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Is Nova Op?


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Lol, she's probably my favourite frame: this means I use her a lot cause I found her powerful or worth it to be carried; also I love her "biotic" style.


While she's the best frame for defense missions(1-20 waves), I don't really think she's OP; as S3ven0F13 says, try to use her on solo with a high level boss, she won't last that much or anyway she'll be able to count almost just on the weapons.


I think Nova is well balanced, capable of high area damage that needs one kill to begin(so not immediate as other fourth powers)but really really weak and almost unable to damage one single boss or high level enemy; Antimatter Drop needs the frame to be in cover or to be quite far from the target, otherwise it wouldn't be much effective or Nova simply would die in a couple of seconds.


People wants to nerf her cause, sad but true, she's a kills-stealer and it seems to drive people crazy.

Also cause pink/violet is the most used color for her abilities.

Edited by siralextraffo
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Wow.... I find all of Nova's Skills useful. Her anti-matter drop is a BIT slow for my liking, would be nice if it moved a tad faster. In larger groups where latency is an issue it sometimes doesnt show up straight away or moves erratically. However when playing solo...with the right mods here null star can still one shot hight level mobs, or maybe take 2 balls. Why do people think the skill suck just because it doesnt kill everything with one shot? I see Nova as a more advanced frame, for more advanced players. She is very sitational, and yes she is squishy. But if we had a frame that did major damage and was very tanky everybody would complain because its too easy! Her null star is effectively a 2 turret pet... for a very reasonable amount of energy...

The nova is new new favourite frame ....replaced my Frost as favourite frame. I definately dont think she is OP, but will benfit from some tweaks!


1. Increase speed that null matter drop travels at, and maybe be more specific in the tooltip about how it works, to buff its damage.

2. would be nice to be able to add effects to null star - maybe link it to resiatance mods...so fire resiatnce mod gives them fire damage etc...?


I can solo nightmare levels with her quite comfortably with strong weapons... I like her mobility and situational gameplay style! She is a must have for those Void runs with timed rooms...a well placed worm hole can get group past some difficult obstacles or up to hard to reach places.... :) she makes timed rooms a breeze when you master the placing of her worm holes.. :D

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Wasn't the Game meant to be Team based ?


Why here are so many Enraged Kids screaming WHY IS THE CLASS I WANT TO PLAY NOT THE MOST POWERFUL OF ALL ?


Nova is perfect just like She is, good Abilities that push the whole Team ahead, absolutely nothing wrong with her.


If you are just Kill Horny Solo Pro's go Play BF or CoD...

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Again why is Nova Op ?


Most of her skills don't work against bosses at all !

Yes she can make short work of waves, but her damage will also start falling against higher level mobs.

Like all damage frames I guess.

Edited by fatpig84
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 in real fight, 

what? you have plenty of time to use it and charge it and before drop you still have time to prime targets. T3D? $#*(@ slap those level 100+ mobs? And guess what? i don't even need to leave bastille and snowglobe protection to do that. High level Palus? Xini? Outer Terminus? You have A LOT of time to use AMD, charge it and drop it on primed targets.


And you know what's most funny thing? People are saying that Nova is OP but they are OK with new Aura system. What a bunch of hypocrites.

Game was easy before and now with new aura system it's no-brain game totally(tnx Steve, but still it's a good business move). But yeah Nova's MP is OP, sure.

Edited by Althix
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Wasn't the Game meant to be Team based ?
Why here are so many Enraged Kids screaming WHY IS THE CLASS I WANT TO PLAY NOT THE MOST POWERFUL OF ALL ?
Nova is perfect just like She is, good Abilities that push the whole Team ahead, absolutely nothing wrong with her.
If you are just Kill Horny Solo Pro's go Play BF or CoD...





Honestly, 99% of the time of the time someone says "OP!" in this game nowadays, I just tend to hear "I don't have it!".


I've said it elsewhere, but when it comes to defense missions, I don't care who's getting the most kills, I care about the mission succeeding. At current, in missions like T3 Void, pretty much no frame is really "OP" (though I'd consider a Frost a requirement for those) - Nova makes the waves go a little faster, makes the mission a bit less tedious, but... try playing T3 Void Defense without a Frost to globe the pod. Last I checked, globe didn't do a whole lot of damage.

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Take Nova for a spin in a level 50+ mission in single player. You may be suprise how fragile she can be. Tons of damage is fine IF she remains a glass canon. Thats where its balanced, consider the game as a whole not only in defense mission paired with a Vauban.

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On 1-10 scale i would put nova as follows

Overall 7 highest Saryn 9

Mobility 10 Loki 9

Sheer skill power 8 Exca/Rhino 10

Utility overall 8 Vauaban 10

Utility (mobility) 9 Excalibur 10

Utility (defensive) 0* Vauban/Frost 10

Utility (offensive) 10 Banshee 10

Utility (stealth) 8 Banshee 10

Utility (cc) 1 Vauban 10

Overall durability 4 Rhino 10

Survivability 7 Ash 10

*Complete lack of this aspect thus 0


Designated role support imo.

Edited by Davoodoo
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The thing about Nova is that she does what Vauban does...but better. Vauban was and still is overpowered. Nova is just moreso.

What. Vauban is all about CC. Nova has no CC at all, with the closet thing she *has* to CC being MP's speed debuff. Totally different roles.


The big complaints (or the ones I've heard) about Vauban are that his 1 is too good in Defense, and it is. I will totally attest to that.

What. No, the problem with Vauban is that his bastille is arguably the most effective CC in the game. Since infested are all melee, a Vauban can utterly trivialize infested. His teslas are fine, though they could do with a limit to how many you can have out at once.

The problem is, Nova is plain better. And, while she cannot decimate bosses (who does this once you're playing "god tier", anyway?), she can clear the path to said boss without ever firing more than a single shot.

This sounds like you've never played with a crush-optimized Mag, Ember with WoF, or especially Saryn with her miasma, because a whole lot of frames will happily clear the path to bosses without firing a shot. For that matter, Rhino will do it very nicely.


A friend of mine, whom I'm playing with as I write this, is using his Nova with a maxxed Energy Syphon, near-max Streamline, and max Flow. He rarely has to fire 10 shots during the missions because we set off his M Primes for him because he runs ahead and casts it before we can get into the room. In the post-game reports, I'm getting less than 10% of the total damage...as Vauban.

No duh, man, Vauban has terrible DPS. It only has two damage powers at all, the teslas and the singularity. The former of which is most effective vs corpus, the latter of which was stealth-nerfed something fierce such that it's more epic crowd control rather than damage power.

If you're complaining about a nova doing more damage than you while saying things like this, it sounds like the problem isn't nova, it's you not knowing how the game works or what the various warframes actually do.

They get little to no EXP off of your kills

XP is shared, dude. They get as much XP as you do.

and could literally run to extraction while you do the entire mission yourself. Overpowered or underpowered aren't even relevant terms in the argument once you look at the CO-OP and FUN factors of this game, because with Nova, you're playing solo with in-game spectators.

The problem is that lots of frames can do that. Again, Saryn, Ember, Mag, Rhino with stomp, even Ash with his bladestorm will generally massively pwn mooks in a matter of moments.

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What if I told you, Nova haters, that every frame is ''overpowered''. All you need to know is how to play with each one.


Meh some frames skills seems really wishy-washy just look a Nyx, banshee silence, Frost ALL SKILLS but snow glove, and the list goes....


Really DE needs to stop making op weapons/frames and start fixing/tweaking the old ones.

Edited by Dasmir
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Are you hearing self? Ember can kill Infested (not ancients), Nova easy with Ancients. Saryn 1 shoot every faction (not true after lvl 70 Saryn must use 2x ulti or ulti + gun to kill Ancients, Nova easy with them). Mag cant kill Ancients with one hit, Nova can. Nyx have no offensive skill, Nova better than Volt on Corpus, Focus max, Storm helmet - +40% dmg (lvl. 70 corpus - Volt 2x ulti, Nova 1). Should I continue?

In what world do you live in that you think Nova one shots ancients? How high have you actually attempted to go in defense? Her M. Prime is useless against ancients (actually that's false, it amplifies dmg so I guess it's somewhat useful) Saryn's ulti just works a lot better and will always work a lot better than M. Prime.


And if you're going to use the 200 - 500k M. Prime explosion picture then you clearly don't know how much effort it would take to do that. Sure you can clear one wave on high waves but the amount of ammo you put into Anti matter to get an explosion that huge isn't worth it. It's just to show off. I can kill level 90+ Corpus and infested and grineer with one Miasma. Oh no, pls nerf Saryn she 2 strong.


Volt is bad on everything? He was nr 1 for Corpus, till Nova. I played Volt from begginig, give him 4 Formas, get Strom helmet, maxed mods, and still come new frame who is stronger than frame designed to kill Corpus.

Howcan I fell seeing new frame that kill everyting withouth any problem, when I get so many time for getting pro with one frame? Its more than stupid


"VOLT can create and harness electrical elements. This is a high-damage Warframe perfect for players who want a potent alternative to gun-play."


That isnt true


No he wasn't, he was never #1 for corpus. Saryn was the Queen of defense long before Nova and Vauban came and you know what? She still is! I kid you not, I could kill more Corpus than you can with your maxed out Volt with just Miasma itself and no other mods. That's how useless Volt is besides for his speed buff in team play.

Edited by YoloObeySwag
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Does everyone just like to skip "originality" and just use the skill once say it's still bad and leave? Seriously,just grab a full reach mod max pull and then bring some dual ethers or an orthos. Not to mention that shield polarize saves everyone's #%! on defense,it gives back 50% of it's shields for only 50 energy.


At higher levels of play, shield polarize just doesn't really matter in defense over say, globe. The enemy's damage output is such that by the time you start coming under fire and can even register that the team/pod might need some help, they've already gone down and you're looking at a "mission failed" screen.

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Nova is OP as F*** at the moment, but Vauban was (is?) pretty OP when released and Banshee was fairly OP when released too (though her changes were too harsh).

This is DE's marketing ploy, all new frames will be OP to encourage people to buy them.  When the nerf bat does come, most don't complain because "it was pretty damn OP."

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Playing as a Nova, she's fun and awesome, but playing with a Nova, you might as well go watch some tv or something, cause even if a couple of mobs make it near you, the moment you kill one of them, the rest just explode as well. (Applies to def missions).

If at least they'd stay near the objective so I'd get the xp...

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Nova is OP as F*** at the moment, but Vauban was (is?) pretty OP when released and Banshee was fairly OP when released too (though her changes were too harsh).

This is DE's marketing ploy, all new frames will be OP to encourage people to buy them.  When the nerf bat does come, most don't complain because "it was pretty damn OP."


You kind of proven a point here, even if you don't realise it. Vauban was OP because he had damage AND massive crowd control potential.


Banshee was OP because she had massive damage in her ult (with invulnerability nonetheless), a damage buff to the whole group in the astronomical proportions (what was it again... 500%+Focus?) and both long and short range aoe crowd control options.


Please remind me again... what is the only thing Nova is good at?


Nova IS damage. You take that away and literally nothing is left.

Edited by Lers
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Today's generation of gamers must call for nerfs, when ever they see something shine in a niche.


There are many posts of what niches some Frames can fill with no hands on a keyboard. I don't want to copy paste those.


Every call for a nerf should elaborate on that sole reason: Why.


It's quite simple. Why do you want a community frame to be nerfed down the ground who is literally a one-trick pony


I see no 18 sec invulnerabilty with energy leeches and heals, I see no 18 sec invisibility with melee buffs, I see no 20m diametral circle holding everything 'xept bosses in mid air, I also don't see a massive AoE knockdown + dmg around, [...] u get my point.


All I see is a glass cannon, a pretty one. But very breakable.


Gamers who adapt to that drawback may perform good, others just die over and over. 

I don't play things (Frames, weapons) I cannot perform well with. Simple. I craft or buy them, use them to 30 and decide.

So all I have I perform rather well and / or have extreme fun when at. If you see this, would you call for the nerfbat, just because someone is doing "good"?


C'mon, use the thing between ur ears, at least once a day, k?

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*Vauban was the new frame*

Vauban is so OP!

Nerf Vauban!

He's gamebreaking!

*Nova is the new frame*

Nova is so OP!

Nerf Nova!

She's gamebreaking!

*Necro can be the next frame*

Necro is so OP!

Nerf Necro!

He's gamebreaking!


you should know it's not because they are new... well its BECAUSE THEY ARE OP!! what are you talking about. :/

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I wouldnt call Nova OP, I would say unbalanced and unfun. Unless of course you are playing her.    Sure, its nice to have her on your team but you might as well just Alt-Tab for a good while if your doing a defense mission.


Molecular Prime's ability to clear entire waves in seconds is the biggest culprit for these issues. Vortex was crazy, but it didnt kill everything on the entire map. It had a finite area and if you got lucky or placed it well you could get a good number of mobs with it. With nova, all you have to do is run around collecting orbs and spam 4 and the waves melt. Her ultimate shines where there are a many clustered mobs. Incidentally the 2 more popular mission types at the moment are Mobile Defense and Endless Defense.  Granted Molecular Prime stops scaling well after wave 25 on the high level planets, you would be hard pressed to find pugs who go beyond 10 or 15 on the highest level maps less you be lucky with the groups. 



Due to its ability to scale with the number of mobs a simple damage nerf may not be enough. Enough to "balance" it with just a damage change would make it a fairly weak ultimate on anything BUT lower enemy level defense missions/waves. Possible ways to reduce the large impact of it without breaking the ability as a whole would be:

-Reducing the range of the explosions/Making them static(unaffected by stretch)

-Reducing the range of "priming"

-Limiting the number of primed targets

-Reducing the bonus damage primed targets take from other primed explosions


A mix of these in the right levels could give us an ability that is still as spectacular and damaging as it is right now, without taking away game-play from the rest of the team.

Edited by Balter
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In my opinion: Nova is "Not" OP


Just because of one single ultimate skill, everybody is saying shes just so Op as hell. 


I have her too and  i rather play other warframes.


Her Ultimate slows down thats ok . Once an enemy died he explodes an do damage o other enemys thats ok too.

The chain reaction can kill a bunch of enemys in just a few seconds. but what about higher defense mission or high lvl Mobs?

U need to trigger the explosion by killing an enemy an if the other enemys are strong enough to survive, Nova will become the most useless character in high level missions or high level defense. The chain reaction will not happen,because the enemys are to strong!


Antimatter drop is a  strong attack  too using correctly, but such a waste of ammo and not worth it to use it all the time.


Same stuff with vauban he might be OP against infestet but without "Frost" against corpus or grineer this character is just useless.. 

tesla is his only attack that does a bit damge and a little stun maybe, 

His other Skill are just to stop the enemys ot to slow them down and thats it.


I think i said enough but theres no use against the crying people in the community , who acting like a little child, just because there is something new, where they cant put a finger on it !


Sorry if i sound angry or something like that but that is just a fact.


(excuse me for grammar or other mistakes in my comment, i do my best to speak english)

Edited by RamothElggur
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M.Prime is balancing on a very thin thread if you ask me.


Due to it's nature, it's only useful if you manage to set off a chain reaction. Change anything that messess with that, and it has quite a high chance of  becommming literally useless.


Or even worse, a less cost efficient version of Banshee's Sonar (making up for the lack of 400% dmg boost with some meager aoe dmg).


On higher levels you can already see it happening. If the chain reaction doesn't trigger, it's just a dmg boost, while other frames take out the horde with guns... or Saryn melting them into a puddle.

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