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Trinity need instant skills, this frame die´s all the time if the skill load need´s over 2sec thats so lol and useless -_-

I cant understand why no more player any more tell here.


Fix´it pls the skill time, i cant help any player fast enough with this slow gameplay on Trinity Frame THX for reading!

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And I hate to say it, but Trinity isn't a "push 4 to save everyone's &#! instantly" frame. Have some foresight and common sense when using Blessing. She is a "push 3 to save your own &#! instantly" frame though.

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trinity works great; it is my favorite frame up to now... saving everybody's &#! xD

the only thing bothering me is the useless heal. maybe it could be changed to restoring shields instead of hp? or giving an armor bonus?

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And I hate to say it, but Trinity isn't a "push 4 to save everyone's &#! instantly" frame. Have some foresight and common sense when using Blessing. She is a "push 3 to save your own &#! instantly" frame though.

her skills are balanced for old combat in the same old ship fightign the same weak mobs


honestly you know how to use her as a tank with a slow long heal

but in this new combat she needs to be a buffer supprt with decent normal stats 150 hp 100 shield 50 armor all fast skills and team buffs like invincability and healing overtime really fast it would make more sence then her stop and heal or save her &#! strats

like what if link was replaced with a really strong fast heal overtime that heals everyone and her ulty was press 4 to make everyone invicable instatnly that alone would bring her up to speed

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her skills are balanced for old combat in the same old ship fightign the same weak mobs


honestly you know how to use her as a tank with a slow long heal

but in this new combat she needs to be a buffer supprt with decent normal stats 150 hp 100 shield 50 armor all fast skills and team buffs like invincability and healing overtime really fast it would make more sence then her stop and heal or save her &#! strats

like what if link was replaced with a really strong fast heal overtime that heals everyone and her ulty was press 4 to make everyone invicable instatnly that alone would bring her up to speed

Yeah you made that suggestion before.


Trinity is kinda OK atm, not exactly urgently hurting for a rework(though Well of Life needs one, and Blessing and Link are a bit of an issue... sort of).


Leave her stats as it is. Healers and mages generally have low base defensive stats but have good defensive abilities/spells/skills in games(Trinity fits this with 100health 100 shields 10 armour). Link is fine, but it lasts a little long(constitution aura continuity hurrdurr). Possible 'balancing' for Link could be to lower its range or duration.


Blessing's cool, the casting animation probably helps to balance it out. What's wrong with it is the delay before the heal is ACTUALLY applied(if you don't know what I'm talking about, see how long it takes for people to heal after Trinity finishes her animation).


Not even gonna talk about Well of Life. Already considering Formaing one of Trinity's ability slots to a V cause its so dumb.


Not here to argue about Trinity though. @OP: Trinity is pretty hard to kill, practice with her a bit. Feel free to ask around if you need help with building your mod loadout.

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I'm with Ami on this one. Well of Life needs tweaks (as Blessing is infinitely better than it), Link could use a little bit of a nerf (though Trinity is by far my favorite frame for infested defense... nothing like charging into a toxic mosh and giving absolutely zero f**ks (EDIT: I actually had to censor that for the forums lol)... so long as they're not the last thing you kill (learend that one the hard way lololol), and Blessing needs a speedup. Was really sad, twice I had the heal go out immediately after someone dropped :(


But yeah, if you're dieing "all the time" on Trinity you're doing it wrong. If you have to count your Link duration out loud, do so (I did till I got a good feel for it). It's a trick I used back when playing Vindictus to learn iframe timings for Evie's Blink, and back on RO to prevent my linker from accidentally stunning herself when Eswoo-ing.


And if you need to, chain Blessing off of the tail end of your Link to get invulnerability to re-cast Link. Oooor just get a shade, half the time my Myon ghosted me during the Link recast.

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Yeah you made that suggestion before.


Trinity is kinda OK atm, not exactly urgently hurting for a rework(though Well of Life needs one, and Blessing and Link are a bit of an issue... sort of).


Leave her stats as it is. Healers and mages generally have low base defensive stats but have good defensive abilities/spells/skills in games(Trinity fits this with 100health 100 shields 10 armour). Link is fine, but it lasts a little long(constitution aura continuity hurrdurr). Possible 'balancing' for Link could be to lower its range or duration.


Blessing's cool, the casting animation probably helps to balance it out. What's wrong with it is the delay before the heal is ACTUALLY applied(if you don't know what I'm talking about, see how long it takes for people to heal after Trinity finishes her animation).


Not even gonna talk about Well of Life. Already considering Formaing one of Trinity's ability slots to a V cause its so dumb.


Not here to argue about Trinity though. @OP: Trinity is pretty hard to kill, practice with her a bit. Feel free to ask around if you need help with building your mod loadout.


Blessing is so slow because of link they had to cram so much onto it since they are only 4 slots for skills if link was not there it would be faster ect.


I already did make a skills slot a V it was my 2nd forma after making one of the useless D slots a -

currently i have - aura 3 -s, 1 D, 1 V, 3 Skill

and with link i don't even need that D I mostly use it for stam in the original game i could see using the Ds back when energy was one time pickup between the team and mods where random and we had skill trees but times have changed the game has changed trinity's skills don't match up with the game currently she is under the microscope now with ember they said so in the last livestream this is the time to talk about her or damn her to forever be just a tank this game does not need


fast casting invincabilitys heals that are faster and potent a better 1st 3rd and 4th that are more about survivability for her AND the team that can be cast while moving or jumping

maybe even a revision of her mesh like ember got so she no longer looks like a guy ember got a great transformation when they got rid of the original guy mesh instead of keeping the modified guy mesh

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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I wouldn't mind seeing well of life/energy siphon transfer to the nearest enemy upon enemy death, or everyone in the party getting energy/health from one person shooting the target(that being said, energy siphon isn't really broken).  I also wouldn't mind seeing link be an AOE that hits a set number of enemies within a certain radius.


Blessing seems to be the elephant in the room on this one, I have yet to find myself in a situation where blessing has saved me/a teammate mostly due to its really inconvenient cast time.  Blessing is supposed to be an "Oh Sh*t" button, but in its current state doesn't come to par with other warframe's ults or even some abilities(ex. the short cast time of rhino skin and the instant cast time of link).


That being said I don't think Trinity is a broken character, but some of her abilities need work to fit in with the newer gameplay.

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I wouldn't mind seeing well of life/energy siphon transfer to the nearest enemy upon enemy death, or everyone in the party getting energy/health from one person shooting the target(that being said, energy siphon isn't really broken).  I also wouldn't mind seeing link be an AOE that hits a set number of enemies within a certain radius.


Blessing seems to be the elephant in the room on this one, I have yet to find myself in a situation where blessing has saved me/a teammate mostly due to its really inconvenient cast time.  Blessing is supposed to be an "Oh Sh*t" button, but in its current state doesn't come to par with other warframe's ults or even some abilities(ex. the short cast time of rhino skin and the instant cast time of link).


That being said I don't think Trinity is a broken character, but some of her abilities need work to fit in with the newer gameplay.

like i said because link is so good and taking up a slot blessing has to be slow and do everything

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like i said because link is so good and taking up a slot blessing has to be slow and do everything

I Could understand a 1-1.5 second cast time but not how long it currently is.  The only way I could see justifying the current cast time is if it not only gave full health and shields but also gave full energy.


If the changes that I proposed were made blessing could almost be done away with entirely to replace it with a different skill.

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I Could understand a 1-1.5 second cast time but not how long it currently is.  The only way I could see justifying the current cast time is if it not only gave full health and shields but also gave full energy.


If the changes that I proposed were made blessing could almost be done away with entirely to replace it with a different skill.

iv suggested this before


a throwing knife that explodes into a healing poison cloud

energy vamp being an energy well you put on the ground and run thu to gain energy regen

a ship wide heal that regens loads of hp over time and overheals

ulti that makes everyone invincible instantly it will be just like link for thos selfish solo trinities and be better then blessing for us support type trinities

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And I hate to say it, but Trinity isn't a "push 4 to save everyone's &#! instantly" frame. Have some foresight and common sense when using Blessing. She is a "push 3 to save your own &#! instantly" frame though.

Was, no invulnerability frames and the delay on start up makes it less of an 'oh crap' button and more of a planned use skill now.

MoyuTheMedic, on 19 Jul 2013 - 2:59 PM, said:snapback.png

Blessing is so slow because of link they had to cram so much onto it since they are only 4 slots for skills if link was not there it would be faster ect.


I already did make a skills slot a V it was my 2nd forma after making one of the useless D slots a -

currently i have - aura 3 -s, 1 D, 1 V, 3 Skill

and with link i don't even need that D I mostly use it for stam in the original game i could see using the Ds back when energy was one time pickup between the team and mods where random and we had skill trees but times have changed the game has changed trinity's skills don't match up with the game currently she is under the microscope now with ember they said so in the last livestream this is the time to talk about her or damn her to forever be just a tank this game does not need


fast casting invincabilitys heals that are faster and potent a better 1st 3rd and 4th that are more about survivability for her AND the team that can be cast while moving or jumping

maybe even a revision of her mesh like ember got so she no longer looks like a guy ember got a great transformation when they got rid of the original guy mesh instead of keeping the modified guy mesh

The 3 is already good for allowing you to revive while invulnerable. The only other frame that's close is the Rhino and now that he's damage capped on Iron Skin, Trinity is your only reliable reviving frame. Everything else uses a CC mechanic that could be countered by either being outside the reach or inside your frost bubble. That said, I do agree that the 1, 3, and 4 are due for some revision. I would like to see the 1 and 2 transfer targets, as another poster mentioned. It's fairly upsetting at the moment to have to wait while the corpse of the guy I just set up is eating up my usage of my 1 or 2.

Edited by Arunasoul
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Now then, what I'd like to see them do is focus on Trinity being more of a Commander's Warframe. At the moment it's the only Warframe with target marking abilities that reward your squad for hitting targets that you want dead. I'm fine with the slight annoyance of losing the chance to fill up my own energy if the squad actually focuses anything with a Well of Life or Vampire on it.


That said, there's three things that might benefit the Trinity more then giving it offensive powers, since it wasn't originally envisioned as a offensive frame it's not likely they'd implement damage powers anyway.


1, combine well of life and vampire. If you do that, you open up a skill slot for something else, possibly more useful, and the two that practically overlap in their overall application and usage would be one move that people wouldn't have as much of a problem with. Even better if it retains a 25 energy cost.


2, Implement a shield restore on the existing well of life (unless option one is followed, in which case the combined trinity of restore would be far too OP to balance without making the cost too stupid to difficult to deal with) so that allies hitting the target are healed for both health and shields, increasing squad survivability ten thousand fold over the original design of Well of Life.


3, Remove the ridiculously low cap on Well of life. 100 health? What am I healing? Level 0 Warframes? How do I keep my team alive if the thing getting pounded on cause they all need health dies and they have 110/700 health? It's not right for end tier content to have such a crazy low cap on Well of Life, since it means we have to use 100 energy instead of 25 to heal ANY member of our team, and not just 1 or 2 people who got chewed up from bad positioning or being crazy melee psychopathic whirlwinds of awesome. Let me heal my swords-people so I can show my love to my cute little psychopaths.



Number 3 should be obvious for any who play Trinity a bunch (was my favorite warframe before I hit number 4 on Nova, now Trinity's my second favorite, mostly cause she can't quite match up to other Warframes right now since damage and utility is surpassing the need for heals) it's the other 2 that would require more attention. The first one is only really viable if number 3 is done at the same time, I don't think the spam-ability of 25 energy would quite break the balance with it's current 100 energy and health restore cap out, but with a three hundred health cap out and a 100 energy cap out at 25 energy to mark would make it much more balanced overall, not to mention a slot would be opened up for something new if they merge Vampire and Well.



Also other than cast time, number 4 isn't that bad right now. I agree the animation is a tad long considering it's energy cost makes you a little cautious on it's use. The major use I have for it at the moment is a heal between defense waves or as things are getting crazy and I know people are going to start dropping like flies from a burrito fart. Invulnerability takes them past the initial pain of a massive wave in defense, and the heal gives them the ability to fight at their best for a bit before maybe another cast in about fifteen seconds if they got careless. It's an amazing ability and they could probably fix it up with a 10 to 25% decrease in cast time. I can't, however, say that giving full energy to everyone is fair under any circumstances, let alone on an ability that provides complete invulnerability for a duration, heals to full health and shields. That opens up the'Ult Cycling' exploit where 2 Trinity's would ult over and over while 2 other Warframes killed everything, invulnerable, spamming powers, perma healed, and the 2 Trinity's would only have issues if CC'ed endlessly. I know your heart was in the right place, but adding energy restore to the ult would break the game on the spot via 'Ult Cycling'. I don't like completely shooting down an idea, but that one can't happen. Sorry bro.

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But yeah, if you're dieing "all the time" on Trinity you're doing it wrong. If you have to count your Link duration out loud, do so (I did till I got a good feel for it). It's a trick I used back when playing Vindictus to learn iframe timings for Evie's Blink, and back on RO to prevent my linker from accidentally stunning herself when Eswoo-ing.


And if you need to, chain Blessing off of the tail end of your Link to get invulnerability to re-cast Link. Oooor just get a shade, half the time my Myon ghosted me during the Link recast.

Trinity hardly ever dies, all you need is a bit of sense. I personally can't be assed to count Link's duration, and being a full-support Linker has its perks I guess(97 VIT stun immune huehuehuehuehue)


Not gonna get Shade because it looks funny. My Youmu plush says hi though.

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Trinity hardly ever dies, all you need is a bit of sense. I personally can't be assed to count Link's duration, and being a full-support Linker has its perks I guess(97 VIT stun immune huehuehuehuehue)


Not gonna get Shade because it looks funny. My Youmu plush says hi though.

I only had to count for the first like two or three times... picked up a feel for when it was gonna be out pretty fast.


XD I had three of them, one woe (stun immune too; was required for playing in the snow naked effectively), one esma (kaupe/eswoo rather than kaahii), and one lure (never finished this one, was gonna be Running and Kaahii based though).


And <3 someone else who gets my Touhou references! Without accessories she did look a little silly, but with Lotus Mask and Diamond Wings (and the recently-added Koi Tail I bought her), I think the other sentinels look silly compared to mine.

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I only had to count for the first like two or three times... picked up a feel for when it was gonna be out pretty fast.


XD I had three of them, one woe (stun immune too; was required for playing in the snow naked effectively), one esma (kaupe/eswoo rather than kaahii), and one lure (never finished this one, was gonna be Running and Kaahii based though).


And <3 someone else who gets my Touhou references! Without accessories she did look a little silly, but with Lotus Mask and Diamond Wings (and the recently-added Koi Tail I bought her), I think the other sentinels look silly compared to mine.

Well I finally got around to including Continuity and Constitution on my Trinity's loadout. Gonna take a while to get used to my new Link's duration.


I'm more of a WoE/battlegrounds Linker(stun immune+149DEX+190aspd). And I still play on private servers =P


Only bought the Lotus mask and am happy with it. Considering the Koi Tail though as it looks nice.

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Well I finally got around to including Continuity and Constitution on my Trinity's loadout. Gonna take a while to get used to my new Link's duration.


I'm more of a WoE/battlegrounds Linker(stun immune+149DEX+190aspd). And I still play on private servers =P


Only bought the Lotus mask and am happy with it. Considering the Koi Tail though as it looks nice.



Shouldn't take too long. It's gonna be around 75% ish longer iirc. I sent you a message for the rest of the convo as it was waaaaaaay off topic.

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if they did combine well of life/EV there would definitely need to be a hard cap on how much energy/health can be gained. 


a repalcement second ability could give allies damage resistance for several seconds (not 80% like one of the iron skin patches) but 20-30% damage resistance, something that isn't hell of alot but will do the job when necessary.

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That opens up the'Ult Cycling' exploit where 2 Trinity's would ult over and over while 2 other Warframes killed everything, invulnerable, spamming powers, perma healed, and the 2 Trinity's would only have issues if CC'ed endlessly.


Hadn't considered that as a poss ability.


Also I recently got into the habit of using link and about halfway through the duration of link using blessing and energy vampire (this is with the Aura helm, continuity, streamline, flow, and focus) which is pretty much a cycle of perma-invincibility; also it makes well of life completely useless as I am constantly keeping teammates topped off and every 15 or so seconds and getting invincibility.


So by no means is trinity a "soft" character, but some of her skills are a bit cumbersome and obnoxious like the long blessing cast time, the disappearing energy well, and the virtually useless(at high tiers) healing well, but which warframes don't need a bit of tweaking (excluding the obvious ofc).

Edited by Konnivar
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