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My Planes of Eidolon Bucket list


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These are things that I would like DE to add eventually in PoE if not at Launch. 

-PvE zones is something I would like to see added. Maybe players from different syndicates can fight an enemy opposing syndicate

-So I think it would be cool to maybe have like where you could hunt down someone from another syndicate but you can have the option in the menu if you want that on or off. 

-I heard that there will only 4 players in the actual landscape/open world and not in the relay, I would like to see in the future if they don't add it at launch, to see more players in PoE. 

-Caves and dungeons, you do like these exploration places and you probably get a reward from it. Maybe like a affinity booster? Some sort of reward. Or you even get a unique weapon from the quest, fully built even maybe.

-I don't know if I am using the term correctly but daily "world bosses". So maybe every week, there is a strong boss that appears somewhere in the map and you fight it.

-I would like to see raids take place in PoE some time in the future.

-Daily quests added to PoE, these can be just small quests but I still would like to see them.

-I would like the world to feel alive. Like maybe an NPC is like in the background, amazed that you killed those huge sentient things (maybe he gives you a gift like a resource booster) or there is wildlife you can hunt, like Deer and not just birds.

-More operator hair

-I would like to see this get added atleast  sometime in PoE, like you don't have to just take a Primary like a rifle, a secondary like a pistol but you could take a Heavy sword, a medium sword and a light sword like a dagger all in one loadout/mission at the same time. 3 melee weapons at the same time.

What would you like to see get eventually get added in? 


Edited by CaptainStrawberry
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Daily Bosses? While I would, too, like to see that, I have to say: How is DE going to do that? It took them years to add birds to the game, our weapons still sound like oversized waterguns, most of them aren't even animated (reload animation, etc.), we still don't have a "walk" button, the relays are lagging like hell if there's more than 8 people,  RNG still sucks, and most of all WF isn't a MMORPG like Elder Scrolls Online, etc.


I doubt we will get daily bosses if DE can't even add a walk button and force us to use controllers for it instead.


As for what I would like to see, in general, are:

-more stances for swords, claws and scythes

-better soundeffects and visual effects

-new animations

-MOAR weapons! (duh...), especially that GOD DAMNED PUMPGUN! Where is it!?

-New enemies and improved AI

-and just to satisfy my bloodlust, I want an option for corpses and blood to stay forever until they either reach a limit set in the options or until you get out of render distance.

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13 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

No walk button.

Try the / on the numpad. MMOs typically assign this to walk mode, but I agree, we need even slower walking levels so our Warframes can walk in slow motion, creeping up on a Grineer Lancer, and then stab. Along with that walk improvement should be the hips and legs not rotating with the upper torso until you looked/rotated (while weapons-ready or zooming) beyond the 75-degree view angle, like most enemies and allies when not aiming but at weapons-ready or firing behind themselves.

With this in mind, we need rotation animations for a lot of legged characters.

What I want to see in Plains:



-Conclave stances usable outside of Conclave to sate the desire for more stances.

-A 'sat crouch' animation so you can go to the top of something and watch ominously, like a ninja, instead of one in the night with the left hand on the floor.


-Sentient dropship and quadruped hinted at a while back to expand Hunhow's awakening legions.

-PBR'd Corpus, Grineer, and Tenno weapons/frames/things that haven't gotten this treatment. Rhino, Nekros, a lot of alt helmets, Excal Proto skin, etc... MUST have this treatment.

-Sugatra usable on guns.

-Gun holster sliders.

-Syandana position sliders.

-More colour palettes.

-Sentient weapons.-Quest for every boss that doesn't have a quest involving that boss. 



Bosses include: Jackal Protocol (Venus; Jackal: ACTIVATE), Kril's Gauntlet (Mars; You've been challenged), Sergeant's Orders (Phobos; stop Corpus from shipping dead/sleeping 'frames to Jupiter), Vor's Revenge (Ceres; explains his reappearance through Janus Key), The Zanuka Program (Jupiter; Alad narrating with updated situation aftermath of shadow-debt event), Raptor Initiative (Europa; Raptors; ONLINE), Believe in the Void (Void; Vor gets to preach to the System and gets put on Lotus' ignore list), Ruk's Command (Saturn; Ruk stealing our mining operations), The Index (Neptune; replayable; take part in the Index Tournaments, Mastery-appropriate levels), Ambulas REBORN! (Pluto; Ambulas is reborn; stop Ambulas, trace the signal, terminate source), and This is Rathuum (Sedna; Kela wants you to test your skills to be confirmed for Rathuum eligibility).

These quests may use pre-existing dialog and/or new dialog, and should be perceives a short, essential tidbits of lore that also educate you as to HOW, WHY, and WHO the bosses are, and WHAT they represent. Oh, and they deserve to be replayable. All of them.


-Rework for Sergeant, Kril, Hyena pack, and Phorid, at least visually and audibly, but for Segeant, definitely functionally. Sergeant could do with being an official Corpus 'Nemesis Prodman'.



Edited by Koldraxon-732
More quests, with bosses we haven't made use of in quests!
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What if we get some new open world map for hardcore players its 1vs all like some wild west. And the missions have the best rewards. 1 problem is you need group of players to hellp you finish some dungen hunt or something. And if you are solo there is a enemy in the map and there are players who can kill you and take you all the platinum or rewards 😁👏👏👌 and i agree with you for more operator hairs 

Edited by Vlada91
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I personally would want for us to be able to invest our resources/credits into the cetus colony, to improve it, adding new buildings(huts?, tents?) to Settlement, adding new functionality to settlement and plains themselves, for example, one of investments could unlock ability to hunt animals(since we can fish why not hunt other animals like birds, wild kubrows, the bunny-like animal that is supposed to be in game(or is it already in game?) and other animals, some of other possibilties to unlock through investment:

-new lunaro arena - it would be added visibly to town and of course it would be added to play from pvp menu, it would be interesting if it would be possible to organize lunaro game in settlement and for other players to watch it if they want to :)

-hut/tent/building that unlocks new way to find lore, like for example archeological dig site that lets us unlock lore about past of warframe world like what happen to earth exactly, did humans we know become orokin throught evolution(natural or artificial), or new lore about sentiets after researching stuff left from them on the plains, or maybe unlock lore about living tower, and other possibilities.

Why I want to be able to invest resoruces/credits, because I think its amazing when players can help shape(or at least feel like they are shaping) stuff in game, another reason is that it would be good resource sink for community, we know that DE doesnt want community to have so much of resources as we have currently, you may or may not agree with this opinion but of all the things DE could do to overcome this problem, community-wide resource sink would be best choice, since Hema was very bad way to do it since it hits some people harder then others(my small doesnt even have half of mutagen samples to research hema), community-wide sink would be more fair since people who have more resources then other would invest more while people who have less would invest less(the more you have the more you are willing to spend, while leaving some for the future) which would better balance resources of community.

Third reason is that it would in a way would be voting for what we want in game, what we invest the most in would show DE what we want more of, on other hand it would show what community doesnt care about because its not interesting(which means DE would know what community doesnt care about and/or is in bad shape and need big improvements)

Edited by Culaio
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On 7/15/2017 at 6:46 PM, Miser_able said:

I think they already said they panned on having caves and stuff. 

What I want though is some form of base camp so we don't have to leave to do things like access the foundry, switch stuff, etc. 


Where did they say this?

Why do they not like Caves? Caves are awesome.



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52 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

I said they DO like caves. 

You wrote "they panned on having caves and stuff." 


11. Also, panning. an unfavorable review, critique, or appraisal:

13.Informal. to criticize severely

I took it to mean they didnt like the idea of having caves. But I see now it was a typo. 


Edited by BetaNoire
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4 minutes ago, BetaNoire said:

You wrote "they panned on having caves and stuff." 


11. Also, panning. an unfavorable review, critique, or appraisal:

13.Informal. to criticize severely

I took it to mean they didnt like the idea of having caves. But I see now it was a typo. 


Heh. You read it in your mind as "they panned the idea of having caves" basically. LOL. :smile:

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