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May We Have Primed Chamber Now?


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Event done.. no Primed Chamber as a reward or in any loot table. Charged Chamber still underwhelmingly bad. DE.. time to make a move, this Topic is still not under the Table.

Stop wasting your time by jumping onto primed chamber topics and spamming the same damn thing. Suck it up.

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Event done.. no Primed Chamber as a reward or in any loot table. Charged Chamber still underwhelmingly bad. DE.. time to make a move, this Topic is still not under the Table.

Reviving this topic was not necessary.

You don't know what is or is not "under the table" for DE. Don't assume.

40% extra damage is not "bad."

Neither mods are necessary for a powerful build.


There. I said it. Stop reviving threads that involve this. I won't be posting any more about it because it's not worth attention.

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Here's the thing, IT'S 1 MOD THAT ONLY WORKS FOR SNIPERS, learn to adapt and play other weapons classes.

Ha, no, that's not the point. I personally dislike sniper weapons, they're fun, but they can't deal with the hordes that come at you, the point is they made a random mod exclusive for no reason, no announcement about it, nothing. Then they release an even worse version of the mod (costs 2 extra points for 60% less damage) THAT'S what is wrong here, not how good or bad the mod is.

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Ha, no, that's not the point. I personally dislike sniper weapons, they're fun, but they can't deal with the hordes that come at you, the point is they made a random mod exclusive for no reason, no announcement about it, nothing. Then they release an even worse version of the mod (costs 2 extra points for 60% less damage) THAT'S what is wrong here, not how good or bad the mod is.

Do you remember the progress that we made on the informer event? PAINFULLY SLOW, it's things like exclusive mods that really encourage people to throw time into this game in order for these events to be completed.

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Do you remember the progress that we made on the informer event? PAINFULLY SLOW, it's things like exclusive mods that really encourage people to throw time into this game in order for these events to be completed.

And why can't they be a timed exclusive? It only really motivated a few people because most people just couldn't compete with it.



 The whole "DE didn't provide us with all the info" spiel is bs, people are just mad they didn't get the reward and are using it as a crutch.

Right, because they secretly DID give us the info... Right I forgot about that...

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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We still aren't done with this?


DE, for god sake. For.. GOD... sake.. throw them the bone already.


Toss those of us in the top 100 a dead space walk animation with a toggle button, give them this stupid mod, and call it a day.

Or.. just make the walk animation, put it in the game, and give us a hologram for the other shoulder, some people are OCD about that stuff as I understand it. :P At least that'd spare the forums the clog of these threads being resurrected from the dead.. dead horse.. beaten.. blah.. meh.

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And why can't they be a timed exclusive? It only really motivated a few people because most people just couldn't compete with it.



Right, because they secretly DID give us the info... Right I forgot about that...


If people really cared about not getting all the info they'd be complaining about, oh I don't know, not getting all the info.  Instead we have complaints about not getting Primed Chamber, rather than "DE should give us the info in the future".  My point still stands.  People didn't really give a damn about info, they're just bitter they didn't get Primed Chamber.

Edited by Mega_Tyrant
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BS, almost every argument loops back to "I didn't get Primed Chamber, give me Primed Chamber", or in the case of the latest event "I didn't get 250 Points, give me 250 Points".  The lack of info is nothing more than a crutch, a facade, had they gotten Primed Chamber they wouldn't be starting topics about lack of info because they didn't really give a damn about it in the first place.  I'll admit some people genuinely care about not getting all the info, but they're in the minority.

Edited by Mega_Tyrant
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People are complaining about both.

And people have a right to do so because how to aquire Primed on one side and how bad charged is on the other side are things that are neither right nor fair. Again.. buff charged to 80% or make Primed publicly available asap. If nothing of that happens there will be more threads and complaints until the Braton gets buffed and the Vandal nerfed one of those happens.

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BS, almost every argument loops back to "I didn't get Primed Chamber, give me Primed Chamber", or in the case of the latest event "I didn't get 250 Points, give me 250 Points".  The lack of info is nothing more than a crutch, a facade, had they gotten Primed Chamber they wouldn't be starting topics about lack of info because they didn't really give a damn about it in the first place.  I'll admit some people genuinely care about not getting all the info, but they're in the minority.

No, how many more people would have complained if they had known, feedback would have been given MUCH earlier to tell DE it's a bad idea. It all loops back to primed BECAUSE that's what started it. See the connection?

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BS, almost every argument loops back to "I didn't get Primed Chamber, give me Primed Chamber", or in the case of the latest event "I didn't get 250 Points, give me 250 Points".  The lack of info is nothing more than a crutch, a facade, had they gotten Primed Chamber they wouldn't be starting topics about lack of info because they didn't really give a damn about it in the first place.  I'll admit some people genuinely care about not getting all the info, but they're in the minority.



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There is no BS in that. The point of the whole thread is not simply the primed chamber mod but the rather "exclusive" word in DE's vocabulary. It can mean anything. Frost prime was STATED to be exclusive. It isn't now. Mods from the same event were not stated exclusive, they are not exclusive. Primed chamber was not stated exclusive, yet it is exclusive. I don't see any logic there.

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There is no BS in that. The point of the whole thread is not simply the primed chamber mod but the rather "exclusive" word in DE's vocabulary. It can mean anything. Frost prime was STATED to be exclusive. It isn't now. Mods from the same event were not stated exclusive, they are not exclusive. Primed chamber was not stated exclusive, yet it is exclusive. I don't see any logic there.


Again that's information related.  So DE changed their minds and made Frost Prime not exclusive, they may have changed their minds and made Primed Chamber exclusive.  They just so happened not to share that with the community.  The point is very few gave a damn about the lack of info (or in the case of Frost Prime, false info) they're mad that they didn't get Primed Chamber or in the case of Frost Prime their shiny new exclusive toy isn't exactly exclusive anymore. It's also probably the reason a good chunk of the Primed Chamber owners (and some of those without it) don't want other to get Primed Chamber.  


The BS is in the fact that almost all the complaints lodged are claiming lack of info/false info as the main reason they're complaining, when the reality is they couldn't care less about lack of info/false info.

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Again that's information related.  So DE changed their minds and made Frost Prime not exclusive, they may have changed their minds and made Primed Chamber exclusive.  They just so happened not to share that with the community.  The point is very few gave a damn about the lack of info (or in the case of Frost Prime, false info) they're mad that they didn't get Primed Chamber or in the case of Frost Prime their shiny new exclusive toy isn't exactly exclusive anymore. It's also probably the reason a good chunk of the Primed Chamber owners (and some of those without it) don't want other to get Primed Chamber.  


Personally I think it's crap they claimed Frost Prime was going to be exclusive and then made it not, and I wasn't part of that event. I think they should have stuck to their guns.


I also - as one of the top 100 - want this thread to die, swiftly. To do that, I'm still shouting at DE often as I can >.> to replace our primed chamber with a dead spacey themed walk animation cosmetic cause.. that's what I personally want.. but hell, whatever works really. Just uh, DE, seriously, for the 40th time.. walk animations .. waaaalk.. animations.


Ahm, anyway. Lastly to note, they already said it's coming out in a future event, Primed Chamber I mean, future event, didn't specifically say this one, just a future one, it's confirmed, we know it's coming, let it go. You'll have your shot at it sooner or later, enjoy Charged in the meantime, I'd let you use my Primed but you know, they don't allow me sharing that dusty trophy.


But really.. walk animations... yesterday.. DE.. get it going.

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What we really need is bigger maps, designed for stealth/sniper play and Stealth Mission where you lose if you're spotted along with an overhaul to the stealth mechanics.  There are multiple games out there that do stealth well or well enough: Theif, Tenchu, Splinter Cell where they could draw ideas from.  Instead what do we have narrow hallways with low ceilings and giant metal doors that block our views and our space ninjas play like John Rambo instead of ninjas.  Hopefully this is addressed with the introduction of the Grineer home maps.  Also the voice work needs to be addressed for immersion. 

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