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Coming Soon: Devstream #96!


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With the approaching of PoE and with it Tenno Armor, will we have the opportunity to place syandanas on our operators any time soon? Also for those of us who enjoy our operators current outfits, will there be an option to hide the armor, or perhaps still see portions of our suits under the armor?

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1: any news on melee stances, for such weapons as mios, or any new melee weapons coming out with stances that will be unique in the game?

2: happy to see a teaser for umbra but will his powers be the same as excal and excal prime or will he be different in a more darker sense?

3: Is there going to be more lore like how yall did harrow, because harrows so far i find to be the best overall on how it was done and I personally loved it?

4: When id the damage rework going to drop and how will it effect our game play in general to modding?

5: Will the new damage system mess with our mods in certain ways such as pressure point being taken away or how mods will be effected in general to the system?

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I got a few questions:

  • Now that PoE is revealed and the hype train is going to fast the friction is melting the rails, are you able to give a more accurate time-frame other than "in 2017" yet?
  • Now because enemies are not going to be hunting you down from across the map 24/7, what will the Affinity situation be like on PoE? Because if it is too low it will most likely discourage players from spending more time on the node.
    • Will there be Affinity rewards from completing quests in the plains to make up for the lack of enemy-based Affinity?
  • We saw that big monster thing at the end of the PoE gameplay demo, so is there only going to be one big enemy on release or will there be multiple big baddies?
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Still good and well done DE, I have one question for future updates:

Will you ever add effects on Warframes element, another way of boosting them and/or adding there damage/efficiency/duration/power when a Warframe touches an area that is sided to there abilities?


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Address the lack of information about rotations on Archwing Pursuit Rotations. Drop tables you gave indicate there are rotations, and one (B rotation) I'd like to access. But no matter how I finish the mission, I seem to get rotation A. And I cannot find a concrete answer anywhere online either.

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On 7/26/2017 at 0:25 PM, Bl4zko said:

- The normal Snipetron, Lato Vandal, Braton Vandal. Anything planned for bringing back these weapons?
- Any news on Hydroid's rework?
- Looking currently at your foundry, at the moment we have a counter of how many forma we have on each equipment, would it be possible to also have a way to see if that equipment has an orokin catalyst or reactor on it? This would also be cool to have in the Inventory, especially because if we have 2 of the same weapon and we want to sell one for example, it's impossible to tell which has forma/potato and which doesn't.
- Also any news or progress on the next Deluxe Skin?
- Is there anything planned for Riven Mods, or is it done now that Melee rivens are out?
- About that Stalker mode shown on Tenno Con and also on a Prime Time stream, have you guys considered putting that into the game? It really looked like fun.
- Any new event/operation planned for the summer?
- Clan kingpin system, is it coming soonish or later this year?

Happy to see you all on the couch again :D


On 7/26/2017 at 0:28 PM, Basqui said:

Will you be implementing dedicated warframe slots for arcane enhancements instead of them being on helmets and syandanas?
Also, any plans on increasing the drop rates of mutagen samples? i still need 1200 for the hema research in my dojo. 
Thanks in advance!


On 7/26/2017 at 0:28 PM, Emberlynx said:

With the introduction of sidearm+melee combinations, will we be able to use a sidearm with a shield at any point?

First off all of these above


Why is it that a ship tileset is always not exactly in the shape of a ship?

It seems weird now that there is an open world earth tileset that the Grineer galleon would not always be the same. To keep something like that fresh we would always have a objective in a random place so we would have to travel to it, or we would have to use secret paths to get places.

after that why are you incentivized not to stay accurate with sniper rifles? The addition of sway and no scope inaccuracy makes no sense, one we are a machine fueled by the power of the warp, how is a sniper heavy enough to make us not hold it still when aiming? two why is there a timer for the combo, it makes sense foe melee but not for snipers, snipers are meant to land hits consistently, not frequently. thirdly, the addition of multiple zoom lvls makes us want to stay back in more open areas to take some out from a distance, that doesn't help if to do the most damage you have to be zoomed in all the way, which does not help when they get close. make it always have the extra boost at maximum at all lvls not just max zoom.

Edited by Darkvramp
added the stuff on snipers
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On 7/26/2017 at 0:32 PM, FollowTheFaceless said:

Question about "Operator Only" content (missions/modes/etc.). Sheldon said to ask about it on next Devstream :3

UPD: Will you look into doing something with riven drop problem? It feels unfair when someone gets 10 rivens in a row and other one get same quantity of some crap in the same row.

token system would allow us to get what we want not what RNGesus wants

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Why can't sortides drop 4 random focus lenses, having the greater one being a reward from the pool is not bad, but getting a normal is just insulting, and you need 4 of one type to make it useful


Why is it that the derelicts are filled with modern infested like the chargers and runners, when these areas are supposed to be old and not known to the modern groups.

Similar question, why are there grineer units from a corpus only  outpost that got infested?

Why are there mutalist units in the derelict as well, that is a new strain that should only really be on eris?


Why is eris only taking place on corpus space hulks/derelicts? What about the planet below?


Why is there no real AI use for the commander unit, something that orders the units around, changing the way they may move or fire at you when he is alive?


Shortcut on keyboard for inventory, why is this not a thing?

Corpus corporation faction coloring and patterns plus weapon combos?

    Alad V Corp has like specific units that only appears on Jupiter with specifically colored moas and crewman. something like that

Why are there not hyena proxy units in regular missions? Why are they only a boss?


Why moas don't have a like a regular gun attached their heads instead they have that laser blaster looking thing that is non distinctive and does nothing to the profile of each moa if it only changed color to represent a different class of moa? Why can't the regular moa have a tetra on its head, the shockwave moa has 2 detrons attach at an angle on a brace on their heads, and the railgun moas having  like  a  brand new railgun corpus weapon on their heads?`

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So I was pretty excited for the open world of warframe, but there are still some concerns on it, here are my questions: 

1. Seens it's an open world and enemy are random being in the world, I was asking will there be new special force and dungeons wondering at some specific place?

2. How is costuming mods while playing in the outside world?

3. Will there be different biomes with different affects on player in the Plain of Eidolon?


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Will we see an eventual separation of the rifle class to include subclasses like sub machinegun, heavy machinegun or light machinegun?(especially if you are to change archwing weapons and bring them into the normal game) guns like the soma would do well with a change like additional mods that add overheat damage or special effects the longer you fire.

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Can the Orikin tower be like a Dungeon where we can get some good loot or maybe an underground one in the plains it's self?

Will there be a kubrow rework or at least something that makes people want to use them over kavats?

Can we have snipers in the plains be silent after a certian distance? 

Also how would you put an open world map on the Jupiter?....... No seriously how?


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Currently the best XP, credit, relic and endo farms are all the infested faction. Playing vs the same faction over and over to grind out gear gets really dull. Will plains of Eidolon offer new ways to level gear so that we don't have to visit Akkad so much?

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On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 10:18 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:


Join us this Friday, July 28th for Devstream #96 – our first appearance since TennoCon 2017!   

Who:  Rebecca, Steve, Sheldon, Geoff and Scott! 

What:  The last time you saw us was at TennoCon 2017 where we surprised you all with the Plains of Eidolon announcement! Devstream #96 is going to dive into more detail about what you saw in the gameplay demo and revisit Cetus and the Plains. 
Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes and during the Livestream as well as an Oberon Prime Access! 

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us this Friday, July 28th at 2 p.m ET!  

If you have questions about the Plains of Eidolon, post them below! This thread closes at 10 a.m. on July 28th!  We are also interested in what your reaction was to the reveals! 

Can't wait

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