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May We Have Primed Chamber Now?


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I'm sayin' this for the hell of it.


Without the Top 100 players (or those that grinds their &#! off) we wouldn't Have won the ball event. Why? Everyone always stops at 20 kills because they know someone else would do their work. 


Though it is a shame to those that didn't that worked hard to get to the top 100 and I really do think they should get a prize too but...what's done is done. GG that's it. They contribute a lot for the Vandal, leave it be and yeah, a Charged Chamber buff would be great. Instead 40% how about a 75% - 90%. It's close but not the same at least. 

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I had to work that entire weekend, I had no time to farm anything. I didn't even get the snipetron vandal.


I [redacted] hate exclusives!


The vandaltron issue is worse, only decent sniper in the game and I missed the one shot at getting it, fun.

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So... your rational for less than 1% (.00333 repeating to be more specific) getting a mod... is that there are winners and losers? That's the dumbest argument ever for a F2P game. Cosmetics? Sure. Skins? Sure. Reskinned weapons that give mastery? Ehh... I could kinda see that I guess. But a mod that's better than the other 99.9966...7% get? No, that's just dumb.


The top 100 deserve something, but not an exclusive mod, that was NOT said to be exclusive. Some fancy color pack/sentinel bit/etc, sure, that's cool, and it's a GREAT reward. Who wouldn't want something "blingy" like (an example here) a golden snipetron, or a uniquely colored one, a prime skin for the snipetron, something to just show off.


is it? 


the ratio is completely irrelevant. threads like this would even be startet if it was 50/50 ratio. and this is the problem. somewhere has to be a limit. you maybe could say that, 100 People out of (are those numbers true, how many people participated anyway?!) a few thounds is a bit too low. next step would be giving the mods to the first 500 or even first 1000 and not to make it available for everybody. 


do you have less fun because you don't have that mod? is the snipetron vandall underpowered in any way without that mod? does it affect your gameplay in any way?


the only problem here is your ego. no really valid arguments werde provided except some people think they are not treated equally. and this is simply false, because you had the possibilites to reach the top 100. you weren't provided extra lags, your warframes haven't been made worse, you didn't do the challenge under any other circumstance than any other player who participated.


it really doesn't matter what you get as a price. there will always be people who thinking that they are coming short of something. and that is the problem: it's all in your head. 

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idk, it's rather insulting to say that only the top 100 matters for the event. would like to remove the kills from 101st-200th player and revoke the rewards altogether.


it would be much fairer to have the event reward people above a number of kills instead of it being rewarded to top#.

that way what effort you put into the game would be rewarded respectively and not have it nullified because 100 other people had a much worse weekend than you.

and the event would have been finished a day earlier.

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is it? 


the ratio is completely irrelevant. threads like this would even be startet if it was 50/50 ratio. and this is the problem. somewhere has to be a limit. you maybe could say that, 100 People out of (are those numbers true, how many people participated anyway?!) a few thounds is a bit too low. next step would be giving the mods to the first 500 or even first 1000 and not to make it available for everybody. 

No, a better solution is kill X get, 1 reward, kill Y, get teir x and something else.



do you have less fun because you don't have that mod? is the snipetron vandall underpowered in any way without that mod? does it affect your gameplay in any way?

No, but is my inner collector satisfied? No. Do I get to see as big numbers as I'd like to (even if it doesn't really matter)? No.


the only problem here is your ego.

What? How so? We were not told it would be exclusive we all assumed it would be available after the event. Is proper communication too much to ask for? It would have been different if they said "hey, it's for the top 100 only" (still be stupid, but different)


no really valid arguments werde provided except some people think they are not treated equally.

Right, because that's not valid...


and this is simply false, because you had the possibilites to reach the top 100.

HA. Anyone with a life that interfered with their gaming took them out of the running completely. How is that fair? Should we give up the ~60 hours it ran for to farm nothing but those stupid drones for a reward we all assumed wouldn't be exclusive?


you weren't provided extra lags, your warframes haven't been made worse, you didn't do the challenge under any other circumstance than any other player who participated.

So what?


it really doesn't matter what you get as a price. there will always be people who thinking that they are coming short of something.

That's not the point. It doesn't matter that someone will always go "I got shorted", what matters is that DE isn't communicating with us about the event rewards.


and that is the problem: it's all in your head. 

No, it's not. DE messed up here, they should have communicated properly about this, and they didn't.

The main problems are that DE didn't say the mod would be exclusive, and that they limited it to the top 100.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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im also one of those who didn't have a chance to reach the top 100. as statet before: i have a real life, with family and social interaction and such. too bad i set my priorities wrong?

did i? i COULD have farmed the whole weekend if i really wanted to. but i rather spent the weekend with my family. it was up to me, i decided.

if you have a job (like me for example) it's not up to me to decide. but still: this was a weekend event. it's that time of the week where the most people have the most time to spend. sounds pretty fair to me.

No, but is my inner collector satisfied? No. Do I get to see as big numbers as I'd like to (even if it doesn't really matter)? No.

so what? as stated before: this is just a problem of your ego

What? How so? We were not told it would be exclusive we all assumed it would be available after the event. Is proper communication too much to ask for? It would have been different if they said "hey, it's for the top 100 only" (still be stupid, but different)

so "communication error"? thats the most pathetic explanation i've heard yet. those who got to top 100 didn't know either. so what? still fair then. why do they have to tell you everything? where are the surprises? why do you think that you have the right to know something like that? i don't get where the need to omniscent wisdom about possible rewards comes from. it's like gripping to a last string: you have to give us that mod cause you were naughty enough, not to provide us with information.

and now you're standing here and demanding to be treated equally because of that? what if this was never MEANT to be released to public?
Right, because that's not valid...

yep it's like this: just because you THINK you haven't been treated equally isn't a valid argument. again: it's all in your head

HA. Anyone with a life that interfered with their gaming took them out of the running completely. How is that fair? Should we give up the ~60 hours it ran for to farm nothing but those stupid drones for a reward we all assumed wouldn't be exclusive?

i'm also falling under that category: so i can say this straight: just the lack of having enough free time to play, isn't a reason for you to think that you've been treated unfair. it would have been unfair if you'd been unable to play because of lags, or because just YOUR warframes have been nerfed and everyone elses still working fine.

next thing: you'd ASSUMED it wouldn't be exclusive. you know schroedinger's cat? it basically means, you have to take care for ALL possible results. and not just for those what you think the best is.
That's not the point. It doesn't matter that someone will always go "I got shorted", what matters is that DE isn't communicating with us about the event rewards.

again: they've statet that we'll get those guns. the mods were some kind of extra surprise. why do you need to know everything in advance? who said that you need those informations. that you've got a right for those informations?

i think most problems are because of 2 kinds of view: you still think you have the right to get those mods just because DE didn't said that they will be exclusive.
and i simply think, that this can't be the only reason and that it's definitly isn't a valid argument

again: most problems here are ego-problems. you're not &!$$ed because DE communicated properly, you are &!$$ed because you didn't got that mod. Edited by xXFlippyXx
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yay, let's compare warframe to a heavy diseasy wich destroys families and lead to suicide. there is no problem in relativising something so trivial like warframe with something like an alcohol addiction. you act like a real grown up. congrats.


if warframe compares to anything like that for you, you should go and see a doctor.

i bet you won't prostitue to pay for plat. i bet you won't jump of a cliff because you didn't get that mod. i even bet, that in 2 months you don't care anymore




warframe is a game. in a game there are winners and loosers....


...well looser is the wrong word, let's call them who got the snipetron vandall (good weapon, still sucking sniper...) second. the whining about not getting that mod, won't help.


you didn't go top 100, you don't deserve it. nothing more or less to say. all people who are b*tching about not getting that mod are just sore losers

What reaction, precisely, did you expect from me? You weren't trying to be constructive. You just wanted to be a sanctimonious dbag.


Stop pretending that you can see inside everyone's head, and give up your illusion that everybody is some Zen practitioner with total emotional mastery. Sometimes it feels nice to vent, and DE making a bonehead move is one of those times.

Edited by JollierThanThou
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so what? as stated before: this is just a problem of your ego

This is one thing I personally get really tired of hearing. It's not egotistical to want to get the best gear in a game


next thing: you'd ASSUMED it wouldn't be exclusive. you know schroedinger's cat? it basically means, you have to take care for ALL possible results. and not just for those what you think the best is.

You're not much of a physicist, are you? Schrodinger's was a reducto ad absurdum against quantum physics by drawing quantum effects onto the scale of classical physics. It was certainly not a proverb ;p

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To those that desire the mod, please tell me is it necessary? Is it one bit necessary when builds can already 1 shot mobs at level 100 or 1000 without needing such a over-powering build.


But you are never going to be using your guns to one shot enemies unless you are running defense missions for high-score. There is no point for the mod, it doesn't serve for any progressive necessary to unlock other items within the game.


1)The items that are necessary for progression(or even help for mastery rank progression) must be non-exclusive for community.

2)Primed chamber in any way does not become necessary for progression.

Conclusion) Therefore in conclusion, the Primed Chamber does not need to be a non-exclusive item. It can be exclusive.


However if you argue frost prime it would follow this progression too.


1)The items that are necessary for progression(or even help for mastery rank progression) must be non-exclusive for community.

2)Frost prime provides mastery rank and exp necessary for progression.

Conclusion) Therefore in conclusion, the Frost Prime has to be a non-exclusive item. It can't be exclusive.


Overall that is why they took back the fact that frost prime didn't become exclusive. All arguments for Prime chamber to be within the game cannot be debated as it is not necessary in any means or ways as there are other methods to attain similar results for the circumstances that it is expected to fulfill.


Thus the mod no matter however you see it has the right to be exclusive and no disagreement can change that.

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To those that desire the mod, please tell me is it necessary? Is it one bit necessary when builds can already 1 shot mobs at level 100 or 1000 without needing such a over-powering build.

We need it because it's a very powerful mod. Simply, unless you're paired with a Banshee, you can't one-shot plenty of high level enemies (And likely can't without Primed Chamber, but it DOES double your damage)


But you are never going to be using your guns to one shot enemies unless you are running defense missions for high-score. There is no point for the mod, it doesn't serve for any progressive necessary to unlock other items within the game.

That's exactly the issue in the game; All the focus is on unlocking things, not using the things you unlock in the most effective way. Luckily, we are getting tough enough content now that we do need to focus on power, and this mod can grant that power.


1)The items that are necessary for progression(or even help for mastery rank progression) must be non-exclusive for community.

2)Primed chamber in any way does not become necessary for progression.

Conclusion) Therefore in conclusion, the Primed Chamber does not need to be a non-exclusive item. It can be exclusive.

According to 1), Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal should be re-released, along with Snipetron Vandal and Snipetron. I also disagree with 2), to some extent. While it isn't "necessary" for progression, neither is any other mod, technically, if you're defining progression simply as gaining weapons/mastery rank. Progression is more than that, though; I feel I made progress forma-ing my favorite guns, despite this assertion saying I didn't.




However if you argue frost prime it would follow this progression too.


1)The items that are necessary for progression(or even help for mastery rank progression) must be non-exclusive for community.

2)Frost prime provides mastery rank and exp necessary for progression.

Conclusion) Therefore in conclusion, the Frost Prime has to be a non-exclusive item. It can't be exclusive.

Once again, Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal would need to be re-released, following this logic.



All arguments for Prime chamber to be within the game cannot be debated as it is not necessary in any means or ways as there are other methods to attain similar results for the circumstances that it is expected to fulfill.

They obviously can be debated, we're doing it now ;) Primed Chamber does allow you to do things you cannot do otherwise. Replacing an off-faction element with it would make one-shotting bosses easier, which is a sort of sport for me, some clan-mates, and several forum-goers.



Thus the mod no matter however you see it has the right to be exclusive and no disagreement can change that.

Apparently that's unture; The way I see it, something that affects gameplay to such an extent shouldn't be exclusive, without a way for the rest of us to attain the same (or nearly the same) result

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im also one of those who didn't have a chance to reach the top 100. as statet before: i have a real life, with family and social interaction and such. too bad i set my priorities wrong?

did i? i COULD have farmed the whole weekend if i really wanted to. but i rather spent the weekend with my family. it was up to me, i decided.


I'm sure most people will agree with me, dedicating a weekend to farming the drones is dumb. Stop acting like ANYONE AND EVERYONE can spend 40 of the ~60 hours the event was up for to farm drones.

if you have a job (like me for example) it's not up to me to decide. but still: this was a weekend event. it's that time of the week where the most people have the most time to spend. sounds pretty fair to me.


Right, DE not talking with us about the mod, people abusing the spawn bug, etc that's all fair.


so what? as stated before: this is just a problem of your ego

What, wanting the best gear is an ego problem? Clearly, you have a problem too then, a problem about this too, thinking that everything is fine and jolly.

so "communication error"? thats the most pathetic explanation i've heard yet. those who got to top 100 didn't know either. so what? still fair then. why do they have to tell you everything? where are the surprises? why do you think that you have the right to know something like that? i don't get where the need to omniscent wisdom about possible rewards comes from. it's like gripping to a last string: you have to give us that mod cause you were naughty enough, not to provide us with information.

You serious? Would you say this about Frost Prime? Suprises are great (i.e. snipetron BP) BUT random exclusives ARE NOT GOOD SURPRISES. Never are, never will be. Stop acting like it was a fun little surprise where everyone had a chance to grab it. Not everyone wanted to dedicate their life during the event to the stupid event, it was boring, it had to be done solo (for best results), and it was just a grindfest.

and now you're standing here and demanding to be treated equally because of that?

What, is it too much to ask for that DE communicate with us? Man, you must get suckered by every company out there if this is how you think...


what if this was never MEANT to be released to public?

Then they should have said so, or made it a tiered reward system (kill 20, get x, get 100 get x and y)


yep it's like this: just because you THINK you haven't been treated equally isn't a valid argument. again: it's all in your head

Just because you so it is, doesn't make it so. Otherwise I'm gonna pull that out too. All of your argument is invalid GG. Why? I said so (just like you did!)


i'm also falling under that category: so i can say this straight: just the lack of having enough free time to play, isn't a reason for you to think that you've been treated unfair. it would have been unfair if you'd been unable to play because of lags, or because just YOUR warframes have been nerfed and everyone elses still working fine.

So what? That would have been unfair too, unfairness isn't in one form at a time.

next thing: you'd ASSUMED it wouldn't be exclusive. you know schroedinger's cat? it basically means, you have to take care for ALL possible results. and not just for those what you think the best is.

Right, well when I microwave something, should I expect it to explode? Should I expect everything that's on the market tomorrow in WF to become exclusive? Should I expect it shut down today? That's a stupid argument.


again: they've statet that we'll get those guns. the mods were some kind of extra surprise. why do you need to know everything in advance? who said that you need those informations. that you've got a right for those informations?

Why not treat us with a little respect and tell us? What reason is there to NOT tell us?

i think most problems are because of 2 kinds of view: you still think you have the right to get those mods just because DE didn't said that they will be exclusive.

and i simply think, that this can't be the only reason and that it's definitly isn't a valid argument

lol, why? Because you said so? Then you're argument is invalid GG, bring some REAL reasons.

again: most problems here are ego-problems. you're not &!$$ed because DE communicated properly, you are &!$$ed because you didn't got that mod.

 Is it "ego" to want the best mods, to want to collect everything? Then you have an ego problem, you don't care enough about a game to want to be treated fairly (see, it has nothing to do with ego, JUST LIKE YOUR ARGUMENT WOW!)



As someone else said, it's not really about the mod, it's about the message. The item could have been anything, it doesn't matter. What matters is that DE keeps sending bad messages, that we can't "trust" them, they say something is exclusive (FP), then they reverse the decision (which was a good move), but still, the problem there was lack of communication (try and deny this, come on. It'll be funny).


Now there's another problem, a mod that no one had any idea was going to be exclusive, suddenly is. That's a COMMUNICATION problem (come on, why wouldn't they tell us? Why not say "Hey, the top 100 get an exclusive mod!"), try and deny it/chalk it up randomly to ego (which you have quite the one, let me tell you...), but it's a bad move. Lack of communication is not gonna help DE.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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We need it because it's a very powerful mod. Simply, unless you're paired with a Banshee, you can't one-shot plenty of high level enemies (And likely can't without Primed Chamber, but it DOES double your damage)


That's exactly the issue in the game; All the focus is on unlocking things, not using the things you unlock in the most effective way. Luckily, we are getting tough enough content now that we do need to focus on power, and this mod can grant that power.


According to 1), Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal should be re-released, along with Snipetron Vandal and Snipetron. I also disagree with 2), to some extent. While it isn't "necessary" for progression, neither is any other mod, technically, if you're defining progression simply as gaining weapons/mastery rank. Progression is more than that, though; I feel I made progress forma-ing my favorite guns, despite this assertion saying I didn't.



Once again, Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal would need to be re-released, following this logic.



They obviously can be debated, we're doing it now ;) Primed Chamber does allow you to do things you cannot do otherwise. Replacing an off-faction element with it would make one-shotting bosses easier, which is a sort of sport for me, some clan-mates, and several forum-goers.



Apparently that's unture; The way I see it, something that affects gameplay to such an extent shouldn't be exclusive, without a way for the rest of us to attain the same (or nearly the same) result

Rhino and Banshee both can do the job. In addition rifle amp, fully modded out (4 elements serration + split chamber and vital sense and point strike = no more space for primed chamber)


That is true that the lato vandal, snipetron vandal and braton vandal following this logic. However they are exceptions by default because they have been deemed event exclusive by their vandal tag. Frost prime has no tag to associate its exclusiveness except prime which the devs did not do so.


In addition snipetron should also be re-released as a weapon following this logic, but they took it away due to the fact it broke the games flow of ideas, overall it didn't make sense and they took it out.


Again on the debate part, we can't debate on the primed chamber. It is this whether you get the mod, or replace one of the mods, probably elemental, from your original mod which allows you to only twice your damage on the first shot. Thus this is only applicable to the snipetron vandal because of its 2 second reload. Overall this mod is not worth the penny of powerful since you are already doing close to x2 your damage (with elementals) for each.


This mod does not affect gameplay. You have no proof it even does. I even have no proof that it doesn't. But based on the overall gameplay, 100 players with the mod doesn't affect the gameplay in any fashion, only the players do. So you are telling me that the 100 players are bringing a very sizeable effect on the game? That this mod can too? Because from the way i see it, it doesn't. People just want it only to later find it is indeed useless unless you have the snipetron vandal. If this was abit two sided answer, because i addressed it from the point of the 100 players and mod itself, this mod has overall no effect but only a video of one-shotting an Ambulas which serves no exact point. Current mod builds can reach up to 6K of damage. Your primed chamber = 10k of damage. If 4K difference is so large, use a bow because bows already do more than the damage i am stating. Even the lanka can out-damage all these.


This mod is actually better exclusive, why is that? So people have a desire to get it, people like you. Not people who rather walk through the game feeling they have finished everything and that the game is worth nothing. It is better to have the carrot dangling to drive your play, not the carrot given because there are players filled with greed.

Edited by Jacate
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This mod is actually better exclusive, why is that? So people have a desire to get it, people like you. Not people who rather walk through the game feeling they have finished everything and that the game is worth nothing. It is better to have the carrot dangling to drive your play, not the carrot given because there are players filled with greed.

How is it a carrot? We can't get it, it's EXCLUSIVE. It's not a carrot, but a stick for collectors.

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How is it a carrot? We can't get it, it's EXCLUSIVE. It's not a carrot, but a stick for collectors.

If the carrot were placed out during events, think of the amount of activity possible. If the carrot was able to be acquired without that much hard work (except living), Would the turn out of hard work be less or more?

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If the carrot were placed out during events, think of the amount of activity possible. If the carrot was able to be acquired without that much hard work (except living), Would the turn out of hard work be less or more?

If they use a tier reward system instead of the top X, sure, but otherwise good luck competing with people willing to not sleep and abuse bugs (mostly) for it.

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If they use a tier reward system instead of the top X, sure, but otherwise good luck competing with people willing to not sleep and abuse bugs (mostly) for it.

Overall Tier system is also good, but people would still complain that they don't have enough time for this or that. That certain items are too high on the list they don't have the time. All those excuses are crap. Or that i should have stopped because i didn't know XX was a special reward, include all tier rewards after one passes milestone, etc, etc.


Not *everyone* one will be happy about it.

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Overall Tier system is also good, but people would still complain that they don't have enough time for this or that. That certain items are too high on the list they don't have the time. All those excuses are crap. Or that i should have stopped because i didn't know XX was a special reward, include all tier rewards after one passes milestone, etc, etc.


Not *everyone* one will be happy about it.

Well, can't please everyone, but it'd please the most people if they had it tiered. Plus it wouldn't require people to farm all weekend with no sleep for the extra rewards.

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On a game show, they show off the grand prize, let's say a new car, and only the winner gets it.  That doesn't mean nobody else can ever get a new car, but they have to work a lot for it, make enough money, and buy it.  They may also receive a trophy to commemorate their win, which ONLY they will have.  The trophy, however, is not practical and has no "market" value, only emotional value as memorabilia for the winner's accomplishment.


The car is the mod.  Winning it does not make it any less of a prize, just because other people can work hard to get one for themselves.   The show is advertising the car by having it as a prize, to drive people to desire one.  The trophy would be a cosmetic reward.  This would be nice to give the winners, something truly exclusive (similar to the clan statue rewards) to forever remind them of their achievement.

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On a game show, they show off the grand prize, let's say a new car, and only the winner gets it.  That doesn't mean nobody else can ever get a new car, but they have to work a lot for it, make enough money, and buy it.  They may also receive a trophy to commemorate their win, which ONLY they will have.  The trophy, however, is not practical and has no "market" value, only emotional value as memorabilia for the winner's accomplishment.


The car is the mod.  Winning it does not make it any less of a prize, just because other people can work hard to get one for themselves.   The show is advertising the car by having it as a prize, to drive people to desire one.  The trophy would be a cosmetic reward.  This would be nice to give the winners, something truly exclusive (similar to the clan statue rewards) to forever remind them of their achievement.

However there are cars that exist 10,5 or even 3 in the world and do other people complain it is unfair?


Well, can't please everyone, but it'd please the most people if they had it tiered. Plus it wouldn't require people to farm all weekend with no sleep for the extra rewards.

Both you and i know that we won't know who the "most people" are. Because their gratitude will be drowned in complaint. Then someone would claim the same as you, so really who are the most people? Because we can say things like doing things out for the greater good, but is there really a greater good?

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However there are cars that exist 10,5 or even 3 in the world and do other people complain it is unfair?


Both you and i know that we won't know who the "most people" are. Because their gratitude will be drowned in complaint. Then someone would claim the same as you, so really who are the most people? Because we can say things like doing things out for the greater good, but is there really a greater good?

Are 100 people really likely to be the biggest number satisfiable?

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However there are cars that exist 10,5 or even 3 in the world and do other people complain it is unfair?

You can eventually buy that car from that person, if they choose to sell it.

Also, DE can choose to make any unlimited number of these "cars"

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Are 100 people really likely to be the biggest number satisfiable?

Is any number for a matter of fact big enough? Because no matter how there will be complaints and there would be someone within them like you with good intentions that say they are doing it for the benefit of most of the people when we can agree, that we are only talking about those who were vocal, not those who were fine and gratified about it.


You can eventually buy that car from that person, if they choose to sell it.

Also, DE can choose to make any unlimited number of these "cars"

It is like how car companies can make 3 cars into infinite, yet they don't and they are seen as a rarity. Also for the first part i guess trading would solve this issue.

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