grow out of steel spaceships etc etc, you can be immune.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

a Frost by proxy would be more resistant to colder temperatures, yet who's to say he's immune to an Eximus' slowing ability just because he can use ice?

Because the Eximus unit relies on the cold proc to slow enemies down. Frost is the embodiment of cold, therefore he should not be affected. He should be able to resist any cold that comes into contact with him. If he has nitrogen in his suit he should be able to resist any sort of cold.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

mean, it was never stated that Frost was capable of dealing with anything colder than his own abilities, who's to say Eximus Aura's breach his level of resistance?

Are we seriously going to enter into a debate of "Who's colder?". That is a ridiculous line of conversation I'm not going down.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

PvP is the only exception to this, which also makes sense in retrospect.

No it does not. There is no such thing as double standard in this line of thinking.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Two Frost's can hurt each other because Warframes are kind of "tuned" to the specific Operators Void Energy

Another thing you have completely pulled out of your head. Where on earth is any of this stated at all? You are really trying very hard to explain a gameplay flaw. It's admirable I'll give you that.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

This is why throwing fire at a friendly Grineer unit doesn't just catch them on fire even though they're considered an enemy most of the time.

No, it's a gameplay reason that you can't attack Grineer when fighting for them. Nothing mystical about it. When I'm playing Call of Duty Zombies and I shoot an ally in the head, it's not that he doesn't go down because my character can control which person bullets can harm, it's because a line of code says I cannot harm an ally.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Not the laws of physics. WE, our Operator, and the limitations onset by our Warframe, decide what form Void Energy takes

Actually no we don't for if we did I'd make it so that Frost has the powers of Chroma. Since apparently Void Energy defies all physics, I should be able to do that.

44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

She doesn't because she's not actually using anti-matter, she's using Void Energy that takes on the look and (some) characteristics of the element in question.

No she is not blowing up everything and everyone because she can control anti-matter. The same way Mano from DC Comics can control his anti-matter abilities without blowing everyone up if he so chooses. 

As much as I love lore crafting and all the wild theories that appear on this site, there are some people who take it too far and try to give a lore explanation for everything from a ray of sunlight coming out of a perfectly solid wall, to a glitch where a frame suddenly has a different warframes helmet. This is one of the latter moments. You are trying extremely hard to make it look like there is an actual lore explanation behind why a frame that wields the power of Ice (yes Ice, not Void Energy) gets slowed down when walking across patches of ice in the environment, when in fact it's just a simple oversight.

It was fun to see someone put so much effort into trying to explain a gameplay flaw.

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So I guess mesa should be immune to bullets, Excalibur be immune to swords, and chroma be immune to all elements. Volt should instant kill hydroid, Frost should freeze hydroid, Ember should melt Frost. 

Let's say I have a bowl. I can fill the bowl with water and splash someone. The bowl is manipulating water. But if I point a high pressure hose at it the bowl breaks. WTF?! But the bowl wielded the water so it should be immune. 

A good example of how a frames element doesn't behave normally is hydroid. Normal puddles of water cannot drag people into them when it's less than an inch deep. 

Until we know for sure how the warframes work thus is all pointless. 

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35 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:


Dude. I can't tell you what the Devs intended, I can only tell you what I can gather logically with what the game has given us. 

If you're just going to consider everything a "gameplay mechanic", then why are you even arguing in the first place? Then literally any argument would be mute because you selectively pick and choose what makes sense as a gameplay mechanic or not. I can't explain why Warframe's aren't immune to their element because it doesn't say that anywhere in the lore or game. We just have to assume why with reason and what sounds right. That's all we can do.

You could just say it doesn't make any sense gameplay logic wise to you and leave it at that, instead of trying to justify it with "oh well it makes sense because they use that respective element". That's not an argument based on anything aside from your opinion. If you wanted people to just agree with you and give suggestions as to why we should have it on all Warframes with that respective element, that should have been made more clear. Otherwise, people are just left to assume.

35 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

No she is not blowing up everything and everyone because she can control anti-matter. The same way Mano from DC Comics can control his anti-matter abilities without blowing everyone up if he so chooses. 

That's DC Comics. This is Warframe.

Also, you do know how anti-matter works, right? Real anti-matter would just blow up if it was ever brought to a world like ours, filled with matter everywhere. You can control anti-matter all you want, but you can't change what makes it anti-matter. Then it wouldn't be anti-matter anymore, as it would have to not be the opposite of matter to actually come into a place with matter. If that were the case, Nova would just blow herself up trying to use it, instead of it literally being able to go in waves and cover enemies in the "substance", even though that literally wouldn't work in any way


35 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Because the Eximus unit relies on the cold proc to slow enemies down. Frost is the embodiment of cold, therefore he should not be affected. He should be able to resist any cold that comes into contact with him. If he has nitrogen in his suit he should be able to resist any sort of cold.

He is a conduit for cold. He is not literally made of ice, try again. Also, nitrogen can be chilled, do you mean liquid nitrogen? To add onto that, that literally makes no sense. Just because something has liquid nitrogen inside of it doesn't mean it's magically "immune to cold". It's just effectively immune to something at that low of a temperature, and even then that's not technically true due to constant chilling being capable of distorting or breaking something with time.


35 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

In a fictional game about space ninjas who can tank rockets to the face, control the minds of others, slow others down, travel to different plains of existence, make plants grow out of steel spaceships etc etc, you can be immune.

I'm running with logic and reasoning. Why are you using gameplay mechanics as a basis for your line of thinking? They obviously aren't a good baseline when they're not meant to make sense in the first place.


35 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

There is no Void Energy. It is now been changed into an element that is entirely different and functions differently. Frost wields ice. Ember wields fire. It is no longer Void Energy. The powers we wield are the exact same as the natural in-world equivalents. We should be effected by them. 


"While on the field, Operators are capable of using various abilities that consume 
Void Energy when used, whose levels can be seen on a special reticle on the player's crosshair while in Operator form."

"Void Energy can also be replenished in the field by picking up Energy Orbs, or via allied Warframe powers that grant Energy."

Void Beam (Primary Fire): the Operator's default power, the Void Beam is an energy beam made of pure Void energies .."


Void Pulse
Releases 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 pulses of Void energy over 10 / 12 / 16 / 20 seconds that suspend and incapacitate enemies within a 15 meter, 20 degree cone for 20 seconds.

Doesn't exist, huh?

Also, if that was the case, we wouldn't be able to control what the powers do at all. We'd kill friendlies and allies on accident. If we were affected by them, there would literally be no point in Warframes existing in the first place.

Also, what @Miser_able said.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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