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Is Nova Op?


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Nova is not OP, sure, her M. Prime is really powerful, but wormhole is ok, antimatter drop is incredibly slow and laggy, her null star is also quite good.


However, since only 2 of her abilities are actually useful, PLUS she's INCREDIBLY squishy, she is a flat out damage dealer and can do NOTHING else.

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**Thorws DE my money**

I think Necro would be the only frame I would just straight up buy. To have. Immediately.

>.> My favorite DnD character was a necromancer back in the day.

The only issue with Necro is the game is heavy on frags/gibs... Very few whole corpses left to re-animate. XD

Edited by sushidubya
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not really, her ult is pretty much the only usefull skill for defense, and past wave 20 is starts to be weak as enemies aget harder and harder to kill, anti matter drop is extreamly situational and you need to shoot it alot in order to make it effective on bosses and high level enemies, the first skill (forgot what it called) is alot more for defense when you are being rushed at, and worm hole, pretty much useless against enemies.

i would say that at most she could use a small nerf to the area of effect of her ult, other then that she is fine.

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She's not OP at all.


Yes she easily wipes low level maps but guess what, every frame with a damage aoe does.


She's literally a damage version of loki, she has no manipulative or defensive abilities. The definition of a glass cannon.


Once you get higher up most "average" frames perform just as well, and all her abilities that are worth mentioning require input from other weapons and players to even do anything.


The only way to "fix" her would be to make higher level missions more attractive.

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I'm sorry, in what scenario does nova win over vauban or saryn?


How is that even a question?

Not sure about Saryn, but Vauban only has one good ability. Tesla.

Vortex has been nerfed into oblivion.


Molecular Prime makes everything better... For the entire group! That one ability is reason enough to use Nova, but that's not all!

Antimatter Drop is like the Tesla but better! It hits for more damage AND hits targets taking cover behind crates, etc - unlike the Tesla.


Vauban has been nerfed into oblivion.


Now I am not calling for a Nova nerf, because I love her. Just pointing out that she is MUCH better than Vauban. Not that that's saying much.

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How is that even a question?

Not sure about Saryn, but Vauban only has one good ability. Tesla.

Vortex has been nerfed into oblivion.


Molecular Prime makes everything better... For the entire group! That one ability is reason enough to use Nova, but that's not all!

Antimatter Drop is like the Tesla but better! It hits for more damage AND hits targets taking cover behind crates, etc - unlike the Tesla.


Vauban has been nerfed into oblivion.


Now I am not calling for a Nova nerf, because I love her. Just pointing out that she is MUCH better than Vauban. Not that that's saying much.

A single Tesla can't even do 1/100th of the damage needed to kill a level 130 corrupter. Vauban's best skill is Bastille by far and wide. The damage from M.Prime eventually falls off and what becomes the carry factor of the skill is the slow and the 100% damage intake debuff that it places on enemies. Vortex can be used tactically to drag enemies in front of your laser traps on Void Defense, ultimately making them much much more effective.


Non-armor ignoring/piercing damage is never a factor in the success of a high level defense.


This public service announcement has been brought to you by the other side of the coin.

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Regarding "this is OP"..."that is OP..."my grandmother is OP"...etc The game is going through a number of changes, additions, fixes, & whatever else...so what is "OP" now may not be so later on. As this game proceeds I think most of the frames will go through some sort of tweaking...not to mention almost everything else about the game will be tweaked some more...so it is a little premature to start labeling things as "OP". BTW please buff Ignis...it is "UP" ;D

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Honestly, 99% of the time of the time someone says "OP!" in this game nowadays, I just tend to hear "I don't have it!".

Honestly, 99% of the time of the time someone says "not OP!" in this game nowadays, I just tend to hear "I have it!".

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How is that even a question?

Not sure about Saryn, but Vauban only has one good ability. Tesla.

Vortex has been nerfed into oblivion.


Molecular Prime makes everything better... For the entire group! That one ability is reason enough to use Nova, but that's not all!

Antimatter Drop is like the Tesla but better! It hits for more damage AND hits targets taking cover behind crates, etc - unlike the Tesla.


Vauban has been nerfed into oblivion.


Now I am not calling for a Nova nerf, because I love her. Just pointing out that she is MUCH better than Vauban. Not that that's saying much.

Vauban nerfed to oblivion?

Meh, i can solo Xini till wave 50.


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First of all let me start by saying this. The term OP is used to irresponsibly in this game its lost all its meaning. people describe almost everything in this game as OP or Under-powered there is no in-between or just right with the warframe community it seems.


With that said, It seems the only people saying Nova is OP, is the people who don't have her. they say she is op cause of her ultimate skill and how flash it looks and the fact it kills virtually all the baddies in Defense...But for the longest time Ive noticed that frames like Vauban, Banshee, Ember, and Saryn could and still can do the same thing.(and yes people cry about them being OP as well.) (Update: Funny thing is the ones who say nova is op are people who play those frames and ult spam to get most kills....haha you mad bro?)


BUT what people don't notice is that when it comes to farming bosses (which is like majority of what people do in this game besides defense.) Nova is the most useless frame in assassin missions. She has no powerful direct damage abilities and in anticipating of the debate; her skill in the one slot doesn't do enough to be viable on tougher bosses.(not even stagger) and her second ability requires a lot of prep. in which case she will be dead before its done.(squishy squishy)


So please DE Don't Nerf Nova, she is situation enough as it is, you get rid of her defense capabilities(which becomes way less capable at wave 30+) you'll break the frame entirely.



Side Note: there are a lot, A LOT of threads saying she is mid-tier. Listen to all of us not just the whiners. (Do we really want another Rhino's iron skin debacle?)


Discuss what you think about the overuse of the OP phrase or perhaps you wanna talk about why you think she is or isent OP.  Please respond and give me your opinion. and be respectful of each others opinions.




I agree with most of what you say,

She is good because she is NICHE good in defense or if you lucky a cluster of enemies but not much more, andtoo boot she is VERY SQUISHY low def and low hp/shield, even with +240% health i still drop easy


no nerf,


tbh OP might as well just mean over played in warframe

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Im playing nova and personally I think she is a bit OP, at first when i played the nova frame I felt happy and excited because everything just dies in 1 skill. But even when i got to higher tiers/lvls of mobs it still is like that, no challenge at all. Everything just explodes and bounces to another and explodes again which i find kinda boring since there's no challenge at all when playing nova.

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actually nova rules in assasination missions antimatter drop shoot it boss dies or if you dont wanna do that molecular prime make the unit take double damage =win shes god tier as hell 

Its like you haven't read anything anyone has said. or even the original post for that matter. you just skimmed it and posted. with that said. you've forgotten that skill does S#&$ damage unless you unload a clip into it. and you've seem to have ignored the fact that bosses one hit kill nova.


so lets go with your theory you throw down antimatter drop, which takes your eyes off boss while you shoot it. then after you've taken 6 seconds to shoot at a little ball you have to direct the slow moving orb to said boss which takes another 5 seconds. then boom it does a lot of damage but not enough to kill cause one clip isn't enough to buff its damage to that amount.


Assuming you don't die as soon as you stop moving and take your eyes off the boss to shoot at the ball. sometimes the balls velocity is different (it travels faster some times) in which case you cant ramp the damage up much cause its moving to fast. then there is the issue of directing it to the boss before he can smack you once and kill you. 


your argument was broken by ignorance. you should read the original and other posts before you respond.



Edited by S3ven0F13
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Its like you haven't read anything anyone has said. or even the original post for that matter. you just skimmed it and posted. with that said. you've forgotten that skill does S#&$ damage unless you unload a clip into it. and you've seem to have ignored the fact that bosses one hit kill nova.


so lets go with your theory you throw down antimatter drop, which takes your eyes off boss while you shoot it. then after you've taken 6 seconds to shoot at a little ball you have to direct the slow moving orb to said boss which takes another 5 seconds. then boom it does a lot of damage but not enough to kill cause one clip isn't enough to buff its damage to that amount.


Assuming you don't die as soon as you stop moving and take your eyes off the boss to shoot at the ball. sometimes the balls velocity is different (it travels faster some times) in which case you cant ramp the damage up much cause its moving to fast. then there is the issue of directing it to the boss before he can smack you once and kill you. 


your argument was broken by ignorance. you should read the original and other posts before you respond.




That's a lot of text to explain you don't know how to keep safe with squishier frames. I went to Kappa with 3 pubs with maxed molecular prime, maxed energy siphon, and 6 mod point redirection and didn't die once. I contributed just as much as a level 30 Nova does in the same situation. Her ult at least feels way too strong from the get-go as a frame with a similar role like Saryn would need stretch, focus, and possibly continuity / constitution to have the same effect.

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First of all let me start by saying this. The term OP is used to irresponsibly in this game its lost all its meaning. people describe almost everything in this game as OP or Under-powered there is no in-between or just right with the warframe community it seems.


With that said, It seems the only people saying Nova is OP, is the people who don't have her. they say she is op cause of her ultimate skill and how flash it looks and the fact it kills virtually all the baddies in Defense...But for the longest time Ive noticed that frames like Vauban, Banshee, Ember, and Saryn could and still can do the same thing.(and yes people cry about them being OP as well.) (Update: Funny thing is the ones who say nova is op are people who play those frames and ult spam to get most kills....haha you mad bro?)


BUT what people don't notice is that when it comes to farming bosses (which is like majority of what people do in this game besides defense.) Nova is the most useless frame in assassin missions. She has no powerful direct damage abilities and in anticipating of the debate; her skill in the one slot doesn't do enough to be viable on tougher bosses.(not even stagger) and her second ability requires a lot of prep. in which case she will be dead before its done.(squishy squishy)


So please DE Don't Nerf Nova, she is situation enough as it is, you get rid of her defense capabilities(which becomes way less capable at wave 30+) you'll break the frame entirely.



Side Note: there are a lot, A LOT of threads saying she is mid-tier. Listen to all of us not just the whiners. (Do we really want another Rhino's iron skin debacle?)


Discuss what you think about the overuse of the OP phrase or perhaps you wanna talk about why you think she is or isent OP.  Please respond and give me your opinion. and be respectful of each others opinions.




...Did you not just see the video posted on the forums yesterday... of Nova 1 Shotting Raptor with antimatter drop? Also

Her Null Stars hit 1k per ball on any boss.. at least mine do.


Just gonna leave this here for you to look at. Think about what you just said.



Edited by Kvzakau
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That's a lot of text to explain you don't know how to keep safe with squishier frames. I went to Kappa with 3 pubs with maxed molecular prime, maxed energy siphon, and 6 mod point redirection and didn't die once. I contributed just as much as a level 30 Nova does in the same situation. Her ult at least feels way too strong from the get-go as a frame with a similar role like Saryn would need stretch, focus, and possibly continuity / constitution to have the same effect.

You dont comprehend. Not saying I dont know how to survive i do. by not using antimatter drop unless Im in a proper position. but there is no proper position for boss fights and everything i said was to discredit his Antimatter drop makes her god tier argument. since in-fact that skill forces you out into the open. which perfectly makes my point clear. 


So your credential have no substance and serve no purpose other than attempting to bait me into a flame war, which wont work. if your trying to defend his point on anti-matter drop then actually provide something that supports his argument.


and the get-go comment supports the fact she seems more op at lower levels then higher. and saryn's ability works not just on large groups but small unlike MP(not to mention ember, mag, banshee, and Nyx's Chaos who have similar reach.)..........its like i have to repeat the entire original post.



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...Did you not just see the video posted on the forums yesterday... of Nova 1 Shotting Raptor with antimatter drop? Also

Her Null Stars hit 1k per ball on any boss.. at least mine do.

argument here is pointless. Ive seen Rhino disable every boss in game with his stomp and kill them all with one clip from acrid. did you not see that video? each boss kill took less time to perform than that raptor kill. so i guess rhino is OP now too?



Edited by S3ven0F13
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Im playing nova and personally I think she is a bit OP, at first when i played the nova frame I felt happy and excited because everything just dies in 1 skill. But even when i got to higher tiers/lvls of mobs it still is like that, no challenge at all. Everything just explodes and bounces to another and explodes again which i find kinda boring since there's no challenge at all when playing nova.

I'm pretty much in the same boat, she was a lot of fun at first, even polarized her a few times and then I just slowly lost interest and went back to good ol' Loki. 


I'm in 2 minds about her power though. On the one hand, it's nice to finally have a frame with abilities that can do damage to high level enemies, on the other they went a bit too far with her AOE. When the whole wave just vanishes with a press of a button, it should probably be looked at. It actually makes the game boring. If at least the AOE wasn't so frikkin huge...


she needs some tweaks, that's for sure

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argument here is pointless. Ive seen Rhino disable every boss in game with his stomp and kill them all with one clip from acrid. did you not see that video? each boss kill took less time to perform than that raptor kill. so i guess rhino is OP now too?



She used pure ability to 1 shot, not 2 like Rhino did, plus he had to use a weapon...

I mean, i love nova and all, but i honestly do think shes a little over powered at the moment.

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She used pure ability to 1 shot, not 2 like Rhino did, plus he had to use a weapon...

I mean, i love nova and all, but i honestly do think shes a little over powered at the moment.

LOL. the nova DID use her weapon to "one-shot" raptor.


go use antimatter drop without shooting it with a weapon, you'll se the damage you do with it.

hint : it's less than 501, and it doesn't ignore armor.


on top of that, nova will be in danger at least while directing the drop, whereas rhino has nothing to fear after the stomp.


you clearly showed you have no idea what you're talking about, so i suggest you retire from the discussion until you educate yourself on the subject.

Edited by blaes
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Not sure why you all are defending Nova so much but, she's going to be nerfed, and there's literally nothing you can do about it lol.... So yell and cry at me all you want. It's gonna happen.

Edited by Kvzakau
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M-Prime: Just explosion's aoe is too large.


that's it, except that, she's fine.




Eh, Drop? why would you nerf that awesome skill which requires Player's skill to use? oh man. i'm gonna worm-hole you to death.


Null-star? Don't forget saryn have venom... and deals more damage.

Edited by WhiteNekophus
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Not sure why you all are defending Nova so much but, she's going to be nerfed, and there's literally nothing you can do about it lol.... So yell and cry at me all you want. It's gonna happen.

Don't take the bait, this guy is a troll, ignore him. nothing is set in stone and the popularity and quality discussion this forum has generated mostly in the favor of M'Prime being fine and the other frames needing to be buffed will most likely result in DE listening. This isn't Arena net. DE actually listens.


M-Prime: Just explosion's aoe is too large.


that's it, except that, she's fine.




Eh, Drop? why would you nerf that awesome skill which requires Player's skill to use? oh man. i'm gonna worm-hole you to death.


Null-star? Don't forget saryn have venom... and deals more damage.

I agree and disagree. tbh I feel without M'prime Nova is completely a waste of a frame and a waste of time. for all those crying and wanting a nerf. tell me exactly what point would nova serve to the group if they where to take away her dps? White Nekophus's point about the AOE range is one of the few actually true and non-flame posts so far.


The range of the cast is a bit over-sized. especially considering the fact they chain react to kill others. but what the whiners want is for her Uber to be nerfed into the ground because their favorite frame known for doing the same thing with their ult spamming (Saryn, Ember, Banshee and now Volt) doesn't feel like the king/queen of the crop anymore. Instead of crying about her power killing better than your favorite frame, you should just make a thread asking to buff your fav frame to be an equal?(Banshee could use some armor ignore on her Sound Quake for example) stop your *@##$ing and crying for nerfs and start asking for overall improvement.



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