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List the most and the least useful warframes


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In no particular order... most useful for:

Defense/MD/Interception/camping: Octavia, Frost, Vauban, Mesa, Nova and Limbo (Limbo only makes the list if you're good at communicating with your squad).

For support, Trinity, Octavia and Oberon.

For Survival, Nekros, Nidus, Nyx and Nova.

For Spy, Loki and Ivara.


Least useful/most niche:

Mag (only 1 scaling ability, and her 4 is honestly one of the worst abilities in the entire game) 

Zephyr (first two abilities are a melee ground slam and a bullet jump that both cost energy, and her ult is too reliant on RNG)

Hydroid (RNG-heavy abilities that force you to build for negative range for any consistency + troll capabilities)

 Limbo (for anything other than a defensive type mission, he's usually detrimental to the squad).

Edited by Jackviator
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34 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

Best frame: Mag.

That's a funny way to spell Zephyr. Only kidding :P or am I?

14 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

Zephyr (first two abilities are a melee ground slam and a bullet jump that both cost energy, and her ult is too reliant on RNG)

What makes it a not fun situation regarding Divebomb, is that one hand you could just ground slam, but the issue is being stuck in the recover animation / can't move for a second and a half, but on the other using Divebomb is considerably quicker to recover, but you then run into the issue of if you have enough energy to spare. Adding that if you're too high up and moving fast, Divebomb wont stop you on the ground and you'll just slide/bounce across the floor. So you better hope you're not sliding into a bunch of enemies like bowling pins haha.

And I can honestly promise you, if they just give her the option to deactivate Tornadoes (and you can keep the duration and everything), more than half of the problems are solved lol. Seriously, since the point of Tornadoes is to disrupt and throw apart squads and groups of enemies, most of the time we only need it for a few seconds to revive our teammate. We don't need 45+ seconds of it. So sometimes it sucks having to run around looking for a cliff to jump off of to reset my abilities (why is this still a thing?), which unfortunately is usually at the cost of Turbulence, ending spending double the amount of energy for Turbulence. But I digress haha.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Most Useful:

Banshee: She has a lot of versatility and due to her amazing abilities you can make a lot of different builds with her.

Chroma: Best Tank in the game (The only problem being that due to the lack of shield-gating, he can be OHKO'ed by powerful enemies)

Ember: She's one of the strongest and fastest killing frames...up to a certain point at least, don't use her in the higher levels.

Excalibur: Woosh Woosh Woosh Woosh Woosh Woosh Woosh Woosh Woosh Woosh

Frost: Great for Defense & Excavation, may be good for survival if your team is camping in a spot.

Loki: Best for spy and amazing CC capabilities with his Disarm.

Trinity: Best Support in the game, who would say no to free energy and overshields?

Valkyr: Warcry shoots your DPS through the roof for you and your allies (if they use Melee, but a serious team will always be using Melee) Hysteria is great for Healing yourself and great for reviving people.

Limbo: Amazing for Defense & Excavation, may be good for survival if your team is camping in a spot.

Nova: Amazing CC, can also speed up Defense missions drastically if you're only staying for a few waves.

Nekros/Hyrdoid: Great for farming for mods (From what I've heard)



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Best: Mag Prime

Worst : Anything that's not Mag Prime.

That being said; the merits of a frame are a combination of situation, player and mod selection.  There really isn't an overall, all the time "best" Warframe, especially if you're looking at it from a meta angle.

I mean, any skilled player can make a Warframe work in any situation, but it won't be the best for that mission. 

Edited by MagPrime
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My personal choices (Modding may deviate from the usually youtube recommendations):


Strongest with no use of abilities when you want to go melee against lvl 100+: Inaros (With a Tempo Royal Galatine. Like a sledge hammer flattening anything the game throws at me.)

Best (Most fun) melee frame beyond Inaros: Oberon

Best frames for keeping an excavator alive: Nekros (Infinite energy and tanky thx to desecrate, health conversion and equilibrium) & Nova

Corpus easy-mode: Zephyr

Low level content easy mode: Volt & Ember

Best spy frame: Ivara (With Infiltrator mod of course. Become the master of jumping rolls for speed and crossing wide gaps)

Best kuva siphon runner: Atlas (With rumbler mod. No need to worry about the guardians when they are busy trying to make a dent in your golem)

Best Index runner: Rhino (That Ironeskin)

Best content skipper: Loki

Frames I feel I should try out more: Nyx, Saryn, Mirage and Chroma (I do like melee and he can be tanky)

Frames I recognize got strong abilities but which I find boring: Banshee & Mesa





Worst frame to end up in a team with: Limbo (No frame can unintentionally cockblock your fun as most as that pest). Contender is a bounceVauban


Well. List is incomplete but that covers a lot.

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Most useful/Fun to use IMO - Banshee, Mag, Rhino, Volt, Frost, Loki, Nekros, Octavia, Vuaban, Equinox, Nova, Ivara, Mesa, Atlas, Inaros, Trinity, and Titania.

Somewhat useful/Okay to use IMO - Ember, Nidus, Zephyr, Wukong, Nezha, Nyx, Excaliber, Chroma, Ash, Valkyr, Harrow, Oberon, and Hydroid.

Can be "Cancerous"/Annoying to have on squad/Still useful IMO - Limbo and Mirage.


This is of course just from personal experience and I hope I don't offend anybody. lol


Edited by (XB1)GeminiTigur
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