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The Boars got the short end of the stick and needs a buff.


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Remember when shotguns got a well deserved buff a few years ago? Of all the shotguns the Boar did not really benefited much and feels underwhelming compared to the other boom sticks of death. I'm not saying it's completely useless either but you know what I mean!

Could it get another look, please? And why does it sound like it was suppressed? I want to feel like Terry Crews in The Expendable movie.:cool:

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I do agree with the ammo efficiency problem, but I feel it serves as a different weapon type than, for example, the Tigris. A Boar acts as more of a consistent damage dealer (until of course ammo goes byebye), whereas the Tigris is incredible damage, and the cost of consistency.

If we really want to talk short-end of the stick, talk to the Phage. With its costs, and after the shotgun category got a look over, I would've expected to at least enjoy using the weapon. Can't say I do.

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On 26.7.2017 at 5:34 AM, (Xbox One)DomTheKilleur said:

Remember when shotguns got a well deserved buff a few years ago? Of all the shotguns the Boar did not really benefited much and feels underwhelming compared to the other boom sticks of death. I'm not saying it's completely useless either but you know what I mean!

Could it get another look, please? And why does it sound like it was suppressed? I want to feel like Terry Crews in The Expendable movie.:cool:

Both status shotguns got nerfed into not really viable weapons during the shotgun changes(to be fair they where the only ones that where really used back then and quite powerful weapons compared to soma or boltor prime at high levels vs armor) what was fairly pointless given that Hek and Tigris outclassed both in her niche even in Sortis at this point.

On 26.7.2017 at 5:38 AM, (PS4)HarryMuff said:

Yeah, I want to love the Boar Prime, but it's just too damned weak. Even with 100% status chance. It just needs a straight up damage buff.

The thing is a lot of people love to post how "good" it is in the similcarium while they never used it on 1h+ solo runs in the void where corrosive blast is utterly terrible for dps(on all status shotguns) and they would probably need large ammo restore every 30s. However what the gun lacks is not damage, but the 40% base status it had. You can add this with a riven(since DE will probably never fix it anyway).

It is probably one of the most balanced shotguns in the game(it does not make other weapons obsolete at lower levels and is very consistent and effective in it's anti armor niche at high levels for solo), quite different to the Heks and Tigris that are poorly tuned to make most of her weapon class pointless to use or the Tigris prime what just follows the trend of throwing best in game status on already best in game damage weapons for no reason but to just run into a endless power creep spiral with future weapons.

On 26.7.2017 at 6:22 PM, HunRii said:

Boar Prime, the shotgun everyone wants to like, but no one does.  It's just weak.  I use Tigris Prime, or Vaykor Hek, in shotgun only missions.  They are vastly superior in so many ways.

I like it, it was my most used weapon before the status shotgun nerfs in U17 and I used it again since you can fix it with a riven with status chance on it. One of the few cases where you can get something productive out of the mess that DE does with game balance in the last few years. 

However the Boars do share that with the other shotguns compared to the Hek and Tigris. The problem is not with the boars but that shotgun weapon class balance is not that good and could use a lot of work. However given that DE literally ignored every single problem with weapons in the class in favour of just upping the damage in U17 and did the same thing again with the secondary shotguns a bit ago, chances to ever see decent weapon class balance for shotguns would be nothing I would bet money on at this point.

Edited by Djego27
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The problem with the Boars is that they are designed for close combat. But in WF close combat is rather be solved with a good melee weapon.

Turning them into a Tigris or even a Strun like weapon would make them redundant Mastery fodder.

As of now you can at least hope for a good riven and have the fun of your live CCing or melting large numbers of enemies while running around in your damage buffing and iron skinned Rhino.

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On 26.7.2017 at 6:22 PM, HunRii said:

Boar Prime, the shotgun everyone wants to like, but no one does.  It's just weak.  I use Tigris Prime, or Vaykor Hek, in shotgun only missions.  They are vastly superior in so many ways.

Oh boo hoo, Tigris PRIME and Vaykor Hek are vastly superior to anything in so many ways...

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A shotgun with low accuracy and strong recoil, but able to deliver its payload in full-auto. The Boar is best used at close range.

·        Critical chance 10% > 15%

·        Status chance 20% > 25%

·        Reload time 2.7s > 2.4s

·        Mastery requirement 2 > 3

Decent buff.


Boar Prime


One of the finest examples of Tenno craftsmanship, the Boar Prime offers a higher rate of fire and clip size together with a slight increase in per-shot damage.

·        Base damage 184 > 220   (119.6/27.6/37.8  > 140/35/45)

·        Reload time 2.8s > 2.4s

·        Mastery requirement 2 > 8

Significant buff.

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What exactly has damage to do with it? The gun received a damage buff with the shotgun changes that at the same time with the base status chance reduction. Fast forward 2 years and it got a strong riven status and you never see it in any sorti(I never seen another player in them with it over the years).

Even back in the days before the shotgun changes it was not a often used weapon, since people same as today do not fully understand the mechanics of status shotguns, it has quite a few drawbacks and is fairly situational. However it was far superior in the void already 50 minutes into a survival, by the ability to scale very linear against high armor levels, to the Soma/Boltor prime what where considered to be the best weapons back then.

If you fix it by adding status with a riven(the other stats do not really matter) you can solo L100 extra armor sorti survival on the kuva fortress with it(with Ember, no cheese needed) what is more then most weapon in the game actually can. The problem is just even in a fixed state the niche of it is incredible small this days where a lot of other weapons are far less limited and just as or more effective in the niche the boar prime once had. This is however not the issue of the boar prime or it's damage but a issue with overall weapon balance.


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I think op is wrong. Boar has the long end of the stick because of its strong riven disposition. I have a riven with a 140% status chance, with two dual stat mods it reaches 100%. I know people out there hate on rivens but ultimately it is riven mods that currently decide a weapon's potential. If it's stats are buffed its disposition will be lowered ultimately lowering the weapon's potential. Look at hek and Tigris, rivens are useless for them as far as I'm concerned. Boar p is a gem in the rough capable of easily hitting 100%status chance with an easy to roll riven stat. Status chance is a common roll. I prefer they leave it as is making it one of the strongest shotguns.

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That is not correct, it got strong riven disposition because incredible low usage, quite similar to most other shotguns. Even I as somebody that had it as his most used weapon in the hole game did not use it at all in that state. Keep in mind that is from somebody that actually likes the weapon mechanical, knows how status shotguns work and uses a frame where the weapon is very good on(like 1s kills speed on a L120+ eximus corrupted bombard good over 2 years ago where most of the OP guns of today did not exist).

Rivens are terrible, even more so on weapons that really need them to fix DEs vision of balance where the highest per shot shotgun got the same status chance as a weapon that got the lowest one and that stands and falls with that(the reason why there was no reason at all to use it for 1.5 years). This is incredible bad design and balance. The Tigris/Hek rivens are still better in the end, given that they add more than another mod to already over performing weapons that can do sortis without any kind of status mods and are similar effective against armored and unarmored targets(that scale much faster with HP, you can easily check that out if you run Tigris\Hek vs Boar prime for 40-60 waves of infested, grenier, corrupted or corpus defence solo).

Also the 140% vs any 60% roll for status do not make a big difference, what you simply need is to emulate the 40% base status it had before(what you can do with any 60% status roll) to get more useful elemental combos then corrosive/blast(what is terrible for kill speed on a low damage gun). In the end, with 40% base status(what it does not have since 2 years) it is one of the best weapons from a design point of view, given that it is not a very good low level weapon, it does not make other weapons in it's class useless, it will be just a bad shotgun if you do not understand it's mechanics and it actually comes with quite a few flaws. Nothingness it can beat meta guns in higher level content, in it's very specific niche(assuming you use a lot of frame powers and arcane buffs to do so, otherwise Tigris\Hek or similar broken weapons all the way). It was actually a lot more of a interesting weapon years ago where it did more or less the same, it has seen better days and that days are most likely not going to return, given that it most likely does never get fixed(with 40% base status) and there are a metric ton of weapons that can do just as good if not better in it's niche, while being far more universal given incredible high damage is good against everything, the highest proc rate in the hole game is not, it is just very good against one single thing.

Edited by Djego27
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